3 Common Buzzards and a total of 6
Goshawks were seen/ heard calling in Troutsdale, where 120+ Pink-footed Geese flew over heading north. 440 Pink-footed Geese in 4 skeins were also seen heading north between 8:00 and 9:00 this morning over Potter Brompton Carr, where there were also a
Jack Snipe, 56 Snipe, 4 Shoveler, 4 Gadwall, 130 Teal, 30 Wigeon, a Curlew, an Oystercatcher, a Water Rail and 3 Barn Owls on site. At Wykeham South Lake there were 11 Great Crested Grebes, a Little Grebe, 5 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Egyptian Geese, a Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, 16 Wigeon, 3 Shoveler, 33 Tufted Duck, 2 Pochard, 6 Goldeneye and a
Little Gull. Highlights heading north past Long Nab included 189 Pink-footed Geese, a Shelduck, 3 Common Scoter, and 11 Meadow Pipits. Once again a female Blackcap was at The Dene, and the
Hooded Crow was at Flotmanby Carr with about 15 Carrion Crows. 100 Fieldfares and 10 Meadow Pipits were in fields to the south of Seamer Tip, and a Curlew plus several pairs of displaying Lapwings were at Seamer Mead. At Seamer Road Mere there were 2 Little Grebes, a Pink-footed Goose, 23 Tufted Duck, 3 Goldeneye, 4 Goosanders and a Chiffchaff. A single Coot was on flood water at Cayton Carrs.
Full count from Long Nab here:
Goshawk with lunch - Steve Race |
Little Owl at Hutton Buscel - Melanie Pearl |