Monday, 30 September 2019

Monday 30th September

A very vocal Yellow-browed Warbler was on King Street this morning, and another was heard on South Cliff, where there were also 7 Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and a Stonechat. Other Chiffchaffs were at the motor cycle track near Seamer Tip, and at Taylor Way. 2 Corn Buntings flew south over Taylor Way, 8 Gadwall and 2 Marsh Tits were at Burton Riggs, and 60 Pink-footed Geese flew south over Curlew Drive. Another Yellow-browed Warbler was at the bottom end of Cornelian Ravine, where a Red-throated Diver was seen in the bay. Yet another Yellow-browed Warbler was at Crook Ness, along with a Lesser Whitethroat. At Long Nab this morning there were 5 Stonechats, a Willow Warbler and a Blackcap, plus increased numbers of Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs. 78 Pink-footed Geese and a Little Egret flew south, while passing by at sea were a Brent Goose, a drake Eider, 2 Manx Shearwaters, a Great Skua and an Arctic Skua.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Wigeon - Chris Bull

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Sunday 29th September

Not much news in today: the Turtle Dove is still in Burniston, and at Cliff Top House near Long Nab there was a Spotted Flycatcher, a Redstart and a Willow Warbler.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Siskin - Judi Kent Pyrah

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Saturday 28th September

78 Teal and 3 Wigeon were present at Johnson's Marsh this morning. This afternoon both a male and a female Wheatear were seen on the Marine Drive rock armour opposite the skateboard park.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Female and male Wheatear - Stuart Baines

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday 27th September

A Lapland Bunting was spotted in among a flock of Skylarks in the field behind the Long Nab observatory this morning. Another was seen in the afternoon, coming in off the sea from the south and continuing north-west. A Mute Swan was on the sea, and an unidentified Locustella species was seen briefly at the foot of Short Hedge, just north of the observatory. 3 Blackcaps, 8 Chiffchaffs, 6 Goldcrests and 6 Reed Buntings were seen on South Cliff, and a Grey Plover was in Jackson's Bay.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Grey Plover - Terry Hobson

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday 26th September

The Red-crested Pochard and 7 Wigeon were at Seamer Tip Pool, 7 Gadwall were at Burton Riggs, and 65 Teal were at Johnson's Marsh. 3 Sandwich Terns were seen feeding in North Bay, while an Arctic Tern was feeding out from Crook Ness. A Willow Warbler and 150 Linnets were at Crook Ness, and a Lesser Whitethroat was spotted at Saltergate.

Turnstone - Rose Habberley

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Wednesday 25th September

The Garganey was still at the jet ski area of Seamer Road Mere today, and the Red-crested Pochard was still at Seamer Tip Pool. A Grey Plover, a Bar-tailed Godwit and a Common Tern were seen in Jackson's Bay, and a Black Redstart was seen at the south end of Crook Ness beach. At Johnson's Marsh there were 17 Wigeon, 9 Teal and a Curlew. A Yellow-browed Warbler was spotted on the south side of the castle, while on South Cliff there was a Tree Pipit, a Redstart, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Chiffchaffs and 2 Marsh Tits. Highlights from the sea watch at Long Nab include 15 Red-throated Divers, 3 Arctic Skuas, a Great Skua, an Arctic Tern, 3 Knot, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, 65 Wigeon, 38 Common Gulls and a Yellow Wagtail all heading south, plus 42 Common Scoter heading north. 17 Skylarks were behind the observatory, 2 Stonechats were in the cover Scrape, and 6 Reed Buntings were in the hedgerow.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Juvenile male Garganey - Brett Richards

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday 24th September

The Red-crested Pochard was still on Seamer Tip Pool this morning, the Garganey was still at Seamer Road Mere, and the Turtle Dove was still in Burniston. There were 4 Willow Tits along the riverbank just upstream of Hackness. For over an hour this afternoon a Great Skua was feeding on the remains of a bird (possibly a Black-headed Gull) on the beach opposite Olympia Leisure, moving a just a short way off at times due to disturbance by people and dogs, but tolerating 3 observers standing about 6 yards away.

Redshank at Scalby Mills - Rose Habberley

Monday, 23 September 2019

Monday 23rd September

A Redstart and a Whinchat were seen in Ravenscar this morning, and an adult Mediterranean Gull was at Holbeck car park. A Buzzard was over Limestone Road, a Peregrine circled over Crossgates, and 40+ House Martins were feeding over Wrench Green. At Burton Riggs there was a Red-crested Pochard, 12 Wigeon, 7 Teal, 4 Gadwall and 2 Marsh Tits, while 3 Buzzards flew over southwards. 2 Teal, a Garganey, 21 Gadwall and a Tufted Duck were at Seamer Tip pool, and on Seamer Mead there were 30 Stock Doves and 4 Curlew. The eclipse Garganey was still at Seamer Road Mere, along with 2 Teal, on the jet ski pool. Also at the Mere was a second calendar year Mediterranean Gull. A Barred Warbler was found on the castle headland behind the skate park. A Turtle Dove still remains in Burniston.

Barred Warbler - John Harwood

Great Skua - John Harwood

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Sunday 22nd September

The Red-crested Pochard was still at Seamer Tip Pool today, and the Garganey remains at Seamer Road Mere. 4 Gadwall and 2 Chiffchaffs were at Burton Riggs and a Whitethroat was at the motorcycle track near Seamer Tip, while 20 Lapwings flew south over Seamer Carr. A Whinchat was seen on South Cliff, and 15 Teal and a Kingfisher were in Cornelian Bay. A Black Redstart was on the rocks at the harbour.

Red-crested Pochard at Seamer Tip Pool

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Saturday 21st September

Not much news in today: 2 Purple Sandpipers were at the harbour this morning and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits were in Jackson's Bay. A Chiffchaff was in Royal Albert Park, and 40 Greylag Geese flew east over Crossgates.

Bar-tailed Godwits in Jackson's Bay - Chris Bell

Friday, 20 September 2019

Friday 20th September

A Dunlin was at Johnson's Marsh early this morning, and a Turtle Dove was still in Burniston. The Red-crested Pochard remains at Seamer Tip Pool, where there are also 10 Gadwall. By New Dike, Seamer Tip there was a Blackcap, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Reed Warbler and a Willow Tit. 60 Tree Sparrows were in the bean field by Metes Lane, over which a Great Egret flew southwards. Highlights from Long Nab include a Great Northern Diver, 5 Fulmar and 2,500 Auks heading north; a Pomarine Skua, 14 Arctic Terns, 4 Sandwich Terns, 7 Red-throated Divers, a Mediterranean Gull, 4 Knot, and 2 Alba Wagtails heading south.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Sandwich Terns at Scalby Mills yesterday - Chris Bell

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Thursday 19th September

A Garganey was seen feeding with a single Teal at the south end of Seamer Road Mere today. Also at the mere were 70 Mute Swans, a Little Grebe, 52 Moorhens, a Coot, 27 Mallard, and a Kingfisher, while at Wykeham South Lake there were 2 Egyptian Geese, a Gadwall, 3 Great Crested Grebes and 22 Coot. 4 Sandwich Terns and 5 Ringed Plover were at Scalby Mills, and an adult Little Gull was feeding in North Bay.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Juvenile Little Grebe - Rose Habberley

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Wednesday 18th September

A day of Bottlenose Dolphins - beginning with a single individual seen off Marine Drive, followed by many sightings of several groups of 8 to 14+ individuals, mostly moving north. The Red-crested Pochard remains at Seamer Tip Pool, where there was also a Great Spotted Woodpecker, and a Blackcap was spotted at Burton Riggs. A juvenile Long-tailed Skua, 4 Sooty Shearwaters and a Balearic Shearwater flew north past Long Nab, and a Great Northern Diver flew south. Other highlights from Long Nab include 16 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, a Pintail, 90 Red-throated Divers (75 of them going south), a Mediterranean Gull, 17 Arctic Skuas and 24 Bottlenose Dolphins. A single Pink-footed Goose was at Harwood Dale Lake this evening.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Chiffchaff - Thomas Jolliffe

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tuesday 17th September

60 Pink-footed Geese were seen flying south over Crossgates early this afternoon. The main highlights fro Long Nab were 4 Bottlenose Dolphins passing by southwards, and a Long-tailed Skua which spent about 5 minutes in front of the observation hut and even settled on the sea for a while.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Snipe - Chris Bull

Monday, 16 September 2019

Monday 16th September

A Red-crested Pochard and a Snipe were seen on Seamer Tip Pool this morning, and a Bar-tailed Godwit was in Cayton Bay this afternoon. Also this afternoon a juvenile Marsh Harrier flew south over the sea past Long Nab, about 1km out. A Minke Whale was seen from Long Nab on two occasions in the early evening, initially 3-4 miles out, and later about 2.5 miles out. Also passing Long Nab were 5 Sooty Shearwaters heading north, and a Whimbrel and a Greenshank heading south. 2 Bottlenose Dolphins were spotted heading north off Marine Drive.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Red-crested Pochard - Chris Bull

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Sunday 15th September

A Kingfisher was seen on the Taylor Way pool this morning. A Little Egret and a Wigeon were on Seamer Tip Pool, while 10 Curlew and another Little Egret were on Seamer Mead/Starr Carr. 2 Spotted Flycatchers were in Falsgrave Park.

Grey Wagtail - Ian Mennell

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Saturday 14th September

Highlights passing Long Nab this morning included: a Sooty Shearwater, 2 Manx Shearwaters, 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese and 2 Greenshank heading north; 2 Arctic Skuas, 12 Red-throated Divers, a Mediterranean Gull, a Whimbrel and 4 Shelduck heading south. 3 Whinchats were present nearby. This afternoon a Ruff and a Red Kite were both seen flying south over Crossgates, and a Kingfisher was behind the Open Air Theatre. Approximately 10 Bottlenose Dolphins were seen in Gristhorpe Bay, swimming swiftly north, and were then spotted again in Cayton Bay.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Bar-tailed Godwit - Steve Race

Friday, 13 September 2019

Friday 13th September

The Ruff was again at Johnson's Marsh early this morning, but had left by 9:00 when 26 Teal were present, and later 2 Wigeon were present. A Crane was spotted initially in fields in Cloughton and later in the field north of Fields Farm near Long Nab. 80 Lapwings were seen over Howdale Moor, and 3 Greenland Wheatears on Jugger Howe Moor. A Mediterranean Gull flew south at Long Nab, where there were 3 Whinchats near the cover crop and a Stonechat south of the observation hut. 6 Buzzards were seen circling over Crossgates for 10 minutes this afternoon, and 52 Pink-footed Geese flew south over Thornton Dale. Between Scalby Mills and Cromer Point there were 7 Wheatears and 130 Great Black-backed Gulls. In Jackson's Bay there were 197 Oystercatchers, 7 Ringed Plovers, a Sanderling, 54 Turnstones (one colour-ringed), 7 Dunlin, 22 Redshank, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 22 Curlew and 3 Whimbrel (flying south). A Bottlenose Dolphin was seen off Marine Drive, then another was seen off Scalby Mills heading south, and finally a total of 6 were seen heading south round the Castle Headland.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Wheatear on North Bay - Melanie Pearl

Turtle Dove Project art exhibitions Saturday 5th October

Alan Hunt

Darren Woodhead

The North Yorkshire Turtle Dove Project currently have two unique art exhibitions running side by side. At Danby Inspired by gallery (NP Moors Centre) and Dalby Forest Visitor Centre. If you haven’t checked them out yet you’re missing a great day out! Why not do both in a day. The Danby exhibition is formal art by some of the best wildlife artists including Darren Woodhead and Alan Hunt. The Dalby exhibition has more formal art, sculpture and a fabulous display of doodles donated by celebrities to raise funds for our project including Chris Packham, Bill Oddie, Claudia Winkelman and Derek Jacobi

At the reception there will be two talks by Alan Hunt and Darren Woodhead two of the best wildlife artists in the world

To book for the reception please follow this link, places limited so act fast!

We need to spread the word far and wide about our exhibitions so please tell your friends. To see all our doodles and bid on them look on E-bay and write in the search ‘Doodle a Dove for Turtle Dove Conservation’ and you will see all of the doodles

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Thursday 12th September

2 Great Egrets flew south over the sea at Long Nab this morning. Other sightings there through the day included a Ruff, 7 Swifts, 3731 Meadow Pipits, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Greenland Wheatear, 557 Linnets and 102 Goldfinches all heading south, while 4 Whinchats and a Stonechat were in the cover crop nearby. A juvenile Ruff was at Johnson's Marsh and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits were in North Bay this evening.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Female Sparrowhawk - Pauline Dent

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Wednesday 11th September

The main highlight at Long Nab today was the huge number of House Martins moving south - 3870! Also heading past southwards were 4 Sand Martins, 230 Swallows, 426 Meadow Pipits, 2 Swifts and a Red Kite, while 2 Whinchats were still present in the area. An adult and a juvenile Turtle Dove were in Burniston.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Little Egrets at Seamer Tip Pool yesterday - Chris Bull

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Tuesday 10th September

3 Marsh Tits were present at Burton Riggs today, and at the New Dyke, Seamer Tip there was a Whitethroat, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Willow Tit, a Chiffchaff and a Swift. In Jackson's Bay there were 5 Bar-tailed Godwits (one of them ringed), 10 Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, a Turnstone, 2 Curlew, a Wheatear, a Peregrine and 23 Teal. Early this afternoon 9+ Bottlenose Dolphins were seen passing Long Nab, heading south towards North Bay, and a further 10 were seen a little later, also heading south. 2 Little Egrets were briefly at Seamer Tip Pool, 30 Teal and 15 Herons were at Johnson's Marsh, and a Turtle Dove remains at Burniston. In the afternoon 2 Whinchats and 3 Wheatears were present at Long Nab, while a Great Northern Diver and a Greenshank flew past southwards and 2 Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew by heading north.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Chiffchaff singing near Long Nab - Terry Hobson

Monday, 9 September 2019

Monday 9th September

A Lapland Bunting flew in off the sea at Hundale this morning before continuing on southwards, and a Hobby was seen flying south at Crook Ness. 2 Goosanders flew east over Crossgates mid-morning, while at Crook Ness there was a Kingfisher on the beach, 30 Chaffinches flew in off the sea, a Buzzard flew south over the car park, and 2 Stonechats were on the cliff 200m north of the car park. A Wheatear was behind the Long Nab observatory. At Holbeck there were 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls, one of them the regularly seen 6 year old Polish bird with a red ring PNN5 on the right leg and a metal ring on the left. A Spotted Flycatcher was at Crook Ness in the early afternoon. Passing Long Nab were: a Marsh Harrier north, and a Great Northern Diver and 483 Meadow Pipits south. At Johnson's Marsh there were 21 Moorhens, 12 Herons and 10 Teal, while 13 Teal and 2 Red-throated Divers were seen at the southern end of South Bay. A Red Kite was spotted between Yedingham and the A64.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Spotted Flycatcher at Crook Ness - Nick Addey

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Sunday 8th September

11 Sandwich Terns, 4 Bar-tailed Godwits, 22 Turnstones and 6 Dunlin were at Jackson's Bay this morning. A Pied Flycatcher was seen in sycamores near Cliff Top House, Long Nab at midday, and was still present late afternoon. A Dunlin and a Snipe were at Johnson's Marsh this afternoon, and a Greenshank was in Burniston Bay. Lots of birds were seen passing Long Nab during the day's seawatch, including: 5 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 465 Teal, 30 Wigeon, a Shoveler, 320 Common Scoter, 5 Pintail, 7 Sooty Shearwaters, 4 Balearic Shearwaters, 102 Manx Shearwaters, 588 Fulmars, a Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Great Northern Divers and 38 Red-throated Divers.

Full count from Long Nab here:
Pied Flycatcher - Nick Addey

Curlew at Long Nab - Nick Addey

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Saturday 7th September

A Wigeon, a Green Sandpiper and a Snipe were seen at Johnson's Marsh this morning, and 13 Gadwall were at Seamer Tip Pool. Highlights passing Long Nab included a Balearic Shearwater, a Sooty Shearwater, 7 Pintail, 4 Brent Geese (one of them Pale-bellied), 40 Arctic Terns and a Mediterranean Gull.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Cormorant on the harbour slipway- Mark Hepples

Friday, 6 September 2019

Friday 6th September

150+ Swallows and a Swift were seen over the Castle Headland today, and 3 Whinchats and 3 Wheatears were in the Scalby Lodge Pond area. At Jackson's Bay this evening there were 2 Sanderling, 4 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plovers and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, while another 4 Bar-tailed Godwits were at Scalby Mills. At Johnson's Marsh there were 12 Teal, a Snipe, a Green Sandpiper and 2 Wigeon.

Whinchat - Terry Hobson

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Thursday 5th September

Highlights passing Long Nab this morning were 3 Sooty Shearwaters, 16 Manx Shearwaters, 16 Arctic Skuas, 5 Great Skuas and 2 Purple Sandpipers, while 2 Whinchats and 8 Whitethroats were present in the area. A Snipe, a Green Sandpiper and a juvenile Ruff were at Johnson's Marsh. In Jackson's Bay there were about 30 Oystercatchers, 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 10 Sanderlings, 4 Ringed Plovers and 2 Dunlin.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Great Black-backed Gull - Rose Habberley

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Wednesday 4th September

Early this morning 2 Minke Whales were seen heading north, about 2.5 miles off Long Nab. 64 Pink-footed Geese were seen from Holbeck, heading south, and 10 Mediterranean Gulls were in South Bay (8 adults and 2 first calendar year birds). At Ravenscar this afternoon there were 400 plus Swallows, 70 plus House Martins, 17 Sand Martins, a Willow Warbler, 96 Linnets and 67 Goldfinches, while a female Merlin was spotted at Stoupe Brow. 2 Bar-tailed Godwits were in North Bay, one of them with colour rings (ringed in Norway). A Snipe, 8 Teal, 11 Wigeon and 15 Moorhens were at Johnson's Marsh, and a Shoveler was on Harwood Dale Lake. A Turtle Dove was in Burniston and 5 Swifts were seen heading south over Dean Road this evening.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Bar-tailed Godwit - Andy Hall

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Tuesday 3rd September

52 Wheatears were in the fields at Long Nab today, and a Whinchat was near the car park. Highlights passing Long Nab included a Marsh Harrier, a Black Tern, a Green Sandpiper, a Greenshank and a Mediterranean Gull. 2 more Wheatears were seen on Marine Drive, and 2 Swifts were at Scalby Mills. In Jackson's Bay this evening there were 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 5 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plovers.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Dunlin - Andy Hall

Monday, 2 September 2019

Monday 2nd September

2 Egyptian Geese were at Wykeham South Lake this morning. 32 Pink-footed Geese flew high south over Crossgates, and a bit later another 56 flew high south over Long Nab. 4 Willow Tits and 3 Marsh Tits were detected along the river between Hackness and Hilla Green. A Whinchat, 7 Wheatears and 2 Goldcrests were at Long Nab, where some of the highlights of the seawatch included a Black Tern going north, and 4 Arctic Terns, 10 Manx Shearwaters, 7 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Whimbrel and 8 Swifts all going south. 2 Wigeon, 13 Teal and a Snipe were at Johnson's Marsh, and 5 Dunlin were in North Bay. This evening 3 Curlew flew over Osgoodby, while at Scalby Mills there were 25 Turnstones, 7 Sandwich Terns 3 Ringed Plovers and a Wheatear.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Peregrine on Marine Drive - Steve Clipperton

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Sunday 1st September

A Wheatear, 2 Willow Warblers, 2 Whitethroats and 10 Swallows were seen heading south near Crook Ness this morning. A Lesser Whitethroat and a Blackcap were at Burton Riggs, 40 Tree Sparrows were at Metes Lane, and a Mink was in a dyke at Star Carr. In Jackson's Bay there was a Sanderling, 2 Knot, a Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover and 3 Bar-tailed Godwits. Highlights from this morning's pelagic were two first calendar year Caspian Gulls , 3 Manx Shearwaters, a Great Skua, a Puffin, 3 Teal, 3 Common Scoter, 2 Ringed Plover flying south, 2 Meadow Pipits flying west, and a Wheatear 2 miles out. This afternoon an Osprey flew south along the cliffs at Long Nab, and a Ringtail Hen Harrier flew in off the sea in Cornelian Bay, where there was also a Little Grebe and a Common Sandpiper. A third calendar year Mediterranean Gull and 6 Tufted Duck were seen at Seamer Road Mere, plus 3 swifts ahead of the storm. At Castle Hill there were 3 Wheatears, 50 Goldfinches and a Clouded Yellow butterfly. 22 Turnstones were in the harbour and 4 Swifts flew over the Old Town. Near the Long Nab observation hut this afternoon were 3 Wheatears and 7 Rock Pipits. 2 Wigeon and 9 Teal were at Johnson's Marsh.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Caspian Gull - Matthew Binns

Fulmar - Chris Bell