Friday 31 May 2024

Friday 31st May

 A strong cool northerly wind brought lots of common seabirds inshore today. Seawatching at Long Nab Bird Observatory totals of birds moving north (5.5 hours) - 2 Teal, 110 Common Scoters (+ 6 south), 12 Manx Shearwaters, 468 Fulmars, Great Northern Diver, 4 Red-throated Divers and lots of Gannets, auks and Kittiwakes. Two Crossbills flew SW at Potter Brompton Carr, also 8 Little Egrets, 6 Teal, 4 Shoveler. An Arctic Skua was picked up exhausted in Osgodby (now in care at Ryedale Wildlife Rescue). Two Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale.

Arctic Skua Osgodby - Sally Broad.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Thursday 30th May

 A cool wet and windy day. A drake Shoveler and two Little Egrets at Potter Brompton Carr. An adult Gbb Gull at North Yorkshire Water Park.

Short-eared Owl Throxenby recently - Martin Moseley.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wednesday 29th May

 A Lesser Whitethroat at Heron Lane, Crossgates. In the May Beck area 2 Cuckoos, 3 Tree Pipits, male Whinchat, 2 Garden Warblers, several Crossbills and Siskins. Two Little Ringed Plover at NY Water Park. A pair of Little Grebes with chicks at Brompton Ponds.

Great Spotted Woodpecker North Yorkshire Water Park - Stephen Beaver.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday 28th May

 Two Sanderling flew north past Long Nab. Four Turtle Daves at Harwood Dale. A Red Kite at May Beck.

Turtle Dove Harwood Dale - Marc Gannon.

Monday 27 May 2024

Monday 27th May

 The Osprey was again at North Yorkshire Water Park, also a Red Kite and Hobby. 87 active Sand Martin nest holes at East Lake. A Reed Warbler was singing in "Trough Gully", Scalby Lodge, and an Osprey circled Jackson's Bay early afternoon before circling high north past Long Nab. It was later seen again over Jackson's Bay. Also past Long Nab were 3 Short-eared Owls, 2 Marsh Harriers, 2 Hobby, 4 Little Egrets, and 301 Swifts south. A Pink-footed Goose flew north with greylags there. Two Spotted Flycatchers at Turkey Carpet. 

Osprey North Yorkshire Water Park - Stephen Beaver.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday 26th May

 A singing male GOLDEN ORIOLE was briefly on the north side of Castle Hill before moving off south. Six Sanderling, 4 Dunlin and one Little Ringed Plover were on East Lake at North Yorkshire Water Park. Four singing Sedge Warblers at Seamer tip, a Water Rail in a ditch there. Two Avocets, a drake Garganey, a Shoveler pair with 6 young, Barnacle Goose*, 3 Ringed Plovers, 5 Dunlin, 2 Sanderling, 8 Little Egrets, 60 House Martins, 80 Swifts, 2 Yellow Wagtails, and a Short-eared Owl were at Potter Brompton Carr. An Osprey flew south over Gristhorpe early afternoon. Two Spotted Flycatchers, 2 Whimbrel and a Raven were at Gristhorpe Bay this afternoon. A Red Kite was seen at Sherburn. 

* Today's Barnacle Goose (neck collar B97) : ringed at Scorton in July 2022 has regularly frequented Saltholme, but aslso seen in Kent, East Sussex and in Lincolnshire (all Jan 2023). It was at Saltholme in Jan 2024, but in Bavaria by February. The last sighting from Lower Saxony in March!

Kittiwakes Castle Cliffs - Stephen Beaver.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday 25th May

 A Temminck's Stint spent a short time at East Lake (NY Water Park) with 3 Dunlin mid-afternoon, the Osprey was reported fishing at the Water Sports Lake, and over Trout Lake late afternoon. A Red Kite and 5 Buzzards were seen from the Water Sports Lake.  A Quail was singing briefly at Long Nab this morning, and a Short-eared Owl flew south there early evening. A drake Pochard was at Seamer tip pool. A Short-eared Owl was hunting at the south end of Cayton Bay this morning, and a Gristhorpe Bay in the evening where a Stonechat was attending 3 young. Two Cuckoos at Saltergate. Three Barnacle Geese were seen over Cromer Point, and later at Cayton Bay and Eastfield where they left east. The Cetti's Warbler was still at Cayton Bay, a Stonechat with 4 young there.

Pochard Seamer tip pool - Paul Tozer.

Friday 24 May 2024

Friday 24th May

 A female and two male Red-backed Shrikes at Yons Nab, Gristhorpe Bay this evening, also a Whimbrel and 3 Spotted Flycatchers. The female Red-backed Shrike was still at Long Nab, inland of Crook Ness, this morning, but absent this evening. Also a late Snipe, and a female Wheatear there. The male Red-backed Shrike again by Cromer Point Water Treatment this eve. The Osprey was again at North Yorkshire Water Park. A Short-eared Owl at Ravenscar golf course. A Whinchat and Spotted Flycatcher at Eller Beck, Fylingdales. A flock of 140 Starlings at Blue Dolphin caravan park. a Hobby flew over Burniston. Two Little Ringed Plover at East Lake, NY Water Park. A drake Wigeon at Johnson's Marsh. A Hooded Crow flew north past Castle Hill, a Spotted Flycatcher on the Castle tops. Nightjars present a Givendale and Harwood Dale Forest.

Bullfinch nest building Cayton Bay - Paul Tozer.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday 23rd May.

 An influx of five Red-backed Shrikes today! Three at Long Nab (a male and two females), a male at Cromer Point, and a female at Cloughton Wyke. South past Long Nab were 2 Barnacle Geese, 269 Swifts, 91 Swallows, and 274 House Martins. A Ringed Plover flew north. A Ringed Plover was at Lebberston Flash. Ravenscar surprisingly did not have any shrikes, a Spotted Flycatcher, Yellow Wagtail, and 65 House Martins. Two Whinchats were at Castle Hill, also a male Stonechat feeding 2+ young at the base of the cliffs. A Sanderling at North Yorkshire Water Park, also 3 Dunlin and 2 LRP. Potter Brompton Carr had 3 Greenshank, Dunlin, a pair of Garganey, 8 Little Egrets, Yellow Wagtail, and 180+ Swifts. 

Female Red-backed Shrike Long Nab - Nick Addey

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Wednesday 22nd May

 An Icterine Warbler, and male Red-backed Shrike were at Yons Nab, Cayton Bay this afternoon. A Nightjar was grounded at Long Nab, seen briefly as it flushed from Crook Ness gully. Also an Eider and Tree Pipit there, and a Whimbrel, Dunlin, and 6 Ringed Plover flew north. A Grasshopper Warbler was at South Cliff golf course.

Tree Pipit Long Nab - Nick Addey

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May

 An Osprey was seen again over North Yorkshire Water Park this morning. An Eider in Burniston Bay. Ringed Plover, 2 Sanderling and 3 Manx Shearwaters north past Long Nab. A Short-eared Owl was flushed at Cromer Point and left SW. No sign of the Red-backed Shrike there. A drake Mandarin on Thornton le Dale pond. 100+ Swifts, 20 Swallows over Staxton Carr. 6 House Martins around Staxton/Willerby village.

Osprey North Yorkshire Water Park - Daniel Morley.

Monday 20 May 2024

Monday 20th May

 The returning pale male Honey Buzzard returned to the forests for it's eighth year! At Jugger Howe Moor; Cuckoo, singing Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 7 Stonechats (3 juvs), 18 Willow Warblers. The pair of Garganey still at Potter Brompton Carr, also 3 Greenshank, 7 Little Egrets, 4 Shoveler, and 65 Swifts. An Osprey was seen over North Yorkshire Water Park mid-afternoon. A recently fledged Stonechat at Jackson's Bay, three (2 males) at Scalby Nab, also a pair at Castle Hill attending young inside Marine Drive wall. Lesser Whitethroat on south side. The male Red-backed Shrike still at Cromer Point. Two Nightjars, 3 Woodcocks, 2 Tawny Owls and a Cuckoo in Dalby Forest this evening. A Merlin at Jugger Howe Moor.

The returning male Honey Buzzard - Roy Barker.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday 19th May

 A male Red-backed Shrike was at Cromer Point. Also on the pool to the north were 2 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover. A Greenshank and a Ringed Plover were at Lebberston Flash. A Honey Buzzard from Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A Red Kite at Newlands Dale. Four Shelduck and 2 Little Ringed Plover at East Lake, NY Water Park.

Red-backed Shrike Cromer Point - John Harwood.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday18th May

 A first-summer Pallid Harrier was photographed near East Ayton today, no further details. A male Red-backed Shrike was in South Bay, in brambles below Holbeck car park (still present late afternoon). 27 Whitethroats back on territory at Long Nab. A singing Turtle Dove at Yondhead Rigg, Dalby Forest. A Honey Buzzard from Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A Hobby flew north at Scalby Lodge, and a Common Sandpiper on the beach near Cromer Point. A Red-throated Diver and drake Eider on the sea there. The Cetti's Warbler still at Cayton Bay. 

Pallid Harrier East Ayton - Mandy Gregory.

Red-backed Shrike South Bay - Chris Bradshaw

Friday 17 May 2024

Friday 17th May

 An arrival of 22 House Martins over Burniston. A calling Cuckoo at North Moor. A Ringed Plover and 2 Little Ringed Plovers from the screen/hide at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. A Hobby at Wilton Carr, also 4 Sedge Warblers, and 3 Yellow Wagtails. 

Goshawk Wykeham Forest - Alan Grady

Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday 16th May

Two Spoonbills at Potter Brompton Carr from mid-morning, left NE towards NY Water Park at 19.20 hrs. Also 3 Little Egrets, Cuckoo there. Two singing Turtle Doves in Dalby Forest, also a Cuckoo. Water Rail at NY Water Park. A Black-throated Diver in breeding plumage flew north past Long Nab. Three Spotted Flycatchers at Hilla Green. 60+ Crossbills at Harwood Dale Forest. Cuckoo, Redstart, 10 Crossbills, 5 Tree Pipits in Langdale Forest. Spotted Flycatcher, Redstart and Nuthatch at Bridstones, Dalby Forest. 

Dipper Thornton-le-Dale - David Swann

Wednesday 15th May

 Two Garganey, Egyptian Goose and a Little Egret at Potter Brompton Carr. A Greenshank at Scalby Lodge Pond left north.  Four Turtle Doves at Malton Cote. Three Goosanders in Burniston Bay. A Hobby flew east over Crossgates. A Nightjar churring at Harwood Dale Forest at 18.50 hrs. At Scampston Park Lake; 7 Heron nests with well grown juvs present. A pair of Mute Swans with 6 cygnets. Two displaying Honey Buzzards over Wykeham Forest. Three Turtle Doves at the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale.

Kittiwakes Castle Cliffs - Phil Bennett.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Tuesday 14th May

 The Temminck's Stint was again at Lebberston Flash, still present at 18.30 hrs. Also 3 Redshank there, and a Hobby drifted west.  A Quail was calling at Potter Brompton Carr, a pair of Garganey and 3 Little Egrets. South at Long Nab were Hooded Crow, 5 Little Egrets, and a Marsh Harrier. North past were Golden Plover, 2 Turnstone, and 4 Ringed Plovers.  A Cetti's Warbler at Burton Riggs, a Herring Gull nesting on the island there. A Wood Sandpiper, and Common Sandpiper at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. 

Whinchat Jugger Howe yesterday - Phil Bennett.

Monday 13 May 2024

Monday 13th May

 A Temminck's Stint at Lebberston Flash this evening with 2 Ringed Plovers. A male Hen Harrier flew west near Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint at 10am. A Hobby flew west over Burniston village A Whinchat at Jugger Howe Moor, plus one (male) at Castle Hill.  A migrant Sedge Warbler at Cloughton Wyke. Two drake Mandarins, Shelduck, and a Shoveler at Potter Brompton Carr. A Whimbrel, a Merlin and 4 singing Corn Buntings at Willerby Carr.

Temminck's Stint Lebberston Flash - Nick Addey.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday 12th May

 A Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Short-eared Owl, 6 Swifts, 4 Yellow Wagtails, and 5 Reed Warblers at Potter Brompton Carr. Red Kites were seen at Ellerburn and Allerston. An immature White-tailed Eagle was around Ravenscar 11.15-11.45 before moving off north (believed to be from the Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme). 17 Sandwich Terns were on rocks in North Bay. Collared Dove reports included 6 at East Ayton, 4 at East Knapton, and 2 singing birds in Harwood Dale village. A Turtle Dove back on territory in Burniston. A Barnacle Goose in South Bay this morning left north with 6 Mute Swans. A Garden Warbler at Holbeck, 2 at Silpho-Suffield Moor, 3 at Surgate Brow. 3 singing Redstarts in Broxa Forest, Willow Tits at two locations there; a singing bird plus a pair. A pair of Little Grebes + 4 chicks on Match Lake, NY Water Park. The Little Ringed Plover still on East Lake. The first churring Nightjar was at Givendale, Dalby Forest, also 2 roding Woodcocks. A pair of Lapwing with 2 chicks near Low Marishes, also Yellow Wagtail, 20 Yellowhammers. Two singing Corn Buntings Willerby Carr.

Sandwich Tern off Marine Drive - Simon Temlett.

Saturday 11 May 2024

Saturday 11th May

 A Greenshank flew east over Middle Deepdale early morning. Cuckoos at Eller Beck, Sneaton High Moor (2), and Jugger Howe Moor. Four Willow Tits in Wykeham Forest. Single Turtle Dove at Snever Dale and Sieve Dale, Dalby Forest. 30+ Crossbills at Sieve Dale incl quite a few juveniles. Three Tree Pipits at Jingleby Thorn, Dalby. 49 Crossbill (31 juvs), 6 Tree Pipits, 12 Siskins at Sneaton High Moor. A Little Egret flew south past Long Nab, Whimbrel on rocks below the obs. A Spotted Flycatcher at Turkey Carpet, Broxa Forest. Singing Whinchat at RAF Fylingdales.

Pied Wagtail Jugger Howe Moor - Mark Hepples

Friday 10 May 2024

Friday 10th May

 A Hooded Crow was feeding with Rooks at Long Nab, also a Grasshopper Warbler still at Crook Ness. Spotted Flycatchers were seen at Cloughton Woods and Turkey Carpet, Broxa Forest. The pair of Garganey were still at Potter Brompton Carr, also 2 Little Egrets, 2 Yellow Wagtails. 15 Swifts over Stepney Road. A Little Ringed Plover and male Yellow Wagtail at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park, a Collared Dove on the entrance road. Five Sandwich Terns in North Bay, 40 passed Long Nab.

Skylark Jugger Howe Moor - Stephen Beaver

Thursday 9 May 2024

Thursday 9th May

 Highlights moving south at Long Nab this morning were a Fieldfare, Tree Pipit, Jay, 135 Carrion Crows and a Corn Bunting. A White Wagtail was at Cromer Point, where a Little Egret also flew south. Nine active Sand Martin nests in Cayton Bay. A Quail was calling near Folkton, also 5 Yellow Wagtails, Kingfisher, and Tawny Owl there. A Common Sandpiper at Burton Riggs. A Wheatear at North Yorkshire Water Park.

Common Sandpiper Burton Riggs - Paul Tozer

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Wednesday 8th May

 A Green Sandpiper was at Johnson's Marsh. Two Grasshopper Warblers and an Eider at Long Nab. A Little Grebe feeding a chick at Ganton Golf Course, also a Green Woodpecker. A Little Ringed Plover at North Yorkshire Water Park, two male Yellow Wagtails in fields to the east of east Lake.  A Quail could be heard calling from Straits Lane south of the lakes, also 5 Shelducks on pools there. Three Little Egrets at Potter Brompton Carr. A Hooded Crow was at the golf course at Ravenscar. A pair of Mute Swans with 6 cygnets at Taylor Way pool, also 4 Coot chicks there. A Red Kite drifted west at Troutsdale, another south over Seamer. Two singing Turtle Doves in Harwood Dale Forest.

Grasshopper Warbler at Long Nab - Nick Addey

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Tuesday 7th May

 The drake Garganey was still at Potter Brompton Carr, seen in flight only. A Turnstone was on East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park, also Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 4 Lbb Gulls, a lesser Whitethroat (WSL), and 80 Sand Martins. A Common Sandpiper also at Brompton Ponds. Increasing numbers of Swifts arriving, 7 over Red Scar Lane, widespread in town. In Dalby Forest; 3 Tree Pipits, 3 Willow Tits at Sand Dale. Two Tree Pipits, Willow Tit at Housedale. A Turtle Dove, Tree Pipit at Snetherdale. 

Common Sandpiper Brompton Ponds - Chris Bell

Monday 6 May 2024

Monday 6th May

 A Hooded Crow flew north past Yons Nab, Gristhorpe Bay @ 08.47. Swifts were more evident today; 3 over Dean Road, 2 over Peasholm, 4 over Whin Bank, and 2 over Gordon Street. Up to 6 Turtle Doves in Broxa Forest (5 males), plus a singing bird at the Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A singing Willow Tit below the viewpoint. At North Yorkshire Water Park: 2 Pochard, 22 Tufted Duck, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 6 Garden Warblers, 15+ Sedge Warblers, 60 Sand martins, 2 House Martins. A Cuckoo at Derwent Head, Langdale Forest, plus 2 at Stony Marl Moor. A drumming Snipe at Jugger Howe Moor. A Hobby flew west over Cayton Carr, where 5 Whimbrel were still present. Two singing Corn Buntings at Binnington Carr. Two Whimbrel at Jackson's Bay plus 4 flew south. A Sedge Warbler at Cromer Point pond. A Tree Sparrow at Cross Lane/Westfield Ave junction. 

Common Swift over town - Mark Hepples.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Sunday 5th May

 A Spoonbill flew north at Long Nab, also a cc Marsh Harrier north, and 5 Whimbrel past. A Ring Ouzel at South Cliff, 4 Swifts over The Esplanade. A Sedge Warbler at Osgodby, also one at Hayburn Wyke, 3 at Sherburn Carrs, and 5 at Seamer tip pool. A singing male Whinchat at RAF Fylingdales, also 3 Wheatears. The Oystercatcher pair at Burton Riggs have a well grown chick, plus the Cetti's Warbler still present, and a Sedge Warbler. A Hobby flew north over Gristhorpe, a cc Marsh Harrier over Crossgates. Three Dunlin, LRP, 2 Gadwall at NY Water Park, a Tree Sparrow along Long Causeway Rd. Six Whimbrel at Cayton Carr.

Whimbrel Long Nab - Steve Hey

Saturday 4 May 2024

Saturday 4th May

Some interesting wader movement at Long Nab, past north were 20 Whimbrel, 51 Turnstone, and 60 Redshank. Also north were an Arctic Skua, Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Goosanders, and a Hooded Crow (first reported flying north at South Cliff). Two Wheatears in the fields, and a Swift flew south. A Short-eared Owl, and Marsh Harrier flew north through South Cliff. The Cetti's Warbler was still at Gristhorpe Bay, also 3 Wheatears, and a Marsh Harrier. At Cayton Carr; Short-eared Owl, 3 Whimbrel, and a Yellow Wagtail. Two Spoonbills flew north over Old Town @ 19.42, later seen going NW over Burniston, but then returned southwards. At Potter Brompton Carr: Great White Egret, 6 Little Egrets, 3 Snipe, 2 calling Water Rails, Whimbrel (east), Swift, 8 Yellow Wagtails, and 2 Lesser Whitethroats. A Turtle Dove in a garden at Suffield.

Hooded Crow passing Long Nab - Chris Bell.

Friday 3 May 2024

Friday 3rd May

 A Hooded Crow flew south at Long Nab late morning. Migrants there included a female Ring Ouzel at Pipe Gully, a male Pied Flycatcher at the ringing plantation, male Whinchat at the cover crop hedge, also 2 Wheatears and 17 Whitethroats. A Tree Pipit at Cornelian Bay, Willow Tit still present there. Six Whimbrel and 10 Curlews at Cayton Carr. At North Yorkshire Water Park, a Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper at East Lake, also 4 Reed Warblers. The pair of Garganey were still at Potter Brompton Carr, also 3 Shoveler, 3 Shelduck, 3 Little Egrets, a Great White Egret, and 7 Sedge Warblers. A Common Sandpiper at Johnson's Marsh. In the May Beck area; Cuckoo, 3 male Redstarts, Tree Pipit, male Whinchat, and Green Woodpecker.

Swallow Cloughton - Stephen Beaver.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Thursday 2nd May

 A Cetti's Warbler was found at Gristhorpe Bay this evening. Three broods of Greylag Geese and a pair of Gadwall at Seamer tip pool. Lesser Whitethroat Hopper Hill Road, plus one by the tip motocycle track. Another Lesser Whitethroat at the Cinder Track near Burniston. A breeding bird survey at Jugger Howe/Stony Marl Moors; Raven, 20 Skylarks, 3 Curlews, 4 Wheatears, and 7 Willow Warblers. Canada Geese with 12 young at Seamer Road Mere, also a Water Rail there. Two Turtle Doves near Newclose Rigg, Dalby Forest. Sutherbuff and Fainsey Riggs produced a Garden Warbler, 6 Blackcaps, 7 Chiffchaffs, and 4 Willow Warblers.

Linnet at Scalby Mills - Jan & Gary Powell.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Wednesday 1st May

 No sign of the Cranes this morning. Two Little Egrets, and a drake Shoveler at Potter Brompton Carr. A Raven U-turned south at Castle Hill. Three Little Ringed Plovers at East Lake, NY Water Park, also 5 Garden Warblers around the site. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was in Cornelian Bay then left north. Two Common Sandpipers and a Wheatear in South Bay. A Tree Pipit near the WRVP car park. A Hobby flew north over Newby. Three Swifts over Dalby Forest.

Sedge Warbler NY Water Park - Steve Hey.