Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday 30th June.

 A Bittern was photographed in flight over the Trout Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. 20 Black tailed Godwit and a Curlew at Potter Brompton Carr this morning. A Whinchat, five Stonechat and a Curlew between Jugger Howe lay by and Ravenscar mast. A Pink footed Goose of unknown origin with feral geese at Peasholm Park Lake.

Female Blackbird and youngster, Stepney by Terry Hobson.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Saturday 29th June.

 12 Black tailed Godwit at Potter Brompton Carr this morning and three Common Sandpipers on Staindale Lake, Dalby. An unconfirmed report of a Hooded Crow at Cayton.

Kestrel at Castle headland by Andy Messenger.

Friday 28 June 2024

Friday 28th June.

 At Potter Brompton Carr this morning: Eight Black-tailed Godwit, one Greenshank, one Ruff, one Snipe, 30+ Lapwing, 14+ Little Egret, fledged juvenile Shoveler, three Teal, one Red Kite. Pair of Kingfishers feeding two plus fledged young on River Derwent by Haybridge. Five Raven and a Red Kite at Troutsdale. A Red Kite also at Dalby Forest.

Tufted Duck brood at Seamer Road Mere by Terry Hobson.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Thursday 27th June

 A Red Kite flew north over Crossgates this morning and a brood of nine very young Tufted Duck with a female was at Seamer Road Mere. A Turtle Dove, Red Kite and six Common Buzzard during three hours at Jerry Noddle and a Hobby over the A64 at Ganton.

Goldfinch by Margaret Gray. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday 26th June

 Seven Teal and a Kingfisher on East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. No sign of any Great crested Grebe nesting success there. Four active House Martin  nests around Burniston Gardens, each containing well developed young.

Common Swift at Seamer Tip Pools by Mark Hepples.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tuesday 25th June

 A Red Kite flew along the sea cut towards Scalby this morning. Plenty of bird song at Burton Riggs including Cetti's Warbler (1), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Comm0on Whitethroat (1), Chiffchaff (3), Blackcap (5),  Blackbird (1), Song Thrush (1) and Chaffinch, 13 Tufted Duck and two Grey Heron all at Burton Riggs LNR.

Goldcrest nest and chicks at Wykeham by Lucy Hobkinson.

Monday 24 June 2024

Monday 24th June

 A Hobby over Crossgates this morning and at least one Barn Owl above Cayton Bay. A Spotted Flycatcher from the Raptor Viewpoint at Wykeham.

Spotted Flycatcher from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint by David Hutchinson.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday 23rd June

 A Red Kite drifted south over Proudfoots, Newby and a Hobby along with approximately 30 Swift drifted  south over Top Plantation, Long Nab. A Spotted Flycatcher was in a Cayton garden. Three apparently active House Martin nests on Highfield and c25 Sand Martin between Scalby Mills and Cromer Point pond. Two Sandwich Tern south past Long Nab and approximately 35 Gannet and 50 Guillemot feeding in Burniston Bay. Little Owl at Hutton Buscel.

Male Bullfinch at Scarborough by Terry Hobson.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday 22nd June

 A Hobby from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint this morning and 130 Swifts south in one hour past Long Nab. Three Little Egret flew north at Cromer Point and two Little Egret were on fields near to Seamer Tip Pools.

Hobby from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint by Simon Temlett.

Friday 21 June 2024

Friday 21st June

 An Osprey seen over North Yorkshire Water Park was then tracked over the old nursery buildings at Wykeham and then from the Raptor Viewpoint heading west along Troutsdale. A Hobby also from the Raptor Viewpoint. Two Little Egret at  East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park and a Curlew over the complex. A Raven, female Common Redstart, five Tree Pipit and three Jay at Sneaton High Moor.  A Marsh Harrier at Potter Brompton Carr. A Fulmar flew north inland over Newby.

Common Whitethroat at North Yorkshire Water Park by Phil Bennett.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Thursday 20th June

 Spoonbill still present at Potter Brompton Carr this morning, also Green Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, eight plus Little Egret and Barn Owl. Nuthatch at Limekiln Lane, Cayton. Plenty of Swift activity around town. A Honey Buzzard was high over Broxa this morning. Four Nightjars and a roding Woodcock at Jerry Noddle this evening.

Herring Gull portrait by Martin Moseley.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday 19th June

 Two Honey Buzzard, three Goshawk, Hobby and Raven from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint between 1030 and 1300hrs. Two Cuckoo, Raven and Curlew at Jugger Howe/Stonymarl Moor BBS visit. A Tree Pipit and three Garden Warbler at Broxa Forest. Three Corn Bunting on Yedingham to West Heslerton Road on first electricity lines which cross road and near the obvious green painted metal gate. Potter Brompton Carr this am: Spoonbill in flight towards North Yorkshire Water Park, also four plus Little Egret, Barn Owl, 30+ Swift, Kingfisher, Stonechat and two Mallard broods of four and five. Five or six Swifts around nest boxes at Scarborough Rugby Club. At East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park today; two Little Ringed Plover, one Lapwing, three Oystercatcher, three Redshank, two Teal, two Tufted Duck, four Lesser Black backed Gull, one Garden Warbler, one Reed Warbler and approximately 50 Sand Martin.

Jay at Forge Valley by Caroline Garrod.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday 18th June

 At Potter Brompton Carr from Haybridge: Spoonbill in flight, two Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Common Buzzard, two Great Egret, two Little Egret, Kingfisher, two Lapwing and Blackcap. A drake Goosander over Crossgates, three Yellowhammer at Cayton. A Little Owl at Hutton Buscel, three Turtle Dove near the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale also Goshawk over. 18 Lapwing (10 juveniles), female Mandarin at Harwood Dale Lake. Hobby over Lebberston. 31 Woodcock passes at Raincliffe Woods this evening during survey.

Yellowhammer at Cayton by Paul Tozer.

Monday 17 June 2024

Monday 17th June

 Appalling weather conditions again. A Spotted Flycatcher in Limekiln Lane, Cayton. A male Siskin and four fledgling Greenfinches in a Cayton garden.

Mute Swan at North Yorkshire Water Park by Anne Mortlock.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday 16th June

 A Honey Buzzard was seen at 1045hrs from the Raptor Viewpoint at Wykeham and single Red Kite sightings were received from over Flixton drifting southwest and over Flotmanby.

Montagu's  Harrier over Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint by Nev Greenfield.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Saturday 15th June

 Atrocious weather conditions. A female MONTAGU'S HARRIER flew east over Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint and at least four Ravens in Troutsdale were in a sheep field north of the road near derelict church. Kingfisher and Mandarin at Hilla Green. Five singing Turtle Dove in Broxa Forest this morning and one at the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale.

Turtle Dove at Harwood Dale by John Hague.

Friday 14 June 2024

Friday 14th June

 A SPOONBILL was present on Potter Brompton Carr, also eight Little Egret and a Teal. A Spotted Flycatcher at Burton Riggs and a Red Kite drifted north over Burniston. 312 Swifts S/SW in the area of Stony Marl Moor and Ravenscar this morning during a survey. Turtle Doves today near Low Moor Farm (2) and at the Mill Inn at Harwood Dale (1+). 


                                     Grey Heron at Throxenby by Martin Moseley.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13th June

 A Turtle Dove was calling below Brompton and Snainton near the caravan park and a Peregrine was over Dean Road. A Little Egret was seen from a train at a trackside pond southwest of Seamer Tip Pool and one flew east over Morrison's. Four Swifts over Cayton.

Adult and fledgling Robins by Ray Maddison.  

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday 12th June

 Four Collared Doves and six Yellowhammer East Knapton BBS square this morning. At Seamer Road Mere: Mute Swan with six cygnets, five families of Canada Geese totalling 17 goslings, three Coot chicks, four plus Goldcrest young, Kingfisher, six House martin, four Sand Martin. A Little Ringed Plover, seven Teal, pair Mute Swans with four cygnets, Great crested Grebe on nest and Kingfisher at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. At least 10 Cuckoo reported from Fylingdales Moor area. At Seamer Tip Pool: Sedge Warbler feeding young, pair of Tufted Duck with three ducklings and pair of Mute Swans with eight cygnets.

Leucistic Wood Pigeon at Cayton by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tuesday 11th June

 Siskin pairs were on garden feeders at Crossgates and Stepney with a pair of Bullfinch at the latter site. Cetti's Warbler and five singing Blackcaps at Burton Riggs where the nesting Herring Gulls on the island have deserted owing to angler disturbance. Two Corn Buntings were on wires on Heslerton Road below Yedingham. A Little Egret on the River Derwent there. eight Swifts over Prospect Mount Road.

Meadow Pipit at Jugger Howe by Mark Hepples.

Monday 10 June 2024

Monday 10th June

 A Spotted Flycatcher at Limekiln Road, Cayton this morning. A Common Sandpiper and 10 Reed Warblers were the highlights at North Yorkshire Water Park this morning. A male Yellow Wagtail was at Seamer Sports field. Two pair of Lapwing, each with two well grown chicks were at Flotmanby Carr also two Kingfisher. A pair of Yellow Wagtail were feeding three young there.

Sand Martin at North Yorkshire Water Park by Daniel Morley.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday 9th June

 A pair of Cuckoo at Jugger Howe Moor this morning. Two Turtle Dove were in a field to the south of the Mill Inn, Harwood Dale and a Little Ringed Plover was at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. The annual Kittiwake count at Castle Headland cliffs produced a total of 1,385 apparently occupied nests, approximately 250 less than last year, partly as a result of rock falls having destroyed good breeding ledges during the winter. Eight Fulmar nests there also. 30 plus Mandarin at Hilla Green and two Nightjar and a Woodcock between Reasty car park and Swarth Howe during Forestry England Nightjar survey. A Corn Bunting was in the field above Redcliffe Farm.

Song Thrush at Cloughton by Ray Maddison.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8th June

 A pair of Avocets was discovered on East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park and a Fulmar flew inland over Crossgates. A Little Egret, pair of Lapwing with two well grown young and a pair of Mute Swan with five cygnets at Scampston. Two plus Goshawk, three Red Kite (one east, two north), three Raven and 15 Crossbill from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. A Whinchat and Hobby from Jugger Howe boardwalk and Common Redstart at Castle Beck. A family party of Willow Tit including two juveniles at Wykeham Forest. Garden Warbler at Reasty Hill. A male Ruff, Sanderling, three Wigeon, two Shoveler, eight Teal and seven plus Little Egret at Potter Brompton Carr and a Great Black backed Gull over Dean Road Council Yard. A Hobby east over Troutsdale this afternoon. Three Nightjar and a Woodcock at Broxa Moor Lane during survey.

Garden Warbler at Throxenby by Stephen Beaver.

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday 7th June

 An Osprey at Ellerburn this morning. Little Ringed Plover, 3 Lesser Black backed Gulls,24 Mallard, 160 Greylag Geese and 54 Canada Geese at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park.

Osprey at Ellerburn by David Hutchinson.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Thursday 6th June

 A Cetti's Warbler at Cayton Bay again this morning. A Willow Tit with at least two young, also Little Egret and Goldcrest there. A Marsh Harrier at Seamer Tip Pool, a male Honey Buzzard from the Viewpoint at Wykeham Forest and an Osprey high over Crook Ness. A Hobby was over Burniston. 2 Cuckoo and Common Redstart at Harwood Dale and a Little Ringed Plover, four Oystercatcher and a Teal at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. A Red Kite seeking carrion over the A64 at Staxton.

Wren at Seamer Road Mere by JanandGary Powell.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Wednesday 5th June

 Four Ravens from the Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint. Two Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale. A Sanderling and Little Ringed Plover on East Lake plus a Water Rail at the Water Sports Lake, NY Water Park. A Collared Dove by the campsite there, 4 Woodcock roding, a Tawny Owl, 21 Swifts, 2 Garden Warblers at Long Causeway Road. A Red Kite south, and cc Marsh Harrier north at Long Nab. A Firecrest in Wykeham Forest, SE of the Raptor Viewpoint. At Potter Brompton Carr; 3 drake Wigeon, drake Teal, 10 Little Egrets, 80+ Swifts, 40+ House Martins. 

The urban Kittiwake nest count showed a 10.4% increase on last year to 1,220 occupied nests.

Shelducks Cromer Point - Terry Hobson.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tuesday 4th June

 A singing migrant Sedge Warbler in a Burniston garden at 3am. Two Spotted Flycatchers Cloughton Woods. A Corn Bunting flew north at Long Nab. The Cetti's Warbler still at Burton Riggs. A Marsh Harrier flew north at Hayburn wyke. An Osprey near Burton Riggs mid-afternoon left west towards Ayton. A Hobby at Thornton Carrs, also 50+ Swifts feeding there. Three Turtle Doves at Harwood Dale. At Jugger Howe Nature Trail; Cuckoo, 2 Whinchats, Lesser Redpoll, a bubbling Curlew, and chipping Snipe. 

Displaying Turtle Doves - Stuart Baines.

Monday 3 June 2024

Monday 3rd June

 A female Long-eared Owl was heard at Burniston at 2am! A Honey Buzzard was seen twice this morning from Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint, where a family party of 5 Ravens flew over towards Hackness. Three Ravens were seen over Ganton Golf Course. Also a Willow Tit seen there. A Little Owl Ings Road. Two Little Ringed Plovers still at East Lake, NYWP. At Potter Brompton Carr; Ringed Plover, 2 Shoveler, 9 Little Egrets. A Spoonbill flew south over Cayton Bay @ 14.44, also seen a few minutes later over Gristhorpe flying towards Filey. 15 House Martin nests under construction at Ganton Golf Course. Two Mandarins at Harwood Dale Lake. 

A garden Sparrowhawk - David Saunders.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2nd June

 At last a clear sunny day! Two Honey Buzzards seen this morning from the Raptor Viewpoint at Wykeham Forest, a singing Turtle Dove west of the viewpoint car park by the old nurseries, also two singing Tree Pipits there. Two Ravens were feeding in a sheep field at Troutsdale. A Reed Warbler at Burton Riggs. The Taylor Way Mute Swans now have 4 cygnets (two lost). Eight Crossbills at Nabgate, Dalby Forest. Good Goshawk activity reported in the forests today. Two singing Turtle Doves in Broxa Forest. A pair of Pied Wagtails feeding fledged young at NY Water Park. Two Dippers at Scalby Mills.

Pied Wagtails NY Water Park - Stephen Beaver.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday 1st June

 Seawatching at Long Nab Bird Observatory produced a Great Northern Diver, and late Whimbrel north. A Raven was seen over Wrench Green. A Spotted Flycatcher at Bridestones, Dalby Forest, plus two in Troutsdale. A Honey Buzzard was reported from the Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A Redstart was also seen nearby. A Red Kite at the eastern edge of Fylingdales Moor. Three Turtle Doves and 2 Yellow Wagtails at Malton Cote. Nightjars were recorded s follows; one by the Wykeham Forest RVP car park, one heard from North Moor, 6 in Sneaton Forest, and 2 at Harwood Dale Forest. 16 Woodcock passes at North Moor Rd, Wykeham Forest.

Nuthatches Throxenby - Martin Moseley.