Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Tuesday 29th September 2015

Migration watch; 09.10 - 14.45hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 8 Red-throated Diver, 1 Golden Plover, 1 Snipe, 3 Common Gull, 20 Black-headed Gull, 13 Skylark, 16 Meadow Pipit, 2 Alba, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Flava, 3 Chaffinch, 23 Goldfinch, 13 Siskin, 33 Linnet, 13 Redpoll sp and 3 Crossbill.
At Long Nab there were 6 Chiffchaff, 3 Yellow-browed Warbler, 9 Goldcrest, 3 Siskin and 9 Lesser Redpoll.
Castle Hill produced just 2 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrest and South Cliff was just as quiet with only 2 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff and 3 Coal Tit.

Yellow-browed Warbler - Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Chiffchaff - Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Lesser Redpoll - Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Monday 28th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.55 - 14.35hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Cormorant, 60 Pink-footed Geese, 1 Greylag Goose, 1 Snipe, 3 Common Gull, 36 Skylark, 6 Swallow, 2 House Martin, 1 Flava, 3 Grey Wagtail, 4 Alba, 87 Meadow Pipit, 1 Dunnock, 12 Tree Sparrow, 12 Chaffinch, 67 Linnet, 37 Lesser Redpoll, 34 Redpoll sp, 30 Goldfinch, 8 Siskin, 3 Crossbill.
Seen between Scalby Nab and Pipe Gully were 3 Kestrel, 19 Ringed Plover (Jackson's Bay), 19 Skylark, 1 Redwing, 2 Chiffchaff, 9 Goldcrest, 1 Treecreeper, 530 Linnet and 190 Goldfinch.
At Long Nab there were 31 Skylark, 62 Meadow Pipit, 1 Redstart, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 8 Chiffchaff, 4 Long-tailed Tit, 14 Goldcrest, 340 Linnet, 9 Lesser Redpoll, 20 Siskin and 4 Reed Bunting.

Redstart - Long Nab - Chris Bradshaw

Sunday 27th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.05 - 11.05hrs and 15.15 - 17.45hrs.
A very slow day with very few rewards.
On the move (south unless stated) were 1 Red-throated Diver + 3 north, 1 Fulmar north, 4 Cormorant north, 1 Grey Heron, 60 Pink-footed Geese, 23 Greylag Goose + 19 in off and west, 1 Wigeon, 10 Teal + 6 north, 18 Mallard, 2 Common Scoter + 33 north, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Common Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 Lapwing, 3 Golden Plover, 2 Snipe, 1 Curlew, 10 Black-headed Gull + 3 north, 1 Common Gull, 1 Kittiwake north, 20 Skylark, 3 Swallow, 98 Meadow Pipit, 4 Flava, 3 Grey Wagtail, 5 Alba, 4 Starling, 21 Tree Sparrow, 24 Chaffinch, 6 Greenfinch, 78 Goldfinch, 17 Siskin, 429 Linnet, 2 Redpoll sp and 1 Reed Bunting.
In the Long Nab area there were 3 Lapwing, 23 Robin, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 9 Chiffchaff, 8 Goldcrest, 1 Pied Flycatcher, 2 Coal Tit, 12 Siskin, 750 Linnet and 4 Reed Bunting.
Between Ravenscar and Bent Rigg there were 20 Chiffchaff, 14 Goldcrest, 3 Coal Tit, 3 Treecreeper and 6 Lesser Redpoll, 10 Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrest were at Cloughton Wyke, 3 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 8 Goldcrest, 10 Coal Tit and 1 Treecreeper and South Cliff produced 23 Teal, 1 Grey Wagtail, 4 Chiffchaff, 4 Coal Tit and 1 Lesser Redpoll.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Saturday 26th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.45 - 13.40hrs and 14.35 - 18.05hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 1 Balearic Shearwater at 07.21hrs, 15 Cormorant + 3 north, 89 Pink-footed Geese, 33 Greylag Geese north, 1 Canada Goose, 10 Wigeon north, 16 Teal, 75 Common Scoter north, 1 Common Buzzard, 1 Dunlin north, 3 Snipe + 1 north, 1 Arctic Skua, 5 Black-headed Gull north, 16 Skylark, 44 Meadow Pipit, 1 Grey Wagtail + 1 north, 1 Alba, 2 Starling + 9 north, 27 Tree Sparrow, 33 Chaffinch, 11 Goldfinch, 4 Siskin, 47 Linnet, 16 Redpoll sp, 1 Bullfinch and 1 Reed Bunting.
In the Long Nab area there were 1 Snipe, 1 Kingfisher, 35 Skylark, 2 Blackcap, 11 Chiffchaff, 19 Goldcrest, 3 Coal Tit, 1 Treecreeper, 26 Siskin and 7 Lesser Redpoll.
A Yellow-browed Warbler was found on Castle Hill during the afternoon, other migrants on there were 3 Wheatear, 3 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest and 11 Coal Tit.
Elsewhere a Kingfisher, 2 Goldcrest, 2 Kestrel, 7 Lesser Redpoll and 100 Goldfinch were along the coast between Pipe Gully and Scalby Lodge, a Wheatear and a Stonechat were on Scalby Nab, 2 Goldcrest, 2 Coal Tit and a Chiffchaff were in Scalby Beck, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 14 Ringed Plover and a Kingfisher were in Jackson's Bay with 134 Oystercatcher roosting between there and Cromer Point, 13 Grey Heron, 15 Wigeon and 19 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh, 7 Wigeon and a Kingfisher were at Scalby Mills and another Kingfisher was in Peasholm Park.
On South Cliff there were 20 Blackbird, 5 Song Thrush, 4 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest and 2 Marsh Tit.

Ringed Plovers - Jackson's Bay - Chris Bell

Painted Lady - Castle Hill - Michael McNaghten

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Friday 25th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.45 - 08.55hrs, 09.20 - 09.55hrs and 11.55 - 17.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Cormorant, a record 3104 Pink-footed Geese all mainly along the coastal strip, 38 Canada Geese, 2 Grey Goose sp, 5 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel, 3 Common Crane south along the coast then over town, on view from 16.15 - 16.20hrs, 2 Golden Plover, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Snipe, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Swift, 1 Skylark, 3 House Martin, 1 Swallow, 1 Dunnock, 33 Meadow Pipit, 3 Rook, 2 Starling, 3 Tree Sparrow, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Greenfinch, 9 Linnet, 7 Redpoll sp, 16 Goldfinch and 31 Siskin
Elsewhere 100+ Lesser Redpoll were at Derwent Head Rigg, a Green Sandpiper and a Whitethroat were at Seamer Tip while on Castle Hill there were 5 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 9 Coal Tit, 1 Lesser Redpoll and 1 Wheatear.

A record shot of the Common Cranes as they circled high over town before heading south - Michael McNaghten

Pink-footed Geese heading south over Castle Hill, probably the closest skein of the day! - Michael McNaghten

Thursday 24th September 2015

A rather quiet day, 3 Purple Sandpiper and 26 Turnstone were in the Harbour, 7 Crossbill flew south over Hovingham Drive and a Green Sandpiper, 3 Snipe and a Stonechat were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) where 51 Pink-footed Geese flew south.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Wednesday 23rd September 2015

Migration watch; 07.00 - 10.20hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Kestrel, 5 Skylark, 14 House Martin, 2 Swallow, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Alba, 35 Meadow Pipit, 25 Linnet, 7 Goldfinch, 4 Siskin, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 10 Redpoll sp and 2 Reed Bunting.
In the Long Nab area there were 5 Chiffchaff, 6 Goldcrest and singles of Siskin and Stonechat while migrants in Cayton Bay included a Stonechat, 6 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest and 1 Lesser Redpoll.
Two Coal Tit were briefly in Alma Square, Westborough early morning, 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull were on Wykeham South Lake along with 8 Lesser Black-backed Gull and 450 Herring Gull, a Green Sandpiper and a Little Egret were at Seamer Tip where a Hobby flew southeast, 7 Chiffchaff were seen between Ravenscar and Hayburn Wyke, 14 Crossbll were at Ravenscar and Kingfishers were seen at Scalby Mills and at the Harbour.

Tuesday 22nd September 2015

Migration watch; 08.40 - 11.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 3 Red-throated Diver + 2 north, 3 Fulmar, 2 Cormorant north, 2 Common Scoter north, 11 Black-headed Gull north, 9 Common Gull north, 14 Kittiwake north, 13 Guillemot + 1 north, 2 Meadow Pipit, 2 Rock Pipit and 8 Linnet.
In the Long Nab area there were 1 Snipe, 13 Skylark, 28 Meadow Pipit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Siskin, 380 Linnet and 8 Lesser Redpoll.
The first 4 returning Purple Sandpiper were seen in the Harbour at high tide along with 28 Turnstone.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Monday 21st September 2015

Migration watch; 06.40 - 12.30hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 15 Red-throated Diver + 4 north, 5 Fulmar + 8 north, 1 Sooty Shearwater north, 946 Gannet + 39 north, 4 Cormorant + 11 north, 18 Greylag Goose, 2 Canada Geese, 3 Wigeon + 3 north, 10 Teal + 111 north, 1 Common Scoter + 274 north, 1 Oystercatcher north, 1 Dunlin, 1 Curlew north, 2 Arctic Skua north, 79 Black-headed Gull + 10 north, 2 Common Gull + 6 north, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 62 Great Black-backed Gull, 3 Kittiwake + 35 north, 2 Sandwich Tern, 1 Common Tern north, 2 Razorbill, 16 Auk sp + 4 north, 21 Skylark, 3 House Martin, 179 Meadow Pipit, 8 Alba, 1 Rook, 3 Carrion Crow, 18 Tree Sparrow, 11 Goldfinch, 55 Linnet and 7 Redpoll sp.
A Turtle Dove was seen near Darrell's Low Farm before flying off east, 35 Mute Swan and 4 Tufted Duck were on the Mere, 15 Wigeon and 12 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh and 6 Coot were at Seamer Tip.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th September 2015

A rather quiet day on the 19th...

Migration watch; 16.10 - 19.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Cormorant, 28 Common Scoter north, 2 Greenshank, 2 Black-headed Gull, 1 Common Gull + 2 north, 4 Great Black-backed Gull north, 25 Kittiwake north, 28 Meadow Pipit, 1 Chaffinch, 3 Siskin and 2 Goldfinch.
Five Chiffchaff were on Castle Hill and 14 Wigeon and 11 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh.

The 20th was much more lively with the first Pink-footed Geese of the autumn and the south bound Common Buzzard record being smashed!

Migration watch; 06.30 - 15.30hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) 19 Red-throated Diver + 13 north, 2 Sooty Shearwater north, 1 Manx Shearwater, 13 Cormorant + 7 north, 46 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Mallard, 99 Common Scoter north, 1 Sparrowhawk, 17 Common Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 Merlin, 1 Peregrine, 2 Golden Plover, 1 Arctic Skua north, 18 Black-headed Gull + 61 north, 13 Common Gull north, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull north, 25 Kittiwake north, 4 Sandwich Tern, 20 Auk sp + 5 north, 1 Swift, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 34 Skylark, 12 Swallow, 282 Meadow Pipit, 6 Rock Pipit + 1 north, 8 Alba, 1 Blackbird, 2 Starling, 11 Chaffinch, 28 Goldfinch, 34 Siskin, 163 Linnet, 40 Redpoll sp and 1 Yellowhammer.
In the Long Nab area there were 200 Linnet, 1 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff and 3 Goldcrest.
On Johnson's Marsh there were 14 Wigeon and 12 Teal and a Grey Plover was in Jackson's Bay.

The first Pink-footed Geese of the autumn head south at Long Nab - Michael McNaghten.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Friday 18th September 2015

Migration watch; 17.25 - 18.25hrs.
Our first Yellow-browed Warbler of the year arrived near St Mary's Church, Castle Hill, although it isn't our earliest record.
On the move (north unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver south, 1 Fulmar + 1 south, 1 Arctic Skua, 2 Black-headed Gull south, 2 Common Gull + 1 south, 12 Great Black-backed Gull, 65 Kittiwake, 2 Common Tern, 3 Commic Tern and 8 Auk sp + 5 south.
At Long Nab there were singles of Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest in Crook Ness, a Chiffchaff and 2 Kestrel were on the north side of Castle Hill and 5 Grey Heron, 11 Teal and 14 Wigeon were on Johnson's Marsh.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Thursday 17th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.20 - 09.35hrs.
A generally quiet sea watch overall but it wasn't without its surprises.
Highlight was a Cory's Shearwater that after a short while lingering and feeding off Marine Drive headed north at 07.33hrs.
Also on the move (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 1 Balearic Shearwater north at 08.00hrs, 1 Sooty Shearwater north, 1 Wigeon, 2 Sandwich Tern + 3 north, 5 Meadow Pipit, 1 Grey Wagtail, 5 Goldfinch and 4 Siskin.

Wednesday 16th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.35 - 12.40hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver, 8 Fulmar north, 6 Cormorant, 2 Shag, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Common Scoter, 2 Golden Plover, 1 Great Skua, 6 Black-headed Gull + 4 north, 2 Common Gull + 5 north, 2 Sandwich Tern, 1 Skylark, 4 Swallow, 47 Meadow Pipit, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Chaffinch, 4 Linnet, 3 Redpoll sp and 4 Lesser Redpoll.
Present in the Long Nab area were 13 Skylark, 120 Meadow Pipit, 1 Whinchat, 1 Wheatear, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 acredula Willow Warbler, 4 Goldcrest, 5 Long-tailed Tit and 7 Lesser Redpoll.
Elsewhere the Ruff and 21 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh and on Wykeham South Lake there were 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Cormorant, 3 Gadwall, 25 Tufted Duck and 30 Swallow.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Monday 14th - Tuesday 15th September 2015

The 14th proved to be a quiet day...
Migration watch; 17.10 - 18.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 3 Red-throated Diver, 2 Fulmar + 3 north, 1 Shag, 1 Grey Heron, 7 Meadow Pipit and 6 Linnet.
Elsewhere a Common Sandpiper was at Seamer Tip and the Ruff, 13 Wigeon and 19 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh.

The 15th was a little better...
Migration watch; 07.35 - 12.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 1 Red-throated Diver, 4 Teal north, 1 Golden Plover, 1 Dunlin, 1 Ruff, 2 Arctic Skua, 21 Black headed Gull, 24 Kittiwake, 2 Common Tern, 6 Swift, 3 Sand Martin, 843 Swallow, 359 House Martin, 59 Meadow Pipit, 6 Goldfinch and 3 Linnet.
Grounded at Long Nab were 2 Golden Plover, 1 Redstart, 1 Whinchat, 1 Stonechat, 3 Wheatear, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Pied Flycatcher and 2 Lesser Redpoll.
The Ruff, 11 Wigeon and 21 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh, 5 Green Sandpiper were in the Seamer Tip area where there was a Lesser Whitethroat and a Common Sandpiper was at Burton Riggs.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Sunday 13th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.35 - 12.45hrs.
A great vismig day along the coast, hopefully the first of many this autumn. On the move (south unless stated) were 8 Red-throated Diver + 5 north, 2 Cormorant + 3 north, 1 Marsh Harrier at 08.34hrs, 3 Common Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 2 Golden Plover, 1 Lapwing, 84 Black-headed Gull + 2 north, 2 Common Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1 Sandwich Tern north, 1 Swift, 8 Skylark, 3 Sand Martin, 117 Swallow, 4 House Martin, 4025 Meadow Pipit, 1 Rock Pipit + 1 north, 4 Grey Wagtail, 3 Alba, 2 Dunnock, 35 Tree Sparrow, 17 Chaffinch, 1 Greenfinch, 80 Goldfinch, 36 Siskin, 421 Linnet, 56 Redpoll sp and 1 Reed Bunting.
Migrants included 3 Kestrel, 1 Whinchat, 1 Whitethroat, 3 Chiffchaff and a Willow Warbler at Long Nab, a Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat and 3 Chiffchaff at Ravenscar, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Wheatear, a Whinchat and a Lesser Whitethroat on Castle Hill, 3 Whinchat and 3 Stonechat in the Jackson's Bay - Scalby Lodge area and a Yellow Wagtail, 7 Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff, a Willow Warbler and a Goldcrest in Cayton Bay.
A Honey Buzzard was reported heading south over Crossgates during the morning, the Ruff remained on Johnson's Marsh, 14 Ringed Plover, a Grey Plover, 37 Oystercatcher, 36 Redshank, 4 Knot, 31 Turnstone and a Bar-tailed Godwit were in Jackson's Bay, the Scaup remained on Peasholm Park and 2 Kingfisher and 3 Tufted Duck were at the Mere.

Meadow Pipit - Long Nab - Dave Bowes

Saturday 12th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.40 - 17.30hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver, 76 Fulmar, 8080 Gannet + 120 north, 12 Cormorant + 5 north, 1 Shag, 21 Wigeon + 2 north, 18 Teal + 3 north, 3 Pintail, 11 Common Scoter + 16 north, 1 Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel, 2 Ringed Plover, 8 Golden Plover, 1 Little Stint at 16.43hrs, 2 Dunlin, 3 Snipe, 2 Turnstone, 13 Black-headed Gull + 13 north, 4 Common Gull + 1 north, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 88 Great Black-backed Gull + 7 north, 5 Kittiwake 73 north, 2 Sandwich Tern, 6 Common Tern, 4 Auk sp 10 north, 1 Swallow, 8 Goldfinch, 27 Linnet and 4 Lesser Redpoll.
At Long Nab there were 3 Whinchat, 3 Wheatear, a Redstart, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 6 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler and 2 Goldcrest, Castle Hill produced 3 Wheatear, a Whinchat, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Tree Pipit.
The Ruff remained on Johnson's Marsh along wth 17 Teal, 10 Wigeon and 13 Grey Heron, 5 Egyptian Geese (3 juvs), 1 Teal, 25 Tufted Duck, 2 Great Crested Grebe and 2 Common Sandpiper were at Wykeham South Lake.

Friday 11th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.05 - 09.20hrs and 18.25 - 19.40hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Grey Heron north, 6 Goosander, 2 Common Buzzard, 2 Golden Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Turnstone, 1 Snipe, 55 Swallow, 4 House Martin, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Flava, 6 Meadow Pipit, 9 Linnet and 19 Siskin.
Migrants in the Long Nab area included a Redstart, 2 Whinchat, 5 Wheatear, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Blackcap, 11 Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler, 3 Goldcrest and a Spotted Flycatcher, on Castle Hill there were singles of Tree Pipit and Spotted Flycatcher as well as 5 Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff and 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 10 Wheatear, a Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff and 2 Whitethroat were at Ravenscar while on South Cliff there were 2 Chiffchaff, a Blackcap and a Whitethroat.
At Holbeck there were 5 Mediterranean Gull, 16 Teal, 7 Wigeon and the Ruff were on Johnson's Marsh and 62 Coot were at Wykeham South Lake.

Goosanders south at Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Friday, 11 September 2015

Thursday 10th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.30 - 12.00hrs and 18.05 - 19.40hrs.
A Honey Buzzard that arrived in off the sea by Scalby Lodge Pond at 09.10hrs was the highlight of the day.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Red-throated Diver + 2 south, 1 Sooty Shearwater south, 5 Cormorant south, 32 Teal, 4 Common Scoter, 2 Goosander south (late seen in North Bay), 1 Grey Plover + 2 south, 3 Golden Plover South, 2 Snipe south, 1 juvenile Little Stint in off, 1 Curlew south, 1 Arctic Skua, 159 Kittiwake, 1 Flava south, 7 House Martin south, 19 Swallow south and 13 Meadow Pipit south.
In the Long Nab area were 1 Whinchat, 1 Wheatear, 1 Redstart, 7 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Pied Flycatcher and 1 Spotted Flycatcher. The Snow Bunting had moved south to Cromer Point, a Hobby was around Scalby Lodge Pond, 3 Stonechat were on Scalby Nab, a Bar-tailed Godwit and a Little Egret were in Jackson's Bay and 2 Kingfisher were at Scalby Mills.
Elsewhere 15 Teal and 2 Wigeon were on Johnson's Marsh and a Redstart and a Whinchat were seen at Ravenscar.

Snow Bunting - Cromer Point - Michael McNaghten

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Wednesday 9th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.45 - 14.40hrs and 17.05 - 18.05hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 13 Red-throated Diver + 6 south, 33 Fulmar + 24 south, 26 Cormorant, 93 Wigeon + 3 south, 359 Teal + 3 south, 560 Common Scoter + 2 south, 13 Knot south, 24 Dunlin south, 8 Arctic Skua + 1 south, 45 Black-headed Gull + 10 south, 14 Great Black-backed Gull, 206 Kittiwake, 6 Sandwich tern, 44 Common Tern + 62 south, 7 Swallow south, 8 Meadow Pipit south and 1 Redpoll sp south.
In the Long Nab area a Sooty Shearwater was lingering off shore while migrants included a Wheatear, 2 Chiffchaff, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Snow Bunting.

Tuesday 8th September 2015

Migration watch; 18.30 - 19.45hrs.
For the second year running a FEA'S type PETREL passed Scarborough, this time off Marine Drive distantly at 19.21hrs, unfortunately it proved too far out for the hopeful observer at Long Nab (your luck of Fea's will change soon Rob!)
Also on the move (north unless stated) were 6 Fulmar, 4 Arctic Skua, 4 Great Skua, 30 Kittiwake, 3 Common Tern south and 6 Auk sp.
Elsewhere a Chiffchaff was in Crook Ness where a Hobby was seen harassing the local finches.

Monday 7th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.00 - 12.30hrs and 15.00 - 19.15hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver + 14 south, 628 Fulmar + 13 south, 18 Sooty Shearwater, 6 Manx Shearwater, 3 Cormorant + 4 south, 4 Shag south, 5 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 21 Wigeon, 64 Teal, 1 Pochard, 1 adult Pomarine Skua, 8 Arctic Skua + 1 south, 1 juvenile Long-tailed Skua at 07.45hrs, 4 Great Skua + 2 south, 26 Black-headed Gull 7 south, 11 Common Gull + 2 south, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull south, 107 Great Black-backed Gull + 5 south, 180 Kittiwake, 3 Sandwich Tern + 1 south, 10 Common Tern south, 1 Commic Tern + 1 south, 167 Auk sp, 2 Puffin, 1 Swallow south and 1 Rock Pipit south.
In the Long Nab area there were 7 Meadow Pipit, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat, 5 Chiffchaff and 250 Linnet.
The Little Egret, 10 Grey Heron, 11 Teal and 2 Wigeon were on Johnson's Marsh, a Kingfisher and 14 Sandwich Tern were at Scalby Mills and 2 Kingfisher were at Throxenby Mere.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Sunday 6th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.05 - 11.45hrs and 15.45 - 19.30hrs.
Yet another interesting day on the sea, on the move (north unless stated) were 13 Red-throated Diver + 6 south, 198 Fulmar including 1 blue Fulmar, 25 Sooty Shearwater, 42 Manx Shearwater, 1 Bealearic Shearwater at 07.17hrs, 22 Cormorant + 15 south, 7 Shag, 59 Wigeon, 97 Teal, 22 Common Scoter, 1 Velvet Scoter, 1 Kestrel south, 2 Oystercatcher south, 1 Ringed Plover south, 1 Grey Plover, 1 Ruff south, 1 Whimbrel south, 7 Arctic Skua, 2 Great Skua + 2 south, 1 adult Sabine's Gull at 08.41hrs, 5 Black-headed Gull + 5 south, 7 Common Gull + 1 south, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 66 Great Black-backed Gull + 1 south, 930 Kittiwake, 31 Sandwich Tern + 8 south, 19 Common Tern, 154 Auk sp + 2 north, 1 Swift south, 3 Swallow + 4 south, 6 Meadow Pipit + 12 south, 1 Grey Wagtail and 4 Alba.
Two Whinchat, a Reed Warbler, a Lesser Whitethroat, 9 Whitethroat, a Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff, a Willow Warbler, 40 Goldfinch and 180 Linnet were at Long Nab, at Ravenscar there were 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 25 Chiffchaff, a Redstart and 22 Siskin, a Little Egret and 13 Grey Heron were on Johnson's Marsh, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler were on Castle Hill and 7 Ringed Plover and a Dunlin were in Jackson's Bay.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Saturday 5th September 2015

Migration watch; 06.50 - 14.20hrs and 15.55 - 19.35hrs.
A fantastic day over the sea, again, with quality from dawn till dusk.
On the move (north unless stated) were 14 Red-throated Diver + 3 south, 619 Fulmar including 2 blue Fulmar, 1 GREAT SHEARWATER north fairly close in at 13.36hrs, 53 Sooty Shearwater, 182 Manx Shearwater, 3 Balearic Shearwater at 12.10, 14.10 and 19.03hrs, 1 Storm Petrel at 11.28hrs, 35 Cormorant + 3 south, 4 Shag + 1 south, 37 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 140 Wigeon, 173 Teal, 2 Mallard, 13 Pintail, 2 Tufted Duck, 61 Common Scoter, 2 Dunlin, 7 Arctic Skua + 3 south, 1 adult Long-tailed Skua at 10.00hrs plus 1 juvenile north then back south at 11.06hrs, 2 Great Skua, 6 Black-headed Gull south, 65 Great Black-backed Gull, 523 Kittiwake, 16 Sandwich Tern, 1 Common Tern, 22 Arctic Tern, 1 Black Tern south and 528 Auk sp.
Three Wheatear were at Long Nab including at least 2 in off the sea and a Lesser Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler were in Crook Ness

Friday 4th September 2015

Migration watch; 07.15 - 14.20hrs and 17.35 - 19.15hrs.
Yet another interesting day over the sea, on the move (north unless stated) were 4 Red-throated Diver + 4 south, 541 Fulmar + 4 south, 2 Sooty Shearwater, 1 Balearic Shearwater, 36 Manx Shearwater + 2 south, 11 Cormorant + 7 south, 105 Wigeon, 217 Teal, 1 Mallard, 6 Pintail, 16 Common Scoter + 2 south, 3 Velvet Scoter, 3 Oystercatcher south, 3 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin, 1 Ruff + 1 south, 1 Whimbrel south, 1 Curlew, 3 Arctic Skua + 35 south, 2 Great Skua + 3 south, 1 adult Sabine's Gull at 18.40hrs (the 220th species of the year), 2 Common Gull south, 26 Great Black-backed Gull, 525 Kittiwake, 35 Sandwich Tern + 42 south, 8 Common Tern, 1 Arctic Tern south, 1 juvenile Black Tern, 70 Auk sp + 3 south, 2 Sand Martin south, 1 Meadow Pipit in off and south and 4 Linnet south.
A Little Egret was on the rocks and a Willow Warbler was in the clifftop scrub south of the Hut.
The Green Sandpiper, the Little Egret, 2 Wigeon, 11 Teal and 3 Sand Martin were on Johnson's Marsh, 44 Teal, 4 Wigeon were at Wykeham South Lake and 2 Hobby were seen heading west over the A169 near Wykeham Farm.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Thursday 3rd September 2015

Migration watch; 08.30 - 13.00hrs and 17.40 - 19.55hrs.
A noticeable improvement over the sea produced the following past Long Nab; (north unless stated) 2 Red-throated Diver + 4 south, 1 Black-throated Diver at 09.55hrs, 217 Fulmar +22 south, 8 Sooty Shearwater + 1 south, 19 Manx Shearwater, 1 Balearic Shearwater at 10.30hrs + 1 south at 18.55hrs, 11 Cormorant + 4 south, 22 Wigeon, 49 Teal, 9 Common Scoter, 13 Oystercatcher, 6 Knot, 1 Ruff, 1 Whimbrel south, 5 Turnstone, 3 Arctic Skua + 42 south, 1 juvenile Long-tailed Skua south at 19.40hrs, 2 Great Skua + 2 south, 2 Black-headed Gull + 5 south, 1 Common Gull + 1 south, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 57 Sandwich Tern + 30 south (including a rather odd looking smoky grey juvenile north!), 8 Common Tern, 54 Auk sp, 4 Puffin and 1 Swift south.
A Red-throated Diver was seen on the sea at Long Nab while a Little Egret was on the rocks in Burniston Bay.
In Cornelian Bay there were 4 Siskin, a Common Sandpiper and a Grey Wagtail and a Green Sandpiper was seen on Johnson's Marsh.

Some late news concerned 2 Osprey seen over Ellerburn Trout Farm on Wednesday 26th August.

Wednesday 2nd September 2015

Migration watch; 07.30 - 12.10hrs and 17.30 - 18.45hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 1 Red-throated Diver south, 145 Fulmar + 30 south, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 7 Manx Shearwater, 7 Cormorant + 2 south, 2 Shag south, 1 Grey Heron, 14 Wigeon, 1 Teal, 39 Oystercatcher, 1 Turnstone south, 2 Great Skua, 2 Black-headed Gull + 4 south, 1 Common Gull + 2 south, 7 Great Black-backed Gull, 90 Kittiwake, 27 Sandwich Tern south, 22 Common Tern, 33 Auk sp and 11 Linnet south.
In the Long Nab area were the Quail, 1 Wheatear, 5 Whitethroat, 4 Chiffchaff and 3 Willow Warbler.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Tuesday 1st September 2015

Migration watch; 06.50 - 12.45hrs and 18.40 - 20.05hrs.
On the move (north unless stated) were 4 Red-throated Diver + 1 south, 173 Fulmar + 23 south, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 13 Manx Shearwater + 4 south, 1 Balearic Shearwater at 07.45hrs, 11 Cormorant + 2 south, 1 Wigeon + 3 south, 37 Teal, 6 Common Scoter + 2 south, 6 Oystercatcher + 24 south, 4 Ringed Plover south, 1 Golden Plover south, 3 Dunlin, 3 Arctic Skua + 6 south, 2 Common Gull south, 222 Kittiwake, 14 Sandwich Tern + 15 south, 1 juvenile Roseate Tern at 08.50hrs, 6 Common Tern + 3 south, 1 Arctic Tern, 2 Commic Tern and 9 Swallow south.
In the Long Nab area were 7 Meadow Pipit, 2 Wheatear, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff and 3 Willow Warbler.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Monday 31st August 2015

Migration watch; 06.10 - 12.40hrs and 15.15 - 19.30hrs.
An interesting day with the following passing Long Nab; (north unless stated) 1 Red-throated Diver + 3 south, 93 Fulmar + 63 south, 1 Manx Shearwater south, 10 Cormorant + 8 south, 1 Grey Heron south, 7 Shelduck, 31 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, 306 Teal + 38 south, 5 Pintail + 1 south, 1 Tufted Duck, 84 Common Scoter, 1 Velvet Scoter, 1 Kestrel south, 1 Oystercatcher south, 1 Ringed Plover south, 1 Golden Plover south, 24 Dunlin, 2 Whimbrel south, 36 Black-headed Gull + 10 south, 4 Common Gull + 5 south, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull + 3 south, 3 juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, 64 Great Black-backed Gull + 6 south, 10 Sandwich Tern + 18 south, 8 Common Tern + 6 south, 5 juvenile Black Tern south, 12 Auk sp + 1 south, 3 Wood Pigeon in off, 2 Swift + 47 south, 5 House Martin, 1 Flava south and 4 Alba south.
In the Long Nab area were 1 Little Egret, 1 Quail, 7 Ruff, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Common Sandpiper, 160 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Sand Martin, 1 Wheatear, 7 Whitethroat, 1 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff and 5 Willow Warbler.
The Little Egret, 11 Grey Heron, a Greenshank and a Green Sandpiper were on Johnson's Marsh, 72 Oystercatcher, 9 Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin, 7 Sanderling and 6 Redshank were in Jackson's Bay, 20 Swift were over Burniston show ground, 2 Redstart, 3 Willow Tit and a Wheatear were at Ravenscar, 7 Whitethroat were at Cloughton Wyke, a Greenshank, 4 Dunlin and 33 Curlew were in Cornelian Bay and an adult Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Common Sandpiper were at Wykeham South Lake.

Record shot of the 7 Ruff at Long Nab - Michael McNaghten