Friday, 31 May 2019

Friday 31st May

The Little Egret remained at Johnson's Marsh first thing this morning, and there were 4 Turtle Doves at the Mill Inn. Highlights passing by Long Nab included a Barnacle Goose, 37 Common Scoter, 29 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Little Egrets, a Ringed Plover, a Dunlin and 18 Puffins. A Snipe was spotted at Cromer Point Pond, and 5 Sandwich Terns were feeding in North Bay. 2 Honey Buzzards were seen south of Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint, and a Little Owl was spotted 100m west of Ruston on the Pickering Road.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Sandwich Tern - Stuart Baines

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Thursday 30th May

Little news in today. A Little Egret was on Johnson's Marsh early this morning, and 200 Swifts flew north past Long Nab between 11:00 and 12:00. A Hobby was seen from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Male Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding chicks - Lucy Hobkinson

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Wednesday 29th May

A pair of Garganey were on Seamer Tip Pool this morning, and a female Marsh Harrier was seen flying north over the fields behind Long Nab. At Beedale a male Hen Harrier was photographed and a large falcon was seen flying east, probably an escaped hybrid. At Burniston there was a group of 5 (wow!) Turtle Doves.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Crossbill in Wykeham Forest - Melanie Pearl

Meadow Pipit - Paul Tozer

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Tuesday 28th May

Big news today...the Castle Cliff Peregrine pair have 2+ chicks. At Long Nab a Common Quail was flushed near Hundale Point and a Little Egret flew south plus a better seawatch (details below). Wykeham South Lake had 2 Little Ringed Plovers, an Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper and 3 Yellow Wagtails. There were also 2 Little Ringed Plovers at Burton Riggs, a Little Egret flew north over Taylor Way. The adult Mediterranean Gull again over Cayton village. Two Spotted Flycatchers were at Troutsdale.

Long Nab watch:

Peregrine chick - Adrian Ewart

Spotted Flycatcher Troutsdale - Dave Armitage

Monday, 27 May 2019

Monday 27th May

One singing Wood Warbler still in Wykeham Forest also Willow Tit at the same location. At Wykeham South Lake; 5 Egyptian Geese, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Yellow Wagtails plus 26+ active Sand Martin nest holes in the quarry area. A pair of Gadwall at Johnson's Marsh. The Cetti's Warbler still present at Potter Brompton Carr.

Long Nab watch:

Egyptian Geese Wykeham South Lake - Nick Addey

Wood Warbler Wykeham Forest - Nick Addey

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Sunday 26th May

Three Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale and one at East Ayton. Five Grey Herons, a pair of Mandarins (briefly) and an Oystercatcher at Johnson's Marsh.

Long Nab:

Turtle Dove Harwood Dale - Nick Addey

Saturday 25th May

Drake Pintail, Common Sandpiper Wykeham South Lake. Adult Mediterranean Gull still flying around Cayton village.

Long Nab counts:

Sedge Warbler Seamer tip pool - Paul Tozer

Friday 24th May

A Hobby was seen twice over Hutton Buscel (two birds?). East of Eller Beck were two pairs of Whinchats, 3 Wheatears, 2 Cuckoos and a Snipe. Three Turtle Doves at Burniston.

Hobby over Hutton Buscel - Allan Hunt


Thursday 23rd May

A singing Brambling just north of RAF Fylingdales, also Whinchat, Redstart, Cuckoo, 2 Spotted Flycatchers and Red Grouse.  A Hobby was seen hunting over a rape field along A64 near Seamer roundabout in the evening. Little Owl Hutton Buscel. Two Grey Wagtails and Kingfisher at Ellerburn.

Tree Sparrow Hutton Buscel - Allan Hunt

Wednesday 22nd May

The Cetti's Warbler was still singing at Potter Brompton Carr. Also there were 5 singing Garden Warblers (site record) and 2 Spotted Flycatchers. Two singing Garden Warblers at Cochrah Road. A Nightjar was churring by the Wykeham Raptor viewpoint where 16 passes of Woodcock were recorded and 3+ Tawny Owls. The Wood Warbler was still singing at Wykeham Forest. Eight Bottlenose Dolphins were off Marine Drive in the evening.

Wood Warbler Wykeham Forest - Terry Hobson

Tuesday 21st May

A Red Kite was over Thornton le Dale plus one at the Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. At Thornton Carrs; Barn and Little Owl plus Grey Partridge.
Little Owl Thornton Carrs - Graham Sigsworth

Red Kite Thornton le Dale - Terry Hobson


Monday, 20 May 2019

Monday 20th May

2 Wood Warblers were again singing in Wykeham Forest this morning. A pair of Yellow Wagtails were seen on Metes Lane, Seamer, and a Little Egret was at Seamer Mead. A Cuckoo was present behind the Falcon Inn this evening, and a Cuckoo plus a Turtle Dove were in Harwood Dale.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Wood Warbler - Terry Hobson

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Sunday 19th May

An unusually quiet day: a Little Egret was seen heading north over Johnson's Marsh this morning, and around the Mill Inn in Harwood Dale there were 2 Turtle Doves plus 28 other species.

Whitethroat - Rose Habberley

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Saturday 18th May

Highlights from Long Nab this morning include 4 Wheatears and 3 Garden Warblers present in the area, plus a Greenshank, 5 Manx Shearwaters, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Terns flying past. A pair of Wood Warblers were calling, and the male singing, in Wykeham Forest near the top of the Great Moor Road. 3 Honey Buzzards have been spotted in the Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint area, 2 of which were photographed yesterday. 15 Swifts were feeding over Wrench Green this evening.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers - Lucy Hobkinson

Honey Buzzard - Judi Kent Pyrah

Friday, 17 May 2019

Friday 17th May

A very quiet day today. At Long Nab the only new migrants were 4 Wheatears and a Sedge Warbler. At Wykeham South Lake there were 5 Common Sandpipers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers and 2 Shovelers.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Red-legged Partridge - Judi Kent Pyrah

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Thursday 16th May

A Common Sandpiper was spotted at Scalby Mills today, and a Lesser Whitethroat was in blackthorn at the side of the path from there to the cliff top. 323 Swallows flew south past Long Nab and 15 Swifts flew over Lindhead School this evening. At Troutsdale there were 25 Mandarins: 2 males, 3 females and 20 ducklings (broods of 5 and 15). The highlight of the day, however, has been a Woodlark, seen (and photographed - below) on a farm track off High Moor Road, Hutton Buscel.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Woodlark - Allan Hunt

Fledgling Tree Sparrows - Judi Kent Pyrah

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Wednesday 15th May

Last night 3 Nightjars were heard churring, and there were at least 7 Woodcock, between the Great Moor Road and the Wykeham raptor viewpoint. A male Honey Buzzard was spotted flying south-west over Harwood Dale Moor this morning. A survey of square SE9797 in Harwood Dale Forest turned up 4 Tree Pipits, 12 Willow Warblers, 7 Blackcaps, 6 Whitethroats, 2 Linnets and a Garden Warbler. Highlights from Long Nab included 2 Whimbrel flying north and 144 Sandwich Terns flying south. 8 Herons were present at Johnson's Marsh, and a Turtle Dove was seen near the cricket pitch in Flixton. Opposite Fen Bog there were 3 male and 1 female Whinchat, a Corn Bunting, 3 Buzzards, and a pair of both Pied and Grey Wagtails. At least 4 Reed Warblers were heard singing at Seamer Tip Pool this evening, while only 3 Tufted Duck remained at Seamer Road Mere. Along the road between Malton Coates Farm and Givendale Head there were 4 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Turtle Doves and 3 Garden Warblers.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Reed Warbler at Seamer Tip Pool - Melanie Pearl

Barn Owl with breakfast (Field Vole) - Terry Hobson

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Tuesday 14th May

The first Nightjar of spring was at Wykeham Forest this evening plus good Woodcock activity at dusk. The adult Mediterranean Gull was again seen, this time over Crossgates. A cc Marsh Harrier flew NW at Flotmanby Carr, also a Cuckoo there. A Whinchat was at Fylingdales Moor, just north of Burn Howe Wood. A Spotted Flycatcher was just north of Highwood Brow viewpoint at Wykeham Forest. A Corn Bunting at Wykeham Lakes. Two Turtle Doves were in a Hutton Buscel garden.
Five Bottlenose Dolphins were seen moving south at South Bay mid afternoon.

Long Nab count here:

Turtle Dove Hutton Buscel - Allan Hunt

Monday, 13 May 2019

Monday 13th May

Scarborough's fifth record of Bee-Eater came today as a single flew north over Crook Ness at 07.58am. It was calling constantly but unfortunately did not hang around and continued north just east of Cliff Top House. Two Corn Buntings were at Seamer Mead. A female Peregrine flew over Crossgates. At Newgate Moor; 7 Whinchats, 5 Stonechat (2adults, 3 juveniles), 3 Wheatears, Curlew, Snipe, Golden Plover, and 2 Cuckoos. Plenty of activity at the Castle Cliffs Peregrine nest where the pair are presumed to be feeding chicks.

Long Nab counts here:

Turtle Doves have returned to the feeders around the Mill Inn at Harwood Dale - Stuart Baines (12/05/2019)

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Sunday 12th May

Two ringtail harriers were observed moving over Hutton Buscel , one at 11am flying north was photographed at distance and showed features consistent with a first summer Pallid Harrier. A Green Sandpiper and two Dunlin were at Wykeham Lakes.  A pale male Honey Buzzard was photographed at Wykeham Forest.
Early this morning a Short-eared Owl was spotted over the A171 near the Boggle Hole junction, and 3 Fieldfares were seen on the entrance road to May Beck. A BBS survey of square NZ8702, north-west of May Beck, included 3 Cuckoos, 2 Tree Pipits, a Woodcock, a Peregrine, Red Grouse and several groups of Crossbills. Also around the May Beck area were 6 Garden Warblers, 15 Willow Warblers and a Buzzard. The Cetti's Warbler remains at Potter Brompton Carr, where there was a drake Teal and an Oystercatcher this morning, plus a Great Egret which then left eastwards. Highlights from Long Nab include 105 Sandwich Terns, 204 Swallows and 4 Corn Buntings all flying south, plus a fifth Corn Bunting by the scrape. There was no sign of the Woodchat Shrike today. At 11 o'clock this morning a whale with white flukes, thought to be a Humpback, was sighted off Ravenscar. Late this afternoon 3 Turtle Doves were seen at the Mill Inn in Harwood Dale.

Full count from Long Nab here:
Male Honey Buzzard Wykeham Forest - Allan Hunt

Sedge Warbler - Melanie Pearl

Probable Pallid Harrier over Hutton Buscel - Allan Hunt

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Saturday 11th May

The Woodchat Shrike remained in the Long Nab area through the day, where there was also a  Wheatear in the field 100m north of the observation hut, a Sedge Warbler at Crook Ness, and 4 Whimbrels flew past. In the Bridestones area of Dalby Forest there were 2 Redstarts, 6 Tree Pipits, a Turtle Dove, 2 Nuthatches, 2 Whitethroats and a Treecreeper. Another Turtle Dove was seen in grid square SE8875 near East Knapton, together with 2 Oystercatchers and good numbers of Tree Sparrows. A further 2 Turtle Doves have also arrived back at the Mill Inn in Harwood Dale. In the Troutsdale Moor area there were 3 Tree Pipits, 3 Crossbills, 2 Garden Warblers, a Jay and a Redstart. At Bent Rigg Farm there were 4 Wheatears; at Wykeham South Lake there were 3 Goldeneye; and a male Pied Flycatcher was photographed in a Hutton Buscel garden. The first Honey Buzzard of spring was seen over Wykeham Forest.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Tawny Owl chick - Mick Francis

Fulmar - Nick Addey

Friday, 10 May 2019

Friday 10th May

The Woodchat Shrike was seen near Cliff Top House, Long Nab throughout the day, feeding in the arable fields. Also near Cliff Top House were a Spotted Flycatcher and a Garden Warbler, while a female Redstart was at Middle Plantation and 4 Wheatears were in the field north of Long Nab. An Osprey was seen circling about a mile inland from Long Nab this morning, drifting north. A female Pied Flycatcher was spotted near the Youth Hostel on Burniston Road, and a Redwing was at Oliver's Mount. A Marsh Harrier flew east over Burton Riggs, there were 16 Whimbrel at Seamer Mead, and 15 Sedge Warblers were singing around the perimeter of Seamer Tip. At Wykeham South Lake there was a Yellow Wagtail, a Whimbrel, 2 Black Terns, a second Ring-necked Duck and a passage of 20+ Swifts. 

Full count from Long Nab here:

Moorhen chicks - Andy Brown

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Thursday 9th May

The Woodchat Shrike was again on gorse bushes 100m north-east of Cliff Top House this morning, but was not seen in the afternoon. At Wykeham South Lake the Ring-necked Duck remained, though was at times elusive, and just one Black Tern was seen early in the morning. A Greenshank and 4 Whimbrels were seen there also. Highlights passing Long Nab included a Great Northern Diver in full breeding plumage, a Sanderling, 5 Dunlin, a Turnstone and a Great Skua. At Burton Riggs there were 2 Common Sandpipers, a Willow Tit, a Reed Warbler and 2 Sedge Warblers, while at Seamer Tip Pool there were 2 Teal and a male Shoveler. Harwood Dale Lake again had the male Goosander, plus a Shelduck, 6 Mandarin, a Common Sandpiper, and a Sedge Warbler singing on the island. A Hobby flew east over Crossgates and a few Swifts were around the area through the afternoon.  A Swift was also seen on Yedmandale Road. At Ravenscar there were 4 Wheatears and a Ring Ouzel on the cricket pitch.

Full count from Long Nab here:

      Sometimes instincts lead birds astray:

Bullfinch attacking his reflection - Ian Mennell

Robin feeding a Blackbird fledgling - Judi Kent Pyrah

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Wednesday 8th May

Yet more excitement today, this time at Wykeham South Lake where first of all a drake Ring-necked Duck was spotted this morning in among a bunch of Tufted Ducks, and then in the afternoon 3 Black Terns turned up (sorry!). Also at the lake in the morning were 2 Common Terns, plus 3 Arctic Terns flying east and in the afternoon 5 Teal, a drake Pintail, 51 Tufted Duck, a Dunlin, 3 Common Sandpipers and 4+ Common Terns, plus 3 Greenshank which flew south-east. At Seamer Road Mere there were 160 Sand Martins, 40 Swallows and a House Martin. Highlights from Long Nab included a Wheatear on the clifftop, and 2 Gadwall, a Whimbrel, a Common Tern and 2 Arctic Terns passing by.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Ring-necked Duck among Tufted Duck - Terry Hobson 

Wheatear - Nick Addey

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Tuesday 7th May

Yet more excitement at Long Nab - 8 Dotterel in the field just north of the observation hut, which stayed for a couple of hours. The Woodchat Shrike remained around gorse bushes north-east of Cliff Top House, and there were 2 Wheatears north of the observation hut. Also seen flying north past Long Nab were a Golden Plover, a Ringed Plover, 10 Turnstone, 5 Curlew and 13 Whimbrel, plus a Great Crested Grebe floating north. A Marsh Harrier was spotted on the railway side of Gristhorpe, and a Brambling was still at Hutton Buscel. At Potter Brompton Carr there were 3 Curlew and 2 Oystercatchers. At Wykeham South Lake there were 3 Common Terns, 2 Common Sandpipers, 2 Shelduck, 8 Arctic Terns and 6+ Swifts, while a Dunlin and a Whimbrel were seen flying past eastwards.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Female Dotterel at Long Nab - Nick Addey

Monday, 6 May 2019

Monday 6th May

The Woodchat Shrike remained in the Long Nab area through the day, moving from the hedge just north of the observation hut to gorse bushes 100m north-east of Cliff Top House. Other birds passing by Long Nab included 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 Whimbrel, a Sanderling and 6 Dunlin. An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen at Burton Riggs, and a Pink-footed Goose was with Greylags near Seamer Tip Bridge. A Redwing was still around in Burniston, and 2 Turtle Doves were purring at Sneverdale Rigg, Dalby. A female Wheatear was spotted on the inner side of the Marine Drive wall, and a Red-throated Diver and 2 Sandwich Terns were feeding off the castle headland. At Wykeham South Lake there were still up to 50 Sand Martins and 20 House Martins.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Turtle Dove - Rose Habberley

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Sunday 5th May

Today's big excitement was a Woodchat Shrike, found late in the afternoon in a hedge near Long Nab. Other highlights from Long Nab in the morning included 23 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Eiders, a Great Skua, 46 Whimbrel, 48 Knot, 3 Dunlin, a Golden Plover and 10 Turnstones, all heading north. An Arctic Tern and a second Great Skua were also seen passing by northwards later in the day. Both a Great Egret and a Little Egret were spotted together at Seamer Mead, plus at least 10 Whimbrel and a male Yellow Wagtail. 4 Whimbrel were also seen at Star Carr, and a Marsh Harrier flew north west over Seamer Tip Pool. Large numbers of Sand Martins were feeding over Wykeham South Lake, along with 2 Swifts, 6 House Martins and an Arctic Tern. Also seen at the lake were 6 Yellow Wagtails, a Little Ringed Plover, 2 Egyptian Geese, 610 Herring Gulls, 1 Great Black-backed Gull and 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Harwood Dale Lake had a drake Goosander and 2 Mandarins. At New May Beck, at the south end of Sneaton Low Moor, there was a Cuckoo and a displaying Curlew, and 2 Redstarts were singing in Helwath Wood.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Woodchat Shrike - Nick Addey

Swallow - Mark Hepples

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Saturday 4th May

Not a lot of birding news in today - maybe the Arctic weather, or everyone watching the Tour de Yorkshire? 507 Fulmars, 5 Manx Shearwaters, a Whimbrel and 3 Arctic Terns passed by Long Nab early morning. A Swift was seen at Cayton, and this evening there were 10 Purple Sandpipers roosting on the harbour's East Pier at high tide.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Arctic Tern - Terry Hobson

Friday, 3 May 2019

Friday 3rd May

A drake Mandarin was seen at Johnson's Marsh this morning, while at Long Nab 18 Manx Shearwaters were seen heading north and an Arctic Tern was going north-east. Highlights from BBS square SE8674 near Scampston  included  Hobby, a Common Swift, 56 Swallows, 24 Sand Martins, 5 House Martins, 3 Common Buzzards, a Red Kite, 67 Greylag goslings and breeding Oystercatchers. There was a Turtle Dove on wires at East Heslerton Carr. At Wykeham South Lake this afternoon there were numerous Sand Martins, Swallows and House Martins as well as 5 Arctic Terns.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Peregrine - Christopher Bell

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Thursday 2nd May

The main highlight from Long Nab this morning was a Hooded Crow which initially flew north with 8 Carrion Crows, then half an hour later was seen again flying south (assuming it was not a second individual). Also seen going north past Long Nab were 2 Common Sandpipers and 795+ Razorbills. A Turtle Dove was purring in Dalby Forest this morning, where there were also several Tree Pipits, and another Turtle Dove was found in Wykeham Forest in the afternoon. In Troutsdale there were 4 Buzzards, 2 Dippers, a Kingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtails, 2 Garden Warblers, a Jay, and several  Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. 14 Whimbrel were reported from Seamer Mead, and a second calendar year Hobby flew east over Crossgates. There were 2 Mandarin Ducks on Seamer Road Mere and a drake Goosander still on Harwood Dale Lake.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Mandarin Duck - Rose Habberley

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Wednesday 1st May

A Whitethroat and a Yellow Wagtail were seen at lunchtime today at Foulbridge Lane in Snainton, and a Lesser Whitethroat and a House Martin were seen in the Scalby Lodge area. At Long Nab a Corn Bunting was singing on wires behind the observation hut before flying off northwards. Also seen flying past Long Nab were 2 Common Terns and 2 Eiders going north, and 5 Eiders, 4 dark-bellied Brent Geese, 4 Tufted Duck, a Red-breasted Merganser and 6 Whimbrel going south. A Tree Pipit was singing and displaying near Cockrah House, Wrench Green late in the afternoon, and a pair of Swallows were feeding over the field at the top of Sandybed Lane. At Harwood Dale Lake this evening there was a drake Goosander, a pair of Teal, 3 drake Mandarin, a Shelduck, 3 Oystercatchers, and 2 broods of Mallard ducklings.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Lesser Whitethroat - Terry Hobson

Sedge Warbler - Chris Bull