Tuesday 29 August 2017

Monday 28th August 2017

In the Holbeck area today 10 Mediterranean Gulls including 6 adults, 2 2nd winter and 2 1st winter, a female Whinchat and 100+ Oystercatchers.

At Long Nab today the movement was a little slow 12 Teal (N), 4 Common Scoter (N), an Osprey came in from the east at 17.27 and then headed west southwest, 3 Oystercatchers (S), 2 Golden Plover (S), 4 Ringed Plover (S), a Curlew (S), 9 Sandwich Terns (6 S, 3 N), 65 Common Terns (12 S, 53 N), 4 Swifts (S), a Sand Martin (S), 30 Swallows (S), a Yellow Wagtail (S) and 54 Meadow Pipits (S). Also present at Long Nab today were a Wheatear, a Whinchat, 2 Stonechats, 5 Chiffchaffs and 7 Whitethroats.

Finally today at Wykeham South Lake there were 8 Common Buzzards.

Whinchat - Long Nab - Nick Addey

Monday 28 August 2017

Sunday 27th August 2017

The undoubted highlight of the day was the pelagic trip out of Scarborough Harbour which departed at 07.00 this morning. Admittedly a pelagic into the north sea is never going to produce the numbers or the species that they get off Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly but there is still that feeling that anything could come flying past the boat and we don’t have to travel a huge distance to see seabirds at close range. Although the numbers of birds seen was not very high the quality was a little better than anticipated. Our list for the trip included a lovely Balearic Shearwater which was initially on the sea but then proceeded to circle the boat once at close range when we were approximately 3 miles out. The rest of the species seen today were 3 Manx Shearwaters, 4 Arctic Skuas (one of which came within 10 metres of the boat), 2 Great Skuas, 80+ Common Terns, juvenile Puffin, 3 Common Scoter, 17 Cormorants, 2 Teal, 15 Dunlin plus Gannets, Guillemots, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Herring Gulls and Greater Black-backed Gulls.

At Wykeham Raptor View Point around midday ish there was an Osprey carrying a fish and during the afternoon a Hobby, at least 4 Goshawks and possibly as many as 15 Common Buzzards (including a group of 6 together). A Red Kite was seen north of Hutton Buscel at 10.40 and then it or another went southwest over the harbour with two Common Buzzards at about 12.30. At Rodger Trod, between Cloughton Wyke and Hayburn Wyke, 18 Common Scoter went north and there were 2 Red-throated Divers as well.

This evening at Scalby Mills we had a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull and about 150 House Martins and Swallows were on the wires nearby.

Balearic Shearwater - Scarborough Pelagic - Steve Routledge
Great Skua (above) Arctic Skua (below) - Scarborough Pelagic - Steve Routledge
Manx Shearwater - Scarborough Pelagic - Tim Cowley
Great Skua - Scarborough Pelagic - Nick Addey

Saturday 26 August 2017

Saturday 26th August 2017

Early on today at Wykeham South Lake we had a Little Egret, a Common Sandpiper, a Redshank, 2 Swifts, 2 Egyptian Geese and a Greenshank flew over to the east whilst on Johnson’s Marsh there were 26 Moorhen (one with two young) and 12 Teal.

3 Swifts were over the town this afternoon and just before dusk 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls were on the rooftop at the Holbeck car park.

Friday 25th August 2017

The Osprey was seen again at Ellerburn today between 15.00 and 16.00, for a third consecutive day, also in the area a Willow Tit and a Spotted Flycatcher. At Harwood Dale Lake today just 16 Mandarins and 10 Teal, there was a Garden Warbler in Falsgrave Park and a Wheatear on Castle Headland.

Then at Scalby Lodge Pond this evening we had a Short-eared Owl hunting in the area, a Barn Owl and 5 Teal.

Thursday 24th August 2017

A brief seawatch from Marine Drive this evening produced 16 Common Scoter (N), 4 Knot (S), 18 Sandwich Terns (14 S, 4 N) and 41 Common Tern (S). Also on Marine Drive a Wheatear was present today on the sea defences opposite the Yorkshire Water buildings.

Additional sightings today included 7 Ringed Plovers at Scalby Mills, a Hobby at Hila Green at 16.20 and 4 Goshawks seen from the Wykeham Raptor View Point.

Friday 25 August 2017

Wednesday 23rd August 2017

Seawatching for 3½ hours from the Marine Drive shelter between 06.10 and 09.40 produced the following – Teal 271(S) 17(N), Common Scoter 6(S) 95(N), Fulmar 76(S) 13(N), Manx Shearwater 3(S) 2(N), Common Tern 52(S) 1(N), Golden Plover 2(S), Greater Black-backed Gull 23(S), Whimbrel 2(S), Wigeon 3(S), Arctic Skua 8(S), an adult Pomarine Skua at 06.44 (S), Sandwich Tern 13(S) 31(N), Oystercatcher 2(S) 42(N), Ringed Plover 2(S), Dunlin 13(S), a Curlew (S), a Redshank (S), Sanderling 9(S), Great Skua 2(S) and a dark Balearic Shearwater close in at 07.44 (S).

Waders in Jackson’s Bay included 42 Turnstone, a Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover, 9 Redshank and 78 Oystercatchers; in the Ravenscar area a flock of 32 Snipe flew north, as did a Whimbrel and also seen were 2 Stonechats, a Lesser Whitethroat and 12 Chiffchaffs; an Osprey was at Ellerburn Trout Farm at 16.00 where a Hobby was also seen this evening; 9 Whimbrel flew north over Old Town at 15.46 and a couple of Swifts were over the town this morning.

Finally at Long Nab today during two observation periods 08.40 – 12.20 and 17.30 - 20.20 we had a Pintail (S), 31 Teal (S), 2 Tufted Duck (S), 30 Common Scoter (1 S, 29 N), 2 Manx Shearwater (S), a Golden Plover (S), a Ringed Plover (S), a Whimbrel (S), a Greenshank (N), a Sanderling (N), 2 Dunlin (N), a 2cy Mediterranean Gull (S) this evening, 101 Sandwich Terns (68 S, 33 N), 127 Common Terns (53 S, 74 N), 12 Arctic Terns (3 S, 9 N), Great Skua (1 S, 7 N), 4 Arctic Skua (3 S, 1 N), a Swift (S), 9 Swallows (S) and female type Merlin came in off the sea and flew north at 18.20. Also in the Nab area were a Willow Warbler, a Whitethroat, a Whinchat and 120 Great Black-backed Gulls.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Tuesday 22nd August 2017

Not a lot going on today. There were some waders moving south off Long Nab namely 12 Oystercatchers, 2 Golden Plovers and 6 Ringed Plovers and also in that area a Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaffs, 3 Blackcaps, 6 Whitethroats and a Grey Wagtail. Also a Cormorant flew over Staintondale, there were 6 Mediterranean Gulls in South Bay and Redshanks were heard over town at 22.38 this evening.

Monday 21st August 2017

This evening on Johnson’s Marsh a total of 14 Herons were counted; on Castle Headland there was a Yellow Wagtail behind the wall on Marine Drive and a Wheatear was on the sea defences; 6 Whimbrel flew south over the town and past Long Nab this evening 17 Common Scoter (N), 11 Fulmar (N), 98 Oystercatchers (69 S, 29 N), 2 Ringed Plover (S), 5 Whimbrel (S), 4 Sandwich Tern, 3 Common Tern, a juvenile Arctic Tern and a Great Skua (all north) and a juvenile Stonechat was near the hut.


Sunday 20th August 2017

The long staying juvenile Green Woodpecker was seen again at Cornelian Ravine where there was also a juvenile Stonechat and in the bay a single Whimbrel; the highlights off Long Nab before 09.05 were 2 Arctic Skuas and 2 Great Skuas all of which went south; Harwood Dale Lake held 16 Mandarins, a Teal, a Green Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and 20 Pied Wagtails and on Johnson’s Marsh a group of 8 Teal.

Off Long Nab this afternoon there was a Minke Whale about 1 mile out which was apparently feeding and remained in the area for at least 45 minutes. Unfortunately it drifted north just before I got there. Also at Long Nab this afternoon were a Whinchat, a Stonechat and a Whimbrel flew north and in South Bay a total today of 6 Mediterranean Gulls.

Another interesting mammal reported today was a Noctule Bat at Harwood Dale Lake this afternoon.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Saturday 19th August 2017

A Red Kite flew east over West Ayton at 11.30; a juvenile Little Egret was seen along the Cleveland Way to the south of Ravenscar this afternoon and in the North Bay/Scalby Mills area there were 28 Redshanks, 26 Turnstones and a solitary Ringed Plover.


Friday 18th August 2017

A ♀ Honey Buzzard was seen at Wykeham Raptor View Point this evening at 17.55 with a supporting cast of 5 Goshawks, 3 Crossbills and 2 Willow Tits.

At Scalby Mills this evening the juvenile Mediterranean Gull was seen again today and there was also a Great Skua. Much to the disgust of some tourists the Skua flew in from the north, proceeded to drown a Herring Gull and then start to devour it. Isn’t nature wonderful?

Nuthatch - Forge Valley - Hayley Richardson
Great Skua with prey - Scalby Mills - Steve Wignill
juvenile Mediterranean Gull - Scalby Mills - Chris Bell

Thursday 17th August 2017

A juvenile Turtle Dove and 15 Crossbills were seen at the top of Heck Dale in Dalby Forest; 2 Little Egrets flew over Thornton-le-Dale this evening and also this evening at Scalby Mills we had a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, 68 Greater Black-backed Gulls, 8 Turnstones and a Kingfisher.

Wednesday 16th August 2017

Unfortunately the Rose-coloured Starling was not seen at all today.

A seawatch from Marine Drive this morning was not very inspiring but did produce 5 different species of wader moving south in small numbers including 23 Redshanks but the highlight was surely the 2 Arctic Skuas that went north.

Late afternoon on Scalby Mills rocks we had a Whimbrel, 5 Redshank, 6 Turnstones, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and 9 Sandwich Terns; a Honey Buzzard was reported from Wykeham Raptor View Point at 10.00 this morning and at Harwood Dale Lake this evening 11 Teal, 21 Mandarins and 114 Pied Wagtails.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Tuesday 15th August 2017

Our local celebrity, the Rose-coloured Starling, was still calling into the area of 33 Londesborough Road but again today it was going missing for long periods. It has also been brought to our attention that this or another was photographed in an East Ayton garden on 3rd June.

A couple of hours at Wykeham Raptor View Point yesterday afternoon produced a Hobby with House Martin as prey, a Peregrine, 5 Buzzards and 4 Goshawks with 63 House Martins moving southwest in several groups.

35+ Pied Wagtails coming out of roost by Pindar, Thornburgh Road at 05.30; a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew north past Crook Ness at 18.44 and at Long Nab this evening 3 Golden Plovers flew west, 11 Sandwich Terns (N), 9 Sand Martins (S) and 19 Swallows (S).

Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Chris Bull

Monday 14 August 2017

Monday 14th August 2017

The Rose-coloured Starling was still present on Londesborough Road but seemed to have changed its habits a bit as today the bird went missing for long periods and when it was in view it was only briefly in comparison to yesterday.

Up at Wykeham Raptor View Point the Honey Buzzards were putting on a show again today with three different birds being seen.

Long Nab produced quite a variety today with a total of 34 species being recorded the highlights of which included 6 Shelduck (S), 8 Mallard (S), 3 Pintail (N), 3 Teal (S), 5 Eider (N), 70 Common Scoter (1 S, 69 N), a Red-throated Diver (S), a juvenile Marsh Harrier (N) at 07.00, 6 Ringed Plover (S), 12 Black-tailed Godwits (S) at 06.49, a Curlew (N), 99 Redshank (S), a Knot (S), an adult Curlew Sandpiper (S) at 10.00, 56 Dunlin (S), 19 Sandwich Terns (N), 3 Common Terns (S), an Arctic Skua (S) and 8 Yellow Wagtails (S), also in the area a juvenile male Sparrowhawk was trapped and ringed and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the ringing plantation. Also some late news in from this afternoon - a Golden Plover flew south and a Bonxie came from the north and landed on the rocks below the Nab.

Elsewhere around Scarborough we had 24 Mandarins, 12 Teal and 4 Tufted Duck on Harwood Dale Lake; 11 Mediterranean Gulls around Holbeck (including a juvenile, a 2cy, a 3cy and 8 adults) also a Greenshank flew NW there: 2 Ringed Plovers in Jackson’s Bay and at Potter Brompton Carr a Green Sandpiper and a Yellow Wagtail.

Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Tony Dixon

Sunday 13th August 2017

An excellent find today by John Burnham who discovered a very attractive adult Rosy (Rose-coloured) Starling in his garden in Londesborough Road this morning. Only the seventh record for the Scarborough area and the first since a juvenile visited gardens in Burniston on 24th–27th September 2008. According to one of John’s neighbours the bird may have been present for a couple of days but John had only just returned from a family holiday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank John for allowing access to his front garden so people could view the bird, a gesture much appreciated by many of us.

The Wykeham Forest area was also very productive today but a lot depended on where you were positioned, reports were received of 5 Honey Buzzards in the air together, at least 3 Goshawks, 2 Hobbys, a Peregrine plus support from many Common Buzzards, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Also whilst still discussing raptors a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen near Hutton Buscel today.

At Long Nab this morning 12 Common Scoter (N), 105 Oystercatchers (S), 9 Black-tailed Godwits (S) 1 at 07.23 and 8 at 09.42, 7 Whimbrel (S), 32 Sandwich Terns (18 S, 14 N), a Great Skua (S), 18 Swift (S), 12 Sand Martin (S), 24 Swallow (S), 12 House Martin (S) and 4 Willow Warblers.

At Harwood Dale Lake today we had a Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Green Sandpipers, a Greenshank, 6 Rosy StarlingTeal and 9 Mandarins; 6 Teal were on Johnson’s Marsh and finally there were two adult Mediterranean Gulls on the Holbeck rooftops this morning.

Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Chris Bell
Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Alex Meek
Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Nick Addey
Rosy Starling - Londesborough Road - Tony Clarke
Marsh Harrier - near Hutton Buscel - John Harwood

Saturday 12th August 2017

A nice variety at Potter Brompton Carr this morning where the juvenile Marsh Harrier remained and was supported by a Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpipers, 3 Snipe, a Wigeon, a Teal and too add a bit of colour to the proceedings a Kingfisher.

Wykeham Raptor View Point came good again with 2 Honey Buzzards and 2 Goshawks being seen at 10.15.

A fairly quiet time at Long Nab today with a Black-tailed Godwit (S), 16 Common Terns (N) and 19 Common Scoter (N) being the highlights.

Harwood Dale Lake hosted a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper, a Dunlin, 14 Mandarin and 7 Teal; there were 5 Mediterranean Gulls on the shore at Holbeck; a Hobby was seen flying north over Osgodby this afternoon and along Bent Rigg Lane near Ravenscar a Green Sandpiper on a flooded field plus Little Owl, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Willow Tits.

Friday 11th August 2017

At Potter Brompton Carr this morning there was a juvenile Marsh Harrier, a Lapwing and 55 Mallard. Wykeham Raptor View Point again hosted a couple of Honey Buzzards but there wasn’t any news of a supporting cast and finally 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls flew over Knipe Point this evening while I was putting out the rubbish!!


Friday 11 August 2017

Thursday 10th August 2017

With the winds still in the north seawatching seemed like a good idea. A couple of hours, 05.30 – 07.30, at Marine Drive shelter was rather unproductive with the highlights being an Arctic Skua south and a Sooty Shearwater north at 06.20. Meanwhile off Log Nab 07.10-10.50 there were 3 Teal, 26 Common Scoter, 84 Fulmar, a large shearwater sp. possibly Cory’s, 16 Manx Shearwater, a Golden Plover, a Curlew and 14 Sandwich Terns all heading north and a Red-throated Diver, 12 Fulmar, 3 Sanderling, 4 Sandwich Terns and a Common Tern going south. Also in the fields and hedgerows there was a sign of some passerine movement with 12 Chiffchaff, 11 Whitethroats and a Yellow Wagtail.

Elsewhere in the area observations included a Green Sandpiper and 50+ House Martins at small Scalby Lodge pond; 2 Honey Buzzards, 4 Goshawks, female Marsh Harrier and a Raven at Wykeham Raptor View Point today; 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Holbeck car park and at Ravenscar we had 14 Sandwich Terns, 1 ‘Comic’ Tern, a Peregrine and 50+ Grey Seals.

Greater Black-backed Gull - Scarborough Harbour - Deb Schild

Wednesday 9th August 2017

The wind having moved to the north some seawatching was the order of the day. Species passing North off Long Nab including 6 Wigeon, 37 Teal (+1 S), 200 Common Scoter (+1 S), 139 Fulmar (+6 S), a Sooty Shearwater at 07.47, 15 Manx Shearwaters (+5 S), 2 Dunlin, 451 Kittiwakes, 2 Sandwich Terns (+18 S), 12 Common Terns, 74 Arctic Terns, 6 Great Skua (+3 S) and 2 Arctic Skuas (+5 S). Off Marine Drive highlights included c60 Common Scoters, 4 Arctic Skuas, 2 Great Skuas and a Sooty Shearwater.

There was also an evening visit to Long Nab which produced the following going north 77 Common Scoter, 15 Manx Shearwaters, 19 ‘Comic’ Terns, 10 Sandwich Terns (2 S), a Great Skua and 2 Arctic Skuas went south, one of which was a pale morph.

The only other news today concerned a Hobby hunting over Ellerburn this evening but again no sign of the Osprey; a Honey Buzzard was reported at Wykeham Raptor View Point and at Potter Brompton Carr a Cuckoo, a Green Sandpiper, 2 Snipe, 3 Teal and 63 Mallard.

Tuesday 8th August 2017

The only news today came from Long Nab where there were two observation periods, 07.15 – 11.20 and then again from 18.45 – 20.05. The morning session produced 24 Teal, an Eider, 689 Common Scoter, 24 Fulmars, 2 Manx Shearwaters, a Curlew, 2 Dunlin, 518 Kittiwake, a Common Tern and an Arctic Skua and then in the evening everything was going north 8 Manx Shearwater, a Balearic Shearwater, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 7 Arctic Terns and 20 ‘Comic’ Terns.

A gathering of 63 Swifts over Valley Road this evening was also noteworthy and strongly suspected to be none local birds.

Monday 7 August 2017

Monday 7th August 2017

A new find today was an Osprey hanging around the Ellerburn Trout Farm this morning, it could not be located this afternoon but a Hobby and a family of Spotted Flycatchers (an adult with 3 young) were in the same area.

No news of Honey Buzzards today at Wykeham Raptor View Point but Goshawks were showing well again and at Johnson’s Marsh there were 7 Grey Herons.

Sunday 6th August 2017

The juvenile Green Woodpecker first seen on 29th July was still present today on the slopes to the south of Cornelian Ravine but it can be hard to locate at times, also in this area was a juvenile Stonechat. Nearby on the shore of Cornelian Bay the waders included 4 Whimbrel, a Dunlin, 14 Redshank, 5 Turnstone, c20 Curlew and c20 Oystercatchers and also a Little Egret, 38 Cormorants and a Grey Wagtail.

Also today the Honey Buzzards at Wykeham were showing again with 2 birds being seen, the supporting cast included 3+ Goshawks and a Marsh Harrier and at Harwood Dale Lake there was a Green Sandpiper.

Honey Buzzard - Wykeham Raptor View Point - Brian Martin

Saturday 5 August 2017

Saturday 5th August 2017

At Seamer Tip pool the Garganey, Wigeon and 3 Gadwall were all still present also there were 2 Common Snipe on the flashes nearby and at Harwood Dale Lake this afternoon there were 53 Lapwing, a Cormorant, a Grey Heron, c70 Pied Wagtails, 11+ Teal, 24 Mandarins, a Sparrowhawk, a Dunlin, a Common Snipe and 2 Green Sandpipers.

Wykeham Raptor View Point was quite productive again today with 3 Honey Buzzards, at least 4 Goshawks, a Peregrine and 2 Ravens being the highlights of the day, with the juvenile Goshawks giving some really exceptional views.

Finally today there was a juvenile Dipper on Scalby Beck by the Old Scalby Mills pub and on the coast nearby there were a Greenshank, 8 Redshank, 4 Turnstone, 17 Oystercatchers, a Peregrine and 150+ Sandwich Terns were offshore.

Goshawk - Wykeham RVP - John Harwood
Goshawk - Wykeham RVP - John Harwood
Marsh Harrier - Wykeham South Lake - Terry Hobson
Turnstone - Scarborough Harbour - Deb Schild

Friday 4th August 2017

The Garganey discovered yesterday evening at Seamer Tip pool was still present this morning along with the 3 Gadwall plus a Wigeon and 2 Little Grebes.

The stars of the day again were the raptors seen over Wykeham Forest from the view point which included 3 Honey Buzzards, at least 3 Goshawks, a Marsh Harrier, a Hobby, a Peregrine and Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard. Eight species of raptor recorded in a day has to be a good day anywhere in the country at a single location.

Some late morning sea watching from Marine Drive was very unproductive with just 3 Common Scoters going north and a feeding flock of about 80 Sandwich Terns being the best.

Barn Owl - Stuart Baines

Friday 4 August 2017

Thursday 3rd August 2017

So, after a day’s absence the Wykeham Forest Honey Buzzards were back in the news again today with 3 being seen from the raptor view point this morning and Goshawks were also showing well in the area.

At Potter Brompton Carr this afternoon 4 Green Sandpipers, 2 Snipe and a Yellow Wagtail; 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls were at Holbeck car park and this evening at Seamer Tip pool a Garganey was discovered along with 3 Gadwall.

juvenile Goshawk - Wykeham Forest - Dave Mansell
another of the same bird

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Wednesday 2nd August 2017

The highlight of the day came from Long Nab but for once it wasn’t a bird, at 08.35 a Minke Whale was recorded moving slowly northwards. There was little bird movement evident today but the following were all recorded going south between 07.10 and 09.45 – 11 Oystercatchers, 3 Whimbrel, 12 Curlew, 8 Knot, 2 Dunlin, 10 Sandwich Terns, a Common Tern, 16 Swift, 6 Sand Martin and 10 Swallows.

The eclipse male Garganey was still present on Harwood Dale Lake with 14 Teal, 19 Mandarins and 52 Lapwings: Johnson’s Marsh had a Little Egret, 12 Herons, 2 Little Grebe and 19 Moorhens; 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls were enticed to Holbeck car park and at Wykeham Raptor View Point there were a Hobby, 3 Goshawks, a few Buzzards and some Crossbills but no reports of any Honey Buzzards today.

Tuesday 1st August 2017

The day started well but at a time when the vast majority of us were tucked up in bed, an impromptu night time ringing session at Crook Ness caught a couple of Storm Petrels.

Early morning 2 Little Egrets went east over Snainton Carrs and also this morning 2 Honey Buzzards were seen from Wykeham Raptor View Point. Also today there were 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls, 3 of which were at Holbeck car park and a different bird was on South Beach opposite the Futurist; c20 Mandarins, 11 Teal and a Garganey on Harwood Dale Lake and a Ringed Plover at Scalby Mills.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Monday 31st July 2017

The eclipse male Garganey was still present on Harwood Dale Lake this morning along with 20+ Mandarins and about 10 Teal, also on the small flash west of the main lake there was a Wood Sandpiper which is the first record for the area this year.

At Long Nab today the highlights included 17 Common Scoter (2 S, 15 N) , 4 Manx Shearwaters (2 S, 2 N), 34 Oystercatchers (S), a Curlew (S), 14 Redshanks (S), a Sanderling (S), 3 Dunlin (S), 5 Common Gulls (S), 149 Sandwich Terns (42 S, 107 N), 26 Swift (S), 93 Sand Martin (S) and 34 Swallows (S).

Also today we had a Green Sandpiper and 2 Little Grebes on Johnson’s Marsh; 4 adult Mediterranean Gulls at Holbeck car park; in Jackson’s Bay this evening 3 Sanderling, 3 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover all on the beach and flying south a Whimbrel and a Greenshank; and at Broad Grain Head, Langdale a very recently fledged Cuckoo with Meadow Pipit ‘parents’ and a family group of Crossbills.