Highlights past Long Nab this morning: six Arctic Skua, one Great Skua, six Little Gull, 27 Common Scoter and 41 Great Black Backed Gull. At Potter Brompton Carr: three Ruff, five Greenshank, 16 Wigeon, two Shoveler, two Great White Egret, seven Little Egret, three Marsh Harrier and two Yellow Wagtail. A Hobby feeding over the Predator Lake at the North Yorkshire Water Park. 52 House Sparrow and six Tree Sparrow in a garden near Scalby Mills and 31 House Sparrow in a Burniston garden. A Marsh Harrier was over fields near Malton Cote, Ebberston. At Scalby Mills: 1st calendar year Caspian Gull, two Common Gull, 95 Black-headed Gull, five Kittiwake, 15 Great Black Backed Gull, 450 Herring Gull and four Wigeon at Scalby Mills. Highlights S through South Cliff this morning: 177 Meadow Pipit, 221 House Martin, seven Sand Martin, one Swift, one flava Wagtail and four Grey Wagtail.
Tree Sparrow, Scalby Mills area, by Alan Burnham.