Sunday, 31 July 2022

Sunday 31st July

 A Greenshank was at Johnson's Marsh today. A juvenile/female Scaup was at Wykeham East Lake along with four Little ringed Plover, three Teal and two Great crested Grebes. Seven Scaup flew high south past Long Nab Obs at 0915hrs and amongst ten species of waders also passing there were 22 Black-tailed Godwit, 89 Knot, 36 Dunlin, six Sanderling, 27 Turnstone, 97 Redshank and six Whimbrel. A Little Egret flew west over Scalby Beck Road this evening.

Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull (centre) with a Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gulls by Nick Addey.


Saturday, 30 July 2022

Saturday 30th July

A Turtle Dove was on overhead wires  between Burniston and Cloughton and a Red Kite flying over Fields  Farm at Long Nab drifted west towards Harwood Dale. Highlights past Long Nab Obs this morning were 816 Common Scoter and three Mediterranean Gulls north and 115 Manx Shearwaters and 36 Whimbrel south. A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was off Marine Drive this morning and a Greenshank was on Johnson's Marsh. A Little Grebe, one Shoveler, 11 Mandarin Duck, 58 Lapwing and a Common Snipe were at Harwood Dale Lake. A Hobby was seen over Wrench Green and two, possibly three Hobbys, including one juvenile, were seen at Wykeham East Lake along with three Little ringed Plovers, two Oystercatchers, one Dunlin and three juvenile Lesser Black backed Gulls. A Hobby was over Burniston late afternoon.

Mandarin Ducks by Martin Moseley.

Friday, 29 July 2022

Friday 29th July

 A juvenile Caspian Gull was in Cayton Bay this morning and five Common Sandpipers were on Black Rocks. Six Redshank, six Curlew, 12 Oystercatchers, a Turnstone and two Grey Herons were at Scalby Mills. Approximately 30 apparently active Sand Martin nests were noted at the Cayton Bay colony and a Turtle Dove was at the side of the Givendale Road adjacent to Malton Cote. A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, two Little ringed Plover, a Dunlin and two Teal were at Wykeham East Lake. Highlights north past Long Nab Obs were 1,225 Common Scoter, three Scaup, a Mediterranean Gull, with a juvenile following a plough nearby at Crook Ness. Two Turtle Doves flew south there. Approximately 25 Sandwich Terns were in Jackson's Bay.

Sedge Warbler by Ray Maddison.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Thursday 28th July

 11 Teal and three juvenile Little ringed Plovers were at Wykeham East Lake this morning and two Whimbrel flew south through North Bay. A juvenile Yellow legged Gull, five Mediterranean Gulls and a Great Skua flew north past Long Nab Obs and a Great Skua, a single Mediterranean Gull and an early Goldeneye flew south. Two juvenile Stonechats were on the cliffs at Long Nab. A Goldeneye, Grey Plover and three Black tailed Godwits flew south past South Cliff. Further Whimbrels were noted south over Scalby Mills and Peasholm and one over Melrose flew north. The long staying Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Road Mere. Three Turtle Doves were at Burniston and 30 plus House Martins were feeding over the Woodlands Cemetery area.

Male Northern Wheatear by Phil Harrison.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Wednesday 27th July

 Highlights past Long Nab Obs were two Arctic Skuas and 110 Manx Shearwaters north (five south). Also south were 39 Knot, 34 Sanderling and three Turnstone. Two Sedge Warblers were at the scrape at Long Nab. Amongst a selection of birds at Johnson's Marsh were a Black headed Gull and nine Grey Heron. The pick of the bunch at Mowthorpe Bridge were two Grey Wagtails and two Common Buzzards. Kestel pairs have raised young this year at Scalby Lodge and Long Nab.

Juvenile Great spotted Woodpecker by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Tuesday 26th July

 A Balearic Shearwater flew north past Long Nab Obs at 0720hrs and was the precursor for a good seabird passage. This was confirmed later in the afternoon when a Cory's Shearwater flew north past the Obs at 1533hrs in addition to a total of 679 Manx Shearwaters. A Great Skua and two Mediterranean Gulls flew south past there. A Hobby was at Wykeham Lakes.

Mute Swan pair and six well grown cygnets by Diane Todd.

Monday, 25 July 2022

Monday 25th July

 A cream crowned Marsh Harrier flew south over Crook Ness car park at 0647hrs and a juvenile Red Kite flew south past Long Nab Obs at 0835hrs, the seventh Red Kite past there in eight days. Small numbers of waders, eight species in total, moved south past Long Nab Obs this morning including 19 Whimbrel, four Golden Plover and also two Shelduck. A Shoveler flew north and an Eider was on the sea just below the Obs. Two Lesser Whitethroat territories at South Cliff this year.

Greenfinches by Paul Tozer.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Sunday 24th July

Another excellent day for wader passage in a strong south westerly wind. A Wood Sandpiper flew south at South Cliff at 0558hrs in addition to 16 Sanderling and 131 Common Swifts. A Yellow-legged Gull and 333 Common Scoter flew north past there. A later watch at South Cliff during heavy rain produced an impressive 68 Whimbrel south. Hundreds of Common Swifts, Swallows and  House Martins were reported feeding over Wrench Green late morning. Four Little ringed Plovers, four Pochard, one Wigeon, 12 Teal and a female Mandarin Duck were at Wykeham East Lake. Three Turnstone were roosting at the Harbour this afternoon including one bird ringed there on 21st March 2018. Highlights past Long Nab Obs in two sessions today included 155 Whimbrel, 346 Common Swift south and four Mediterranean Gulls (two north and two South). 20 Knot, five Sanderling and a Great crested Grebe also passed south there. 72 Common Swifts flew south over Burniston in a short period of time before heavy rain and the long staying Whooper Swan remained on Seamer Road Mere.

Adult and juvenile Pied Wagtails by Margaret Gray.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

Saturday 23rd July

 A Turtle Dove was feeding on the road in Rocks Lane, Burniston early this morning before flying into fields north of the lane and four Mediterranean Gulls had flown north past Long Nab Obs by 0830hrs. A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling on South Cliff Golf Course early this morning and a second Grasshopper Warbler was flushed there later. 212 Black headed Gulls and four Mediterranean Gulls, including three juveniles, flew north past South Cliff this morning. Single Black tailed Godwit and Ringed Plover, 22 Dunlin, a Shoveler, two Red throated Divers and a juvenile Great spotted Woodpecker all flew south through South Cliff this morning.

Goldfinch by Mark Hepples.

Friday, 22 July 2022

Friday 22nd July

 Waders were on the move today. A watch at South Cliff between 0625hrs and 1150 hrs produced the following north: a Greater Scaup at 1029hrs, a Golden Plover, an Arctic Skua, two Great Skuas and 11 Mediterranean Gulls comprising of two adults and nine juveniles, an Arctic Tern and 226 Sandwich Terns, with 22 passing south. Also south past there were 81 Dunlin, 14 Knot, 32 Redshank, 192 Oystercatcher and nine Mediterranean Gulls, comprising of seven adults and two second summer birds. A Common Sandpiper was on Black Rocks and three Willow Warblers were in the Cornelian area. 14 Redshank and two Sandwich Terns were at Scalby Mills. Highlights past Long Nab over two sea watches were 359 Oystercatchers south and 36 north, five Whimbrel south, single Sanderling and Purple Sandpiper south, 11 Mediterranean Gulls and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull north and 301 Sandwich Terns, with 255 north and 46 south. Two Turtle Doves were again seen on wires alongside the Cinder Track between Burniston and Cloughton.

Cormorant in the Harbour by Becca-Marie Sealife Safari.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Thursday 21st July

 Three Turtle Doves, two of which were in song, were at Harwood Dale village near to the church at 0600 hrs and a Lesser Whitethroat territory there with young being fed. Two Mediterranean Gulls flew north at Long Nab Obs and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew south. Two Great Skuas and two Arctic Terns flew north past Marine Drive this morning and 31 Redshank, three Whimbrel and 22 Oystercatchers flew south there with 10 of the latter species flying north.  A Hobby flew south east over Wykeham Water Park lake and a juvenile Red Kite was hunting over the fields to the south of that location. A pair of Mute Swans with six cygnets were on the Water Park Lake at Wykeham and the long staying Whooper Swan was present on Seamer Road Mere.

Linnet by Terry Crook.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Wednesday 20th July

Two Avocets flew south past Long Nab Obs at 0821hrs about 1 mile out at sea and they were then seen continuing south at Cornelian at 0844hrs. Also south past Cornelian this morning was a Black tailed Godwit and a Golden Plover relocated from South Cliff Golf Course to Cornelian Rocks. Further highlights from Long Nab Obs were 11 Mediterranean Gulls north, a new day record count for the second consecutive day and a dark phase Arctic Skua. A Whimbrel and a Hobby passed south there in addition to 390 Common Swifts. An Eider was on the sea below the Obs. Two Turtle Doves were on the overhead wires next to the Cinder Track at Burniston this afternoon and three Kingfishers, including at least one fledgling, were on the River Derwent at Wrench Green. A Sparrowhawk was seen at the roadside at Brompton.

Common Sandpiper montage by Beverley Senturk.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Tuesday 19th July

 12 Black tailed Godwits passed south at South Cliff at 0715hrs this morning, A Juvenile Yellow legged Gull flew south at Long Nab at 0748hrs and two Red Kites flew south there at 0758hrs with a third Red Kite following in similar fashion at 0941hrs about a mile inland of Long Nab. Also past Long Nab this morning were 727 Swifts, 391 Swallows, one Golden Plover, two Dunlin and five Whimbrel all south with a further two Whimbrel passing north. A flock of 31 House Sparrows was present. Passing south at Scalby Mills/ Jackson's Bay this morning were 18 Dunlin, 45 Redshank, three Golden Plover, nine Curlew, one Sanderling and an adult Mediterranean Gull. A further six Mediterranean Gulls and another  juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew past Long Nab Obs this evening.

Juvenile Red Kite by Nick Addey.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Monday 18th July

The Avocet was still present at Wykeham East Lake this morning with a supporting cast of five Little Ringed Plovers, a Black tailed Godwit, a Greenshank, two Oystercatcher, 14 Lapwing, nine Teal, 34 Tufted Duck, 12 Lesser Black backed Gulls and an early Wigeon. A cream crowned Marsh Harrier was seen to fly south early morning at Long Nab but returned north several hours later. Three Red Kites flew high south together there late morning. A record July count of 1,322 Swallows flew south at Long Nab along with 257 Common Swifts. 88 Sandwich Terns flew north there. A total of 516 Swallows flew south between 0810hrs and 1000hrs at South Cliff along with two Yellow Wagtails. A Whimbrel was in South Bay. A Lesser Black backed Gull and a Common Gull bearing a white Darvic ring number JA383 was feeding on insects on Scalby Beck Road and several Nightjars were again reported from Wykeham Forest

Male Marsh Harrier by Phil Bennett.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Sunday 17th July

An Avocet was on the silt pond at Wykeham East Lake this morning along with three Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper, three Little Ringed Plover, nine Lapwing and a Yellow Wagtail. Two Little Egrets were at Scampston Lake this evening and a Whimbrel was calling at Cayton Bay. A Hobby flew over Osgoodby late evening.

Juvenile Stonechat by Ray Maddison.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Saturday 16th July

 Three Honey Buzzards were seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint this morning and a Hobby was seen elsewhere in Wykeham Forest. Two Quail were reported from Middle Lane, Hutton Buscel, one each side of the track. A possible Iberian Chiffchaff was reported from Falsgrave park near to Woods Bakery but the consensus of opinion favoured the identification of the bird as a nominate race Chiffchaff. The adult Whooper Swan was again reported from Seamer Road Mere and a Little Egret was again at Johnson's Marsh this evening. The Ring-necked Parakeet was again seen in Eastfield

Adult and juvenile Kittiwake by Nick Addey.

Friday, 15 July 2022

Friday 15th July

 Another relatively quiet day bird wise. Highlights north past Long Nab this morning were six Mediterranean Gulls, an Arctic Tern, a Great Skua and a Whimbrel. A Dunlin was at Scalby Mills.

Blackbird by Becca-Marie Sealife Safaris.

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Thursday 14th July

 A cream crowned Marsh Harrier flew south from Long Nab over Crook Ness car park at 0724hrs and  an adult Pomarine Skua with full spoons flew north at 0730hrs past Long Nab. A flock of seven Great crested Grebes  and a Great Skua also flew north there, a Little Owl was in the hedge north west of Cliff Top House and the first migrant Willow Warbler was at Crook Ness. The adult Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Road Mere and an adult Mediterranean Gull was seen near The Watermark Café on Marine Drive.

Blue Tit by Jon Partridge.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Wednesday 13th July

 A female Tawny Owl was heard calling at 11 o'clock this morning at the College end of Stepney Road. A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling by the scrape at Long Nab and an Eider was in Burniston Bay. Three Mediterranean Gulls flew south past Long Nab Bird Observatory and 32 Teal, one Wigeon and a pale phase Arctic Skua flew north past there. Approximately 20 Lapwings were in a field south of Seamer Tip Pool.

Common Buzzard by Phil Bennett.

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Tuesday 12th July

 A singing Grasshopper Warbler was just north of  Long Nab Observatory this morning and 339 Common Swifts and five Whimbrel passed south there. 226 Common Scoter, a Dunlin and a Mediterranean Gull flew north there. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew past the Clock Café. Wykeham East Lake hosted 26 Tufted Duck and 17 Lapwings this morning and later in the afternoon, two Teal, six Little Ringed Plovers including three juveniles, two Common Sandpipers, an adult Yellow-legged Gull, 22 Lesser Black backed Gulls and a Yellow Wagtail were present there.

Kingfisher by Martin Moseley.

Monday, 11 July 2022

Monday 11th July

 Six unidentified Egret sp dropped onto the rocks at Scalby Mills near The Sealife Centre this morning. A Wood Sandpiper, five Little Ringed Plovers including three chicks, a single Common Sandpiper,  two Oystercatcher, two Lapwing, one Reed Warbler, one Reed Bunting, two Yellowhammer, two Little Grebe and five Grey Heron were reported from Wykeham East Lake this morning and a Greenshank dropped in there from a great height this evening. Two Shoveler and a Green Sandpiper were also at Wykeham East Lake this evening and approximately 35 House Martins were over Scarborough College.

Juvenile Carrion Crow by Beverley Senturk.

Sunday 10th July

 A very quiet day with no news.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Saturday 9th July

 Another quiet day. 89 Common Scoter, 14 Sandwich Terns, three Eider and a distant Skua sp flew north at Long Nab this morning. 511 Gannet also flew north there and 301 flew south. In the Flainsey Rigg and Flax Dale area of Dalby tonight, four Nightjar, one Woodcock and a Tawny Owl.

Female Common Redstart by Phil Harrison.

Friday, 8 July 2022

Friday 8th July

 Single Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Redshank, Curlew and five Little Ringed Plovers consisting of two adults and three young were all on Wykeham East Lake this evening along with a single Yellow Wagtail and Barn Owl. Both Sandpipers were on the main East Lake and not the adjacent silt pool.

Tawny Owl by Lucy Hobkinson.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Thursday 7th July

 A Wood Warbler and Long-eared Owl were reported from Bedale Beck above St. Helen's Caravan Park and a Little Ringed Plover was at Wykeham East Lake. The Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Road Mere and a Tufted Duck with six ducklings an a further 16 adult Tufted Ducks were at Seamer Tip Pool. A Little Egret was again at Johnson's Marsh and it or another was at Scalby Beck. Four Mandarin Duck and a pair of Oystercatchers with a chick were at Harwood Dale Lake. Three Nightjars, three Tawny Owls and a Woodcock were at Givendale Rigg/ Hawdale in Dalby Forest this evening and two Nightjars and a Woodcock were at Housedale.

Female Tufted Duck with brood of six by Terry Crook.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Wednesday 6th July

 A very quiet day. A Little Egret was again at Johnson's Marsh along with six Grey Herons and a Black-headed Gull.

Grey Wagtail by Martin Moseley.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Tuesday 5th July

 A Dunlin and a Little Ringed Plover were at Wykeham East Lake and a Green Sandpiper, Little Egret, four Grey Herons and a Black headed Gull were at Johnson's Marsh. An Arctic Skua passed north at Long Nab and a Shelduck south. Four Nuthatch, two Treecreepers and a Grey Wagtail were at Bridestones.

Nightjar by Steve Clipperton.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Monday 4th July

 A Little Egret was at Johnson's Marsh this morning along with 10 Grey Herons. A Bar-tailed Godwit flew north along South Cliff and 35 Oystercatchers and 32 were in the roost there. A Common Sandpiper was on Black Rocks and a Kingfisher briefly in Cornelian Bay before flying south. Two Little Ringed Plovers with three chicks were at Wykeham East Lake along with one Dunlin, three Oystercatchers and a Great spotted Woodpecker. A minimum of four singing Quail were in the area of Hog Pastures Buildings north of Snainton along with six Yellow Wagtails, one Little Owl and one Barn Owl. A pair of Lesser Black backed Gulls was on rooftops near Ramshill Road traffic lights and a family group of 3/4 Spotted Flycatchers were at Wyedale Hall. Five Common Buzzards and  a Peregrine Falcon were seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint and with single Garden Warbler, Marsh Tit and Nuthatch nearby. A steady stream of Common Swifts west was also noted. Two Tree Pipits, four Common Crossbills, two Garden Warblers, one Willow Tit, one Little Grebe and three Tufted Duck were reported from Wykeham Nursery.

Kittiwake and chicks by Philip Damms.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Sunday 3rd July.

 Three Great White Egrets flew south past Long Nab at 0823hrs today and a Little Egret was again on Johnson's Marsh. Breeding of Little Ringed Plover was confirmed with sightings of precocial young at Wykeham East Lake and two Little Owl juveniles were seen at Hutton Buscel. In the Dalby Forest area today, a male Stonechat was at Bridestones and a Spotted Flycatcher and Northern Goshawk were at Crosscliff. A brood of Mandarins at Troutsdale lakes.

Ring-necked Parakeet by Dawn Stone.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Saturday 2nd July

 The Wood Sandpiper remained at Wykeham East Lake in company with one Little Ringed Plover, seven Lapwing and a female Shoveler. In Langdale Forest this morning there were two Jays, two Willow Tits, two Spotted Flycatchers, seven Tree Pipits, one Green Woodpecker, three Common Buzzards and five Long tailed Tits. A Goshawk was seen perched in a tree from Broxa Forest ridge and the Ring-necked Parakeet was again seen in Eastfield.

Barn Owl by Fred Tiles.

Friday, 1 July 2022

Friday 1st July

 Another quiet birding day owing to fairly inclement weather, however; a Wood Sandpiper was at Wykeham East Lake this morning along with a Little Ringed Plover and a Redshank. 71 Common Swifts moved south at Long Nab ahead of a front and the only other news concerned four Long tailed Tits at Ratten Row next to the campsite.

Redstart territories located in the breeding season:-

Two Derwent Valley, one adj to Howden Hill. One Low North Camp. Three Helwath Beck/Scar Wood. Five territories Raincliffe Woods/Forge Valley area. Two Broxa Forest (nr Reasty bank).

Marsh Tits in breeding season:-

Found to be very widespread in all the forests. A good example of how common were 14 singing males in Troutsdale (20th March).

20 Willow Tit territories located in our forests:-

x2 - Wykeham forest
x1 - Troutsdale
x1 - Derwent Valley
x2 - Langdale
x2 - High/Low Dales
x3 -  Broxa
x9 - Dalby Forest

Fledgling Grey Wagtail by Phil Harrison.