Friday, 27 May 2016

Thursday 26th May 2016

The beginning of the easterly winds brought with it thick fog which made searching for migrants difficult.
Still, with poor visibility and minimal observer coverage a female Red-backed Shrike was found on the Castle Tops – other migrants on Castle Hill included a Spotted Flycatcher.
A second Red-backed Shrike, also a female, was found along Rocks Lane, Long Nab during the evening. Two Whimbrel also flew north at Long Nab.
Elsewhere 4 Greenshank were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access).

Red-backed Shrike - Castle Tops - Steve Wignill. Showing just how foggy it was!!

Red-backed Shrike - Rocks Lane, Long Nab - Nick Addey

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th May 2016

Another quiet few days.
The 23rd produced a drake Mandarin on Wykeham South Lake, a Reed Warbler was singing at Seamer Tip and a Little Grebe was on Johnson’s Marsh.
The first juvenile Great Crested Grebe was seen on Burton Riggs and flocks of Starlings at Taylor Way (80) and Scalby Lodge (70) were made up of a high percentage of juveniles.

The 24th was a completely blank day with no reports however seen on the 24th were….
Migration watch; 06.25 – 11.20hrs and 18.1 – 19.10hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 2 Wigeon, 7 Common Scoter, 2 Red-throated Diver south, 193 Fulmar, 72 Manx Shearwater, 211 Gannet + 308 south, 1 Cormorant + 1 south, 1 Ringed Plover, 17 Dunlin, 581 Kittiwake, 1 Common Gull, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Sandwich Tern + 3 south, 3 Arctic Skua, 1293 Auk sp + 139 south and 47 Puffin + 1 south.
Nine young Shelduck remained on Scalby Lodge Pond where there were also 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Sunday 22nd May 2016

Migration watch; 06.30 – 11.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Oystercatcher + 8 north, 14 Black-headed Gull + 6 north, 1 Common Gull north, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull north, 74 Sandwich Tern, 8 Swift + 28 north, 1 Kestrel, 1 Jackdaw, 3 Carrion Crow + 4 north, 3 Sand Martin + 2 north, 48 Swallow, 11 House Martin, 6 Starling, 48 Linnet and 5 Goldfinch.
New in at Long Nab were 2 Wheatear and a Chiffchaff. Elsewhere a Short-eared owl and a Spotted Flycatcher were at Ravenscar, a Dunlin was on Scalby Lodge and at Wykeham South Lake the GREAT EGRET once again appeared, circling the lake before heading off west at 09.20hrs. Also there were 2 Egyptian Geese and a Whimbrel.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Friday 20th - Saturday 21st May 2016

A quiet few days. Highlights on the 20th were…

Migration watch; 18.20 – 19.20hrs.
On the move south were 1 Red-throated Diver, 11 Swallow and 8 Linnet.
A Short-eared Owl was in hunting along Rocks Lane, Long Nab and a Common Sandpiper was seen off Crook Ness.
Elsewhere 5 Turtle Dove were at Malton Cote, 2 male Shoveler, 9 Tufted Duck and 2 Egyptian Geese were at Wykeham South Lake and 2 Dunlin were on Scalby Lodge Pond.

The 21st produced the following…
Migration watch; 05.35 – 10.45hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 1 Red-throated Diver north, 1 Great Northern Diver north, 18 Fulmar + 12 north, 1 Cormorant, 2 Oystercatcher + 3 north, 1 Black-headed Gull, 3 Common Gull + 4 north, 18 Great Black-backed Gull + 1 north, 7 Lesser Black-backed Gull + 1 north, 72 Sandwich Tern + 2 north, 2 Puffin, 1 Kestrel, 6 Sand Martin, 49 Swallow, 8 House Martin, 7 Starling, 9 Linnet and 2 Goldfinch.
A Wood Sandpiper was on Scalby Lodge Pond before leaving north at 10.00hrs, a Cuckoo was at Helwath Beck and a Snipe was displaying over Jugger Howe.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Thursday 19th May 2016

A generally quiet day, at least it was until a Spoonbill found on Johnson’s Marsh at 18.43hrs sparked a little twitch. Unfortunately it didn’t stay long, it headed of southwest at 19.02hrs. A nice addition to the year list and the 200th species recorded in Scarborough this year.
Elsewhere a Turtle Dove, a Cuckoo, a Redstart and 4 singing Garden Warbler were noted at Low North Camp, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, a Cuckoo and 4 singing Redstart were in Castle Beck Wood, the Mandarin with 6 ducklings were on Harwood Dale Lake, 2 Common Tern and 2 Egyptian Geese were on Wykeham South Lake, a Corn Bunting was singing on Willerby and 4 Swallow were noted heading south along the coast.

Spoonbill - Johnson's Marsh - Terry Hobson

Spoonbill - Johnson's Marsh - Terry Hobson

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Wednesday 18th May 2016

Migration watch; 07.50 – 13.20hrs and 19.00 – 20.00hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Shelduck, 1 Wigeon, 1 Diver sp, 2 Curlew south, 5 Black-headed Gull south, 4 Common Gull + 2 south, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull +2 south, 3 Sandwich Tern + 186 south, 2 Puffin, 4 Swift south, 4 Carrion Crow, 3 Sand Martin south, 59 Swallow south, 18 House Martin south and 4 Linnet south.
There were now 3 Sedge Warblers were singing along the cliffs north of Scalby Lodge Pond and a Willow Warbler arrived in at Trough Gully. A Common Sandpiper was at Scalby Mills, 9 juvenile Shelduck were on Scalby Lodge Pond and 6 Mandarin ducklings were on Harwood Dale Lake.

Tuesday 17th May 2016

Migration watch; 06.35 – 11.25hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Fulmar north, 2 Gannet + 23 north, 1 Canada Goose north, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Whimbrel north, 2 Sandwich Tern + 2 north, 7 Black-headed Gull, 154 Swallow, 8 House Martin, 1 Sand Martin, 6 Jackdaw and 2 Linnet + 2 south.
Elsewhere a Wheatear was just north of Scalby Lodge Pond, two singing Sedge Warbler were along the cliffs north of there. A Redshank was on Scalby Lodge Pond, a female Marsh Harrier was at Burn Howe at 10.30hrs.
In a watch from Silpho 13 Buzzard, 2 Peregrine and 2 Goshawk were noted.

Monday 16th May 2016

Migration watch; 08.00 – 15.00hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 3 Common Scoter, 1 Osprey at 10.40hrs, 2 Buzzard south, 3 Whimbrel, 1 Curlew, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 6 Sandwich Tern, 1 Arctic Skua at 10.05hrs, the first of the year, 1 Stock Dove south, 3 Swift, 1 Peregrine, 14 Carrion Crow, 66 Swallow south, 2 Greenfinch south, 11 Linnet + 18 south, 3 Goldfinch south.
In the Long Nab area there were 42 Whitethroat, 1 Whinchat and 1 Wheatear.
Five Eider, including 3 drakes, were a surprise on Wykeham South Lake, first found at 08.30hrs they remained all day.
Elsewhere a Hobby was seen at Taylor Way, a single Turtle Dove was at Malton Cote while 4 were noted at Haw Dale.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Sunday 15th May 2016

Migration watch; 06.25 – 11.50hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Greylag Goose, 3 Goosander, 89 Fulmar +2 south, 12 Manx Shearwater, 1 Shag south, 1 Cormorant + 6 north, 8 Oystercatcher, 1 Whimbrel + 3 south, 1 Dunlin, 649 Kittiwake, 1 Black-headed Gull, 14 Common Gull + 3 south, 33 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 30 Sandwich Tern + 7 south, 3 Common Tern, 1454 Auk sp, 8 Puffin, 7 Carrion Crow + 6 south, 1 Sand Martin south, 39 Swallow south, 1 Flava south and 8 Linnet south.
News in migrants at Long Nab were a Chiffchaff, 2 Wheatear and a Ring Ouzel.
The GREAT EGRET was seen again at Wykeham South Lake dropping onto Causeway Lake.
Elsewhere a Goldeneye and a Common Sandpiper were at Burton Riggs, a Little Ringed Plover was on Star Carr with another on the flood by Straits Lane.
The first Nightjar of the year was heard in Harwood Dale Forest during the evening.

Saturday 14th May 2016

Migration watch; 16.10 – 17.20hrs.
Yet another addition to the year list was discovered today with a female Red-backed Shrike at Ravenscar, the first since 2014.
Elsewhere 15 Arctic Tern flew east at Burton Riggs, also in the Ravenscar area were Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler and Green Woodpecker. At Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) there were 5 Greenshank, a Grey Plover and a Black-tailed Godwit and a Hobby, 3 Spotted Flycatcher and a pair of Mandarin were at Troutsdale.
Moving north at Long Nab were single Manx Shearwater and 5 Sandwich Tern.

Red-backed Shrike - Ravenscar - Nick Addey

Red-backed Shrike - Ravenscar - Nick Addey

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Friday 13th May 2016

A GREAT EGRET seen at Wykeham South Lake and nearby Causeway Lake before heading off northwest was the highlight of the day – only the 7th Scarborough record, though with three records in the last three years it seems this species will be occurring more regularly.
There was again plenty of wader action on the flood by Straits Lane with a fairly high turnover of birds, recorded throughout the day were 1 Greenshank, 10 Redshank, 4 Dunlin, 2 Little Ringed Plover and 31 Ringed Plover, a Whimbrel flew north over Wykeham South Lake while present there were 2 Pink-footed Geese, a Common Sandpiper, 520 Sand Martin and 40 House Martin.
On Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) there was a Grey Plover, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Ringed Plover and a Greenshank.

Thursday 12th May 2016

Migration watch; 18.55 – 20.15hrs.
Yesterday’s Wood Sandpiper remained on Johnson’s Marsh with a second found nearby on the small Scalby Lodge Pond.
Elsewhere a Black-tailed Godwit, 7 Greenshank, a Wood Sandpiper and 2 Ringed Plover were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access), 2 Common Sandpiper were on Burton Riggs, a pair of Gadwall were on Star Carr and a Shelduck flew east over Crossgates.
Passing north at Long Nab were 6 Fulmar, 1 Manx Shearwater, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull and 23 Sandwich Tern.
Up to 30 Common Gull were in the area.

Greenshank - Potter Brompton Carr - Chris Bradshaw

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Wednesday 11th May 2016

Migration watch; 06.30 – 11.30hrs and 15.00 – 17.15hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 6 Shelduck south,8 Common Scoter + 6 south, 1 Red-throated Diver, 25 Fulmar + 5 south, 2 Manx Shearwater, 3 Cormorant + 1 south, 1 Sparrowhawk south, 1 Buzzard, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Dunlin, 642 Kittiwake, 10 Common Gull + 7 south, 6 Great Black-backed Gull + 1 south, 6 Sandwich Tern + 35 south, 201 Auk sp + 448 south, 8 Carrion Crow + 14 south, 29 Swallow south, 1 Flava south and 6 Linnet + 2 south.
Migrants in the Long Nab area included 2 Wheatear and a Willow Warbler while further south 2 Whinchat and a Wheatear were near Scalby Lodge Pond where the Grey Plover was seen again.
Elsewhere a Wood Sandpiper, a Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Greenshank were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) where 5 Arctic Tern flew east.
A further 37 Arctic Tern flew east/northeast through Wykeham South Lake in 3 flocks (10, 16 and 11), 3 Black-tailed Godwit flew north there at 09.16hrs and 12 Redshank flew northeast while on the Lake were 3 Sanderling, a Greenshank and 3 Pink-footed Geese. Yesterday’s Osprey was seen again there at 09.58hrs and 10.55hrs and a Marsh Harrier was seen nearby at 09.00hrs.
Near Straits Lane a Turtle Dove was seen while on the flood there were 13 Redshank, 1 Ringed and 1 Little Ringed Plover.
A Wood Sandpiper was found on Johnson’s Marsh in the evening.

Black-tailed Godwit - Potter Brompton Carr - Chris Bradshaw

Greenshank - Potter Brompton Carr - Chris Bradshaw

Arctic Tern - Wykeham South Lake - Chris Bradshaw

Turtle Dove - Straits Lane - Michael McNaghten

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Tuesday 10th May 2016

Migration watch; 10.30 – 13.20hrs and 18.10 – 21.00hrs.
The highlight of the day was the discovery of Scarborough’s fourth ORTOLAN in Crook Ness at a little after 10.30hrs. It remained there until 10.44hrs when it flew off north. Despite searching it wasn’t re-found.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2 Sandwich Tern, 1 Carrion Crow and 18 Swallow south.
A Whimbrel and a Common Sandpiper were both present at Long Nab but there was no other evidence of newly arrived migrants there.
A Wheatear was at Cromer Point, 2 Grey Plover were on the flood north of Cromer Point Pond while another was on Scalby Lodge Pond. The Stone Curlew wasn’t seen but out on Star Carr/Seamer Mead were 2 Wheatear, a Greenshank and a Little Egret and on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) were 8 Greenshank, a Wood Sandpiper and a Black-tailed Godwit.

Ortolan Bunting - Crook Ness - Michael McNaghten

Ortolan Bunting - Crook Ness - Michael McNaghten

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Monday 9th May 2016

Migration watch; 18.20 – 19.55hrs.
The STONE CURLEW wasn’t seen during the morning despite searching but it did appear late evening and proved to be more mobile than it had been previously.
The Wood Sandpiper was still present on Star Carr as were 7 Wheatear, a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper, 8 Whimbrel and 2 Dunlin.
An Osprey was found at Wykeham South Lake at 13.40hrs where it remained for a short while after catching a fish. Through there were 18 Arctic Tern at 08.13hrs, 14 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 44 Redshank (24 were later on the flood at Straits Lane with a Whimbrel), 1 Dunlin, 1 Wood Sandpiper and 1 Ringed Plover while present there were 11 Greenshank, a Barnacle Goose, 4 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Common Sandpiper a Redshank and a Garden Warbler.
At Seamer Tip there were 2 Pink-footed Geese, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Cuckoo and 2 Reed Warbler, a Little Ringed Plover and a Dunlin were on Scalby Lodge Pond.
Other Spotted Flycatchers were seen at Crossgates and back on breeding grounds at Low Dales, a male Whinchat was at Cromer Point Pond, a Grey Plover was in Cornelian Bay and 2 Turtle Dover were in Harwood Dale Lake.
Past Long Nab in the evening (north unless stated) were 9 Common Gull, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 20 Sandwich Tern, 2 Arctic Tern, 1 Kestrel and 4 Swallow south.
A Wheatear was also present there.

Stone Curlew - Seamer Mead - John Harwood

Whinchat - Cromer Point Pond - Nick Addey

Sunday 8th May 2016

The STONE CURLEW was again seen on Seamer Mead and Star Carr during the morning up until 08.55hrs after which it wasn’t seen again.
In the Star Carr/Seamer Mead area were 8 Wheatear, a Short-eared Owl, the first Hobby of the year, a Whimbrel, the first Wood Sandpiper of the year and a Grasshopper Warbler.
Through east at Wykeham South Lake during the day were 10 Black Tern (first of the year) at 11.27hrs, 9 Arctic Tern and the first Common Tern of the year as well as a Black-tailed Godwit north, and 2 Dunlin east, present there were 3 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Whimbrel and a Common Sandpiper.
Three Little Egret were at Ayton, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Ruff and 2 Greenshank were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) and 2 Ringed Plover were on Scalby Lodge Pond.

Wood Sandpiper - Star Carr - Chris Bell

Saturday 7th May 2016

Migration watch; 16.15 – 17.15hrs.
The STONE CURLEW once again showed up on Seamer Mead during the morning but wasn’t seen again for the rest of the day.
On the move (north unless stated) were 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Great Black-backed Gull south, 9 Sandwich Tern, 1 Kestrel south, 2 Swallow + 1 south, 1 House Martin and 1 Tree Pipit,
In the Long Nab area were 3 new Whitethroat, 2 new Chiffchaff and the first 2 Spotted Flycatcher of the year.
A Greenshank was on Scalby Lodge Pond, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit and a Common Sandpiper were in Jackson’s Bay, a Sedge Warbler was in Trough Gully, an Osprey flew north over the Shel garage in East Ayton at 12.33hrs, a Ruff and 2 Greenshank were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access), 6 Wheatear were on Seamer Mead, a Little Ringed Plover was on Taylor Way and 2 Spotted Flycatcher were at Low North Camp.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Friday 6th May 2016

Migration watch; 06.45 – 11.35hrs.
What a day!
Highlights were a 2CY PALLID HARRIER that flew north at Long Nab at 09.10hrs, the first record for Scarborough. Amazingly the same bird was seen some 25 minutes before passing northeast at Wykeham South Lake, a distance of 7.25 miles and a rate of travel of about 17 mile per hour!
The second Scarborough rarity and only the 3
rd modern day record was a STONE CURLEW seen flying round calling over fields on Seamer Mead at 09.30hrs, unfortunately despite searching the area later in the day it wasn’t relocated, however seen there during the day were 21 Whimbrel, a Short-eared Owl, a Little Egret, 2 Wheatear, 6 Sedge Warbler and a Grasshopper Warbler.
Also on the move at Long Nab (south unless stated) were 2 Shelduck, 1 Red-throated Diver north, 1 Shag north, 4 Ringed Plover north, 1 Little Ringed Plover north, 3 Great Black-backed Gull north, 3 Lesser Black-backed Gull + 1 north, 29 Sandwich Tern + 3 north, 3 Swift, 9 Sand Martin, 111 Swallow, 13 House Martin, 1 Flava + 1 north, 17 Linnet and 7 Goldfinch.
At Wykeham South Lake there were 8 Pochard, 2 Gadwall and a Wheatear.

Pallid Harrier - Wykeham South Lake - Terry Hobson

Pallid Harrier - Wykeham South Lake - Terry Hobson

Pallid Harrier over Cloughton Bay north of Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Pallid Harrier again crossing to Cloughton from Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Thursday 5th May 2016

Migration watch; 07.15 – 12.15hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Greylag Geese, 1 Cormorant + 4 north, 2 Marsh Harriers, a male at 09.20hrs and a female at 11.55hrs, 1 Whimbrel north, 2 Black-headed Gull, 15 Swift, 14 Carrion Crow north, 34 Sand Martin, 66 Swallow, 28 House Martin, 10 Flava + 2 north, 1 Tree Pipit north, 69 Linnet, 23 Goldfinch and 1 Siskin.
In the Long Nab area were 1 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Redstart and 2 Wheatear.
Elsewhere 2 Dunlin were near Cromer Point, Common Sandpipers were at Harwood Dale Lake and on Rudda Road Flash, a Cuckoo was at Harwood Dale, 2 Mandarin, 2 Garden Warbler and a Redstart were in Forge Valley and more Swifts arrived with a minimum of 30 over Old Town.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Wednesday 4th May 2016

Migration watch; 07.05 – 14.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 3 Greylag Geese north, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Black-headed Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 23 Sandwich Tern + 4 north, 2 Swift, 6 Carrion Crow north, 203 Sand Martin, 158 Swallow + 3 north, 62 House Martin, 30 Flava, 124 Linnet and 34 Goldfinch.
A Short-eared Owl arrived in off the sea, a singing Blackcap was new in Hundale as was a Willow Warbler and 9 Whitethroat and 2 Wheatear were also seen.
On Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) there was the first Garden Warbler of the year, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Little Ringed Plover, a Whimbrel, a Snipe, 5 Reed Warbler and 3 Wigeon, an Osprey flew north over Castle Hill at 15.40hrs, 23 Whimbrel and a 2CY Mediterranean Gull were in Cornelian Bay and good numbers of Swifts arrived throughout the area including double figures over Old Town.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Tuesday 3rd May 2016

Migration watch; 07.45 – 11.45hrs and 18.15 – 19.35hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Goosander south, 1 Sparrowhawk south, 1 Kestrel, 1 Marsh Harrier at 08.28hrs, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1 Sandwich Tern, 4 Swift, 9 Sand Martin + 51 south, 3 Swallow + 38 south, 2 House Martin + 9 south, 1 Flava + 1 north, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Linnet + 60 south and 1 Goldfinch + 80 south.
In the Long Nab area migrants included 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 7 Whitethroat and 2 Wheatear.
Between Long Nab and Scalby Nab were 9 Whitethroat, 1 Sedge Warbler (Style Gully), 1 Blackcap (Style Gully) and 1 Willow Warbler (Cromer Point).
A Common Sandpiper was on Wykeham South Lake.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Monday 2nd May 2016

Migration watch; 06.45 – 12.55hrs and 15.05 – 17.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 1 Greylag Goose, 1 Eider north, 1 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 23 Fulmar + 5 north, 1 Grey Heron, 4 Cormorant, 1 Osprey north at 15.55hrs, 4 Oystercatcher north, 1 Golden Plover north, 6 Whimbrel north, 1 Dunlin north, 9 Black-headed Gull, 9 Common Gull + 4 north, 26 Great Black-backed Gull + 2 north, 1 4th CY Iceland Gull north at 16.46hrs, 13 Lesser Black-backed Gull + 3 north, 266 Sandwich Tern + 8 north, 4 Swift, 8 Carrion Crow, 10 Sand Martin, 35 Swallow + 6 north, 4 House Martin + 1 north, 1 Wheatear in off and northwest, 6 Flava, 2 Alba, 29 Linnet + 5 north and 10 Goldfinch + 1 north.
Migrants in the Long Nab area included a Ring Ouzel that left high north west, 1 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat and 18 Wheatear.
Elsewhere a Marsh Harrier flew north over Cayton Carr at 11.20hrs, the first Turtle Dove of the year was at Staintondale, 2 Tree Pipit were singing by Causeway Lake and Wykeham, a Common Sandpiper, a Wheatear and 6 Siskin were at Cloughton Wyke and a Swift was seen over Old Town.

Greenland Wheatear - Long Nab - Chris Bell

Sunday 1st May 2016

Migration watch; 06.25 – 10.35hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Greylag Geese + 1 north, 4 Shelduck north, 3 Common Scoter, 1 Red-breasted Merganser, 14 Fulmar north, 1 Grey Heron north, 30 Gannet + 43 north, 2 Cormorant + 11 north, 1 Buzzard, 2 Black-headed Gull north, 1 Common Gull + 8 north, 2 Great Black-backed Gull + 1 north, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull + 2 north, 13 Sandwich Tern + 1 north, 280 Auk sp + 1105 north, 39 Carrion Crow north, 1 Tree Pipit north, 5 Meadow Pipit north, 20 Sand Martin + 2 north, 11 Swallow + 7 north, 8 House Martin, 2 Starling north, 1 Wheatear in off and northwest, 2 Flava + 2 north, 2 Alba, 147 Linnet + 25 north and 19 Goldfinch + 1 north.
New in migrants at Long Nab included 4 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 5 Whitethroat and 1 Wheatear.
At Wykeham South Lake there were 3 Swift, singles of Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Knot and Yellow Wagtail, 6 Whitethroat were in song and a Cuckoo was heard near Darrell’s Low Farm.
A Common Sandpiper was on Burton Riggs, a Little Ringed Plover was on Harwood Dale Lake, a Cuckoo flew in off the sea at Knipe Point and at Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) were the first 2 Reed Warbler of the year, 8 Sedge Warbler, 5 Whimbrel and a Cuckoo.

Saturday 30th April 2016

The first Greenshank of the year was on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) where there was also a Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Ringed Plover, a Little Ringed Plover and 6 Whimbrel.
Wykeham South Lake produced a single Knot along with 2 Common Sandpiper while a Tree Pipit was nearby.

Friday 29th April 2016

Migration watch; 17.50 – 18.50hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Fulmar + 5 south, 2 Gannet south, 1 Cormorant south, 16 Sandwich Tern and 2 Carrion Crow.
Elsewhere the only other sightings in rather poor weather were single Swifts over Crossgates and Peasholm.