Wednesday 31 January 2024

Wednesday 31st January

 Another day of Pink-footed Goose movement; 310 north past Long Nab, 22 west over Burton Riggs, and 35+ north over South Bay. The latter site's gull roost held 435 Black-headed, 14 Mediterranean, and 49 Common Gulls. A Great Northern Diver flew south past Long Nab, the long stayer was still in the harbour. A Little Egret near Folkton Water Treatment, plus one at Brompton Ponds, also 10 Gadwall, 12 Tufted Ducks, 4 Little Grebes, 4 Stock Doves there.  A Purple Sandpiper at Scalby Mills. A large pre-roost corvid gathering of 2000+ birds south of West Ayton.

Dipper Peasholm Glen - David Hutchinson 

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Tuesday 30th January

 The Dipper is still in Peasholm Glen. At Seamer Road Mere: 2 Goosanders, 4 Goldeneye. The Red-throated Diver still at the Watersports Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. A Jack Snipe at Long Nab, Shelduck, 13 Pink-footed Geese flew north. 600 Pink-footed Geese, 350 Wigeon, 180 Tral, 14 Herons, 7 Cormorants, 220 Fieldfare Low Marishes. Three Little Egrets Ebberston, one at Folkton Water Treatment. Two Great Northern Divers (2cy), and 8 Red-throated Divers in South Bay. The gull roost there held 16 Mediterranean Gulls (7 ads, 6 3cy, 3 2cy), 2 Lbb Gulls (ad + 2cy), 730 Herring, 9 Gbb, 245 Black-headed, 12 Common Gulls. 

Mediterranean Gull South Bay - Ben Ward

Monday 29 January 2024

Monday 29th January

 7 Shelduck north over Castle Hill, plus 6 north at Long Nab. Also a Tufted Duck and 8 Common Scoter north past Long Nab. Dippers at Scalby Mills, and Peasholm Glen. Two Purple Sandpipers at the former site. South Bay held Great Northern Diver, Great Crested Grebe, 3 Red-throated Divers, 3 Shags, 6 Guillemots, and 2 Razorbills. Two Mediterranean Gulls flew north past the harbour late afternoon. 

Great Crested Grebe South Bay - Ben Ward 

Sunday 28 January 2024

Sunday 28th January

 Plenty of Goshawk action again over our forests today, up to 6 reported from the Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint and 3 from Jerry Noddle at Dalby Forest. 60 Brambling at the nearby old nurseries, 30 Crossbills at the viewpoint. Eight Mandarin at Hackness Lake. A Hawfinch was in a garden near Scalby Mills (Scholes Park Road). The Great Northern Diver, and Great Crested Grebe still in South Bay, a 2cy Little Gull, and Goosander flew south off Marine Drive. A single Golden Plover at Cayton Bay. 38 Curlews in fields at Long Nab. Two Russian White-fronted Geese at North Yorkshire Water Park, East Lake early afternoon. The South Bay gull roost had 15 Mediterranean Gulls (6 ad, 7 3cy, 2 2cy) this eve. Drake Goosander Peasholm Park Lake, Dipper in Peasholm Glen again. 20 Brambling at Falling Foss, 25 Crossbills at May Beck. 16 Purple Sandpipers on Black Rocks.

Redshank Scalby Mills - Stephen Beaver

Saturday 27 January 2024

Saturday 27th January

 A clear day saw a good push of Pink-footed Geese moving north through the area; 383 past Long Nab, 215 over Dalby Forest. A male Blackcap in a garden at Stepney Road. The Great Northern Diver was in South Bay. Great Crested Grebe, 25 Guillemots, 5 Razorbills, 8 Red-throated Divers, 2 Shags off Marine Drive. 2 Stonechats on the Headland. 70 Crossbills, Lesser Redpoll in Harwood Dale Forest. At the Watersports Lake (NY Water Park): 18 Goldeneye, 9 Gadwall, Snipe and 4 Pink-footed Geese west. The South Bay gull roost held 180 Black-headed, 2 Common, 11 Mediterranean, 960 Herring, and 18 Gbb Gulls. 166 Curlews, 135 Redshank, 32 Oystercatchers at Gristhorpe Bay. 

Stonechat Castle Headland - Ben Ward

Friday 26 January 2024

Friday 26th January

 Plenty of Goshawk action over all the forests on a clear day today. Good numbers of Crossbills reported around the Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. In Dalby Forest; 100+ Brambling at Adderstone Field, and 54 Yellowhammers at Nabgate. At Cockmoor Hall car park; 40 Great Tits, Willow Tit, Brambling. 12 Mandarin at Hackness Lake. 420 Common Gulls at Harwood Dale Lake. 25 Blue Tits around Wrench Green. Two Ravens seen over Troutsdale. Two Whooper Swans at Yedingham. Six Goosanders at Seamer Road Mere. One Great Northern Diver at the harbour, the Great Crested Grebe, 6 Red-throated Divers, 11 Guillemots off Marine Drive. 25 Redshank Scalby Mills. 10+ Mediterranean Gulls in the South Bay gull roost.

Goshawk from the WFRVP today - Dave Mansel

Thursday 25 January 2024

Thursday 25th January

 A second Great Northern Diver arrived at the harbour to join the long staying bird today.  12 Purple Sandpipers, 53 Oystercatchers, 22 Redshank in Gristhorpe Bay. 350 Wigeon, 19 Ringed Plover at Scalby Mills. 13 Mediterranean Gulls (5 ad, 7 3cy, 1 2cy) in the South Bay gull roost. 18 Fulmars on Castle Cliffs. At Seamer Road Mere; 3 Goosanders, 5 Goldeneye, Chiffchaff. 3 Common Scoter off Marine Drive plus 10 Red-throated Divers. 

The new Great Northern Diver at the harbour - Ben Ward

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Wednesday 24th January

 The Great Northern Diver at the harbour, 13 Guillemots, 6 Red-throated Divers, 2 Shags off Marine Drive. A Great Crested Grebe in South Bay. Two drake Goosanders in Peasholm Park, and two Dippers in Peasholm Glen. At North Yorkshire Water Park; 70 Pink-footed and 310 Greylag Geese in the southern fields, 9 Mute Swans, 7 Shoveler, 96 Teal, 6 Pochard, 15 Goldeneye, Red-throated Diver, 34 Cormorants, but no sign of the Smew, and a very small gull roost. 200+ Bramblings in Dalby Forest at Adderstones. In the South Bay gull roost; 4 Mediterranean Gulls (3x3cy, 1x2cy).

Treecreeper Raincliffe Woods - Stephen Beaver

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Tuesday 23rd January

 The Great Northern Diver at the harbour, 18 Guillemots, 5 Razorbills, 7 Red-throated Divers, 2 Shags off Marine Drive. The first-winter Smew still at North Yorkshire Water Park, Red-throated Diver, 5 Pochard, 17 Goldeneye, Little Egret, 3 Russian White-fronted Geese (fields to south), and 7 Whooper Swans. Two Goosanders at Peasholm Park, Dipper still in the glen. Shelduck still at Seamer tip. 1000+ Pink-footed Geese at Low Marishes, 350 Fieldfare, 100 Redwing in the area. 

Whooper Swans in fields south of NY Water Park - Terry Hobson.

Monday 22 January 2024

Monday 22nd January

 A second-winter Little Gull in the gull roost at North Yorkshire Water Park this evening. The first-winter Smew was still on the Water Sports Lake, also in the area; 21 Whooper Swans, 3 Russian White-fronted Geese, 4 Pochard, 20 Goldeneye, 50 Wigeon, and the long staying Red-throated Diver. The Great Northern Diver still in the harbour, plus one south off Marine Drive. A Shelduck on a pond at Seamer tip. The Dipper still in Peasholm Glen. 200 Brambling at Adderstones, 4 Little Grebes on Staindale Lake. 300 Lapwings off Garth End Road, West Ayton. 

The harbour Great Northern Diver - Rich Berry. 

Sunday 21 January 2024

Sunday 21st January

 Highlights from North Yorksire Water Park included the first-winter Smew, a first-winter Little Gull (East Lake), 12 Whooper Swans, 4 White-fronted Geese, 23 Pink-footed Geese, Red-throated Diver, 2 Water Rails,drake Pintail, 4 Pochard, 4 Great White Egrets (flew SW), Little Egret, 2 Cetti's Warblers, 830 Starlings flew west. Single Great Northern Divers at Long Nab and the harbour. A cream crown Marsh Harrier flew in from the east at Long Nab and continued WNW. Two Shoveler at Seamer tip pool. A Green Woodpecker at Newclose Rigg, Dalby Forest. A Woodcock at Castle Hill. A drake Red-breasted Merganser flew north past Marine Drive. Four Goosanders at Seamer Road Mere. 

Shoveler Seamer Tip pool - Mark Hepples. 

Saturday 20 January 2024

Saturday 20th January

 Both Smew still at North Yorkshire Water Park, also 5 White-fronted Geese(fields to south), 21 Whooper Swans (fields to south), 128 Mallard, 43 Wigeon, 32 Gadwall, 4 Pochard, 20 Goldeneye, 32 Cormorants. At the East Lake gull roost were 320 Black-headed, 4750 Common, 72 Herring, and 9 Gbb Gulls. An impressive noisy pre-roost flight of c800 Jackdaws. 50+ Croosbills at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. The Great Northern Diver at the harbour, a Woodcock at Castle Hill. A juvenile Marsh Harrier at Potter Brompton Carr, also Peregrine, Barn Owl, 2 Redshank, 3 Snipe, 400 Linnets, 70 Tree Sparrows.

Lesser Redpoll Wykeham Forest - Andrew Woodcock 

Friday 19 January 2024

Friday 19th January

 More new arrivals at North Yorkshire Water Park in the big freeze; 5 Russian White-fronted Geese, a female Scaup, both Smew (adult drake + first-winter), Red-throated Diver, 3 Jack Snipe, Egyptian Goose, 21 Whooper Swans (fields to south), 2 Great White Egrets (flew SE), and 4 Pochard. At Seamer Road Mere; 38 Coot, 53 Tufted Duck, 67 Mallard, 5 Little Grebes. Five Mediterranean Gulls in South Bay, plus 4 at Scalby Mills. 13 Ringed Plover at the latter site. The Great Northern Diver was still in the harbour, a Woodcock at nearby Castle Hill, 3 Skylark flew south. Two Woodcocks at Seamer Tip pool. A Jack Snipe at Long Nab, plus Brambling, and 550 Linnets. 30 Fieldfare near Brompton Ings Road. A Blackcap in a Scarborough garden. 

Goldeneye NY Water Park - Stephen Beaver 

Thursday 18 January 2024

Thursday 18th January

 Two Russian White-fronted Geese were new in at North Yorkshire Water Park today. Both the adult male and first-winter Smews were still on the Water Sports Lake, the Red-throated Diver still present, also 2 Goosanders, 20 Goldeneye, 30 Wigeon, 39 Teal, 22 Gadwall, 4 Pochard, 6 Common and 4 Jack Snipe. The gull roost on East Lake had 180 Black-headed, 1400 Common, 24 Gbb, 380 Herring, and a first-winter Caspian Gull. Three Willow Tits, 30 Crossbills in Wykeham Forest. Four Purple Sandpipers, and a Goosander at Scalby Mills. Two Goosanders, 2 Little Grebes, 40 Mallard at Burton Riggs. At Castle Hill 45 Blackbirds, 2 Redwing there. The Great Northern Diver, and 3 Red-throated Divers, Shag, and Mediterranean Gull in South Bay. Five mobile Waxwings in Burniston.

The first-winter Smew at NY Water Park - Stephen Beaver 

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Wednesday 17th January

 Both Smews were still at North Yorkshire Water Park. Also at the Water Park was the Red-throated Diver, 32 Tufted Ducks, Little Egret, Jack Snipe, and a Cetti's Warbler. A clear crisp morning and 6 Goshawks were seen in display from Wykeham Forest, also 50 Crossbills at the Viewpoint and 57 Brambling in a mixed finch/bunting flock opposite the car park there. c100 Teal at Flotmanby Carr. A Jack Snipe was at Long Nab, where 450 Linnets and 48 Skylarks were in the fields. Three Waxwings were seen in Burniston, early morning by The Three Jolly Sailors PH, and later over Burniston Gardens. The Great Northern Diver was still at the harbour. A male Blackcap in a Crossgates garden. Roosting gulls off Scalby Mills at dusk included 3 Mediterranean Gulls, 216 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Gbb Gulls, and 426 Herring Gulls. 

Fieldfares, and Blackbird at Hutton Buscel - Lucy Hobkinson.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Tuesday 16th January

 The drake Smew at NY Water Park was joined by a "redhead" Smew today! A Woodcock , and 3 Redwing at Castle Hill. 400 Linnets at Long Nab, the highest count there this winter. 40 Chaffinches at the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale. A single Waxwing at Seamer tip pool this morning. Three Purple Sandpipers, and 5 Dunlin at Scalby Mills. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour.

Both Smew at North Yorkshire Water Park - Terry Hobson. 

Monday 15 January 2024

Monday 15th January

 The drake Smew and Red-throated Diver still at North Yorkshire Water Park. More cold weather movement with 2 Woodcocks at Castle Hill, 220 Redwing and 24 Fieldfare at St Mary's Church on the Headland. At the harbour were Great Northern Diver, and 7 Purple Sandpipers at North Bay plus another at Scalby Mills. A male Long-tailed Duck flew south at Long Nab. Two Dippers, and a Woodcock were at Wrench Green. Four Gadwall, 5 Cormorants at Burton Riggs. The South Bay gull roost held 18 Mediterranean Gulls this evening (9 adults, 7 3cy, 2 2cy).

Mediterranean Gull South Bay - Ben Ward

Sunday 14 January 2024

Sunday 14th January

 Highlights today included the drake Smew and Red-throated Diver at North Yorkshire Water Park, plus Great Northern Diver at the harbour. The BTO WeBS count at Seamer Road Mere; 21 Mute Swans, 6 Gadwall, 8 Goldeneye, 42 Tufted Duck, 68 Mallard, 12 Little Grebes, and a Water Rail. At Scampston Park; 250 Greylag Geese, 4 Canada Geese, 4 Mute Swans, 12 Little Grebes, 5 Moorhen, 4 Tufted Ducks, 23 Mallard. Also at NY Water Park; Egyptian Goose, 23 Goldeneye, 7 Gadwall, 53 Redwing. A Water Rail, and Woodcock at Seamer tip, where 2 Little Egrets flew over east. The Dipper still in Peasholm Glen, Goosander in the park. Four Willow Tits at Wrench Green. At Potter Brompton Carr; 2 Great White Egrets, 2 Little Egrets, 2 Shelduck, 5 Wigeon, 89 Teal, 17 Pink-footed Geese, Peregrine, Willow Tit, 680 Linnets, 42 Brambling, 45 Tree Sparrows, a hybrid Tree x House Sparrow, and 10+ Grey Partridge. A Goosander and 9 Shags north past Long Nab. 45 Crossbills in Wykeham Forest, plus Goshawk. A Whooper Swan still with Mutes at Cayton Carr. 17 Mediterranean Gulls roosted in South Bay (9 ad, 6 3cy, 2 2cy). Three Woodcocks, 2 Tawny Owls at Castle Hill, a Lesser Black-backed Gull (2cy) off Marine Drive.

Smew North Yorkshire Water Park - Paul Tozer

Saturday 13 January 2024

Saturday 13th January

 Highlights included the drake Smew and Red-throated Diver, first-winter Little Gull, and singing Cetti's Warbler at North Yorkshire Water Park. The Cetti's Warbler showing well at Seamer tip pool, and a Velvet Scoter south past Scalby Mills, where 425 Wigeon, 17 Curlews were present. The Great Northern Diver was in South Bay, and 2 Shelduck flew north off the harbour. A Goosander and 2 Goldeneye at Seamer Road Mere. 52 Yellowhammers Troutsdale, 5 Mandarins at Hackness Lake. A Woodcock at Castle Hill, and one moved through Lebberston. Seven Brambling at Cockmoor Plantation. NY Water Park also had an adult Mediterranean Gull, 230 Lapwings, 26 Goldeneye, 9 Great Crested Grebes, 15 Fieldfare. A Water Rail at the Open Air Theatre. The South Bay gull roost held 4 Mediterranean Gulls. A pair of Tawny Owls in Burniston.

Cetti's Warbler Seamer tip pool - Chris Bell. 

Friday 12 January 2024

Friday 12th January

 The drake Smew, 3 Goosanders, 26 Goldeneye, 2 Water Rail, the Red-throated Diver, and a Cetti's Warbler at North Yorkshire Water Park. Five Shelduck flew north past Marine Drive. The Great Northern Diver, 17 Turnstone,  and Red-breasted Merganser at the harbour. Three Willow Tits at Wrench Green, plus another at the Raptor Viewpoint. A Woodcock under a garden feeder in Newby. In Dalby Forest a Willow Tit, 3 Marsh Tits at Pexton Lake. A Woodcock, 16 Crossbills in Harwood Dale Forest. A Goshawk at Harwood Dale. Two Mediterranean Gulls in South Bay, also 4 Razorbills, 12 Guillemots, 3 Shags.

Red-throated Diver NY Water Park - Steve Hey.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Thursday 11th January

 A drake Smew was at North Yorkshire Water Park (Water Sports Lake) this afternoon. Also counted there were 109 Mallard, 24 Goldeneye, 13 Little Grebes, 18 Coot (low winter count), 3 Jack Snipe, 5 Common Snipe, 350 Lapwing, and 20 Redwing. The Red-throated Diver was still on the Water Sports Lake. A Shelduck at Johnson's Marsh. Past Long Nab were 22 Common Scoter and 3 Eiders. The drake Red-breasted Merganser, and Great Northern Diver at the harbour, also 3 Purple Sandpipers and 18 Turnstone. 21 Blackbirds, 4 Goldcrests on Castle Hill. Two drake Goosanders at Peasholm Park Lake, plus another at Burton Riggs. The Cetti's Warbler was still at Seamer tip pool. A Woodcock flew west over burton Riggs, also 40 Siskin present. A female Merlin flew north at Scalby Lodge pond. 

Smew at NY Water Park - Nick Addey

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Wednesday 10th January

 A Water Rail was at Long Nab, where 3 Velvet Scoter flew north, also past were 11 Eiders, 35 Kittiwakes. Six Turnstone at the harbour. A male Merlin at Ruston Carr, plus 224 Rooks, 176 Jackdaw, 88 Carrion Crows, 400 Woodpigeon, 150 Starling. A Great White Egret, Little Egret, 2 Shelduck, Barn Owl at Potter Brompton Carr. The Cetti's Warbler still at Seamer tip pool. A redhead Goosander at Burton Riggs. 45 Crossbills in the NE part of Wykeham Forest. North Yorkshire Water Park had 20 Goldeneye, 10 Great Crested Grebes, and a Chiffchaff. The Dipper was still in Peasholm Glen. 23 Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 3 Turnstone, Curlew, 5 Redshank, 400+ Wigeon at Scalby Mills. 

Brambling Forge Valley feeders - Paul Tymon. 

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Tuesday 9th January

 Two Velvet Scoters flew south past Long Nab this morning, also a Great Northern Diver flew north. The drake Goosander was still on Peasholm Park Lake. A Woodcock flew west over Burniston. Both the Bittern and Cetti's Warbler were present at Seamer Tip pool, although the Bittern was seen to leave towards the tip. The Great Northern Diver, and drake Red-breasted Merganser still at the harbour. 

A local Jackdaw - Ray Maddison. 

Monday 8 January 2024

Monday 8th January

 A Bittern was found in reeds at Seamer tip pool, where the Cetti's Warbler was still present. Two Ravens were seen over Troutsdale. The Great Northern Diver and drake Red-breasted Merganser still at the harbour. Five Shelducks, and a Velvet Scoter flew north past Long Nab. Two Shelduck still at Johnson's Marsh. The Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint area produced 2 Goshawks, 5 Common Buzzards, 12 Crossbills, Lesser Redpoll, and 3 Brambling. At Potter Brompton Carr; 215 Teal, Goosander, Water Rail, 90 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 2 Great White Egrets, 3 Little Egrets, Stonechat, 78 Tree Sparrows, 380 Linnets. 1279 Golden Plover, 70 Lapwing, 300 Starlings at Binnington Carr. 2 Little Egrets Cayton Carr. In Dalby Forest (Haygate) ; 12 Lesser Redpolls, 6 Brambling, 250 Chaffinch, 50 Yellowhammers, 2 Woodcock. 

Cetti's Warbler Seamer Tip pool - Nick Addey

Sunday 7 January 2024

Sunday 7th January

 A Cetti's Warbler at Seamer tip pool, in the reeds early p.m. A Raven roosted in the small copse just east of Seamer Tip (heard calling at dawn). Six Woodcocks were at the tip. 180 Pink-footed Geese, 4 Whooper Swans at Cayton Carr. A Water Rail at Taylor Way pool, plus two at Seamer Road Mere. A female Eider on the sea at Long Nab. The Great Northern Diver and drake Red-breasted Merganser still in the harbour. Nine Purple Sandpipers on rock armour in North Bay at high tide (near Oasis Cafe). 43 House Sparrows at the harbour. Three Waxwing flew SE over Burniston a.m. Six Red-throated Divers in South Bay. A Snipe arrived off the sea at The Castle Headland, plus 9 at Scalby Lodge (small pond). 19 Magpie at the Headland. At Potter Brompton Carr; female Goshawk(flew north), Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Great White Egret, 2 Little Egrets, 340 linnets, 82 Greenfinch, 14 Brambling, 11 Bullfinch. 700 Golden Plover, 300 Lapwing at Binnington Carr. A Hawfinch at Wilton Heights Quarry. A Raven at Cockrah Foot (near Wrench Green). Dipper still in Peasholm Glen. 590 Wigeon at Scalby Mills. Dalby Ellerburn/Sand Dale; 6 Marsh Tit, Willow Tit, 7 Little Grebes, 12 Brambling.

Cetti's Warbler Seamer tip pool - Andy Hood. 

Saturday 6th January

 Today's highlights included 16 Waxwings at Crossgates, Raven north over Castle Hill, still Great Northern Diver and Red-breasted Merganser at the harbour. 70 Pink-footed Geese flew west over Thornton le Dale. 6 Goosanders at Seamer Road Mere. A Great Crested Grebe off Marine Drive.

Great Northern Diver - Mark Hepples

Friday 5 January 2024

Friday 5th January

 Two Shelduck were new in at Johnson's Marsh today. A Brambling at Castle Hill, Great Northern Diver and Red-breasted Merganser in the harbour. 60 Linnets at Long Lane Seamer. 15 Turnstones at the harbour. The drake Goosander at Peasholm Park Lake. An increase in wildfowl moving past Long Nab this morning, including 4 Goldeneye north.

Red-breasted Merganser in the harbour - Stuart Baines. 

Thursday 4 January 2024

Thursday 4th January

 Highlights today included the Red-throated Diver still at North Yorkshire Water Park, Great Northern Diver and drake Red-breasted Merganser still in the harbour, and 2 Great White Egrets at Potter Brompton Carr. Also at the latter site were 2 little Egrets, 54 Teal, 450 Lapwing, 640 Linnets, 22 Brambling, 48 Siskin, 9 Bullfinch, 220 Starlings. Also at NY Water Park were 24 Cormorants, 21 Goldeneye, 18 Wigeon, 15 Gadwall, 3 Teal, 180 Lapwing, and 3 Redwing. 54 Teal Johnson's Marsh. The drake Goosander, and Kingfisher still at Peasholm Park Lake. A male Blackcap at Burton Riggs. At Seamer Road Mere; 3 Goosanders, 2 Goldeneye, 2 Gadwall, 2 Little Grebes, and a Water Rail. Scalby Mills had 420 Wigeon, 7 Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin, 2 Purple Sandpipers, 30 Redshank. A pre roost gathering of 150 Pied Wagtails at Scalby Lodge Pond. At Langdale Forest; Goshawk, Green Woodpecker, 60 Crossbills, 2 Lesser Redpoll. A Red Grouse on Fylingdales Moor. 32 Red-throated Divers, 12 Guillemots feeding off Long Nab. 

Goosander Peasholm Park Lake - Stuart Baines. 

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Wednesday 3rd January

 The Great Northern Diver, and drake Red-breasted Merganser again in the harbour. Single Waxwings at Rocks Lane (Field Lane), Long Nab, plus one at Cayton Cricket Ground. At least five Whooper Swans still near Folkton Water Treatment, also 6 Little Egrets there. Drake Goosander still at Peasholm Park Lake. Eastway playing fields continue to attract Mediterranean Gulls; 13 today (6 ad, 4 3cy, 3 2cy). Flood water around Low Marishes held 800 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Pintail, 160 Wigeon, 300 Teal, 1700 Lapwing, 90 Golden Plovers. 20+ Crossbills around Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. North Yorkshire Water Park; 134 Mallard, 5 Gadwall, 9 Wigeon, 9 Goldeneye, 25 Siskin, 6 Lesser Redpolls. Potter Brompton Carr held 2 Shelduck, 2 Little Egrets, Great White Egret, 2 Marsh Harriers, 240 Golden Plover, 500 Lapwing, and 2 Whooper Swans flying towards NYW Park. 13 Pink-footed Geese flew south at Long Nab, plus a redhead Goosander north. 91 Redshank, 43 Oystercatchers, 11 Turnstone, Kingfisher at Scalby Mills.

Starling Newby - Stephen Beaver.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Tuesday 2nd January

 The Waxwing was still along Rocks Lane, at Long Nab. A recently fledged Woodpigeon was a surprise there too. 18 Red-throated Divers were feeding off the Observatory. The drake Red-breasted Merganser had moved into South Bay but the Great Northern Diver was still showing well in the harbour. 200 Brambling at Adderstones, Dalby Forest, also good numbers of tits, 100+ Coal/Great Tits, 3 Marsh, and a Willow. Two further Willow Tits at Dixon's Slack. 56 Crossbills in Dalby Forest on a 3 mile walk. Three Whooper Swans went SW over Scalby, being seen over town shortly after. Another 7 Whooper Swans were at Cayton Carrs (viewed from Carr Lane). 30+ Redshank at Scalby Mills. At Starr Carr; Little Grebe, 3 Snipe, 400 Starling, 2 Goldcrests.

Waxwing at Long Nab - Nick Addey

Monday 1 January 2024

New Years Day

 A sprinkling of Waxwings today; two flew north over Peasholm this morning, this afternoon saw a single at Long Nab (Rocks Lane), plus a flock of 10 at Allerston. Potter Brompton Carr area had Great White Egret, 2 Little Egrets, 2 Shoveler, 55 Pink-footed Geese, 395 Lapwing, plus at Bogg Hall winter bird crop; 320 Linnet, 38 Greenfinch, 13 Brambling. A single Whooper Swan with 7 Mute Swans by Folkton Water Treatment. 130 Pink-footed Geese flew east at Folkton, 116 south over Seamer Road Mere, plus skeins of 80 and 105 flew south along the coast. The Little Owl was showing at Hutton Buscel, 20+ Siskin at Hilla Green. Dipper still in Peasholm Glen, drake Goosander and Kingfisher at Peasholm Lake. Both the juvenile Great Northern Diver, and drake Red-breasted Merganser were still in the main harbour. Seamer Road Mere had 5 Gadwall, 31 Tufted Duck, 5 Goldeneye, 17 Coot, 27 Moorhen, 2 Water Rail, 4 Little Grebes, Lesser Redpoll. A Chiffchaff along Queen Margaret's Road. An ad Mediterranean Gull, 3 Shags and 3 Red-throated Divers in South Bay. Three Red-throated Divers off Marine Drive, and a Razorbill south there. Two Peregrines on the Castle Cliffs. 50+ Fieldfare at Suffield. Waders at Scalby Mills included 9 Ringed Plover, 79 Redshank, 16 Turnstone, and a Purple Sandpiper. Also 420 Wigeon there. At North Yorkshire Water Park; Red-throated Diver still, 3 Whooper Swans, 13 Goldeneye, 5 Gadwall, 72 Teal, 86 Mallard, Wigeon, 11 Great Crested Grebes, 26 Cormorants, 40 Pink-footed Geese (flew east), 43 Lapwing, 68 Fieldfare, 36 Redwing, 2 Mistle Thrush, 3 Marsh Tits, Jay, 2 Yellowhammers, Brambling.

Breakfast for the harbour Great Northern Diver - Chris Bell.