Saturday, 30 April 2022
Saturday 30th April
A Dipper and a KIngfisher were at Wrnech Green this morning and three Sand Martins and a female Teal were at Seamer Tip Pool. Two Turtle Doves and a Garden Warbler were between Housedale and Newclose Rigg, Dalby and a Green Woodpecker was still above the Visitor Centre. The Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Road Mere and a late Fieldfare and Mistle Thrush were at Cloughton. CHiffchaffs and Common Whitethroats were widely reported toady as were Barn Swallows passing in small numbers. However; approximately 30 flew north over Crossgates and 205 flew north at Long Nab along with three House Martins and five Yellow Wagtails. A Marsh Tit was on Rocks Lane, Burniston near to the cinder track bridge. A Cuckoo was at Jugger Howe Beck. An Osprey flew north high over Broxa and a male Whinchat was in suitable breeding habitat there also. Displaying Tree Pipits were near The Falcon Inn and Harwood Dale Forest along with Redpoll and six Common Crossbills. A singing Common Redstart was at Castlebeck Woods. A Lesser Whitethroat was also noted near The Falcon Inn. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker and male Sparrowhawk were seen opposite The Mill Inn, Harwood Dale.
Chiffchaff by Phil Harrison.
Friday, 29 April 2022
Friday 29th April
The Pale-bellied Brent Goose remained at Scalby Mills and the Whooper Swan continued its stay at Seamer Road Mere.An Acredula type (Northern) Willow Warbler was at Cliff Top House, Burniston and was seen leaving to the north. A Hooded Crow flew high south past Long Nab in company with seven Carrion Crows and 84 Barn Swallows passed Long Nab with a Northern Wheatear and 17 Golden Plover on the potato field behind Long Nab Observatory. A female Northern Pintail circled Seamer Tip before flying off south east. A Raven flew north west calling over Harwood Dale Lake, where a Northern Wheatear, 14 Teal and three pairs of Lapwings were present. Most common warbler species are now well established within the recording area and territorially singing with many reports today from various locations. The first Reed Warbler sighting is eagerly awaited. Two pairs of Gadwall were at Seamer Tip Pool. Two pairs of Lapwings were at Hutton Buscel and three Garden Warblers and a Common Buzzard were the highlights of observations in the Woodlands Ravine and Cemetery areas.
Cuckoo by Christopher Swales.
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Thursday 28th April
TThe first Cuckoo of spring was seen at Fylingdales today but the surprise of the day was the appearance of a Hawfinch at a garden feeder on Scalby Road. A Marsh Harrier flew south high over South Cliff this morning and the pair of Garganey was still at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park). Plenty of hirundines of all three species, two Egyptian Geese and four Teal were also present. A male Yellow Wagtail was present in a field on Long Lane, Crossgates and a single Fieldfare was just south of Cloughton Station with a COmmon Buzzard nearby. A Grasshopper Warbler was in song at Seamer Road Mere and a Pale -bellied Brent Gosse was still present at Scalby Mills along with a singing Lesser Whitethroat near to the NB Railway terminus. A Dipper and a House Martin were also present there. A single Common Tern flew north at Long Nab this morning and a Whimbrel and Lesser Whitethroat were present there. Amongst a good selection of birds at Dalby Haygate this morning, there were two Tree Pipits, 14 Song Thrushes, three Great Spotted and one Green Woodpecker and a Marsh Tit.
Hawfinch by JanandGary Powell.
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Wednesday 27th April
A Barn Owl was hunting off Cayton Carr early this morning and a Pale-bellied Brent Goose was at Scalby Mills in addition to a Dipper at the mouth of Scalby Beck.A White Wagtail and two Northern Wheatears were in the field behing Long Nab Observatory. Five Manx Shearwaters and a Whimbrel passed north there and a Red-breasted Merganser flew south. Lesser Whitethroats are now well established with singing birds opposite McDonalds at Eastfield, the east end of Cayton Approach Road and the road to Seamer Tip Pool. A further bird was noted on the cinder track between Cloughton and Scarborough with a White Wagtail and two Shelduck amongst other common species noted on the route. A singing Common Redstart, two Green Woodpeckers and single Dipper and Jay were at Scar Wood, Harwood Dale. A Raven flew over Harwood Dale Moor and six Northern Lapwing, two Teal and eight Barn Swallows were at Harwood Dale Lake. A Turtle Dove was again seen opposite the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale and a Northern Wheatear was on a tilled field on Moor End Road, Harwood Dale.
Bullfinch by JanandGary Powell.
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Tuesday 26th April
The pair of Garganey remained on Wykeham South Lake (Water Park), where a single Acrtic Tern and two Barn Swallows were also seen. A Hooded Crow was briefly in the field behind Long Nab Obs before flying south along the cliffs. Two Whimbrel flew north there and a Lesser Whitethroat was present. A Grasshopper Warbler was at Scalby Lodge Pond and two House Martins were at Scalby Mills. A Garden Warbler was at nearby Stle Scrub at Scalby Lodge. Two Shelduck, a pair of Reed Buntings and a Barn Swallow were at Cromer Point Pond.The Whooper Swan was still present at Seamer Road Mere. Two Common Whitethroat were at Foulridge Lane, Snainton and two House Martins were at Brompton Butts. A Red Kite flew north over the A64 at West Heslerton late afternoon and two Lapwing, Nuthatch and a late Brambling were the piclk of the bunch at Harwood Dale Lake.
Monday, 25 April 2022
Monday 25th April
Two Bramblings were im Wykeham Forest this morning and a female Ring Ouzel was in fields along The Dell, Eastfield. A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling fron scrub alongside the railway line halfway between The Mere and Dean's Garden Centre. A Whooper Swan was still present at Seamer Road Mere. At Wykeham Lakes, a pair of Garganey was still on the west side of the island on the Water Park Lake. Two Shelduck, two Teal, a Little Ringed Plover and three singing Sedge Warblers were also present. Single Goosander, Whimbrel, and Arctic Tern passed Long Nab this morning and a White Wagtail in the Obs field flew off north. At Dalby Forest in the Flainsley and Sutherbuff Riggs area, four Tree Pipits, five Blackcaps, three Willow Warblers and three Nuthatch were present. Single Common Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat were at Burton Riggs. A flock of 10 Arctic Terns flew out east from Scalby Mills this afternoon having appreoached from the west and a single Arctic Tern flew east over Crossgates this afternoon. A singing Turtle Dove, two Teal, Oystercatcher and Common Whitethroat were at Harwood Dale Lake. 13 Jays were feeding in the Low Staindale-Swairdale area of Dalby Forest.
Photo of a Wren by Ray Maddison.
Sunday, 24 April 2022
Sunday 24th April
Seven Arctic Terns flew east over the eastern part of Seamer Tip this morning and a late Whooper Swan was at Seamer Road Mere. A Turtle Dove was opposite the Mill Inn at Harwood Dale. Nearby at Castlebeck Woods, there was a male Common Redstart, both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers, several Willow Warblers and Blackcaps, a Treecreeper and two Common Buzzards flew over. A Pale bellied Brent Goose was in Jackson's Bay and 1,116 Herring Gulls flew north at Long Nab, with a single Eider flying south there. A Whinchat, two Northern Wheatear and two Stonechat were at Fylingdales this afternoon.
Photo by Mark Hepples.
Saturday, 23 April 2022
Saturday 23rd April
A Turtle Dove at Harwood Dale today opposite the Mill Inn may have been present since 21st April. Three Manx Shearwaters flew north at Long Nab and a drake Eider flew south. A pair of Coot with two young were at Town Farm pond, Cloughton and at Cloughton Wyke, a Little Owl, 21 Sand Martin, Peregrine Falcon and Kestrel were noted. Two Garganey were present at Wykeham Lakes this evening along with c70 Sand Martins, five Barn Swallows, two Oystercatchers, seven Great Crested Grebes and a Blackcap. Two Grey Partridges, two Mistle Thrushes and three Yellowhammers were at Long Causeway Road, Wykeham and three Barn Swallows were around the paddocks below West Ayton Castle.
Photo by John Hume.
Friday, 22 April 2022
Friday 22nd April
A Common Redstart and Tree Pipit were below Highwood Brow, Wykeham Forest this morning and six Sand Martins were in the Scalby Lodge/Cromer Point pond area. A Yellow Wagtail was also near Cromer Point pond with three Common Whitethroats and two Chiffchaff also in the area. A Northern Wheatear was on a newly ploughed field at Long Nab and a pair of Stonechat near Mary's seat. A Common Whitethroat and Yellowhammer were both on Field Lane. A Whimbrel and four House Martins flew north east through Wykeham Lakes this morning and eight Great Crested Grebes and a Little Ringed Plover were present. Five Crossbills were on the Gruffalo Walk at Adderstone Rigg, Dalby Forest and a Manx Shearwater flew north off Marine Drive this evening.
Photo by Stephen Beaver.
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Thursday 21st April
A third winter Iceland Gull flew north at Long Nab early this morning. Two Garganey were at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park) along with two Little Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper, one Sedge Warbler, two Common Whitethroats, approximately 10 Blackcaps, 110 Sand Martins ansd three Egyptian Geese. Three Tree Pipits were singing in Wykeham Forset where a Crossbill was seen feeding young. Four Sedge Warblers and a House Martin were in the Seamer Tip Pool area along with a Yellow Wagtail. A Northern Wheatear was at Metes Lane, Seamer and two Yellow Wagtails were on the small pool west of Seamer Sewage Works. A Willow Tit was in Little Dale, Dalby and a Green Woodpecker was in the Lower Dalby area.
Photo by JanandGary Powell.
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Wednesday 20th April
A Short-eared Owl was again reported from Gristhorpe Bay today and a single Puffin flew north at Long Nab. Green Woodpeckers were noted at Harwood Dale Moor, Scalby and Haygate, Dalby. A flock of 12 Yellowhammers was feeding in a tilled field near Scarborough Rugby Club. A recently hatched brood of five Mallard ducklings was noted with parents at Town Farm pond, Cloghton along with two drake Mandarin Duck, one Coot, One Little Grebe, five Stock Doves and a Common Buzzard flew over nearby. Both Common and Lesser Whitethroats were singing just south of Ravenscar with another at Scalby Ness. Garden Warblers were reported from Scalby and Wykeham Water Park Lake where numerous Willow Warblers, five Balckcaps, two Common Whiethroats, one Oystercatcher, one Pink-footed Goose and five Great crested Grebes were noted. Barn Swallows were noted at Harwood Dale and Seamer.
Photo by Phil Bennett.
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Tuesday 19th April
A female Marsh Harrier was at Wykeham Lakes this afternoon. Two Little Ringed Plovers were at Wykeham East Lake with two broods of Greylag Gosse goslings (6+5), a Common Snipe and 30 Sand Martins. A Lesser Whitethroat was again singing at Scalby Mills and a Lesser Whitethroat and two Common Whitethroats were at South Cliff Golf Course. A female Northern Wheatear was in a field near Ravenscar Mast and six Curlew were on flood water off Field Lane, Scalby. Nine Curlew, a Northern Wheatear and two Shelduck were at Cayton Carrs. Three Great Crested Grebes flew south at Long Nab, seven Common Buzzards were over Burton Riggs and a female Blackcap was at Heron Lane, Crossgates. Two Little Owls and a Yellowhammer were at Saltpans Road, Cloughton. A Whooper Swan was on Throxenby Mere.
Photo by Daniel Morley.
Monday, 18 April 2022
Monday 18th April
A Green Sandpiper was at Johnson's Marsh early morning and a second calendar year Iceland Gull and a Hooded Crow flew south at Long Nab following the cliffs. A Lesser Whitethroat was at Seamer Tip opposite the motor cycle track and a Sedge Warbler and Common Whitethroat were on the eastern side of the tip where a male Ring Ouzel flew over.A further Sedge Warbler was by New Dike and two further Common Whitethroats were on the south side of the Tip. A count of 60 Carrion Crows was also recorded at the Tip. A Green Woodpecker was at Bridestones this morning. 20 Sandwich Terns and a Mute Swan were in Cayton Bay and three Northern Wheatear and a pair of Northern Shoveler were at Gristhorpe. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing at Scalby Mills. At Wykeham South Lake (Water Park), a remarkable 28 Willow Warblers were singing. Two Common Whitethroats were also recorded there. A further two Willow Warblers were at the Match Lake nand four Little Ringed Plovers, four Lesser Black backed Gulls and a Kingfisher were at East Lake. A flock of 26 Barnacle Geese south past Marine Drive was an unusual seasonal sighting.
Photo by Iain Leadley.
Sunday, 17 April 2022
Sunday 17th April
Up to three Ring Ouzels and seven Northern Wheatears were seen in the Stoupe Brow/ Ravenscar fields area today by the mast. Two Tree Pipits were singing in the Wrench Green area this morning and a Long eared Owl was reported from the Seamer Tip area. A singing male Common Redstart was seen by the Harwood Dale Lake pull in and a Green Woodpecker was at Harwood Dale Moor. Two Twite and a third calendar year Nediterranean Gull flew south at Long Nab. A Ring Ouzel and a flock of 52 Fieldfares were at Jugger Howe Moor and eight Sandwich Terns moved slowly south through North Bay. At Gristhorpe Bay, a Short eared Owl was again seen along with a single Common Whitethroat, two Stonechats and six Sandwich Terns flew south. Four Eider flew south across North Bay and Wykeham East Lake held two Lesser Black backed Gulls and two Stock Doves. A Male Marsh Harrier also flew west over there and a Blackcap was near the Trout Lake. A Red Kite flew south over Woodland Ravine. A Common Whitethroat was at Seamer Tip and a Garden Warbler at Meads Lane, Crossgates. 25 Purple Sandpipers roosted on East Pier at high tide.
Photo by John Harwood.
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Saturday 16th April
A male Ring Ouzel flew WSW over South Cliff Golf Course this morning. A cream crowned Marsh Harrier flew SW at Jackson's Bay, another flew SSE at Wykeham East Lake and another was seen at Seamer Tip/Pool area. The spring's first Lesser Whitethroat was reported from Eastfiled. Jugger Howe provided a chat fest with the first Common Redstart, Whinchat and Northern Wheatear in additon to another Ring Ouzel. Common Buzzards were noted over Stepney Road, Seamer Tip, Wykeham Lakes and Long Causeway Road, Wykeham. Barn Swallows appeared to have arrived on a broad front at various sites and seven Sand Martins were back at the Cayton Bay colony site. A Sparrowhawk was at Ings Road and a Garden Warbler was at Long Causeway Road as well as two Barn Owls, a pair of displaying Curlew and six Common Buzzards this evening. Two Nuthatches were at Burton Riggs and highlights from Wykeham East Lake included five Tree Sparrows, Little Ringed Plover, one Yellow Wagtail, six Sand Martins, two Northern Wheatear, three Blackcap, one Willow Warbler and four Oystercatcher. A late Whooper Swan was of note at Throxenby Mere.
Photo by Eric Barnes.
Friday, 15 April 2022
Friday 15th April
32 Curlew were at Folkton Carr early this morning. The first Sedge Warbler of the spring was at the eastern side of Seamer Tip along with three Blackcaps. The first Whinchat of spring was at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park) along with a good supporting cast including a Northern Shoveler and Common Buzzard and a Red Kite flew over. At South Cliff this morning, a Corn Bunting flew north and two Yellow Wagtails and a Brambling flew south. A Northern Wheatear was on the golf course. Three Eider flew south past Marine Drive and 16 Sandwich Terns flew north at Long Nab and three Yellow Wagtails went south. A Green Woodpecker was noted in Broxa Forest. A male Marsh Harrier flew south east over Gristhorpe in addition to a Yellow Wagtail. A Tree Pipit flew north at Ravenscar and approximately 25 Sand Martins had returned to the Stoupe Brow cliffs colony.A female Brambling returned to a a garden feeder at Heron Lane, Crossgates for the third consecutive day. Highlights from Dalby Haygate this morning included 14 Willow Warbler, 21 Chiffchaff, four Barn Swallow, four Blackcap, 22 Siskin, five Crossbill, two Nuthatch, one Treecreeper and a single Goldcrest.
Montage by Beverley Senturk.
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Thursday 14th April
A sense of anticipation of something good today was confirmed early this morning when a remarkable flock of nine Black-necked Grebes in full breeding plumage was found in South Bay and remained there until the afternoon. A small flock of three White Storks was discovered this morning flying south west over Cliff Top House, Burniston and were then seen at low altitude over Scalby Road, Burniston near to Burniston Gardens before continuing south west in the general direction of Throxenby. These birds were bearing blue darvic rings and had been seen in Lancashire and then West Yorkshire yesterday before being relocated in our region. Research shows that they are free flying birds from the White Stork Project at Knepp, Sussex, and have apparently been touring the country. Another White Stork was also reported over Pickering today. 20 plus Curlews were noted at Folkton Carrs and two Northern Wheatears on Cayton Carr. Six Northern Wheatears were on the ploughed field near to Cliff Top House, Burniston. Single Whimbrel, Yellow Wagtail and Lesser Black backed Gull flew north at Loing Nab along with 27 Sand Martins. Three Red throated Divers remained on the sea at Long Nab along with two Stonechat on the cliffs. A Marsh Tit (3rd site record for Long Nab) was on Rocks Lane along with two Common Whitethroats. A Hobby flew north west over Burniston and a drake Mandarin was at Seamer Road Mere, with a pair near the Forge Valley feeding station. Wykeham Lakes held a Goosander, 21 singing Willow Warblers, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat, Northern Wheatear, two Egyptian Geese, Kingfisher and a single Pink footed Goose with Greylags in the field to the south of the Water Park. Two Willow Warblers and a Grey Wagtail were at Scar Wood and five Crossbills flew over. A Little Ringed Plover was on flood water at Metes Lane, Seamer and a Brambling frequented a hedge in Heron Lane, Crossgates. Two Shelduck and two Teal were at Johnson's Marsh and six Teal, two Oystercatchers and two Lapwings were at Harwood Dale Lake. 43 Fieldfare and two Willow Warblers were at Lockton where an early Turtle Dove was reported. A Blackcap was singing in Peasholm Glen. 11 Northern Wheatears and a Common Whitethroat were at Gristhorpe Cliffs late afternoon.
Photo courtesy of Becca-Marie Sealife Safari.
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Wednesday 13th April
A change in meteorological conditions today suggested an improvemnent in migratory fortunes and was confirmed by an early morning Osprey arriving in off the sea at South Cliff and flying west, followed in quick succession by a Woodlark flying north there and a cream crowned Marsh Harrier arriving in off the sea and making landfall over the town and then flying south towards Knipe Point. A Ring Ouzel, two Northern Wheatear and the first Common Whitethroat of the spring were noted at Gristhorpe Bay. Four Northern Wheatear were on the Tops at Castle Hill Heritage Site, accompanied by a Blackcap. A second Osprey flew south east over Heron Lane, Crossgates in the dirtection of Burton Riggs and single Willow Warbler and Brambling were also seen in a Heron Lane hedge. A further six Northern Wheatears, male Ring Ouzel, Whimbrel and Little Ringed Plover all flew north at Long Nab with two House Martins south and the first Willow Warbler was present there. A total of nine Northern Wheatears moved north at South Cliff along with three House Martins and a Yellow Wagtail. 26 Sand Martins flew north and 20 moved south there in addition to five Barn Swallows. Six singing Blackcaps were also present at South Cliff. A Marsh Harrier flew north at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint and two Northern Goshawks, two Tree Pipits, several singing Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap were present there.
Photo by Ray Maddison.
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Tuesday 12th April
There was an obvious movement of Northern Wheatears through the area today with 13 recorded in the Ravenscar/Stoupe Brow areas, four at Scalby Nab, three at South Cliff, two near Cliff Top House, Burniston, two at Gristhorpe Sands, one at Hundale and one at Harwood Dale Lake. A Ring Ouzel was at Cliff Top House early this morning and left to the north west. A White Wagtail was at Ravenscar with a single Golden Plover and a displaying Curlew at Stoupe Brow. A Short eared Owl and a Common Sandpiper were at Gristhorpe Sands where a Barn Swallow flew north. Single Barn Swallows were also noted at Seamer Tip Pool and over Heron Lane, Crossgates. Willow Warblers were noted at New Dike, Seamer Tip and one flew south at South Cliff. A first summer Mediterranean Gull remained at Holbeck. Seven Collared Doves were noted on wires at Staintondale and a male Blackcap was behind the Open Air Theatre and another on Metes Lane, Seamer and a total of 10 Redwings were also noted in the area. . 1,060 Kittiwakes, the largest spring count, were on the Castle Headland cliffs where a Peregrine was also present. Four Shelduck, a Red breasted Merganser and six Sandwich Terns flew north at Long Nab along with 13 Common Scoters and another three Common Scoter flew south. A single Sandwich Tern also flew north at South Cliff. A male Sparrowhawk was calling in Peasholm Glen. A Shoveler was at Seamer Tip Pool and a pair of Lapwings were at Great Moor Road, Hutton Buscel along with six Yellowhammers and three singing Skylarks.
Photo by Stephen Beaver.
Monday, 11 April 2022
Monday 11th April
A cream crowned Marsh Harrier passed slowly south at Long Nab this morning having approached from the west. A Yellow Wagtail, Grey Plover and drake Goosander flew north there and a single Dunlin flew south. Two Northern Wheatears were noted at South Cliff, with further singles noted at Gristhorpe Bay and Sneaton Low Moor. A Great Northern Diver was in the inner harbour this morning and a Firecrest was seen in Broxa Forest. Just four Eurasian Wigeon remained at Scalby Mills this afternoon and six Gannets and four Fulmars were noted at Cloughton Wyke.
Photo by Mark Hepples.
Sunday, 10 April 2022
Sunday 10th April
A Short eared Owl was again seen at Gristhorpe Bay this morning along with two pairs of Stonechats, two Grey Partridge and a Lesser Black backed Gull. The wader roost revealed 143 Curlew, 22 Oystercatchers and three Turnstones. A further Short eared Owl along with a Little Egret were seen at Seamer Tip Pool. A Great Northern Diver was in the main harbour and a single Sandwich Tern and Barn Swallow flew north at Long Nab. Blackcaps were noted at Burton Riggs, Seamer and Burniston. Approximately 25 Chiffchaffs were noted along the cinder track between Coastal Road, Burniston and Station Lane, Cloughton this morning. An Iceland Gull was present at Scalby Mills this afternoon. Five Little Ringed Plover , 62 Teal and a Shelduck were at Wykeham East Lake where a Mistle Thrush was seen collecting nesting material.
Photo by Becky Stewart.
Saturday, 9 April 2022
Saturday 9th April
Three Sandwich Terns passed north at Scalby Mills and a Great Northern Diver was still in South Bay. A Willow Warbler, three Blackcaps and two Treecreepers were at Wykeham Lakes and both Willow Tit and Blackcap were singing at Wrench Green. A small flock of Linnet was noted at Long Nab and A Mandarin Duck was on Thornton le Dale duckpond with Grey Wagtail and Nuthatch also present. A Goosander remained at Harwood Dale Lake and six Fieldfare and a Redwing were present at Helwath Beck. A Green Woodpecker, eight Crossbill and two Lesser Redpoll were of note in Harwood Dale Forest.
Photo by Ray Maddison.
Friday, 8 April 2022
Friday 8th April
The first Willow Warbler and Tree Pipit of the spring were recorded at Sneaton Low Moor this morning along with Brambling, Fieldfare and two family parties of Crossbills numbering four and six respectively. A Raven flew south east there. A Little Egret was at Brompton Ponds and a Goosander remained at Harwood Dale Lake. Two Northern Wheatears by Long Nab Observatory this morning flew off north west. A male Black Redstart, four Common Sandpipers ten Barn Swallows and ten Sand Martins and a House Martin were at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park). A female Brambling graced a Ravenscar garden. Highlights from Stony Marl Moor consisted of two pairs of Stonechats, two Common Buzzards, a single Kestrel and a pair of Meadow Pipits. Three Crossbills and a Siskin were noted at Pye Rigg, Harwood Dale Forest.
Photo by Stephen Beaver.
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Thursday 7th April
A Red Kite was over Pickering this morning. Seven Barn Swallows, a Sand Martin, female Common Scoter, two Teal, three Shoveler and seven Goldeneye were at Wykeham Lakes. 25 Tufted Ducks, two Wigeon and a Nuthatch were at Burton Riggs. Approximately 150 Linnets, 100 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing and two Shelduck were in the Metes Lane area, Seamer and a substantial influx of Meadow Pipits was noted on Seamer Tip but were difficult to count under the circumstances.
Photo by Terry Crook.
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Wednesday 6th April
A record spring movement of Meadow Pipits was recorded at Long Nab with 1,254 moving north this morning along with two Sand Martins and 13 Golden Plover. A Sandwich Tern flew north past Holbeck and a Jack Snipe was flushed behind Boyes' warehouse at Eastfield. A Dipper was noted at Scalby MIlls and two Lesser Black backed Gulls were at the Open Air Theatre. A Great Northern Diver was in South Bay and a White Wagtail was accompanying 14 Pied Wagtails in a Cloughton field. Two Oystercatchers, three pairs of Tufted Ducks, two pairs of Little Grebes and a pair of Grey Wagtails were at Brompton ponds. Four Goldeneye remained at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park) along with eight Tufted Ducks.
Phot by Phil Bennett.
Tuesday, 5 April 2022
Tuesday 5th April
An impressive four Garganey were discovered at Seamer Tip Pool this morning and a Bittern was once again reported from the Folkton/Flixton Carrs area. A White Wagtail was seen at Gristhorpe Cliffs and a pair of Lesser Black backed Gulls returned to the rooftops at Eastfield Industrial Estate. A male Stonechat was seen at Saltpans Road, Cloughton along with a Yellowhammer and a pair of Greenfinches. Approximately 450 Fieldfare and 120 Redwing were on sown fields at Yedingham and a count of Rook nests in colonies in the area consisted of 67 at West Knapton, 33 at Yedingham and 41 at Brompton.
Photos by Nick Addey, Paul Tozer, Stephen Beaver and Terry Hobson.
Monday, 4 April 2022
Monday 4th April
A Short eared Owl flew south low over the sea at Long Nab this morning. A Whooper Swan was reported in a field west of Johnson's Marsh and a Green Sandpiper, three Goldeneye and three Egyptian Geese were at Wykeham East Lake.
Photo by Stephen Beaver.
Sunday, 3 April 2022
Sunday 3rd April
A Red Kite passed south early morning at Long Nab and a Black Redstart remained behind the wall by the Skateboard Park on Marine Drive. Three Common Buzzards were over Cloughton Tea Rooms and two on the east side of Jacob's Mount. A pair of Stonechats were below Holbeck and two Dippers and three Grey Wagtails were noted at Troutsdale. Four Oystercatchers were in a field by Seamer Tip bridge and two Shelduck and three Gadwall on flood water in a field of Metes Lane, Seamer. Highlights from Wykeham Lakes were five Goldeneye, 18 Chiffchaffs, 10 Reed Buntings, two Oystercatchers, two Egyptian Geese, seven Great Crested Grebes, three Mistle Thrushes including one collecting nesting material and four Red legged Partridges.
Photo by Paul Tozer.
Saturday, 2 April 2022
Saturday 2nd April
A Whooper Swan passed north over Scalby Mills before veering north west. A Short-eared Owl was again hunting along Gristhorpe Cliff and a drake Common Scoter was at Wykeham Lakes. Two Peregrine Falcon pairs were reported on Marine Drive and a Blackcap was in song at Scarborough Mere.
Photo by Paul Tozer.
Friday, 1 April 2022
Friday 1st April
The first two returning Little Ringed Plovers of spring were found at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park) today where a drake Common Scoter remained along with four Goldeneye, 30 Tufted Duck and with 13 Chiffchaffs and three Curlew on site. A Black Redstart was again behind the wall on Marine Drive and a Great Northern Diver was in the harbour. Six Little Egrets were in the Flotmanby/Folkton Carrs area and a Raven was over Wrench Green. 22 Fieldfares were seen over Metes Lane, Seamer, two Shelducks were on flood water in a nearby field and a Nuthatch was displaying in Sweetbecks Plantation, Burton Riggs. A Goosander, 27 Eurasian Teal and 5 Eurasian Wigeon were at Harwood Dale Lake and a drake Eider flew north at Long Nab.
Photo by Terry Hobson.
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