
Monday 23 July 2018

Sunday 8th July 2018

The bird news today was limited to a Hobby over the car park at Crook Ness at 10.40 and 2 Honey Buzzards were reported from at the Wykeham Raptor View Point.

However it was the cetaceans that stole the show today with multiple and prolonged sightings of both Minke Whales and White-beaked Dolphins. Up to three Minke Whales were seen off Long Nab and a couple hung around for a while in North Bay; 5 Bottlenose Dolphins went south off Long Nab about 10.30 and 3 White-beaked Dolphins went north off Long Nab at 10.58. White-beaked Dolphins were also in North and South Bay in the afternoon with a maximum of 6 being reported.

Saturday 7th July 2018

A dark Honey Buzzard was at Wykeham Raptor View Point this morning; a pair of Spotted Flycatchers were at Reasty Bank; a Little Owl was by Thornton-le-Dale sewage works and a Willow Tit was in the woods behind the Carlie Arms at Alleston.

Cetacean news concerned Minke Whale sightings off Ravenscar; moving south at 08.00, moving north at 08.55, seen again at 11.45 and still present as close as half a mile at times at 13.10.

Friday 6th July 2018

A Red Kite was over the Flask Inn on the A171 this afternoon and a Great White Egret was discovered at Wykeham South Lake this afternoon but departed to the east at 16.25 also here were 5 Egyptian Geese, 2 Oystercatchers and a Dunlin flew through.

Also today a Minke Whale was heading slowly south off Scalby Nab at 08.20 about 2 miles out.

Thursday 5th July 2018

Three Honey Buzzards were seen together at Wykeham Raptor View Point at 09.45 this morning; an adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull was on the rocks below Holbeck this afternoon; Harwood Dale Lake hosted 3 Teal, 8 Mandarin Ducks and 65 Lapwings and this evening there were three Kingfishers at Scalby Mills showing very well.

Wednesday 4th July 2018

A Whimbrel went south over Westwood Close this morning as did 3 over North Marine Road, late morning 6 Common Terns were lingering at Wykeham South Lake where there were also 3 Egyptian Geese and 2 Yellow Wagtails.

Tuesday 3rd July 2018

2 Honey Buzzards were seen today from Wykeham Raptor View Point; 2 Turtle Doves still visiting feeders by the Mill Inn at Harwood Dale and a Nightjar was heard churring mid afternoon near to The Falcon pub.

At Long Nab today it was fairly quiet bird wise with 86 Common Scoter (46 S, 40 N), 3 Manx Shearwaters (N), 4 Sandwich Terns (S) and 122 Atlantic Puffins (34 S, 88 N) being the highlights however two Minke Whales heading north were the best things seen. One was at c2 miles out at 07.00 and the second was somewhat closer at 1.25 miles at 07.10.

Monday 2nd July 2018

A Honey Buzzard was reported at Wykeham Raptor View Point and 2 Green Sandpipers were on the pond below North Stile House at Wrench Green.

Sunday 1st July 2018

It was fairly quiet at Long Nab this morning with 20 Eurasian Teal (N), 180 Common Scoter (1 S, 179 N), 2 Manx Shearwaters (N), a Whimbrel (S), 21 Curlew (6 S, 15 N), 19 Sandwich Tern (9 S, 10 N), 93 Atlantic Puffins (11 S, 82 N) and 13 Swifts (11 S, 2 N).

Also today a Red Kite went east over Staintondale at 14.45 and at Harwood Dale Lake there were 2 Green Sandpipers and 15 Mandarin Ducks.

Saturday 30th June 2018

From Long Nab today movement included 82 Common Scoter (N), 18 Manx Shearwater (N), 2 Whimbrel (N), 30 Curlew (9 S, 21 N), a Great Skua (S), an Arctic Skua (N) and 21 Puffins (1 S, 20 N).

The male and female Honey Buzzards showed well at Wykeham Raptor View Point between 11.30 and 12.30; a Greenshank was at Seamer Tip pools this afternoon and 5 Whinchats were on Fylingdales Moor.

Also today a Minke Whale was seen moving south off Long Nab at 09.30 and then north at 11.30 and between these sightings a Dolphin sp. was also noted.

Friday 29th June 2018

This morning at Long Nab 59 Common Scoter, 2 Curlew, an Arctic Skua and 5 Puffins were all seen moving north; two Honey Buzzards were seen from Wykeham Raptor View Point this morning and Red Kites were seen over Crossgates at 13.00 and West Ayton at 17.15.

Thursday 28th June 2018

The only news received today was from Wykeham Raptor View Point where a Red Kite, a Goshawk and a Common Buzzard were all reported around 09.00 and on Johnson’s Marsh at high tide there were 12 Grey Herons.

Wednesday 27th June 2018

Honey Buzzards continued to be reported from Wykeham Raptor View Point with two being seen today at 13.40 for about 5 minutes whilst at Wykeham Lakes eight Reed Warbler territories were noted and there were pairs of both Little and Great Crested Grebes but no sign of any chicks.

Tuesday 26th June 2018

A single Honey Buzzard was seen from Wykeham Raptor View Point late morning today.

In Forge Valley a Spotted Flycatcher was seen feeding young and their was also a pair of Blackcaps with three fledglings and at Harwood Dale Lake a flock of 52 Lapwings and 8 Mandarin Ducks.

Monday 25th June 2018

4 Turtle Doves were present today at The Mill Inn and one was singing at East Knapton where there were also 3 Corn Buntings.

Sunday 24th June 2018

At Long Nab this morning the highlights included 76 Common Scoter (4 S, 72 N), 8 Manx Shearwaters (N), 5 Curlew (N), 28 Sandwich Terns (2 S, 26 N), a Common Tern (N), 156 Puffins (37 S, 119 N) and 18 Swifts (5 S, 13 N).

At Wykeham Raptor View Point today there were two Honey Buzzards and a Raven was also recorded; the Turtle Doves were still present at The Mill Inn and at Harwood Dale Lake 13 Mandarin Ducks (4 adults and broods of 4 and 5) plus a pair of Oystercatchers with a single chick.

Saturday 23rd June 2018

At Long Nab today there were 25 Common Scoter, a Red-throated Diver, a Great Northern Diver, 36 Manx Shearwater, a Whimbrel and 15 Swifts all moving north plus 3 Arctic Skuas (2 S, 1 N) and 308 Puffins (34 S, 274 N).

At Wykeham Raptor View Point the pale morph male Honey Buzzard was seen well whilst displaying between 10.35 and 10.45 and 2 Turtle Doves were still visiting the feeders at The Mill Inn, Harwood Dale.

Friday 22nd June 2018

At Long Nab today and all moving north between 09.00 and 11.00 were 12 Manx Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas, 4 Curlew and 3 Puffins.

The only other report today was a Red Kite over the A64 at Staxton.

Thursday 21st June 2018

The pale male Honey Buzzard was wing clapping over Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint at 11.10 this morning.

Wednesday 20th June 2018

Continuing the current trends 2 Honey Buzzards were seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint today and 3 Dove species were visiting the Mill Inn feeders, Collared, Stock and Turtle.

Also today a female Gadwall with 8 ducklings were on Seamer Tip pool, this is probably the first breeding record for the Scarborough area away from Scampston.

Tuesday 19th June 2018

A Kingfisher was seen from the bridge at Hilla Green early afternoon, 2 Turtle Doves were at The Mill Inn and the pale male Honey Buzzard was over the Hackness to Langdale road at 14.50.

Monday 18th June 2018

Similar news to yesterday but 3 Honey Buzzards were reported from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint (2 males and a female) this morning plus a Red Kite and there were 2 Turtle Doves at The Mill Inn, Harwood Dale, this afternoon.

Sunday 17th June 2018

2 Honey Buzzards were seen from Wykeham Raptor View Point this morning and the pale male was wing clapping at 14.15 this afternoon.

A Turtle Dove was still visiting the feeders at The Mill Inn, Harwood Dale.

Saturday 16th June 2018

At Long Nab today 672 Swifts were moving south between 06.55 and 10.15, also moving south were 12 Manx Shearwaters, 18 Common Scoter and 3 Sandwich Terns and going the opposite way were 416 Common Scoter, 2 Curlew, a 2cy Mediterranean Gull and 34 Sandwich Terns.

The pale male Honey Buzzard was seen a couple of times circling over the Raptor Viewpoint Car Park and drifting west over the view point displaying at 12.30.

Also today a couple of Whinchat territories were located on Fylingdales Moor.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Friday 15th June 2018

The only news today concerned a male Honey Buzzard over the Hackness to Langdale road moving towards Broxa at 10.50 this morning.

Then this evening in Harwood Dale forest off the Whitby road there were 3 Nightjars, at least 2 Woodcocks, a Tree Pipit and 2 Spotted Flycatchers.

Thursday 14th June 2018

A southerly movement of Swifts this morning at Long Nab with 348 being seen between 07.00 and 09.00.

Wednesday 13th June 2018

A Honey Buzzard was seen displaying from Wykeham Raptor View Point between 10.10 and 10.25 and nearby a Red Kite was over Wykeham village at 16.25.

A Hobby was over the moor just past the Flask Inn, seen from the Whitby road and a drake Eider was off The Spa in South Bay this afternoon.

This evening a Nightjar was heard churring at the Three Tremblers in Wykeham Forest and there was also a Woodcock here.