Sunday 31 March 2024

Sunday 31st March

 A Little Ringed Plover at East Lake, NY Water Park, also a Shelduck and 8 Sand Martins. 30 Chiffchaffs around the site. Some duck movement along the coast included 20 Eiders, 4 Long-tailed Ducks (1s Marine Drive, 2N and 1S Long Nab. 1700 Kittiwakes present now. The Great Northern Diver in South Bay. A few extra Blackcaps in today; Seamer Road Mere, Troutsdale, Potter Brompton, Burton Riggs (3). At Potter Brompton Carr; Swallow, Sand Martin, Green Sandpiper, Red Kite, Great White Egret, 8 Little Egrets, Snipe, 11 Curlew, 9 Shoveler, 4 Wigeon, 44 Teal, 8 Brambling. Green Woodpecker Ganton Golf Course. 86 Golden Plover Binnington Carr. A Red Kite SE over Thornton-le-Dale late afternoon. 380 Brambling, 50 Yellowhammers, 60 Linnets in fields just south of  Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint.

Chiffchaff North Yorkshire Water Park - Chris Bell 

Saturday 30 March 2024

Saturday 30th March

 The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour, a 2cy Mediterranean Gull, 1000+ Kittiwakes in South Bay. A Blackcap in North Bay, and female Wheatear at Castle Cliffs (left west). A Red Kite over Woodlands Drive mid-morning. Goshawk west over Crossgates. Three Common Snipe Long Nab. Five Goshawks, 4 Crossbills Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. South through South Cliff: 181 chaffinch, 2 Brambling, 168 Linnets, 274 Siskin. Also Sand Martin flew north. 

Great Northern Diver at the harbour - Malcolm Gladman

Friday 29 March 2024

Friday 29th March

 A Mealy Redpoll was at a feeder in Cloughton, also a Brambling there. Siskins again reported widespread at feeders in the district, including c50 at Stepney Road. Good numbers of finches moving south at Long Nab, totals here . A Red Kite flew south at Long Nab. A singing Cetti's Warbler at Burton Riggs plus 15 Tufted Ducks. At North Yorkshire Water Park; a Red Kite, 4 Brambling at Long Causeway, and 4 Goldeneye, 4 Lbb Gulls at East Lake, plus14 Chiffchaffs around the area. 200+ Brambling at the old nursery area, Wykeham Forest. A pair of Shoveler and 7 Gadwall Seamer tip pool. A Blackcap at Scalby Beck. 

Little Owl today - Simon Temlett. 

Thursday 28 March 2024

Thursday 28th March

 An Osprey was seen flying low over Troutsdale at 9am. A Marsh Harrier and two Crossbills south at Castle Hill. A Woodcock, 4 Goldcrests, 12 Redwing, 2 Siskin grounded by the rain there. A male Wheatear at Long Nab. Green Woodpecker at Helwath Beck, also one at Ganton Golf Course. Four Fieldfare flew SW over Jugger Howe Moor. Great Northern Diver in South Bay. At Long Causeway; 4 Brambling, 2 Jays. Potter Brompton Carr held 9 Shoveler, 6 Shelduck, 5 Gadwall, 75 Teal, Marsh Harrier, 7 Curlew, 5 Snipe, 7 Little Egrets, 2 Brambling. 25 Golden Plover Binnington Carr. Two Willow Tits in Sand Dale, Dalby Forest.

Male Brambling Long Causeway Road - Chris Bell.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Wednesday 27th March

 2 Common Scoter, 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2cy) in South Bay, Great Northern Diver in the harbour.  860 Kittiwakes off Marine Drive/South Bay/town. At Potter Brompton Carr; 10 Curlew, 22 Wigeon, 31 Teal, 3 Shelduck, 3 Lbb Gulls. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose flew north at Long Nab, good numbers of finches south early morning including 316 Siskin. A Common Sandpiper in Burniston Bay. 100 Siskin in Crossgates. At North Yorkshire Water Park; 15 Goldeneye, 12 Oystercatchers, 2 Sand Martins, and a White Wagtail. 

Common Buzzard Wykeham Forest - Stephen Beaver. 

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Tuesday 26th March

The first Sand Martins were recorded today; three at North Yorkshire Water Park this afternoon, also a big influx of Kittiwakes today; 1835 off Marine Drive/South Bay. The Great Northern Diver was in the harbour, and a Mediterranean Gull (2cy) in South Bay. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls off Scalby Ness. The Red-throated Diver was still at NY Water Park, also 7 Goldeneye, Blackcap, 8 Chiffchaffs. Two Brambling in a Cayton garden. The Great White Egret still at Potter Brompton Carr, also 6 Little Egrets, 6 Shoveler, 2 Shelduck, 15 Wigeon, 40 Teal, 3 Curlews. A White Wagtail flew south at Long Nab, a Woodcock in the ringing plantation. Male Wheatears at Jugger Howe Moor and Cromer Point. Six Stonechat territories between Hundale Point and Cromer Point. 500 Brambling at Wykeham Forest.

Wheatear Jugger Howe Moor - Stephen Beaver. 

Monday 25 March 2024

Monday 25th March

 The Mealy Redpoll again briefly today at Heron Lane, Crossgates. Three Whooper Swans at Low Marishes. Two Pintail flew north at Long Nab. A drake Eider south past Marine Drive, a Common Scoter, 285 Kittiwakes, Great Northern and a Red-throated Diver, 2 Shags in South Bay. Two Tree Sparrows flew south over Castle Hill. 28 Golden Plover at Binnington Carr. At Potter Brompton Carr: Great White Egret, 5 Little Egrets, 86 Teal, 24 Wigeon, Shoveler, 6 Shelduck, 2 Gadwall, Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Snipe, 6 Oystercatchers, 27 singing Skylarks, 21 Chiffchaff, 60 Tree Sparrows, 2 Crossbills, 2 Brambling.

Gadwall Seamer tip pool - Stephen Beaver

Sunday 24 March 2024

Sunday 24th March

 A Mealy Redpoll at Heron Lane, Crossgates. A female Goosander at Seamer tip pool. The Great Northern Diver, and three Common Scoter (2 males) at North Yorkshire Water Park. Observers report low numbers of Siskins in gardens last couple of days, after above average numbers previous two weeks. Two Shelduck still at Johnson's Marsh. 

Female Goosander Seamer tip pool - Mark Hepples. 

Saturday 23 March 2024

Saturday 23rd March

 North past Castle Hill were 2 Whooper Swans, 234 Meadow Pipits, and a Yellowhammer. 480 Kittiwakes offshore (310 marine Drive, 170 South Bay). A drake Red-breasted Merganser flew south past Marine Drive. Two Little Egrets at Yedingham. Three Common Scoters (1m, 2 fem) at North Yorkshire Water Park. Great Northern diver in the harbour.

Imm Peregrine Castle Cliffs - Joe Bamfield

Friday 22 March 2024

Friday 22nd March

 The Red-necked Grebe continues to entertain at Burton Riggs, also a drake Mandarin, 35 Fieldfare (NW), and a Blackcap there. Highlights past Long Nab on this morning's watch included 2 Waxwings, 426 Starlings south, 271 Meadow Pipits (mostly NW), a Short-eared Owl west, and a drake Goosander NW. Great Northern Diver in South Bay, 445 Kittiwakes (260 South Bay, 185 off Marine Drive), 2cy Mediterranean Gull off Marine Drive, 10 Rock Pipits around the headland. Good numbers of Chiffchaffs again along the coast; 9 Castle Hill, 8 around Scalby Nab/beck, 13 North Bay, and 11 at Long Nab. 16 Goldcrests Castle Hill to Scalby Nab. Also 2 White Wagtails, 48 Wigeon, Golden Plover, 17 Redshank at Scalby Mills. Two Common Buzzards flew south over North Bay. A Dunlin at the harbour. 

Skylark Jugger Howe Moor - Stephen Beaver

Thursday 21 March 2024

Thursday 21st March

 The Red-necked Grebe remains at Burton Riggs. 100 Siskin at Crossgates. Brambling along Long Causeway Road. A drake Common Scoter at nearby North Yorkshire Water Park (Water Sports Lake), also 21 Mute Swans and 14 Goldeneye. 270 Kittiwakes, Shag, and Great Northern Diver in South Bay. Six Goldcrests at Castle Hill. Five Oystercatchers at Seamer Tip pool. A Common Scoter flock heard over Middle Deepdale at 23.20 hrs.

Siskin Long Causeway Road, Wykeham - Paul Tozer. 

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Wednesday 20th March

 The Red-necked Grebe remains at Burton Riggs, also a Little Grebe (on nest), and 43 Carrion Crows. The Great Northern Diver and Mediterranean Gull (2cy) in South Bay. Kittiwakes have increased to 523 (359 Marine Drive, 164 South Bay) and are now visiting ledges at Castle Cliffs. 10 Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap, 22 Redwing, 20+ Meadow Pipits, Brambling at the Castle Headland. A Purple Sandpiper flew north past Marine Drive. Two Shelduck flew west at NY Water Park, 5 Lbb Gulls there. Little Owl Hutton Buscel. Barnacle Goose at Salt Pans Lane, Cloughton. At Potter Brompton Carr: 2 Dunlin, 3 Curlew, 3 Oystercatchers, 40 Wigeon, 36 Teal, 6 Little Egrets, 8 Pied Wagtail. 20 Wigeon, 2 Snipe Harwood Dale Lake. Two flocks of Common Scoters heard over Eastfield between 22.45 and 23.15. Four Shore-eared Owls Flixton/Folkton Carrs.

Barnacle Goose Cloughton - Ray Maddison. 

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Tuesday 19th March

 The Red-necked Grebe still at Burton Riggs. A Goldeneye at Seamer Road Mere. Highlights past Long Nab this morning; Egyptian Goose (+ past South Cliff), 31 Whooper Swans, 99 Pink-footed Geese, Red Kite (+ past Scalby Mills/South Bay), White Wagtail, and Corn Bunting. South past South Cliff included 162 Chaffinch, 117 Siskin, Brambling, and 3 Crossbills. Two 2cy Mediterranean Gulls, Great Northern Diver 39 Kittiwakes in South Bay. At North Yorkshire Water Park; Great Northern Diver, fem Pintail, 12 Chiffchaffs. Two pairs of Curlew south of Ravenscar. A sizeable gull roost off Jackson's Bay/North Bay this eve; 3,560 Herring Gulls, 13 Lbb and 40 Gbb Gulls. Drake Goosander North Bay. 60 Pink-footed Geese NW over Dalby Forest early morning. Two adult and a 2cy Peregrine Castle Cliffs today.

Female Brambling Cayton - Paul Tozer. 

Monday 18 March 2024

Monday 18th March

  152 Kittiwakes offshore at Marine Drive.  122 Kittiwakes rafting in South Bay.  The Red-necked Grebe still at Burton Riggs. Two Wheatears arrived today; Holbeck landslip, and Scalby Lodge fields. Many Chiffchaffs around, 18 at Long Nab was a good influx there. A Short-eared Owl flew south offshore at Long Nab mid-morning. The Great Northern Diver was in the harbour. At North Yorkshire Water Park the Great Northern and Red-throated Divers were still on the Water Sports Lake, an Avocet resting at East Lake. Also there were 24 Goldeneye, Shoveler and a Redshank. A Red Kite flew south through South Cliff, also 123 Siskins south. Four Whooper Swans, 4 Shelduck, 2 Pink-footed Geese, a White Wagtail at Cayton Carrs. 

Bramblings Wykeham Forest - Rich Baines.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Sunday 17th March

 The Great Northern Diver was still on the Water Sports Lake, NY Water Park. A Shelduck at Salt Pans Rd, Cloughton. Lesser Redpoll in the Siskin flock in Crossgates. The Red-necked Grebe still at Burton Riggs. Five Goldcrests at both Long Nab and Castle Hill, 40 Blackbirds, 5 Chiffchaffs at the latter site. The Great Northern Diver at the harbour. 54 Kittiwakes visited nest sites at The Grand Hotel and Spa Bridge. 31 Whooper Swans, 4 Chiffchaffs Thornton Carrs. Little Owl at East Heslerton. 

Siskin Barrowcliffe - Martin Moseley.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Saturday 16th March

 A Great Northern Diver was a new arrival at North Yorkshire Water Park. The last few days of Chiffchaff arrivals means they are now widespread in the district. The Red-necked Grebe again ar Burton Riggs. A Water Rail, pair of Gadwall a singing Blackcap at Burton Riggs. 100+ Kittiwakes raftin off Marine Drive, 79 in South Bay. The Great Northern Diver at the harbour, a 2cy Mediterranean Gull in South Bay, and 8 Rock Pipits (harbour/Castle Cliffs). 50 Fulmars at Castle Cliffs. Three Brambling at Long Causeway Road. Numerous Goshawk sightings and 2 Willow Tits at Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. 300+ Brambling, 30 Yellowhammers Wykeham Forest. Six Shags around the Castle Headland.

Long-tailed Tit Seamer tip pool - Mark Hepples.

Friday 15 March 2024

Friday 15th March

 At Burton Riggs today; drake Common Scoter, Red-necked Grebe and Little Gull (3cy).  At North Yorkshire Water Park; 3 Pochard, and 4 Chiffchaffs. The Avocet was again at Johnson's Marsh this morning but could not be found from late morning. A Velvet Scoter on the sea off Marine Drive late afternoon, Great Northern Diver at the harbour, 20 Kittiwakes and 5 Chiffchaffs, 2 Goldcrests around the headland. Two Russian White-fronted Geese in fields below Seamer tip pool. The Ring-necked Parakeet again on feeders in a Bickley garden this afternoon. At Potter Brompton Carr: Whooper Swan, 90 Wigeon, 60 Teal, 3 Shoveler, 8 Gadwall, 2 Shelduck, Goosander (over), Red Kite (flew south), Marsh Harrier, 2 Great White Egrets, 8 Little Egrets, 3 Chiffchaffs, 60 Chaffinches, 15 Brambling, 80 Linnets, 6 Siskin, 57 Fieldfare (flew west). 20+ Golden Plover Binnington Carr. 200 Siskin and a Brambling in Crossgates gardens. Two Dunlin, 4 Teal on pools at Cloughton, plus 3 Chiffchaffs. 31 Whooper Swans, 2 Curlews Thornton Carrs. Adult Lbb Gull back on roofs at Dean Road. 

Common Scoter Burton Riggs - David Hutchinson. 

Thursday 14 March 2024

Thursday 14th March

 A good influx of Chiffchaffs today; 6 at Long Nab, 3 at Castle Hill and Dalby Forest, 2 at Burton Riggs, and singles in Cayton, Seamer Tip, Snainton, and at Low Marishes. An Avocet flew NW at Long Nab this morning, and presumably the same was seen at Johnson's Marsh mid-afternoon before leaving south. Also past Long Nab were 2 Ravens, a Red Kite, adult Mediterranean Gull, 84 Chaffinches (south), and 179 Meadow Pipits (north). A Ring-necked Parakeet was in a garden at Bickley. Four Willow Tits in Forge Valley, where a breeding pair of Marsh Tits were observed. The Red-necked Grebe, and 2 Russian White-fronted Geese still at Burton Riggs. The Great Northern Diver was in South Bay. At Cayton/Folkton Carr; 2 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Dunlin, 22 Curlew, 3 Little Egrets. At Low Marishes; 200 Pink-footed Geese, 4 Shoveler, 24 Wigeon, 16 Teal, 40 Fieldfare, and 160 Redwing. 100 Siskins at Heron Lane, Crossgates. Shelduck Star Carr. 

Chiffchaff Cayton - Paul Tozer. 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Wednesday 13th March

 The Red-necked Grebe was still at Burton Riggs. 28 Pink-footed Geese flew north at Long Nab, 72 Chaffinches flew south. Two Chiffchaffs and 4 Goldcrests at Castle Hill. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour. Two Red Kites in the Wykeham Forest area plus one at Thorn Park Farm, Hackness. At North Yorkshire Water Park; 2 Teal, 16 Goldeneye, 10 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Lbb Gulls, 2 Chiffchaffs. Four Lbb Gulls also in South Bay and 3 flew past Long Nab. 39 Fieldfare NW at Scalby Beck.

Red-necked Grebe Burton Riggs - Gary & Jan Powell. 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Tuesday 12th March

 A change in the wind direction got a few passerines moving past Long Nab early morning, the best an early White Wagtail which flew south. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour, 2 Chiffchaffs at the Castle Headland. Four Manderins on the River Derwent near the Everley. At Burton Riggs the Red-necked Grebe and two Russian White-fronted Geese were still present. 50 Redwing, 6 Gadwall at North Yorkshire Water Park. A drake Pintail was with 233 Wigeon off Scalby Ness. A wildfowl count at Seamer Road Mere gave totals of 18 Mute Swans, 4 Gadwall, 4 Goldeneye, 38 Tufted Duck, 50 Moorhen, 9 Coot (one active nest).

Goldcrest Burton Riggs - Craig Collins. 

Monday 11 March 2024

Monday 11th March

 The Red-necked Grebe was still at Burton Riggs, also a Chiffchaff and Willow Tit there. A Raven south over Castle Hill. A Nuthatch in the tit flock and a Chiffchaff there. Two Pink-footed Geese still at Cayton Carrs. The Great Northern Diver at the harbour, 63 Kittiwakes rafting off Marine Drive. A Brambling in a Cayton garden. Chiffchaff Seamer Rd Mere. At North Yorkshire Water Park: 25 Teal, 24 Goldeneye, 2 Goosanders, 10 Great Crested Grebes, 6 Coot, Red-throated Diver, 27 Cormorants, 4 Oystercatchers, Snipe, 6 Marsh Tit, 15 Redwing, 70 Siskin. Goosander still at Peasholm Park.

Red-necked Grebe - Andy Hood.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Sunday 10th March

 The Red-necked Grebe remains at Burton Riggs, still present at dusk. Shelduck, 61 Wigeon, 2 Mandarin, 2 Goosanders, 80 Lapwing at Harwood Dale Lake. Potter Brompton Carr held 2 Great White Egrets, 8 Little Egrets, 107 Wigeon, 52 Teal, 44 Mallard, 6 Gadwall, Marsh Harrier, 4 Dunlin, 55 Lapwing, 27 Brambling. A Shelduck at Seamer tip pool. Four Purple Sandpipers roosting on the lighthouse steps (harbour) at high tide. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour. Adult Mediterranean Gull in South Bay. 

Russian White-fronted Goose Burton Riggs yesterday - Paul Tozer. 

Saturday 9 March 2024

Saturday 9th March

 The Red-necked Grebe and 2 Russian White-fronted Geese remained at Burton Riggs. Four more Russian White-fronted Geese left south from Cromer Point pond this morning. Lots of Siskin around at the moment; 110 at Heron Lane, Crossgates, 45 Peasholm Park, and 36 at Dean Road Cemetary. The drake Goosander again at Peasholm Park, plus a Lbb Gull. A Little Gull (2cy) flew south past Long Nab with a flock of Black-headed Gulls. The Great Northern Diver again around the harbour. Two Kittiwakes South Bay. 

Red-necked Grebe Burton Riggs NR - Chris Bell 

Friday 8 March 2024

Friday 8th March

 A Red-necked Grebe in breeding plumage spent the day on the small lake at Burton Riggs. Also there 2 Russian White-fronted Geese, a Willow Tit, and 2 Chiffchaffs. Five Goshawks reported from the Wykeham forest Raptor Viewpoint, 40 Crossbills nearby, and 400+ Brambling at Wykeham old nursery area.  A Barnacle Goose with 7 Greylags in fields at Long Nab. The Great Northern Diver around the harbour, 5 Kittiwakes in South Bay.  Seven Little Egrets at Yedingham. 12 Brambling, 8 Crossbills, 30 Siskin at Ellerburn. 

Red-necked Grebe at Burton Riggs - Stephen Beaver. 

Thursday 7 March 2024

Thursday 7th March

 490 Golden Plover and 2 Dunlin Binnington Carr. At Potter Brompton Carr; Egyptian Goose (flew over), 86 Wigeon, 2 Shelduck, 2 Shoveler, 17 Snipe, 300 Common Gull, Barn Owl, several displaying Lapwing, small numbers of Brambling. 33 Siskin in Burniston village, 10 at Castle Hill, 100+ Dean Road Cemetary. Great Northern Diver at the harbour. Dipper at the mouth of Scalby Beck. Two Lbb Gulls Scalby Mills. Three Kittiwakes off Marine Drive, 22 off South Bay. Eight Turnstone East Pier. Two Pink-footed Geese Cayton Carrs. Red-throated Diver, Pochard, 18 Goldeneye, 2 Chiffchaffs NY Water Park.

Kittiwakes South Bay - Ben Ward 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Wednesday 6th March

 A male Merlin was at Riggs Head. Good numbers of Siskins visiting feeders around the district, 100+ in Dean Road Cemetary, and 45 at Heron Lane, Crossgates. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour. Two Goldeneye, and two Goosanders at Seamer Road Mere. 300 Pink-footed Geese, 275 Wigeon, 225 Teal, 2 Goldeneye, 10 Cormorants at Low Marishes. At North Yorkshire Water Park; Red-throated Diver, 16 Wigeon (flew east), 6 Teal, 6 Goldeneye, drake Pochard (East Lake), 4 Coot. Fields to the south of the lakes held 70 Golden Plover, 60 Lapwings, and a Dunlin. A singing Chiffchaff at Burton Riggs. 

Wren Raincliffe Woods - Stephen Beaver 

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March

 The first Kittiwakes are back early!....a group of 15 rafting off Marine Drive at 4pm increased to 120 later. Two Russian White-fronted Geese at Burton Riggs. The Great Northern Diver still at the harbour. 25+ Siskins at Heron Lane, Crossgates. 18 Herons at Mowthorpe. 240 Linnets at Long Nab. Nine active Heron nests at Mowthorpe.

Common Buzzard Mowthorpe - Terry Crook

Monday 4 March 2024

Monday 4th March

 A clear sunny day saw a few passerines on the move; Long Nab totals. Highlights included Raven and Velvet Scoter south, plus a Scandinavian Rock Pipit feeding by the scrape. The Great Northern Diver was still around the harbour. Rock Pipit totals today included 7 around Marine Drive/harbour, 4 at Long Nab, and 8 at Jackson's Bay. Three Stonechats at Long Nab, and 8 at Jackson's Bay. 170 Wigeon, Dunlin, 62 Redshank, 6 Purple Sandpipers, 5 Ringed Plover, 20 Magpies and a singing Chiffchaff at Scalby Mills. Jackson's Bay held 145 Oystercatchers, 9 Curlew, 83 Carrion Crows, 6 Redwing. A Merlin flew west at Flixton Carr. Lots of Goshawk action at the Raptor Viewpoint this morning.

Nuthatch Forge Valley - Stephen Beaver

Sunday 3 March 2024

Sunday 3rd March

 The Red-throated Diver remains at North Yorkshire Water Park, also two Whooper Swans flew in, 36 Goldeneye and 30 Redwing. Two Whooper Swans also flew north past Marine Drive early morning, plus a Grey Plover, and 2 Lbb Gulls. A drake Goldeneye, and two Shelduck south. 73 Fulmars at Marine Drive (43 on cliffs + c30 offshore). Four Shags off there, and 3 in South Bay. The Great Northern Diver, 18 Turnstone, 6 Rock Pipits in South Bay. Two Great White Egrets at Potter Brompton Carr, a Little Egret, 50 Wigeon, 2 Oystercatchers, 15 Brambling. A singing Chiffchaff at Castle Hill. 162 Wigeon, a 2cy Mediterranean Gull, 3 Lbb Gulls in North Bay. A Marsh Harrier flew east at Cayton Carrs, 2 Pink-footed Geese and 2 (ad + 2cy) Mediterranean Gulls present. A Woodcock flew north over North Bay this evening. 

The Red-throated Diver still at NY Water Park - Martin Moseley

Saturday 2 March 2024

Saturday 2nd March

 A Great Northern Diver was in the harbour this morning and a Red-throated Diver just outside. 18 Turnstone were present. 31 Siskins visited garden feeders at Heron lane, Crossgates and a cream crowned Marsh Harrier was over Seamer Tip Pools. Curlews had increased to 52 on fields next to Crook Ness car park. Two Dipper in Peasholm Glen. At Low Marishes: 1-2 Great Egret, four Little Egret, two Gadwall, 18 Shoveler, c100 Wigeon, c40 Teal, 12 Mallard, three Coot, 10 Dunlin, two Common Snipe, c70 Lapwing, six Canada Geese, c40 Greylag Geese, one Mute Swan, seven Grey Heron, two Great Black backed Gull and three Common Buzzard. High tide roost at Gristhorpe Bay; 184 Redshank, 152 Curlew, 34 Oystercatchers, 8 Purple Sandpipers, 5 Turnstone.

Great Northern Diver, Harbour, by Simon Temlett.

Friday 1 March 2024

Friday 1st March

 A drake Goosander and Kingfisher at Peasholm Lake this morning. 160 Wigeon, Dipper, Kestrel and Grey Heron at Scalby Mills. Six Greenfinch and two Siskin in Green Park Avenue, Cayton. Five calling Common Buzzard above Cockrah, Wrench Green and Dipper, Kingfisher and two Grey Wagtail on the river. Two drake Eider flew south past Marine Drive and 31 Whooper Swans were at Charity Farm, Thornton Carrs. Eight Goldeneye, six Great crested Grebe, two pairs of Oystercatcher, an Egyptian Goose, three Gadwall and six Reed Bunting were at North Yorkshire Water Park. 17 Siskin visited an Old Scalby Road garden. A Great Northern Diver, three Red-throated  Diver and a Shag were in South Bay. A Woodcock was at Castle Hill and four Rock Pipit in the area.

Great Black backed Gull, Harbour, by Ben Ward.