Friday 28 September 2018

Friday 21st September 2018

An immature Osprey was at Ellerburn as was a Hobby and 50 Pink-footed Geese flew over to the south; 22 Teal were on Johnson’s Marsh which has water in again after last nights rain; a Wheatear was at Crook Ness and there were 70+ House Martins between Crook Ness and Cromer Point. 

Thursday 20th September 2018

Everything moving at Long Nab today was heading south and included 40 Pink-footed Geese, 3 Red-throated Divers, 8 Skylarks, 3 Sand Martins, 9 Swallows, 562 House Martins, 608 Meadow Pipits, 308 Linnets, 4 Redpolls, 46 Siskins and 3 Reed Buntings in 3 hours this morning between 06.30 and 09.30.

House Martins were moving through Wykeham South Lake this morning and there was also a Whitethroat there and nearby House Martins were also moving south above Hutton Buscel plus a total of 9 Buzzards and a Goshawk were in the area. Finally today three Wheatears were present on Seamer Mead.

Wednesday 19th September 2018

An Osprey was seen fishing in the Trout pools at Ellerburn this evening and a Little Egret flew west along Scalby Beck over the Burniston road bridge.

Tuesday 18th September 2018

The clear stars of the day were the 3 Avocets (an adult and 2 juveniles) discovered this morning in front of the observation blind at Wykeham South Lake where the only other species of note were an adult and a juvenile Great Crested Grebe and 2 Little Grebes.

The only other news today came from North Bay where several Gannets were close in along with a few Sandwich Terns.

Monday 17th September 2018

No news received today.

Sunday 16th September 2018

The only news received today concerned a large flock of 300+ Linnets, 30 Greenfinches and c20 Goldfinches being harassed by a juvenile Peregrine by the Crook Ness car park plus a Chiffchaff in the valley.

Saturday 15th September 2018

8 Mistle Thrushes were seen heading west over Scarborough Sixth Form College this morning. Pink-footed Geese were moving today with birds reported over Hovingham Drive first group heard but not seen and then c40 at 15.37, 150 went south over Sherburn Ings and groups of 40 over Crossgates at 13.00 and 50 at 13.50. 11 Buzzards went west over Crossgates; a Marsh Harrier and a Hobby were at Sherburn Ings; 2 Wheatears were in the stubble north of the Obs at Long Nab with another seen at Ravenscar and in Cornelian Bay an Eider and a Dunlin were seen.

Friday 14th September 2018

A Sedge Warbler flew into an office window on the Eastfield Estate, Cayton Low Road today and was the only news received.

Thursday 13th September 2018

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper flew south past Cromer Point at 07.20 this morning and there were also 4 Pink-footed Geese plus small numbers of finches and hirundines moving south. Figures from here and nearby at Long Nab included 9 Pink-footed Geese (S), 47 Common Scoter (4 S, 43 N), 2 Sandwich Terns (N), 3 Arctic Terns (S), 2 Aectic Skuas (S), 2 Sand Martins (S), 57 Swallows (45 S, 12 N), 63 House Martins (24 S, 39 N), 226 Meadow Pipits (S), 77 Linnet (S), 56 Goldfinch (52 S, 4 N), 8 Siskin (S) and 2 Reed Bunting (S).

At Wykeham South Lake this morning a Redshank, a Common Sandpiper, a Snipe and a Lesser Black-backed Gull; a Golden Plover flew east over Seamer Tip; a partial eclipse drake Eider was at Scalby Mills and the Great White Egret remained for its fourth day on The Mere.

Wednesday 12th September 2018

The Great White Egret remained for another day on The Mere where a Peregrine was also seen flying over, a cream crowned Marsh Harrier was at Wykeham South Lake this morning and this evening a Hobby went west over Folkton at 18.30.

At Long Nab today the highlights included 22 Sand Martins and 1126 Meadow Pipits moving south.

Tuesday 11th September 2018

The Great White Egret was still present on The Mere today; 32 Pink-footed Geese flew south over the Scarborough 6th form college; a Whitethroat was at The Holms on Castle Hill; a Whimbrel was at Scalby Mills and a Little Egret was on the beach at North Bay.

A brief visit to Long Nab in the early afternoon produced very little in the way of birds moving but there was a 2cy nonbreeding plumage Mediterranean Gull in the bay to the north of the Obs.

Monday 10th September 2018

A nice find today was a Great White Egret at The Mere which was discovered this afternoon in the area behind the B&Q store on Seamer Road. A large skein of Geese, probably Pink-feet, flew over Scalby; 9 Egyptian Geese, 9 Wigeon, 15 Stock Doves and a Merlin were at Wykeham South Lake this morning and around Scalby Mills we had a Little Egret, 3 Sandwich Terns and large flocks of Goldfinches and House Martins.

Sunday 9th September 2018

At Long Nab today 30 Red-throated Divers (13 S, 17 N), 4 Manx Shearwaters (N), 12 Curlew (N), a Knot (S), a Sanderling (N), an adult Mediterranean Gull (N), 95 Sandwich Terns (52 S, 43 N), a Common Tern (S), 3 Arctic Terns (N), 5 Great Skua (N), 16 Arctic Skua (2 S, 14 N), plus 3 Puffins, 6 Sand Martin, 6 Swallow, 3 House Martin, 61 Meadow Pipit, 61 Linnet, 4 Goldfinch and 24 Siskin all moving south.

Elsewhere a Hobby was seen at 14.15 over the A170 at Snainton and then the same or another was over Ellerburn village later in the afternoon. In the morning a Common Sandpiper was at Burton Riggs.

Saturday 8th September 2018

In Cornelian Bay early afternoon there were 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Eider, a Purple Sandpiper, 4 Dunlin, a Knot, 3 Ringed Plovers and 8 Common Terns. On the opposite of town there were 3 Ringed Plovers in Jackson’s Bay and at Scalby Mills an immature ♂ Eider, a Wigeon, an adult Mediterranean Gull, 7 Redshanks, 9 Turnstones and 140 House Martins feeding over the beck.

Today at Long Nab 23 Red-throated Divers (11 S, 12 N), 2 Manx Shearwaters (N), a Buzzard (S), a Whimbrel (S), 23 Sandwich Terns (18 S, 5 N), 15 Common Terns (S), a Great Skua (N), 435 Meadow Pipits (S) the first real movement of the autumn and 158 Linnets (S). Also in this area today was the first site record of Nuthatch which dropped in from high to a hedge by the ringing plantation.

Friday 7th September 2018

Three Willow Tits were seen on the river bank at Wrench Green; at Long Nab a quiet seawatch produced 11 Manx Shearwaters and an Arctic Skua all moving south and near the car park a large finch flock consisting of c400 Linnets, 20 Greenfinch and 20 Goldfinch and finally today a juvenile Ruff was at Harwood Dale Lake.

Thursday 6th September 2018

At Seamer Tip Pool today 3 Gadwall and a Wigeon and in the field to the south were 4 Yellow and 6 Pied Wagtails; at Wykeham South Lake this morning 6 Egyptian Geese, 3 Wigeon, 2 Buzzards, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and 100+ House Martins; 2 Wheatears were behind the wall on Marine Drive and at Wykeham Raptor View Point an Osprey drifted east at 13.45.

At Long Nab today the highlights included a Sooty Shearwater and 63 Manx Shearwaters moving north this morning.

Friday 14 September 2018

Wednesday 5th September 2018

At Wykeham South Lake this morning 6 Wigeon, 6 Teal, 19 Coot, 2 Egyptian Geese and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls; 2 Turtle Doves are still in Burniston and around Scalby Mills midafternoon there were three Willow Warblers, a Wheatear, 18 Sandwich Terns, 10 Common Terns and offshore an Arctic Skua.

At Long Nab today 4 Shoveler (N), 23 Wigeon (1 S, 22 N), 187 Teal (8 S, 179 N), 38 Common Scoter (6 S, 32 N), 6 Red-throated Divers (5 S, 1 N), 3 Sooty Shearwaters (N), 75 Manx Shearwaters (9 S, 66 N), a Ringed Plover (N), a Curlew (N), a Turnstone (S), 2 Knot (N), 32 Sandwich Terns (30 S, 2 N), a Common Tern (S), 3 Great Skuas (2 S, 1 N), a Pomarine Skua (S), 2 Arctic Skuas (S) and 4 Swallows (S).

Sandwich Terns - Scalby Mills - Stuart Baines

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Going past Long Nab today were a Garganey (N), a Gadwall (S), 21 Wigeon (N), 4 Pintail (N), 112 Teal (N), 5 Common Scoter (1 S, 4 N), 3 Red-throated Divers (S), 2 Sooty Shearwaters (N), 14 Manx Shearwaters (4 S, 10 N), a Golden Plover (S), 2 Curlews (1 S, 1 N), a Bar-tailed Godwit (N), a Redshank (S), 43 Sandwich Terns (29 S, 14 N), 7 Great Skua (3 S, 4 N) and 6 Arctic Skuas (5 S, 1 N).

In the vicinity of Seamer Tip Pool there were 3 Yellow Wagtails in the field to the south and more than 30 Stock Doves in the field to the east and lastly a Little Egret was on Scalby Beck.

Turnstone - Scalby Mills - Melanie Pearl

Monday 3rd September 2018

Migrants around Long Nab today included a Common Sandpiper, 4 Chiffchaffs, a Sedge Warbler, a Blackcap, 3 Whitethroats, a Redstart, a Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtails and moving offshore we had a Shelduck (S), 22 Wigeon (S), 217 Teal (118 S, 99 N), 33 Common Scoter (24 S, 9 N), 6 Red-throated Divers (4 S, 2 N), a Black-throated Diver in full breeding plumage went south at 07.12, 18 Manx Shearwaters (7 S, 11 N) a Little Egret (N), 2970 Gannets (2920 S, 50 N), a Golden Plover (S), 5 Knot (S), a Dunlin (N), a Greenshank (S), a juvenile Caspian Gull following a Lobster boat south from 09.30 to 09.40, 7 Sandwich Terns (S), 31 Common Terns (S) and 2 Arctic Skuas (S).

At Ravenscar a Green Woodpecker was on the cliffs to the south before flying west and there was also a Redstart in the area and a Hobby in Pickering flew into our recording area at 15.30.

Sunday 2nd September 2018

Well the big day has finally arrived, today is the day of the world-renowned Scarborough Pelagic an event that sends feelings of jealousy through seabird aficionados worldwide. The trip scheduled for last month was cancelled because of a bad weather forecast so today was the one and only excursion for this year. An interesting trip with some interesting species the highlights of which included 120+ Manx Shearwaters, a single Sooty Shearwater, 2 Great Skuas, an Arctic Skua and 2 Black Terns. Unfortunately the best seabird of the day was seen from Long Nab where a juvenile Long-tailed Skua went south at 07.25. Also from Long Nab today 21 Shelduck (12 S, 9 N), 2 Shoveler (1 S, 1 N), 48 Wigeon (10 S, 12 Pintail (2 S, 317 Teal (148 S, 15 Common Scoter (6 S, 5 Red-throated Divers (2 S, a Sooty Shearwater (N), 10 Manx Shearwaters (6 S, 4 N), 7248 Gannets, 2 Golden Plover, 3 Whimbrel, a Curlew, 2 Turnstone, 13 Dunlin, 2 Sandwich Terns, 68 Common Terns, 2 Black Terns, 5 Great Skuas, 2 Arctic Skuas and 3 Puffins.

Elsewhere today we had a Spotted Flycatcher south of Seamer Tip Pool; 2 Reed Warblers on New Dike, Seamer Tip: a Spotted Flycatcher at Ravenscar; 10 Wigeon and 2 Eider in Cornelian Bay; a Lesser Whitethroat at Crook Ness plus a Teal, a Wigeon and a Kingfisher at The Mere.

Manx Shearwater - Scarborough Pelagic - Chris Bell

Manx Shearwaters - Scarborough Pelagic - Chris Bell

Sooty Shearwater with Manx Shearwaters - Scarborough Pelagic - Chris Bell

Saturday 1st September 2018

The highlight of the day was the discovery late afternoon/early evening of an Ortolan Bunting at Crook Ness, only the 5th record for our area of this scarce species and the first since one at the same location on 10th May 2016. Unfortunately the bird was only seen briefly by one observer at 17.40 before it flew and appeared to land below the cliffs about 100 meters to the north, it was believed to have arrived recently as it was calling frequently. Despite a thorough search for the next 1½ hours the bird was not relocated in the area.

In Cornelian Bay there were 2 Eider, 11 Teal, 43 Sandwich Terns, 3 Common Terns, a Purple Sandpiper, 8 Turnstones and 12 Curlew and 3 Mediterranean Gulls were feeding over Old Town among a group of about 50 Black-headed Gulls from 17.15 until 17.45 at least.

Spotted Flycatcher - Hayburn Wyke - Keith Raper

Friday 7 September 2018

Friday 31st August 2018

An Osprey was seen to the south of Long Nab this afternoon but it headed rapidly north before flying out to sea, then at Scalby Mills this evening there were 2 Ringed Plovers, 10 Redshanks, a Common Tern and 21 Sandwich Terns.

Osprey - nr Long Nab - Steve Crawford

Thursday 30th August 2018

2 Whimbrels flew high south over Castle Hill this afternoon; 2 Fulmars went SW over Crossgates at 14.45; at Scalby Mills 12 Common Terns, 3 Teal and a 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull and at Long Nab 350+ Manx Shearwaters were feeding offshore with 174 of these departing northwards also here 13 Wigeon and 62 Common Terns went north and a Common Sandpiper south.

Wednesday 29th August 2018

All news today was from late afternoon/early evening with a Hobby south over Scalby Mills at 16.53 and at Long Nab 5 Manx Shearwaters (N), 19 Curlew (1 S, 18 N), a Bar-tailed Godwit (N), a juvenile Little Gull (N), 11 Sandwich Terns (2 S, 9 N) and 341 Common Terns (25 S, 316 N).