Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Wednesday 31st August

 A Turtle Dove flew south along the cliffs at Long Nab this morning. A Whinchat was in the cover crop at Long Nab and also in the area were 14 Stonechats, 19 Common Whitethroats and one Lesser Whitethroat. A Dipper and a Kingfisher were by the bridge at the sea cut on \Burniston Road and a Goshawk, Raven, two Common Buzzards and 75+ House Martins were over Langdale Woods, Hilla Green. Wykeham East Lake hosted two Green Sandpipers, one Common Sandpiper, 13 Wigeon, 14 Tufted Duck, 10 Teal, 120 Mallard, two Grey Herons and approximately 600 Greylag Geese.

Little Egret by Christopher Bell.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Tuesday 30th August

With winds having abated somewhat, news was thin on the ground today. A juvenile Long-tailed Skua flew south past Long Nab Obs at 0740hrs and a Little Egret was at Brompton Ponds. A Peregrine was noted at Cloughton Wyke and Wykeham East Lake hosted 72 Teal, two Little Grebes, one Dunlin and one Common Sandpiper. A coastal sea watch this evening produced four Little Gulls, three Red-throated Divers and one Great Skua. Two Arctic Skuas were harassing Kittiwakes and a Peregrine was hunting some two to three miles out at sea.

Errant Wryneck by Alison Langley.

Monday, 29 August 2022

Monday 29th August

 Favourable sea watching conditions this morning resulted in some excellent sightings. Juvenile Long-tailed Skuas flew north past Long Nab Obs at 0800hrs and 0845hrs. A third juvenile Long-tailed Skua flew north past Marine Drive at 1042hrs. Also north past Marine Drive this morning were two Sooty Shearwaters and five Great Skuas. A Red-necked Grebe and 13 Arctic Skuas (+2N) passed south. Passing Long Nab Obs throughout the day were 11 Red-throated Divers, three Sooty Shearwaters, one cream crowned Marsh Harrier, 4,470 Gannets (2,699 S), 13 Bar-tailed Godwits, two Little Gulls, one Mediterranean Gull, 30 Arctic Skuas and 15 Great Skuas. A Mediterranean Gull, Sparrowhawk and four Common Scoter were noted at Holbeck and six Sand Martins flew though Seamer Tip Pool area with other hirundines. Finally, a Wryneck flew through an open window at the United Sports Bar which is above the Cowshed in St. Thomas Street. Fortunately it was in good health and released on its way by the finders.

Stonechat by Simon Temlett.

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Sunday 28th August

 A busy day. Passing south at Long Nab this morning were 1,873 Gannets (512N), two Little Egrets and two Common Buzzards,  Seven Shelduck, three Arctic Skuas and one Great Skua passed north there. A Sparrowhawk was seen to come off the sea at Long Nab this afternoon and a female Merlin was chasing finches at Cromer Point. A Marsh Harrier flew north high over High Wood Brow, Wykeham and a group of three plus Spotted Flycatchers were by the sea cut at Mowthorpe. a Green Sandpiper was at Northstile Pool this morning and three Willow Tits were heard from the track at Wrench Green. A Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were at Throxenby Mere, two Common Buzzard at Suffield and a Grey Wagtail and Stock Dove at Hackness. Two female Mandarin Ducks were at Scalby sea cut this morning and approximately 30 Swallows by the Sea Life Centre. Wykeham East Lake hosted a first calendar year Yellow-legged Gull, one Common Sandpiper, two Reed Warblers, four Shelduck, two Wigeon, 12 Teal and an Oystercatcher. Observations at Cloughton Newlands today revealed one Spotted Flycatcher, one Common Redstart, one Green Woodpecker and a ringed juvenile Peregrine Falcon. A Little Grebe with young were on the pond. Six Turtle Doves were behind Burniston and Cloughton Village Hall and two Common Swifts passed south there. A Little Egret was on the rocks at Cromer Point. Three Teal, 134 Oystercatchers, two Sanderling, two Dunlin, 37 Turnstone, four Redshank and a second calendar Mediterranean Gull were in Jackson's Bay. a first calendar year Caspian Gull and eight Arctic Skuas flew south at Long Nab this evening and a juvenile Little Gull flew north.

Long- tailed Tit by Martin Moseley.

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Saturday 27th August

 A group of four Avocets were photographed this morning at Wykeham East Lake where six Common Sandpipers and a Little Egret were also present. Two Greenshank were off South Cliff this morning. 30 Common Terns flew north off Long Nab and seven Common Buzzards flew high south. Four Turtle Doves were in the now harvested Oilseed Rape field east of Burniston Village Hall. A total of 12 Common Buzzards (including the seven tracked from Long Nab) flew through the same S to W arc over Burniston also 42 House Martins (many juveniles), 33 Swallows and two Common Swift flew south. three Dipper, including one juvenile, two Kingfishers and a female Mandarin Duck were at Scalby sea cut. Four Sanderling, two Ringed Plover, two Dunlin and a Whimbrel were in Jackson's Bay this afternoon. A juvenile Little Stint was at Wykeham East Lake briefly this evening before departing. Also present were two Little Egret, a Dunlin, one Common Sandpiper, one Yellow Wagtail and one Grey Wagtail. During a 75 minute sea watch at Long Nab this evening, 1,204 Gannets, five Juvenile Black Terns, two Arctic Terns and 63 Common Terns (+29N) flew south.

Sparrowhawk by Russ Cryer.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Friday 26th August

 A Hobby flew SW and two Bar-tailed Godwits flew S past Long Nab this morning. A Northern Wheatear in front of the Obs filtered W. Five Turtle Doves were on overhead wires between Burniston and Cloughton and approximately 350 Greylag Geese were near Darrells Hall Farm, Wykeham along with three Common Buzzards and a Sparrowhawk nearby. 17 Common Buzzards flew over Burniston in small groups moving through an arc between W and S in a 70 minute period early afternoon. Seven Common Swifts flew south there and single Blackcap and Chiffchaff were in a Burniston garden. A further three Common Buzzards were over Long Causeway Road, Wykeham. One Common Sandpiper, three Lapwing, two Great crested Grebes, two Great Black-backed Gulls and a mixed flock of approximately 500 Canada and Greylag Geese were at Wykeham East Lake. Two juvenile Arctic Skuas flew north along Scalby Nab cliff top this evening.

Juvenile Goldcrest by Phil Bennett.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Thursday 25th August

 Little news in today, however, the undoubted highlight was the discovery of a flock of 12 Turtle Doves, including 5 juveniles, on overhead wires near to Westfield Farm, Burniston. They appeared to be feeding in an uncut oil seed rape field just south of the cinder track. They remained there for the remainder of the day. A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew north past Long Nab during an otherwise quiet sea watch. 

Turtle Dove by Terry Hobson.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Wednesday 24th August

 A Caspian Gull moved south past Long Nab Obs this morning following a crab boat. A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew north there this morning and one flew south past there this afternoon. A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew SW over Wykeham Lakes. Only 3 Teal and one Common Sandpiper remained at Wykeham East Lake.813 Swallows, 76 Sand Martins, 53 Common Swift, 5 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Whinchat and a Tree Pipit flew south at South Cliff this morning and a further 2 Whinchat were present on the plateau. Single late Common Swifts were also noted over Scalby Mills Road and Peasholm area and 3 were over Prospect Road this evening.

Barn Owl by Stephen Beaver.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Tuesday 23rd August

 A Red Kite flew south inland of Long Nab at 0804hrs, followed by a Honey Buzzard SW past there at 0953hrs. Also past Long Nab today were 44 Whimbrel, 20 Golden Plover, 36 Knot, a Green Sandpiper, 2 Yellow-legged Gulls and  22 Common Swifts. A Pied Flycatcher found in the sycamores at Cliff Top House was joined later by a second bird. 2 Whinchat remained in the area of the cover crop/scrape area. A Whinchat flew high south through South Cliff this morning, a second bird was at Cornelian Ravine and a Northern Wheatear was at the base of Holbeck Hill. Wykeham East Lake hosted 5 Wigeon, 11 Shoveler, 155 Teal and three Common Sandpipers. A Little Owl was at Guild Farm, East Knapton and a good number of gulls were at the Pig Farm alongside the A64 nearby. A Tawny Owl was calling on Scholes Park Road late evening.

Red Grouse in heather by Rose Habberley.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Monday 22nd August

 Waders passing south at Long Nab this morning included 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 55 Whimbrel, a Grey Plover, and 43 Turnstone. A further 16 Whimbrel and 41 Redshank passed south there this afternoon. Present were a Northern Wheatear, by the Obs, Cuckoo by Cliff Top House, 2 Whinchat by The Scrape and the Marsh Tit still at the ringing station. Two juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls were seen off Long Nab this afternoon, one flying north and one feeding offshore. A Whimbrel flew south east inland over Scalby ay 0650hrs. Wykeham East lake hosted 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Teal, 2 Gadwall, 3 Lapwing, 18 Great Black-backed Gulls and a Yellow Wagtail. 12 species of wader were recorded past South Cliff this morning including 58 Whimbrel, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 87 Sanderling, 84 Redshank, one Bar-tailed Godwit and one Ruff. A Little Gull also flew south there. Single Greenshank and Common Sandpiper were in Cornelian Bay and a Garden Warbler was in Cornelian Ravine. Seven Harbour Porpoise at Long Nab this morning represented a high count for the site.

Golden Plover by Nick Addey.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Sunday 21st August

 A Crossbill flew south past Long Nab Obs this morning and three Whimbrel flew north and five more were in the Cromer Point area.. A Pied Flycatcher and a Willow Warbler were at the top of Peasholm Park island. A Whinchat, seven Stonechat and a Sedge Warbler were at Cromer Point Pond and a Northern Wheatear was at Hundale Point. A Merlin was reported from Oliver's Mount along with a Common Swift and 9 Sand Martin. Waders this afternoon at Gristhorpe Bay included 168 Oystercatcher, a possible record for the site, 19 Curlew, 11 Redshank, 6 Knot, 5 Turnstone, 1 Purple Sandpiper and 1 Whimbrel. The Cuckoo was still present.

Coot by Paul Tozer.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Saturday 20th August

 A quiet day. Two Pied Flycatchers were at Lebberston Cliffs this morning and a Bar-tailed Godwit was the highlight of a Long Nab sea watch. Two Common Sandpipers were at Wykeham East Lake and a Common Swift and two Common Snipe were at Seamer Tip Pool.

Curlew by Rose Habberley. 

Friday, 19 August 2022

Friday 19th August

 A Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail were at Scalby Mills and a Common Scoter was at the north end of Cayton Bay. Two Little Grebes, Tree Pipit and two plus Spotted Flycatchers were at Troutsdale ponds and a Dipper at Hilla Green. Two Common Sandpipers, six Lapwings, a Black -tailed Godwit (briefly) and a Common Snipe were at Wykeham East Lake and two Ravens were over Hackness. A juvenile Goshawk was near Bridge Farm, Langdale End. A Wheatear flew in off the sea at Lebberston Cliff and left south, also a Tree Pipit left SE from a plantation there. Two Grey Plover flew south.

Dipper by Stuart Baines.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Thursday 18th August

 With a change in wind direction, things quietened down considerably. Three Grey Wagtails and a Dipper were at Scalby Mills and a Little Egret was at Scalby Beck weir. Passing south at Long Nab this morning were a Little Gull, two Gadwall, and 13 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (1 passed north) and 44 Great Black-backed Gulls. One Arctic Tern flew north there. Six Great Black-backed Gulls were at Wykeham East Lake and two Green Sandpipers at Northstile Pool, Wrench Green. A female Tawny Owl was calling in Garth End Road, West Ayton late evening. A Marsh Harrier flew NW at Lebberston Cliff, also Cuckoo still. The pale male Honey Buzzard was seen over Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint.

Juvenile Ringed Plover by Tony Collinson.

Wednesday 17th August

 Conditions were ideal for an autumn sea watch in a fairly strong northerly wind and observers were not disappointed. Single Great and Cory's Shearwaters flew north past Long Nab Obs together with 9 Sooty Shearwaters, 837+ Manx Shearwaters, 2 Balearic Shearwaters, a European Storm Petrel, Blue Fulmar, 7 Little Gulls, one Black Tern, 3 Roseate Terns, juvenile Long-tailed Skua, Yellow-legged Gull and a Grey Plover. Six Sanderling and two Ringed Plover were in North Bay and four Common Sandpipers were at Seamer Tip Pool. Wykeham East Lake hosted a juvenile Peregrine, adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Redshank, 57 Lapwing, 8 Great crested Grebes, 64 Tufted Ducks and 26 Teal. Seawatching at Lebberston Cliff produced both the Great Shearwater and Blue Fulmar, 11 Arctic Skuas, 2 Little Gulls, and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull. The Cuckoo was still present.

Common Whitethroat by Stephen Beaver.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Tuesday 16th August

 Two Black-tailed Godwits, two Redshank, 8 Teal and a Sedge Warbler were at Wykeham East Lake this morning and a Kingfisher was at Scalby Mills. A Whinchat was at Hundale Point. 240 Oystercatchers, 14 Whimbrel and an Arctic Skua flew south past Long Nab Obs and the first Sooty Shearwater of the autumn flew north past there during the evening (also seen past Lebberston Cliff). Five Sanderling were at North Bay. Also south past Lebberston cliff: 2 Wigeon, 231 Oystercatchers, Grey Plover17 Whimbrel, 7 Arctic Skuas plus the  Cuckoo still.

Great White Egrets by Phil Harrison.

Monday, 15 August 2022

Monday 15th August

 A Cory's Shearwater was on the sea at Long Nab at 0740hrs and left north six minutes later. A Marsh Tit, was still at the ringing plantation at Long Nab and nine Ringed Plover, a Grey Plover and a Common Sandpiper flew past. Four Great White Egrets flew over Seamer Tip Pool towards Cayton and three Black-tailed Godwits were at Wykeham East Lake this morning including yesterday's colour ringed bird along with a Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper and 28 Teal. A second summer male Marsh Harrier, three Ringed Plover, and a Green Sandpiper were seen there later. A Whinchat and two juvenile Stonechats were west of Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint car park near the nursery. Two Common Crossbills and two family parties of between 3/4 and 2/3 Spotted Flycatchers were at Wykeham Forest. Five Black-tailed Godwits flew south past Long Nab this evening.

Willow Warbler by Christopher Bell.

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Sunday 14th August

 A Marsh Harrier flew north past a foggy Long Nab this morning, a Grey Plover flew south there and a Marsh Tit was again in the ringing plantation. A juvenile Goshawk, Short-eared Owl, two Common Buzzards, a Barn Owl  and a Kestrel provided some raptor action at Seamer Tip Pools area and 14 Common Swift flew south over Burniston where a Willow Warbler frequented a garden. Another Willow Warbler frequented a Northstead garden. A Wood Sandpiper and a Green Sandpiper  dropped into Wykeham East Lake briefly before flying off high to the south. Two Black-tailed Godwits there were later joined by a third colour ringed individual and a 2nd calendar year male Marsh Harrier flew east. Also present at Wykeham East Lake were 560 Greylag Geese, one Teal, one Shoveler, one Gadwall, two Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin passed through. 19 Common Sandpipers and a Yellow Wagtail were at Wykeham Water Park Lake and a Greenshank flew south there. A Greenshank, Whimbrel and two Common Sandpipers flew over Hovingham Drive. The Cuckoo was still at Lebberston Cliff.


Juvenile Goshawk by Mark Hepples.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Saturday 13th August

 A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew north past South Cliff this morning, a Whinchat was along the Golf Course, a Tree Pipit in Cornelian flew south and a Little Egret flew north. A Pied Flycatcher was in the Italian Gardens this morning and 105 Lapwing were in a field to the south of Seamer Tip Pool. A Turtle Dove was still present at the west end of Rocks Lane this morning and five Greenshank passed Long Nab Obs (4SW, 1N). Two Whinchat and seven Stonechat were at the coastal cover crop at Long Nab late afternoon. The Cuckoo was still at Lebberston Cliff.

Fulmar by Becca-Marie Sealife Safari.


Friday, 12 August 2022

Friday 12th August

A Whinchat was with five Stonechats on the short hedge just north of Long Nab Obs this morning, a juvenile Marsh Harrier over fields at Long Nab left low south and a Marsh Tit was in the ringing plantation there. The Whooper Swan was again at Seamer Road Mere and 50 Lapwings were in a field below Seamer Tip Pools. Two Turtle Doves, 40+ Linnets, six Greenfinch  and four Reed Buntings were on overhead wires along the Cinder Track at Burniston. Two Goshawk and a Willow Tit were at Dalby/Haygate this evening. A Pied Flycatcher, Cuckoo and 24 Willow Warblers were at Lebberston this evening and a Greenshank flew south east there.

Lesser Whitethroat by Stephen Beaver.


Thursday, 11 August 2022

Thursday 11th August

 Something of an increase in activity was triggered by a shift in wind direction with a degree of easterly. A Pied Flycatcher was in Holbeck Ravine this morning and a Spotted Flycatcher flew south along the cliffs. 16 Willow Warblers were counted throughout the South Cliff area and three Black-tailed Godwits circled Cornelian Bay before heading off south. A Common Redstart was at Cliff Top Hose, Rocks Lane this morning and a Turtle Dove was again in the first Horse Paddock on Rocks Lane. A Common Sandpiper was on the rocks at Long Nab and a Garden Warbler was in the ringing plantation. Passing south at Long Nab were three Ringed Plover, one Little Ringed Plover, 52 Whimbrel (one north), 51 Golden Plover, one Greenshank and 283 Swallows. An Osprey flew in off the sea at Long Nab at 1535hrs and continued north. Two Lapwing, two Teal, two Shoveler, one Hobby, one Common Sandpiper, one Sand Martin and seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Wykeham East Lake. 11 Common Swift flew south over Burniston at Lunchtime and the post breeding House Sparrow flock in the Burniston Gardens area totalled 52, including a high proportion of juveniles.

Sedge Warbler by Stephen Beaver.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Wednesday 10th August

 Eleven Saw bills passed south off Marine Drive this morning and were thought to be Red-breasted Mergansers. A Little Egret was on rocks below Long Nab Obs this morning, two Eiders flew north and 17 Golden Plover passed there. 11 Common Crossbills, two Common Buzzard, four Jays and two Siskin were seen in Langdale Forest this afternoon. One Cuckoo, four Northern Wheatear, five Stonechat, one Tree Pipit, two Meadow Pipit, three Kestrel and two Common Buzzard were noted at Lilla Cross. The elusive Ring-necked Parakeet was at the car park at Proudfoots, Eastfield and single Little ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Peregrine Falcon were at Wykeham East Lake this evening.

Northern Wheatear by Russ Cryer.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Tuesday 9th August

 A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew south past Long Nab Obs at 0748hrs, moving off west from Cromer Point and a Greenshank remained on Johnson's Marsh. Two cream crowned Marsh Harriers were west of Folkton STW at Cayton Carr. 34 Tufted Duck, 4 Little Grebe and the long staying Whooper Swan were at Seamer Road Mere. Good numbers of warblers were moving through the Long Nab area this morning including 42 Common Whitethroats (16 ringed), 6 Sedge Warblers, 15 Willow Warblers and 18 Chiffchaffs, 15 Golden Plover flew past Long Nab Obs and a flock of 18 Common Snipe arrived from the east and one flew south. A Turtle Dove was still in the vicinity of the first horse paddock on Rocks Lane. One Common Sandpiper and 10 Lapwing were at Wykeham East Lake this evening and a Greenshank flew south west over Cromer Point Pond area. a first calendar year Caspian Gull was in Cayton Bay this evening. Four Stonechats were along the fence line in the field immediately west of Cliff Top House this evening. A Common Tern was in Burniston Bay and a Dunlin and a Common Swift flew south there.

Moulting Marsh Harrier by Mark Hepples.

Monday, 8 August 2022

Monday 8th August

 A Turtle Dove was again seen on Rocks Lane, Burniston on the driveway to Beck Farm and a Little Owl was in the far hedgerow of the first field west of Cliff Top House. A female Northern Pintail flew south at Long Nab Obs and two Arctic Skuas also passed there. 2 Willow Warblers were in the trees at the west end of Crook Ness by the car park.2 juvenile Stonechats were at Cromer Point and a Red Kite flew north west over Crossgates. 4 Northern Wheatears were at Lilla Cross and a Kingfisher was at Scalby Beck. A male Sparrowhawk was calling and circling for a while over Flower Garth area. Wykeham East Lake hosted one Ruff, one Common Sandpiper, one Dunlin, one Lapwing, 3 Redshank, a Little Egret and a juvenile Mediterranean Gull.

Ruddy Turnstone (Summer Plumage) by Paul Tozer.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Sunday 7th August

 A Hobby was hunting over Wrench Green this morning, a Green Sandpiper was at Northstile Pool and two Spotted Flycatchers were nearby. Two Common Sandpipers were at Peasholm Park Lake and a Greenshank was still at Johnson's Marsh. An immature male Marsh Harrier was hunting over fields near Seamer Tip Pools. The Turtle Dove was still around the first horse paddock on Rocks Lane, Burniston and the first returning Northern Wheatear was in the second horse paddock along Rocks Lane. 40 Golden Plover, two Ringed Plover, two Whimbrel and a Mediterranean Gull flew past Long Nab Obs this morning.

Curlew with crab supper by Simon Temlett.

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Saturday 6th August

 A Turtle Dove was in the horse paddocks by the cottages in Rocks Lane tis morning. 638 Kittiwakes and an Arctic Skua flew north past Long Nab Obs and a Greenshank was again at Johnson's Marsh. A juvenile Hobby was on overhead wires along the north side of Wykeham East Lake and the long staying Whooper Swan was at Seamer Road Mere.

Black-headed Gull by Mark Hepples.

Friday, 5 August 2022

Friday 5th August

 A Greenshank was again at Johnson's Marsh this morning and a Honey Buzzard was seen to the west of Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. A Cory's Shearwater flew north past Long Nab Obs about 500 metres from the shore just after 0900hrs. Also north past there were two Velvet Scoter, seven  Shelduck (five south), a Wigeon, 950 Kittiwakes and two Arctic Skuas passed south.

Willow Warbler by Steven Beaver.

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Thursday 4th August

 Two male Tawny Owls were calling in Burniston at 0430hrs and a cream crowned Marsh Harrier was at Wykeham East Lake. The Greenshank was again at Johnson's Marsh along with five Grey Herons and a juvenile Black-headed Gull. A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew north at Long Nab this morning and three Mediterranean Gulls (two south and one north) also passed there. A moulting Eider was in Burniston Bay. Two juvenile Cuckoos were at Lebberston Cliff where 416 Swallows, 41 Sand Martins and 27 House Martins went past, mostly north. A Dipper was on the river at Wrench Green this afternoon. Bottle Nosed Dolphins were evident today with five plus White- beaked Dolphins and 6 Bottle-nosed Dolphins south past Long Nab and a further two Bottle-nosed Dolphins feeding offshore off Lebberston Cliff.

Cream crowned Marsh Harrier by Terry Hobson.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Wednesday 3rd August

 The Greenshank was again present at Johnson's Marsh this morning along with a Little Egret, four Grey Heron and a Black-headed Gull. 585 Swallows flew south past Long Nab Obs between 0600hrs and 1215hrs and a juvenile Cuckoo was at Lebberston Cliff for its second day. 10 Black-tailed Godwit were on the silt part of Wykeham East Lake along with a juvenile Mediterranean Gull, juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, single juvenile Great Black-backed Gull and six Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Two Great crested Grebes and 30 Tufted Ducks were on the main Wykeham East Lake and a Hobby flew over Hackness village. Last but not least, the long staying Whooper Swan was again at Seamer Road Mere.

Dipper by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Tuesday 2nd August

 11 Black-tailed Godwits and 317 Common Swifts flew south past Long Nab Obs this morning and a Common Sandpiper was in Burniston Bay. A pair of Sedge Warblers were nesting in Pipe Gully, 200 metres south of Crook Ness and a Yellow Wagtail was feeding young at Long Nab. Between 0550hrs and 0930hrs, the 11 Black-tailed Godwits continued south past Marine Dive this morning along with 44 Sanderling, 12 Dunlin, 23 Knot and a Common Tern. 239 Common Scoter passed north past there and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was again present. A Hobby was over Wrench Green this evening.

Black-headed Gull by Martin Moseley.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Monday 1st August

 The Greenshank was again at Johnson's Marsh this morning and a Balearic Shearwater, which was seen flying north past Redcliff at 0844hrs, was seen continuing north past Long Nab Obs at 0926hrs. Two juvenile Caspian Gulls flew south past South Cliff this morning, one at 0744hrs and the other at 0853hrs having been investigating the activity at a fishing boat. A Black-tailed Godwit also flew south there and two Arctic Skuas flew north. A Green Sandpiper and three Grey Wagtails were at Northstile Pool, Wrench Green this morning and a Quail was nearby. A Red Kite flew south at Long Nab at 1145hrs and a cream crowned Marsh Harrier was seen briefly over Cloughton Wyke before heading off south east. Six Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Wykeham East Lake and in the Dalby/Haygate area, there was a family group of four Spotted Flycatchers, four Common Crossbills, three Nuthatches and a Willow Tit. Highlights past Long Nab Obs included a Great crested Grebe and Mediterranean Gull north and 230 Oystercatchers and 26 Whimbrel south. A Green WoodpeckerSpotted Flycatcher and numerous Siskins were at May Beck.

Greenshank by Terry Hobson.