Sunday, 30 April 2023

Sunday 30th April

 Grasshopper Warblers are having a good spring; singing birds today at Crook Ness, Cromer Point, scalby Lodge pond, and Seamer Tip pool. Three Goldeneyes still at North Yorkshire Water Park, also 2 Little Ringed Plovers. A Common Sandpiper was at Peasholm Park lake. Two Tree Pipit territories at Swang clear fell, nr Silpho, plus 4 Crossbills (2 juvs) and 11 Willow Warblers.  The Whooper Swan was at Burton Riggs, with 3 Swifts south over Seamer Tip, and a Wheatear, and Lesser Whitethroat at nearby Taylor Way. A further Lesser Whitethroat was at the east side of the tip. Two Wheatears, and 2 Lesser Whitethroats were at Long Nab, where 8 Whimbrel flew past (7N, 1S).

Unconfirmed reports of an Osprey at North Yorkshire Water Park, and Alpine Swift south at Cloughton Wyke today.

Grasshopper Warbler Seamer Tip pool - Stephen Beaver

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Saturday 29th April

 A Reed Warbler was near the coarse fishing lake at North Yorkshire Water Park and five Mute Swans and a Whooper Swan were in the area of Seamer Tip Pools. Three Whimbrel were on the coastal path at Cromer Point and a Grasshopper Warbler was singing near pipe gulley south of Crook Ness. Two Greenshank, one Little Ringed Plover, two Little Egret, five drake Gadwall, one female Wigeon, 210 Sand Martin, 15 House Martin, 30 Swallow, 20 Swift and a Yellow Wagtail were at Potter Brompton Carr. A Whimbrel, a Common Sandpiper and a Lesser Whitethroat were at Scalby Mills. Two Grey Partridge were in a field north of Jackson's Bay. . At Troutsdale Bridge area there was one male Goosander, four Mandarin, one Dipper, two Grey Wagtail, 12 Swallow, one House Martin, one Great Spotted Woodpecker and one Yellowhammer. Harwood Dale Lake hosted one Common Sandpiper, two Oystercatcher, two Mandarin, five Teal. two Tufted Duck, approximately 65 Sand Martin, six Swallow, three House Martin and a Tree Sparrow. A Sandwich Tern and two Whimbrel flew north at Long Nab, a Lesser Whitethroat was in the cover crop hedge and single Grasshopper Warblers were in the long hedge and in brambles just north of Crook Ness car park. A male Hen Harrier flew north at Cromer Point. Also in the area were at least two Grasshopper Warblers, a male Stonechat, Whitethroat and a Reed Bunting. A singing Turtle Dove was noted in Broxa Forest. In the Dalby/Haygate area today there was a Goshawk, Green Woodpecker, approximately 120 Siskin consisting of a couple of large groups and otherwise calling everywhere, 36 Common Crossbill including a few juveniles and being very vocal after several weeks of relative quietness. A Common Swift flew over Low Dalby. 

Swallow at Seamer Tip Pool by Simon Temlett.

Friday, 28 April 2023

Friday 28th April

 Today's highlights included a Wood Sandpiper at Potter Brompton Carr, Arctic Tern NE through North Yorkshire Water Park, two Grasshopper Warblers still at Long Nab, and 7 Cuckoos in Langdale Forest. The latter site also had a Wheatear, Redwing, Lesser Whitethroat, a Tree Pipit over, and 13 Whimbrel flew north late afternoon. Five Wheatears, and a Garden Warbler were at South Cliff. Potter Brompton Carr also produced 3 Greenshank, 2 Common Sandpipers, Whimbrel, 2 Curlew, 27 Teal, 5 Shoveler, 4 Shelduck, a Wigeon, Little Egret, Wheatear, 200 Swallows, and 8 Yellow Wagtails. Five Fieldfare were at Taylor Way, Seamer tip area. Three Yellow Wagtails at Cromer Water Treatment plant. A Common Swift was back over Old Town this evening.

Kittiwakes Castle Cliffs - Phil Bennett

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Thursday 27th April

 Today's highlights included large numbers of Yellow Wagtails on the move; 47 past Long Nab, and 39 past South Cliff. A Short-eared Owl flew north at Long Nab, and corn Bunting flew south. A Common Scoter flew high NE over Crossgates at 12:30pm. Three singing Grasshopper Warblers were still at Long Nab, a Wheatear was in Burniston Bay. A Raven was seen over Oliver's Mount. Four Wheatears were at RAF Fylingdales. A Lesser Whitethroat and 4+ singing Tree Pipits were at Wrench Green. A Common Swift, 7 Whitethroats,  and 8 Sedge Warblers were at North Yorkshire Water Park.  A Willow Tit was in the Newclose Rigg area of Dalby Forest.

Little Ringed Plover, North Yorkshire Water Park - Chris Bell

Wednesday 26th April

 Highlights today included a drake Common Scoter at North Yorkshire Water Park, the first Common Swift over Crossgates, Three Marsh Harriers south along the coast, a Raven south over Spa Bridge, four Tree Pipits, 7 Fieldfare, 22 Willow Warblers in Harwood Dale Forest, a Turtle Dove and 2 Redstarts (pair) in Dalby Forest. A Common Sandpiper was at Seamer Road mere. Whitethroats arrived in force, eg. 3 Low North Camp, 2 Seamer Tip, and 5 at Long Nab, the latter site holding 3 singing Grasshopper Warblers. A Merlin flew south at Long Nab, where the first Puffin flew north. Four singing Sedge Warblers were at Seamer Tip pool area. A tame Whooper Swan was at Burton Riggs, no doubt our long staying individual. A Wheatear was in Jackson's Bay. Long-eared Owl seen early morning in Harwood Dale Forest. A male Whinchat was at Taylor Way (Seamer Tip).

Wheatear Jackson's Bay - Ray Maddison

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Tuesday 25th April

 The Penduline Tit came out of it's roost at Seamer Tip pool and flew high west at 06.25 a.m. A Grasshopper Warbler was singing at Long Nab, where a Whitethroat was also found, a Tree Pipit, and three Yellow Wagtails flew north. Totals at North Yorkshire Water park included; a Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, 31 Willow Warblers, 6 Blackcap, Shelduck, 5 Goldeneye, Common Sandpiper, LRP, 2 Oystercatchers, 130 Sand Martins, and 9 Swallows. An Osprey flew south over East Lake at 12.40 p.m. Potter Brompton Carr held a Wigeon, 28 teal, 6 Shelduck, 3 Curlew and 70 Sand Martins. Three drake Eiders flew north past Marine Drive, plus five were off Scalby Mills.  A pair of Little Grebes have a brood of 3 chicks at Newlands Dale pond. 

Male Penduline Tit Seamer Tip pool this morning just before it flew off - Dave Mansell


Monday, 24 April 2023

Monday 24th April

 A new species for the area, a male PENDULINE TIT , was found feeding in a reed bed at Seamer Tip pool this evening by Russ Cryer. It was relocated in nearby bushes by a further seven observers, where it went to roost. A Barnacle Goose was at Harwood Dale Lake. North past Long Nab was a breeding plumage Great Northern Diver, 2 Manx Shearwaters, and 361 Fulmars. A drake Eider flew south. 30 Sand Martins were feeding over the Water Sports Lake, NY Water Park. An Oystercatcher incubating at Eastfield Ind Estate. A Coot was at Johnson's Marsh (scarce here).

Male Penduline Tit Seamer Tip pool - Russ Cryer

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Sunday 23rd April

 The first Arctic Tern was seen today;  a lingering bird at North Yorkshire Water Park, plus three probable birds flew out east at South Bay (seen from a car!).  Two Common Sandpipers, a Whimbrel (East Lake), 2 LRP, 140 Sand Martins, 10 House Martins, 10 Swallows were also at the Water Park. Two Bar-tailed Godwits flew south at South Cliff, another was feeding in Jackson's Bay. A male Wheatear was at Seamer Mead, 5 Curlews flew south there. A pair of Eiders were at Scalby Mills. A Redstart and Tree Pipit were at Raincliff Woods SSSI. A Garden Warbler was at Crossgates. Thick fog at Ravenscar; 7 Willow Warblers, 15 Chiffchaffs, 2 Goldcrests. 19 Grey Herons were around the heronry at Scampston Park Lake (8+ active nests), also 8+ active nests at Mowthorpe. A dead Black-tailed Godwit was found in South Bay.

A local Little Owl - Simon Temlett

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Saturday 22nd April

 Two pairs of Lesser Black-backed Gulls were on the rooftops of industrial buildings on Columbus Ravine this morning. An Osprey noted flying low north over South Bay at 1215hrs, was tracked as it continued north over Scalby Mills and then north over Long Nab a short while later. A Richard's Pipit flew north along the Golf Course at South Cliff at 1350hrs. A Ring Ouzel was along the cliffs at South Cliff and a Brambling was in Cornelian Ravine. A Short-eared Owl arrived in off the sea and continued north and a Bar-tailed Godwit, 51 Swallow, 34 House Martin and 28 Sand Martin also flew north. A White Wagtail flew south. The East Lake at the North Yorkshire Water Park hosted a Little Ringed Plover, five Goldeneye, three Teal, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, three Great crested Grebes, three Sand Martin and seven Linnet. A Great White Egret, one Tree Sparrow, two Bullfinch and four Yellowhammer were at nearby Long Causeway Road, Wykeham. A Green Woodpecker, two Goldeneye, three Gadwall, two Teal, five Common Buzzard and three Nuthatch were at Scampston Park. A drake Shoveler was at Seamer Tip Pool.

Drake Shoveler at Seamer Tip Pool by Paul Tozer.

Friday, 21 April 2023

Friday 21st April

 The Russian White-fronted Goose was joined by an interesting second White-fronted Goose with an orange tone to the bill.  Also there was a Pink-footed Goose, 5 Goldeneye, 200 Sand Martins, 50 House Martins, 40 Swallows, and Cetti's Warbler. Moving east (11.20-17.00) were 213 Common Gulls, 2 Black-headed, 13 Lbb Gulls. Potter Brompton Carr continues to produce, today's birds were; 77 Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, 2 Shelduck, 2 Great White Egrets, Little Egret, single Ringed & Grey Plovers, Black-tailed Godwit, White Wagtail, 2 Yellow Wagtails. A Redstart was at Chapel Farm, Harwood Dale. One Brambling and a Willow Tit at Haygate, Dalby Forest. 

NY Water Park geese, left to right; Russian White-front, Pink-footed, Greylag, orange billed White-front (race unconfirmed as yet) - Michael McNaghten

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Thursday 20th April

Two Little Ringed Plover, and a White Wagtail were at North Yorkshire Water Park. Two Whimbrel flew north at Long Nab. A Garden Warbler was at Sweetbecks Plantation, Burton Riggs. 

 Food handover this morning, the Castle Cliffs Peregrines - Joe Bamfield

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Wednesday 19th April

 An adult Little Gull was at North Yorkshire Water Park in the afternoon, also there today were one Little Ringed Plover, 3 Sedge Warblers, 2 Blackcaps, 27 Willow Warblers, 25 Chiffchaffs.  A Little Egret flew south past Long Nab. A Great White Egret was still at Potter Brompton Carr, also a "cream crown" Marsh Harrier, 130 Teal, 4 Shoveler, and a Grey Plover. 

Little Gull NY Water Park - Jon Hardacre

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Tuesday 18th April

 Five Whimbrel and 2 Fieldfare flew north past Long Nab. A Common/Arctic Tern flew high east over NY Water Park. A pair of Mandarin were at Burniston Beck. At Jugger Howe one (pos two) Ring Ouzel was seen, plus 5 Wheatears.  

A "pale" Common Buzzard at Wykeham - Terry Hobson

Monday, 17 April 2023

Monday 17th April

 The first Whimbrel of the year flew north at South Cliff, also a first-summer Mediterranean Gull still present. A Lbb Gull was at Harwood Dale Lake, and Stock Doves continue to visit a Burniston garden, four today. A Little Egret was at Yedingham. Thirty active Sand Martin nest holes in Cayton Bay. A pair of Ravens flew over Hutton Buscel. A single Fieldfare was by the Toll House, and a Brambling in a Cayton garden. The Russian White-fronted Goose was still on the Water Sports Lake (NY Water Park), also one Pink-footed Goose, three  Common Scoter, 8 Goldeneye, and 4 Shoveler. The Cetti's Warbler was still present at the lakes. Three Great White Egrets were at Potter Brompton Carr, 59 Teal, 6 Shoveler, 8 Gadwall. LRP, and Green Sandpiper. A Green Woodpecker was at Ebberston. A Yellow Wagtail was at Star Carr.

Common Scoters NY Water Park - Phil Bennett

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Sunday 16th April

 Three Ring Ouzels (2 males, 1 female) were at Jugger Howe Moor. Also there, 4 Wheatears, 5 Willow Warblers, and a pair of Stonechats. A drake Shoveler and Dipper were at Scalby Mills. At North Yorkshire Water Park there were 4 female Common Scoters, 2 Shelducks, 3 Goldeneye, LRP, Sedge and Cetti's Warbler, 35 Linnets. Welcome news of four Lapwings incubating on Sherburn Carr, and a Curlew territory on Sherburn Ings. A Great White Egret was at Potter Brompton Carr (view from Heybridge), also 30 Teal, 6 Wigeon, 2 LRP, 70 Sand Martins, and 20 Swallows. A House Martin was over Crossgates. Two Wheatears were at Ravenscar, a Woodcock at Harwood Dale Forest.

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Saturday 15th April

 Two Northern Wheatear , two Blackcap, one Willow Warbler, six Sand Martins, three House Martins and four Barn Swallows were at Scalby Mills and a pair of Common Eider were in Jackson's Bay. A Northern Wheatear was on South Cliff Golf Course. A Northern Wheatear was at Seamer Mead, a Tree Pipit was at Metes Lane, Seamer and a Sedge Warbler was on the eastern side of Seamer Tip where a presumed Escape Gyr Falcon flew west. A Male and female Brambling were frequenting a garden on Heron Lane, Crossgates. Two Blackcap, two Goldcrest, six plus Wrens four Chiffchaff and a Song Thrush were at Seamer Road Mere. A pair of returning Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at The Open Air Theatre and a Barn Swallow was at The Sealife Centre. A Common Snipe flew north over Cliff Top House, Long Nab and three Little Egret were in a field immediately north and east of Yedingham today and a pair of Common Eider were in North Bay near to Hairy Bob's Skate Park and a Common Buzzard flew south over town. Two Ring Ouzels, five Northern Wheatears and a singing male Common Redstart were at Jugger Howe this afternoon. The North Yorkshire Water Park complex hosted the long staying Cetti's Warbler which sang repeatedly and showed occasionally by the zip wire tower, two Russian White-fronted Geese, one Pink-footed Goose, four Common Scoter, one Pochard, 11 Goldeneye, eight Teal, six Tufted Duck, eight Great crested Grebe, two Little Grebe, six Mute Swan, a second calendar year Mediterranean Gull, one Lesser Black-backed Gull, two Little Ringed Plover, 40 Sand Martin, two House Martin, four Barn Swallow, one Garden Warbler, two Blackcap, 24 Willow Warbler, 39 Chiffchaff, three Marsh Tit, one Treecreeper, one Mistle Thrush and two Red-legged Partridge, a total of 54 species recorded by the observers. A female Northern Goshawk flew north over Charm Park, Wykeham towards Hutton Buscel.

Chiffchaff at Seamer Tip Pool by Stephen Beaver.

Friday, 14 April 2023

Friday 14th April

 Much of today's activity was centred around the North Yorkshire Water Park following the discovery of five Common Scoter on the Water Sports Lake this morning. Other sightings from the complex included two Russian White-fronted Geese, one Pink-footed Goose, approximately 14 Willow Warblers, several male Blackcaps, the first Garden Warbler of spring, two Little Ringed Plover, four House Martin, three Sand Martin, nine Goldeneye, one Pochard, three Great crested Grebe and a Mistle Thrush. A Dipper was on the River Derwent at Wrench Green, two Common Eider (1M, 1F) were on the sea by The Sealife Centre and a Barn Swallow had returned to territory at Hutton Buscel. The first Sedge Warbler of spring was at Seamer Tip Pool along with two Willow Warblers, nine Gadwall and two Little Grebe. An Osprey flew north over Saltpans Road, Cloughton Wyke, attracting the attention of local corvids and a Little Owl, two Lapwing, a male Peregrine Falcon and a Mistle Thrush were also present. Approximately 80 Fieldfares were working their way north along the trees on Swang Road, Silpho and a late Redwing and two Jay were at Turkey Carpet. Two Barn Swallows had returned to territory at The Sealife Centre.

Common Scoters at the Water Sports Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park by Terry Hobson.

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Thursday 13th April

 The first Tree Pipits of the spring were noted this morning with two at Wrench Green. 16 Teal and two Oystercatchers were at Harwood Dale Lake and six Fieldfare were at the north end of Scar Wood. Three Sandwich Tern and two Common Eider flew north past Long Nab and a ring tail Hen Harrier was at Fylingdales Moor and two Oystercatchers flew over Roger's Garden Centre at Pickering. A male Brambling, male Blackcap, three Siskins and a Chiffchaff visited a garden feeding station on Heron Lane, Crossgates. A Lesser Black backed Gull was at the Open Air Theatre and two Common Eider on the sea in North Bay.

Ruddy Turnstone at Scarborough Harbour by Richard Greenwood.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Wednesday 12th April

 A male Brambling was again visiting a Heron Lane garden in Crossgates this morning and a Tawny Owl was calling just south of the Forge Valley feeding station. A Red Kite flew over Seamer Moor Lane and a Common Whitethroat remained on the north side of Castle Hill. The Cetti's Warbler was again calling by the zip wire tower next to the Predator Lake at North Yorkshire Water Park and maxima of 50+ Sand Martins, 8 House Martins and six Swallows were noted on the complex. At least 10 Willow Warblers, one Blackcap and a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker were also noted there. Two House Martins had returned to a nest site in Low Dalby.

Immature female Peregrine Falcon at Castle Headland by Mark Hepples.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Tuesday 11th April

 Not unsurprisingly for the time of year was the sighting of a WHITE STORK flying SE over Gristhorpe at 1302hrs. It was then seen over Marine Drive at 13.20 hrs, and then over North Bay as viewed from Peasholm at 1412hrs before circling high to the north and subsequently lost from view at 1417hrs. A Red Kite flew south at Long Nab at 0948hrs and a second Red Kite flew SW at Long Nab at 1033hrs and probably the same bird was seen flying SW over Scarborough Hospital at 1045hrs. The first Common Whitethroat of spring was seen on the north side of Castle Hill and a Ringed Plover was in North Bay. Northern Wheatears were seen by the shelters on the south side of Peasholm Gap (1) and at Long Nab by the Observatory (2). Two Common Eider and a Wigeon remained at Scalby Mills with a Barn Swallow and Sand Martin and single Barn Swallows were at Wrench Green and Troutsdale. Two Sand Martins were at Jackson's Bay and one was at Burton Riggs. A Green Woodpecker was at Ganton Golf Course and the first Yellow Wagtail of the spring was at Potter Brompton Carr along with a Pink-footed Goose, four Shelduck, five Gadwall, 29 Teal, four Shoveler, one Little Egret and a Peregrine Falcon. A Brambling and two Siskins visited a Heron Lane garden at Crossgates and three Grey Heron and a Mallard were at Johnson's Marsh. Single Pochard and Shoveler were at Wykeham Lakes (North Yorkshire Water Park) along with four Goldeneye, 80 Sand Martins, five House Martins and 20+ Barn Swallows.

White Stork over Gristhorpe by John Harwood.

White Stork over Marine Drive by Paul Bentley.

Monday, 10 April 2023

Monday 10th April

 Three Shoveler and two Teal were at Johnson's Marsh early this morning, a drake Common Eider remained at Scalby Mills and five Meadow Pipits were above there. Two different male Brambling were in a Crossgates garden and one was in the ringing plantation at Long Nab before leaving south. At Potter Brompton Carr viewed from Heybridge, there were single Little Ringed Plover and Redshank, two Dunlin, seven Shoveler, 22 Teal and six Wigeon and a Little Egret. At Seamer Tip Pool and its environs, there was a single Barnacle Goose, 19 Gadwall, one Oystercatcher, three Willow Warbler, two Blackcap and eight plus Chiffchaff.

Common Eider at Scalby Mills by Stephen Beaver.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Sunday 9th April

 Seamer Tip Pool hosted a pair of Shoveler and a single House Martin, 4+ Barn Swallow and nine Sand Martin. A Barn Owl hunted nearby. Pairs of Lesser Black-backed Gulls had returned to The Open Air Theatre and Gladstone Street. The pair of Garganey was still present at Harwood Dale Lake and a Green Woodpecker was calling there. A first male Common Redstart of spring was on the north side of the Castle Headland below the plateau along with a fall of six Chiffchaffs. A Barnacle Goose was with four Canada Geese at the motor cycle track at Seamer Tip, a Blackcap was singing nearby and a Willow Warbler was singing at Taylor Way. Seamer Road Mere hosted at least five Blackcaps, three Treecreepers, seven Wrens and an unstated number of Chiffchaffs. At Wykeham lakes complex (North Yorkshire Water Park) this morning, there were 20 Mute Swans, three Gadwall, four Goldeneye, one Pochard, three Common Scoter (a pair on the Water Sports Lake and a drake on East Lake), one House Martin, 31 Chiffchaff, five Willow Warbler and four Blackcap. Two Stonechat territories now at Long Nab, one female nest building today.

House Martin at Seamer Tip Pool by Stephen Beaver.

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Saturday 8th April

 Two pairs of Grey Wagtail were on the River Derwent at Wrench Green and two pairs of Mandarin Duck were on Wrench Green farm pond. Three Common Eider were at Scalby Mills today and the pair of Garganey were still present at Harwood Dale Lake along with a Mediterranean Gull and a Lesser Black-backed Gull. A Grasshopper Warbler was seen well but briefly in beck side scrub at the west end of Crook Ness, and two Willow Warblers were also present. A Fieldfare flew west there. A Peregrine Falcon flew south over Crossgates and a pair of Gadwall were on the River Hertford at Folkton Bridge. Nine Wigeon, a Dunlin, 16 Common Gull and a third calendar year Mediterranean Gull were at Scalby Mills this afternoon . At Potter Brompton Carr viewed from Heybridge, there were two Great White Egret, two Shelduck, two Tufted Duck, two Lapwing and 42 Sand Martins. An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull was at The Open Air Theatre.

Male Reed Bunting by Mark Hepples.

Friday, 7 April 2023

Friday 7th April

 Happy Easter to you all.

A Ring Ouzel was sound recorded over Crossgates during the night and a single Mediterranean Gull was in the field just below Seamer Tip. A pair of Garganey, the first spring record, was discovered at Harwood Dale Lake this morning and also present there were three Goosander, 18 Teal, two Oystercatcher, a displaying Lapwing and three Barn Swallows. A kettle over 15+ Common Buzzards was notable over Silpho and five Common Eider (4M, 1F) were on the sea by the Sealife Centre. Three Common Eider also flew north off Marine Drive. At Wykeham Lakes, North Yorkshire Water Park, the Cetti's Warbler was again singing by the zip wire tower and one Wigeon, one Pochard, one Goosander, nine Barn Swallows, one House Martin, 120+ Sand Martins, two Willow Warblers and a Blackcap were also at the complex. 

Gadwall, Seamer Carr - Stephen Beaver

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Thursday 6th April

 A party of six Common Scoter flew north off Marine Drive and a further 12 Common Scoter landed on the sea off Marine Drive slowly moving north. Seven Sand Martins had returned to the Cayton Bay colony and a pair of Stonechats were also present. Two Great Egrets were at Potter Brompton Carr in addition to a White Wagtail, Pink-footed Goose, eight Gadwall, four Shelduck and a Peregrine Falcon. A Blackcap, 12 Chiffchaffs and a Marsh Tit were at Burton Riggs and three Siskins were visiting garden feeders in Heron Lane, Crossgates throughout the day.

Lesser Redpoll by Stephen Beaver.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Wednesday 5th April

 A Barn Owl was hunting along the A165 at Cayton in the early hours and a Blackcap was singing at Seamer Road Mere. A Blackcap was also at Burton Riggs and a Willow Warbler, Lesser Redpoll and Shelduck were at or near Seamer Tip Pool. A Dipper and a Bullfinch were seen on Scalby Beck from Burniston Road bridge and a Little Ringed Plover flew in off the sea at Long Nab, continuing south. At Potter Brompton Carr, viewed from Heybridge, two Black-tailed Godwits were seen in flight dropping onto the most distant fields and two Wigeon, 15 Teal, four Gadwall, two Shelduck, one Pink-footed Goose and a Redshank were also present there. A pair of Eider were on the sea near to the Sealife Centre this afternoon and a Swallow was at Long Causeway, Wykeham.

Male Blackcap at Seamer Road Mere by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Tuesday 4th April

 Highlights south through South Cliff this morning included 231 Chaffinch, 124 Siskin, three Chiffchaff, one Barn Swallow, one White Wagtail and one Sandwich Tern. A Mediterranean Gull was at Seamer Tip Pool and two Shelduck were on flood water by the motor cycle track at Seamer Tip. A Red Kite flew over Morrison's at Eastfield and a Willow Warbler was the highlight at Scalby Lodge Pond. Two Common Buzzard were displaying in the Mowthorpe farm bridge area along with several other common species noted. A Russian White-fronted Goose, 14 Goldeneye and a drake Common Scoter were on the Water Sports Lake at North Yorkshire Water Park and a White Wagtail was at East Lake. In the Stoupe Brow area this afternoon, there was one Northern Wheatear, 27 Skylark, two Mistle Thrush, six Fieldfare, six Stock Dove, two Peregrine Falcon, two Stonechat and 10 Curlew. Four Northern Wheatear were in the sheep field above Redcliff and an escaped Gyr Falcon, which had earlier been seen seen at Plaxton's, Eastfield.

Female Black Redstart, Holbeck area by Ray Maddison.

Monday, 3 April 2023

Monday 3rd April

 Remarkably, the third ALPINE SWIFT for the area was seen at 1150hrs at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint and even more remarkable was the fact that it was found by the finder of the recent Black-throated Thrush. 679 Chaffinch, one Brambling and a Corn Bunting flew south at South Cliff this morning. 10 singing Chiffchaff were on territory.  A Yellowhammer was noted at Hutton Buscel. The first Willow Warbler of spring was near the main car park at North Yorkshire Water Park and the long staying Cetti's Warbler was calling by the zip wire tower. Six Goldeneye, a pair of Great crested Grebes, one Sand Martin and a Kingfisher were at Wykeham East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. A male Marsh Harrier and three Common Buzzards flew south over West Ayton in a 20/30 minute period and a Northern Wheatear was at Ravenscar mast along with a pair of Stonechat. A pair of Stonechat were at Cloughton Wyke and a Barn Swallow was at Staintondale. A Blackcap, 14 Chiffchaffs and 44 Robins were at Long Nab this morning and four Stock Doves visited a Burniston garden. A Grey Plover flew SW over Castle Hill this evening and a Black Redstart was along the coastal path at South Cliff near the Golf Course.

Mating Peregrine Falcons at Castle Headland by Phil Bennett.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Sunday 2nd April

 Two adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls were on an industrial unit rooftop on Columbus Ravine this morning and two Common Buzzards were over Seamer Road Mere. An unidentified large and pale looking Swift sp. was seen high over Crossgates at 124ohrs and flew in the general direction of the coast. At Wykeham Water Sports Lake this afternoon there were two Russian White-fronted Geese, one Wigeon, 19 Mute Swans, 18 Chiffchaffs and a Barn Owl.

Carrion Crow at Seamer Road Mere by Beverley Senturk.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Saturday 1st April

 A Little Grebe was on Johnson's Marsh early this morning and two Greenfinches visited a Stepney garden. Two Woodcock were in the ringing plantation at Long Nab with a fresh corpse at Crook Ness. A male Northern Wheatear was at Jackson's Bay and an adult Kittiwake, first year Mediterranean Gull and 18 Goldeneye were at Wykeham East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. The complex today hosted 24 Goldeneye in total, one Woodcock, four Oystercatcher, five Great crested Grebe, three Marsh Tit, approximately 15 Redwing, two Yellowhammer, one Treecreeper, 12 Sand Martin and 18 Chiffchaff. A further 20+ Chiffchaff were in the Crossgates area during the afternoon and 10 Fieldfare were at Pasture Lane, Seamer.

Dipper at Thornton le Dale by Paul Tozer.