Thursday, 31 March 2022

Thursday 31st March

Reports today were, a Red Kite at East Ayton going west, 4 Redwing were briefly at Heron Lane, 2 Jays and a Gooseander at Sweetbecks, with a male and female Shoveler Duck on Taylor Way pond. A Manx Shearwater was of note passing north at Long Nab and a female Black Redstart was located behind the Marine Drive Wall near the Builders Yard, south of the Skate Park. A Kingfisher was seen at Brompton Butts.
Photograph by Steve Wignill

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Wednesday 30th March

A Green Sandpiper was at Thornton Carrs. A "redhead" Goosander at Burton Riggs. Wykeham East Lake held 4 Goldeneye, Curlew, 3 Oystercatchers, a Common Snipe and 6 Lbb Gulls. At Dalby/Haygate 7 Brambling, 70 Redwing, 9 Crossbills. The Whooper Swan was with Greylag Geese again at Salt Pans Road, Cloughton. At nearby Cloughton Pond: 2 Little Grebes, 2 Tufted Duck, and a Coot. Six Pink-footed Geese were in Troutsdale, a pair of Willow Tits at Hilla Green bridge plus a pair of Mandarin.
Sparrowhawk by Stuart Baines

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Tuesday 29th March

Not for the first time in recent years, a grey female type Black Redstart was found in the Melrose Street area and also frequented the Council Yard. A Red-necked Grebe was reported off Hundale Point. At lease two Common Scoters were at Wykeham Lakes and two flew out to sea ENE in the fog at Long Nab. Pairs of Northern Shovelers were at Scalby Mills and Seamer Road Mere. Four Goldeneye were hanging on at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park). A Jack Snipe was at Cornelain and a single first summer Mediterranean Gull and a single Dunlin were off Holbeck and in South Bay respectively. 32 Purple Sandpipers roosted at the Harbour and a Great Northern Diver was seen in South Bay,Two Shelducks were on flood water north of Metes Lane, Seamer and a Common Buzzard asserted its authority over an intruding Peregrine. Four Corn Buntings were seen at Star Carr with three Yellowhammers, 20 Linnets and a few Goldfinches.
Photo by Paul James.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Monday 28th March

An Avocet was found this afternoon at Wykeham East Lake and, despite being spooked briefly by a Peregrine and flying off, it subsequently returned. A female Common Scoter was on Wykeham South Lake (Water Park). A Great Northern Diver was in North Bay and a redhead Goosander was at Burton Riggs. Three Bramblings moved south past South Cliff this morning.
Photo by Nick Addey.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Sunday 27th March.

A flock of 36 Redwings was found roosting in Sweetbecks Plantation, Burton Riggs this morning and a singing Blackcap, six Chiffchaffs and a Woodcock were at The Mount. Six Common Buzzards were noted over Hutton Buscel and a Willow Tit, three Brambling and a Siskin were seen at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. A Red Kite seen just west of Scalby Lodge Farm was seen to drift south west and the same bird, or another, was later seen flying south over a Gristhorpe garden. A Tawny Owl was found roosting in a leylandii in a West Ayton garden. Waders at Scalby Mills/Jackson's Bay consisted of 22 Oystercatchers, 8 Purple Sandpipers, 26 Turnstones, 15 Redshanks along with 40 Eurasian Wigeon.A Red Kite near Sherburn plus two at Scampston Park.
Photo by Mark Hepples.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Saturday 26th March

Much of the activity today concerned the mating Peregrines on Castle headland and an increase to approximately 200 Kittiwakes rafting off Marine Drive with some returning to nest sites on the cliffs and within the town. A Whooper Swan was reported near Scalby Lodge Pond and a Raven was seen at Ravenscar. A Jay was noted at Helwarth Road, Harwood Dale. At Wykeham Lakes this afternoon, there were three Egyptian Geese, four Gadwall, eight Northern Shoveler, seven Eurasian Teal, one Goosander, one Shelduck, 37 Coot, one Snipe, 16 Chiffchaff and a Fieldfare.
Photo by Paul Tozer.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Friday 25th March

Two Woodcocks were flushed from woods below Harlands Mount, Oliver's Mount this morning. Two drake Eider flew north past Marine Drive and three Eider flew south there. 105 Kittiwakes were rafting off that location. Two White Wagtails were in the sheep field at Gristhorpe Cliff, a Sandwich Tern flew north there and a Short-eared Owl hunted the cliff side there with a pair of Stonechats and two Chiffchaffs nearby. Two Ravens flew south high over Crossgates and a Jack Snipe was at Long Nab scrape this afternoon. Three female Common Scoter, and nine Goldeneye at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park).
Photo by Tony Collinson.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Thursday 24th March

A male Wheatear, 2 White Wagtails and a Snow Bunting at Long Nab. A drake Common Scoter was discovered on Wykeham South Lake ( Water Park ), where other notable sightings from the lakes collectively included 15 Goldeneye, a female Northern Pintail, four Oystercatcher, seven Northern Shoveler, three Shelduck, 20 plus Reed Buntings and Kingfisher. A Great Northern Diver and single Common Scoter were in South Bay and three Mediterranean Gulls, two first summer and one second summer remained off Holbeck. A female Goosander was at Troutsdale and a Shelduck frequented a small pond south of Seamer Tip pool. A female Peregrine was noted at Burniston Cliffs and Scalby Mills hosted a Dipper. Two Shelduck, three Teal and three Moorhen were at Scalby Lodge Pond with 14 Curlew nearby. The early morning high tide wader roost at Gristhorpe Bay (0630 hrs- 0730hrs), revealed 154 Curlew, 114 Redshank, 83 Oystercatcher, four Purple Sandpiper and two Turnstone. A Northern Wheatea was also noted there. Many migrating Redwings were heard during the evening passing over the town and Middle Deepdale and a Coot was noted over the latter site.
. Photo by Terry Hobson.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Wednesday 23rd March

A female Marsh Harrier came in off the sea from the north east at Long Nab, circled around and then flew back out to sea in a southerly direction. Two Shelducks also flew south there. The Whooper Swan remained at Saltpans Road, Cloughton. A redhead Goosander, a pair of Mandarin Duck, a pair of Dippers and two Lapwings were at Wrench Green. A Raven was seen over Jugger Howe Moor and 150 Kittiwakes were rafting off Marine Drive with 12 back on The Spa bridge. A Red Kite circled over Heron Lane Crossgates this afternoon. Highlights taken from reports from Wykeham Lakes included two Northern Pintail, 10 Goldeneye, five Oystercatchers, Tawny Owl and 12 Chiffchaffs amongst more common species.
Photo by Terry Crook.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22nd March

Further signs of spring movement was evident today with 169 Chaffinches and 64 Siskins flying south at South Cliff this morning. Chiffchaffs were, once again, reported widely in private gardens along with multiple counts of eight in Dalby Forest and three at Cockmoor Hall, Snainton. Two Little Egrets were in fields below Brompton and a redheaed Goosander was present at Burton Riggs. Three Buzzards were reported over Hutton Buscel and four over Pickering and a single over Herons Pond. The Whooper Swan was still present on Saltpans Road, Cloughton and 70 Kittiwakes wwere rafting off Marine Drive. A Green Woodpecker was present near the Visitor Centre, Dalby where further evidence of Siskin movement was noted together with Brambling and a few Crossbills. A Jay flew over a Pickering garden.
Photo by Christopher Bell.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Monday 21st March

A Red Kite drifted SW over Olivers Mount this morning and there was evidence of Siskin movementwith 186 flying south at South Cliff and 18 North and and six on a bird feeder on Heron Lane, Crossgates.The Whooper Swan remained on Saltpans Road, Cloughton with two Little Owls nearby and a Peregrine at Cloughton Wyke. A Goosander was the highlight at Harwood Dale Lake and two Dippers, a Grey Wagtail and three Mandarin Ducks were at Troutsdale bridge. Two pairs of Tufted Duck, a pair of Little Grebe and a single Oystercatcher were at Brompton Ponds. A collective count at Wykeham Lakes today included 11 Goldeneye, two Oystercatchers, three Nortthern Shoveler, at least eight Chiffchaff, 540 Common Gulls, 80 Black headed Gulls, six Lesser Black backed Gulls and 70 Herring Gulls. An unconfirmed report of an early Common Whitethroat at Scarborough Bowls Club was received today.
Photo by Joe Bamfield.

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Sunday 20th March

The Whooper Swan remained on the standing water on Saltpans Road, Cloughton along with two Tufted Duck and a Moorhen. Two Little Owls were nearby and a male Stonechat was at Cloughton Wyke. Three Chiffchaffs were noted between Burniston and Cloughton. At least three Northern Goshawks and eight Common Buzzaeds were seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. An immature Great Northern Diver was again in the Harbour along with 45 Purple Sandpipers and 26 Turnstones.Singles of Dipper and Grey Wagtail were noted in Troutsdale and seven Crossbills and a singing Willow Tit were noted at Crosscliff, Dalby Forest.
Photo by Paul Tozer.

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Saturday 19th March

13 Chiffchaffs and 13 Goldeneye were counted at Wykeham Lakes in addition to a single Pink footed Goose, five Reed Buntings and two Siskins. Four Gadwall, 43 Tufted Duck, 2 Goldeneye, six Little Grebe, a Water Rail and five Chiffchaff were at Seamer Road Mere, two Goosanders were logged south at Long Nab and 32 Purple Sandpipers were on the Harbour rock armour. Chiffchaffs, which are now well established,were also noted at Scarborough Bowls Club and two were at Ravenscar. A Whooper Swan was again noted at Salt Pans Road near Cloughton for its third day.
Photo by Simon Temlett.

Friday, 18 March 2022

Friday 18th March

A pair of Shelduck and a Little Grebe were on Johnson's Marsh and a Water Rail was again seen at The Open Air Theatre. 50 Kittiwakes were rafting off Marine Drive and four Crossbills noted at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. Four Mandarin Ducks were at Hackness Lake and 2 Oystercatchers and six Lapwings were at Harwood Dale Lake. Four Chiffchaffs, one Grey Partridge, one Goldeneye, one Redshank, two Oystercatchers and a Common Buzzard were at Wykeham East Lake. An unidentied Tundra Swan was on Cloughton Pond and a Goshawk and a number of Siskins were near Standing Stone Rigg. Three Barn Owls were hunting at Wrench Green. A Short-eared Owl, Barn Owl, two Little Egrets and 25 Fieldfare were atSeamer Tip/Star Carr and a Tawny Owl was calling at East Ayton.
Photo by John Huntley.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Thursday 17th March

A Bittern was seen early this morning flying over Flixton and Folkton Carrs apparently for the third day running. Three Crossbills flew north over South Cliff this morning and single Red Kites were seen at Ebberston Hall, Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint and Scalby Nab.Three Dunlin and five adult Lesser Black backed Gulls were at Wykeham East Lake this afternoon.
Photo by Ray Maddison.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Wednesday 16th March

On a wet and very dreary day, 15 Common Scoter flew south past Marine Drive and 18 Fulmar and a Peregrine Falcon were on Castle Cliffs. A Kingfisher was seen at The Open Air Theatre and six Chiffchaffs were noted at Burton Riggs. A Goldcrest visited a Crossgates garden and a Mistle Thrush was singing at Scalby Mills. Aprroximately 800 Wood Pigeons were in the Burniston area and a single Brambling flew west there.
Photo by Iain Leadley.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tuesday 15th March.

Highlight of the day was certainly an Avocet which flew south at South Cliff at 0730hrs this morning, along with 151 Chaffinch and a White Wagtail. A single Dark bellied Brent Goose flew north there and nine Chiffchaffs were present. Further Chiffchaffs, which are now well in, included three singing at Burton Riggs, two at Wykeham Lakes and one near Seamer Tip Pool and further singles at Castle Hill, a Hutton Buscel garden and behind the Skate Park on Marine Drive, where a male Northern Wheatear was again seen. A flock of Common Scoter was noted at 0140hrs over Burniston and five Goldeneye remained at Wykeham South Lake. Two Kittiwakes had returned to The Spa Bridge and a small raft of 17 was seen off Marine Drive. 17 Fulmars were on Castle Cliffs and approximately 100 Fieldfare were at Star Carr including a splendid looking individual with a pure white head and neck.
Photo by Paul Tozer.

Monday, 14 March 2022

Monday 14th March

A pair of Bearded Tits was seen at Wykeham South Lake this morning. The first Northern Wheatear of spring, a male, was seen behind the wall on Marine Drive near to the skate park and a Great Northern Diver was in the harbour. An Egyptian Goose went south through South Cliff along with 234 Chaffinch. 6 singing Chiffchaffs were also noted there and another was in a Hutton Buscel garden. Two Scandinavian Rock Pipits and two White Wagtails were at Long Nab fields and 5 Stonechats were also present. A second summer Mediterranean Gull and two Lesser Black backed Gulls were at Wykeham East Lake this afternoon, a Red Kite was at Hackness and a Grey Wagtail noted at Peasholm Park.
Porn photo by Joe Bamfield.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Sunday 13th March

A Great Northern Diver was again seen in the harbour and two drake Goldeneye remained at Scarborough Mere. Chiffchaffs were again much in evidence with two singing at Burton Riggs, another by the motorcycle track at Seamer Tip and one at Castle Holms. A further three were seen at Wykeham Lakes which also hosted four Oystercatchers, three Goldeneye, two Common Snipe, one Jack Snipeand one Water Rail .Two Red Kites were seen near to the A170 between Pickering and Lockton and a Stonechat was at Cloughton.
Photo by Christopher Bell.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Saturday 12th March

A Snow Bunting seen briefly around Cromer Point Pond this morning flew off north. 248 Curlews, 112 Redshanks, 33 Oystercatchers, 13 Turnstones, 5 Purple Sandpipers and a Dunlin were at the high tide roost this morning at Gristhorpe Bay. A drake Eider was in South Bay near Holbeck and two drake Goldeneye were at Scarborough Mere. 4 Northern Lapwings were on the recently ploughed field behind Long Nab Observatory and a male Peregrine was hunting the area. Chiffchaffs continued to be reported widely.
Photo by Martin Moseley.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Friday 11th March

A Great White Egret was seen over Long Causeway, Wykeham this morning, a Chiffchaff was singing in Wrench Green and a Mediterranean Gull still at Holbeck. The high tide roost at Gristhorpe Bay revealed 252 Curlew, 108 Redshank, 52 Oystercatchers, 22 Turnstones, 7 Purple Sandpiper and 4 Dunlin. 3 Little Egrets and a Chiffchaff were at Folkton Sewage Treatment Works. 42 Curlew and 100 Fieldfare were in fields to the east of Folkton and a Crossbill flew north. A further Chiffchaff was seen along the Hertford River by Stockdales and two Little Grebe were also present. Further Chiffchaffs were noted amongst other common species in song at Woodlands Drive and Chafer Wood. In the Dalby/Haygate area, singles Goshawks and Sparrowhawks were noted along with four Common Buzzards, 12 Crossbills and approximately 130 Siskins. Seven Common Scoters flew south past Marine Drive and two pairs of Stonechats were at Gristhorpe Bay.
Phot by David Swann.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Thursday 10th March

A secong Calendar Year Glaucous Gull went south at South Cliff this morning, four Stonechats were present there and a Chiffchaff followed the cliff top southwards. Chiffchaffs arrived on a broad front today with a singing bird first noted at Burton Riggs and further birds noted at Metes Lane, Seamer, Castle headland along with a Stonechat, and a West Ayton garden. 2 were seen at Wykeham East Lake where four adult Lesser Black backed Gulls were also noted and three plus were at Long Nab.Three Water Rails were seen at The Mere and a single at New Dike, Seamer Tip and 200 Fieldfares were around Star Carr.Two Dippers, Grey Wagtail, Sparrowhawk, Woodcock and a singing Willow Tit were seen at Wrench Green.Two Willow Tits were also seen at Sand Dale. Three Goshawks, approximately 14 Common Buzzards and 2 Sparrowhawks were seen at Nabgate and six Brambling were at Wilton Heights, A male Goshawk flew north west over Burniston. Nine Little Grebes were reported from The Mere and two at Burton Riggs.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Wednesday 9th March

Two Scandinavian Rock Pipits were present on the ploughed field behind Long Nab Observatory and 25 Skylarks were on the fields. Three Mediterranean Gulls and three Siskins were at Holbeck and both Brambling and Siskin were noted at Sand Dale, Dalby.
Photo by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Tuesday 8th March

Five Whooper Swans, including one juvenile, were found on Wykeham Soputh Lake (Water Park Lake) this morning and were seen to fly off high to the north late in the afternoon.11 Goldeneye and a pair of Grey Partridges were also noted there, in addition to a Chiffchaff in the north west pines. An adult Mediterranean Gull was at East Lake along with a Little Egret, a single Goldeneye and three Common Buzzards. Three Common Buzzards were seen over Wykeham and six Common Scoters were noted in North Bay.
Photo by Terry Crook.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Monday 7th March

Highlights from a watch at South Cliff were 10 Mediterranean Gulls, 21 Red Throated Divers, 34 Oystercatchers, 7 Snipe and 4 Stonechats.A Great Northern Diver remained in the harbour. 27 Curlew were present at Long Nab and a Shelduck flew south there. 5 Red Throated Divers and a single Common Scoter were present in Caytpon Bay and 2 Marsh Tits visited a nearby garden feeder. 2 Pink Footed Geese and an Egyptian Goose were at Scampston and 18 Mute Swans were grazing in a Knapton field. A Merlin was chasing Skylark prey at Seamer Tip and 200 Fiedlfares and 4 Yellowhammers were in a nearby field. A male Blackcap visited a garden feeder at The Spinney and a Chiffchaff was noted at Rocks Lane, Burniston.
Photo by Ray Maddison.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Sunday 6th March

Plenty of bird song reported today particularly Skylark, Song Thrush and Reed Bunting and evidence of early breeding success was noted with a family party of Crossbills at May Beck Plantation. A Great Northern Diver remained in the harbour along with 17 Purple Sandpipers. Two Red Breasted Mergansers and 5 Common Scoter went north at Long Nab and three Eiders went south. 23 Curlew were also present there with a further 22 around Folkton Sewage works. Six little Egrets also noted there may well have included five seen near there early in the day.A drake Eider and Little Owl were noted at Cloughton Wyke and 30 Golden Plover flew south east over Crossgates.11 Goldeneye and a Shelduck were the highlights at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park) and 16 plus Meadow pipits were noted in the fields near Johnson's Marsh.A Chiffchaff was seen briefly in a garden at The Dene, Peasholm, before leaving to the north.
Photo by Christopher Swales.

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Saturday 5th March

Three Green Sandpipers were at Thornton Carrs and single Little Egrets were at Flotmanby Carr and Thornton Dale Beck. A Great Northern Diver
remained in the harbour and a single Brambling was seen at Dalby Forest Visitor Centre. 7 Oystercatchers and 7 Goldeneye were the highlights at Wykeham Lakes. 2 Goosander and 2 Shelduck were at Harwood Dale Lake and a Redshank at the Open Air Theatre.

Friday 4th March

Male and female Blackcaps in a Burniston garden. Great Northern Diver and drake Common Scoter in South Bay.
Sparrowhawk Johnson's Marsh, Martin Moseley

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Thursday 3rd March

Two Great Northern Divers again in the harbour (+ Common Seal). A Lesser Black-backed Gull at Scalby Mills. Gulls at Mowthorpe included 2 Mediterranean amongst 300 Common and 200 Black-headed. 150 Pink-footed Geese flew NW over Burton Riggs and Seamer. A Goosander flew NE over Crossgates. 2 shelduck near Seamer tip bridge. A Woodcock on the east side of Seamer tip. 6 Corn Buntings and 200 Fieldfare at Star Carr. Water Rail Open Air Theatre. Good numbers of Gannets and Guillemots south past Long Nab this morning plus 59+ Razorbills, 8 Common Scoter and a Dunlin. At Wykeham Lakes: 277 Black-headed, 350 Common, 460 Herring, 3 Lbb Gulls at East Lake mid afternoon. 2 Shelduck, 14 Goldeneye at the Water Park. Goldeneye at Seamer Rd Mere. 4 Little Egrets nr Folkton Water Treatment. 132 Redshank at Gristhorpe Bay.
Seamer Road Mere by Terry Crook

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Wednesday 2nd March

A fresh south-easterly brought a few ducks past observers at Long Nab and South Cliff. 2 Eiders past both sites but different birds. Also 7 Common Scoter past Long Nab. At Harwood Dale Lake: 2 Shelduck, 65 Wigeon, drake Mandarin, 2 Goosanders.
Great Tit Long Causeway Rd by Phil Bennett

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Tuesday 1st March

Green Woodpecker near Heron Lane, 4 Pochard at Burton Riggs, 2 Shelduck on the small pond by Seamer Tip Railway Bridge. 1 Great Northern Diver and 10 plus Purple Sandpiper in the Harbour. 4 Male, 1 Female Stonechat and a Little Owl at Cloughton Wyke.
Blue Tit, Seamer Tip Pond by Paul Tozer.

Monday 28th February

Kingfisher, Redshank, Grey Wagtail and the usual Water Rail were noted atThe Open Air Theatre. 25 Red-throated Divers were in South Bay and 15 Common Snipe were noted at Cornelian. A Great Northern Diver remained in the vicinity of the Harbour, one was in South Bay and a third was off Marine Drive, where a single Guillemot was also noted. Photo: Mediterranean Gull at Holbeck by Mark Askew.