Sunday, 29 April 2018

Saturday 28th April 2018

Today at Harwood Dale Lake there were a Mandarin Duck, 4 Oystercatchers, 3 Swifts, 7 Wheatears, a White Wagtail, a Little Ringed Plover in the north-western corner, a House Martin, 20 Swallows and 30 Sand Martins.

On Potter Brompton Carr no sign of yesterdays Wood Sandpiper, but the ♂ Pochard was still present and also 7 Wigeon and Reed and Sedge Warblers; 2 Common Sandpipers were on Wykeham South Lake and a Swift flew over Heron Lane, Crossgates at 09.55.

In Cornelian Bay a nice count of 41 Whimbrel plus a Red-throated Diver and 4 Common Eider flew south, around the Harbour 22 Purple Sandpipers were roosting on the tip of East Pier this afternoon and on the West Pier 16 Turnstones with many approaching full summer plumage.

Turnstone - West Pier Car Park - Steve Wignill

Purple Sandpiper - East Pier - Steve Wignill

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Friday 27th April 2018

This morning around Wykeham South Lake we had 10 Sand Martins, 2 House Martins, a Sedge Warbler and a Willow Warbler but the undoubted highlight was an Osprey seen flying from here north over Hutton Buscel and carrying a fish.

Another nice discovery today was a Wood Sandpiper at Potter Brompton Carr where there were also a ♂ Pochard (rarer than Wood Sand at this location), 2 pairs of Teal, 4 Shovelers, 3 Curlew, 70+ Swallows and a House Martin. Harwood Dale Lake hosted 2 Shelduck, a Mandarin Duck, c35 Swallows, c20 Sand Martin, 12 Wheatears, a White Wagtail and a Yellow Wagtail and by Papermills Pond, Ellerburn there was a male Redstart.

Osprey - Hutton Buscel - Alan M Hunt

Thursday 26th April 2018

At Wykeham South Lake today there were 3 Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover, 2 Egyptian Geese, 8 Wheatears, a White Wagtail and the first Turtle Dove of the year for our area. A cream crowned Marsh Harrier was at Potter Brompton Carr at 07.50 but drifted off west and also here were 5 Wigeon, 3 Gadwall and 3 Shelduck. Finally today a drake Mandarin Duck was on Papermills Pond, Ellerburn with 7 Buzzards and a Grey Wagtail near by in the Fish Farm area.

Swallow - Wykeham South Lake - Terry Hobson

Friday, 27 April 2018

Wednesday 25th April 2018

A good number of Wheatears were seen today with 10 along the track to the south of Wykeham South Lake and 7 at Harwood Dale Lake; Yellow Wagtails were represented by 6+ at Long Nab this evening and a single bird at Rudda Road Flash; a Cuckoo was at May Beck; a female Redstart was at Willerby; a calling Goldcrest was in Peasholm Glen at 19.30 and the first Swift of the year was over Burton Riggs this evening.

Around The Mere today were 2 Buzzards, a Sparrowhawk, a Treecreeper, 2 Bullfinch, 8 Blackcap, 4 Long-tailed Tits, a Nuthatch, 3 Chiffchaffs and 2 House Martins and in the Low North Camp area we had 5 Buzzards, a Whitethroat, a Blackcap, a Wheatear, 3 Fieldfares, a Yellowhammer, a Tree Pipit and a Grey Wagtail.

Little Owl - Hutton Buscel - Stuart Baines

Peregrine with Magpie prey - Castle Headland - Joe Bamfield

Tuesday 24th April 2018

This morning at Wykeham South Lake there were 2 Shovelers, 2 Willow Warblers and up to 6 Whitethroats and nearby a Cuckoo was calling to the west of Long Causeway, Charm Park at 08.10. The only other news today came from Low North Camp with a ♂ Redstart, 5 Whitethroats, a Tree Pipit, 3 Blackcaps, a Green Woodpecker and a Nuthatch. Last but not least on Potter Brompton Carr a pair of Wigeon, 4♂ Shoveler, 2 pairs of Teal, a pair of Tufted Ducks and the first brood of Mallard ducklings for the year.

Monday 23rd April 2018

A Red Kite flew south along the cliffs past Scalby Lodge Pond at 07.55 and a Jay flew north at 07.20, also in this area a Wheatear with another one a bit further south in Jackson’s Bay. At Wykeham South Lake this morning 2 Swallows, 2 House Martins, 2♂ 1♀ Wheatear and 4 Whitethroats and back on the coast there was evidence of an arrival of Whitethroats with birds in Trough Gully, Style Scrub and 2 on Scalby Nab.

2 Purple Sandpipers and 13 Turnstones were on the rocks below Holbeck this afternoon; a male Redstart was back on territory in Dalby Forest and 15 Wheatears and a Green Woodpecker were in a field to the west of the A171 between Flask Inn and Low Moor.

Sunday 22nd April 2018

The day started with a Merlin heading south at Cromer Point at 06.44. There was an influx of Wheatears this morning with six on Seamer Tip, one on Seamer Mead, at least five to the south of Wykeham South Lake and three in the fields at Long Nab.

On the Haygate circuit at Dalby there were 4 Tree Pipits, c40 Crossbills and a notable increase in Blackcaps and Willow Warblers; there was a White Wagtail at Harwood Dale Lake; on Hackness Lake a pair of Mandarin Ducks and 12 Tufted Ducks and a Cuckoo flew west over Robins Hood Lane at Ravenscar.

Moving south at Long Nab today 6 Eiders, a Golden Plover, a Ruff, 33 Sandwich Terns, 46 Sand Martins, 151 Swallows, a White Wagtail, 2 Tree Pipits, 233 Linnets, 161 Goldfinches and a Siskin plus a Common Buzzard came in off the sea at 11.55.

Peregrines - Castle Headland - Alex Meek

Saturday 21st April 2018

A Hooded Crow flew north over the Long Nab Obs at 06.56, in addition 4 Commic Terns went North at 10.50 and a Whimbrel and a Tree Pipit also went North there today.

The first Garden Warblers of the year arrived today at the park by Heron Lane in Crossgates and at Wykeham South Lake where there was also 2 Shelduck, a Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaffs and a Barn Owl.

At Seamer Tip Pool today there were 3 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Swallows, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, a Blackcap, a Sedge Warbler and a Wheatear and on Potter Brompton Carr a Whimbrel, 28 Snipe, 2 Sedge Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Whitethroat, a Wigeon, 12 Teal, 6 Shovelers and 6 Shelduck.

Other sightings today included a 2cy Mediterranean Gull and a Whitethroat at Holbeck/South Cliff; a Tree Pipit at Haygate; a Wigeon and 2 Wheatears at Rudda Road Flash; singing Redstart and Tree Pipit in Helwath Wood; 250 Linnets in a set aside field on Willerby Carr and in Cornelian Bay a Canada Goose, 3 Whimbrel, 9 Purple Sandpipers, 2 Sandwich Terns and a Lesser Whitethroat in the ravine.

Mediterranean Gull - Holbeck - Tony Clarke

Goldcrest - Long Nab - Chris Bell

Wren - Open Air Theatre - Rose Habberley

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Friday 20th April 2018

The star birds of today were 2 Common Cranes found by Will Scott and I quote “Dad and I were just driving along on the B1261 north of the A64 just coming up to Seamer when I saw them very high over the road, I kept an eye on them as they went inland until we could pull over. They slowly drifted West at 14.25.

Another highlight today was the first Cuckoo of the year heard calling near to the Flask Inn. A Short-eared Owl flew high to the north of Scalby Lodge Pond at 07.40 and there were also 2 Wheatears in the area; 28 Redshanks and a Shelduck by the Cayton Bowling Club; warblers moving west along Long Hedge, Long Nab, included 2 Whitethroats and 2 Lesser Whitethroats and on Thornton Carr 2 Shelduck, Reed Bunting, Willow Warbler and a Blackcap. Last but not least a Lesser Whitethroat was on the Old Railway Embankment in Thornton-le-Dale.

I do not apologise for the inclusion of the following photo as it is the only one available and anything is better than nothing.

2 Cranes - Seamer Carr - Will Scott

Thursday 19th April 2018

At Wykeham South Lake the Black-throated Diver remained for another day and also present were a Barnacle Goose, 6 Gadwall, 12 Wigeon and a Barn Owl whilst at Long Nab a Red Kite went south at 09.30 plus 2 Egyptian Geese (S), a cream crown Marsh Harrier (N) at 10.28, a Golden Plover (N), a Little Ringed Plover (S), 9 Sand Martins (S), 23 Swallow (20 S, 3 N), 5 House Martin (S), 9 Yellow Wagtail sp. (8 S, 1 N), 2 Tree Pipit (S), 481 Linnet (S) and 241 Goldfinches (S). Also in that area a Corn Bunting was in the first gully to the south of Crook Ness.

At 10.10 two Arctic Terns were seen fishing just off shore in North Bay and by 11.30 that had increased to 8 individuals near the skate park but by 13.05 they were resting on rocks about 50m off shore from The Sands, the final sighting for the day was a single bird back off the skate park at 18.00.

Other sightings today included an Osprey flying west along Valley Road at 09.48; a female Merlin on Cayton Carrs this afternoon; a Lesser Whitethroat in Barmoor Close; a Shelduck with the Redshanks by Cayton Bowling Club; a Kingfisher at the Open Air Theatre and at Potter Brompton Carr 9 Shoveler, 8 Gadwall, 14 Snipe, 2 Whitethroats and a Lesser Whitethroat.

Arctic Terns - North Bay - Chris Bull
Black-throated Diver - Wykeham South Lake - Kevin Groocock

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Wednesday 18th April 2018

Around Taylor Way this morning a nice selection of summer migrants including a male Redstart, a Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warblers, a Chiffchaff, 2 Whitethroats and a single Blackcap. At Johnson’s Marsh just 8 Redshanks and moving south along the cliffs to the south of Crook Ness were 2 flava Wagtails, 21 Meadow Pipits, 6 Swallows, a Fieldfare, 646 Linnets, 125 Goldfinches and a Siskin. At Crook Ness itself a single Lesser Whitethroat; 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls in South Bay; 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at the Open Air Theatre and on Cayton Carr 2 Grey Partridge, a Sparrowhawk and 7 Barn Swallows.

Also today on Potter Brompton Carr there were 16 Wigeon, 6 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall and 2 Golden Plovers and finally a Merlin flew west past Folkton Water Treatment Works at 16.20.

Tuesday 17th April 2018

A quiet morning today with only a small amount of news received, most of which came from Wykeham South Lake where an early morning discovery of 2 Avocets was a nice surprise. The Black-throated Diver was still present and there was also a Pink-footed Goose, 2 Swallows, 2 Sand Martins and a Willow Warbler was heard distantly but there was no sign of the female Smew today. Also this morning a Bar-tailed Godwit was seen at 10.35 at the north end of Cayton Bay and 38 Redshanks were on the flooded field by the Cayton Bowling Club.

This afternoon there were sightings from the Haygate circuit in Dalby Forest  where there were c60 Brambling, 40 Siskins, 5 Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler and 4 Crossbills and Harwood Dale Lake with 5 White, 21 Pied and a solitary Yellow Wagtail.
Avocets - Wykeham South Lake - Tony Clarke

Bar-tailed Godwit - Cayton Bay - Chris Bull

Monday 16th April 2018

Today started with a Hawfinch moving south at Long Nab at 07.55 and a Marsh Harrier went southwest at 11.50 supported by 3 Common Buzzards (N), a Whimbrel (N), 12 Curlew (1 S, 11 N), 6 Sandwich Terns (S), 79 Carrion Crows (19 S, 60 N), 3 House Martins (S), 15 Fieldfares (S), 5 flava Wagtails (4 S, 1 N), 2 White Wagtails (N), 471 Linnets (461 S, 10 N), 401 Goldfinches (397 S, 4 N) and a Siskin (S). Just down the coast at Scalby Lodge Pond a vismig session from there mirrored the results from Long Nab apart from a greater number of Siskins (13 S).

At Wykeham South Lake the Smew remained for a second day and the Black-throated Diver was also still present with a supporting cast including 3 Common Scoter, 8 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 2 Gadwall, 3 Shovelers, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, a Red Kite and a Lesser Whitethroat. At Potter Brompton Carr a cream crowned Marsh Harrier flew over to the southwest at 13.00 and there were also a female Yellow Wagtail sp., 15 Wigeon, 10 Shoveler, 4 Gadwall and 4 Snipe at the same location.

Other sightings today included the Ring Ouzel still present south of the hotel at Ravenscar; 2 Wheatears on the sea defences along Marine Drive/Royal Albert Drive; a Lesser Whitethroat by the Sea Life Centre at Scalby Mills; a female Black Redstart on the rooftops of Loftus Close; a Whitethroat was singing in the Knipe Point area this morning and 35 Redshanks were in the flooded field by the Cayton Bowling Club.

Black-throated Diver - Wykeham South Lake - Graham Sigsworth
Wheatear - Marine Drive - Stuart Baines

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Sunday 15th April 2018

Wykeham South Lake seemed to be the centre of attraction today and the increase in observers produced some interesting birds. The most unusual was a female Smew which was discovered in the southeastern corner of the lake at about 18.00 this evening and was still present at dusk. Also recorded here today were the Black-throated Diver, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Pintail, Yellow Wagtail, Common Tern, 2 Shoveler, 10 Wigeon, 7 Tufted Duck, 5 Great Crested Grebes and 2 Egyptian Geese.

The other good find of the day was a fly over Wood Lark that went south at Crook Ness at 06.42 and then highlights past Long Nab included an Eider (N), 12 Common Scoter (S), a Whimbrel (N), 2 Sandwich Terns (N), 2 Yellow Wagtails sp. (S), 34 Meadow Pipits (S), 402 Linnets (S) and 131 Goldfinches (S). Also moving south today past Scalby Lodge Pond this morning were a House Martin, 327 Linnets, 108 Goldfinches and a Corn Bunting whilst a Whimbrel went north.

At Potter Brompton Carr today 13 Wigeon, 15 Teal, 4 Gadwall, 11 Shoveler, a Redshank, 4 Oystercatchers and a Curlew; at Burton Riggs 2 Kingfishers and a Willow Warbler; in the Seamer Tip Pool/Taylor Way area 2 Pink-footed Geese, a Little Egret, a Willow Warbler, a Lesser Whitethroat and 10 Swallows plus a Lesser Whitethroat by the railway track south of the pool and in Metes Lane, Seamer a Little Owl and a Woodcock.

A Ring Ouzel was at Ravenscar near the water treatment plant to the south of the hotel; 2 House Martins were at Harwood Dale Lake; two Red Kites were between Hutton Buscel and Beedale and a White Wagtail was on Johnson’s Marsh.

Red Kite - Hutton Buscel to Beedale - Alan M Hunt

female Smew - Wykeham South Lake - Stuart Baines

odd looking Yellow Wagtail - Long Nab - Nick Addey

Monday, 16 April 2018

Saturday 14th April 2018

Two Tree Pipits were at the Low North Camp; a Willow Warbler was at Long Causeway west of Wykeham Lakes; a Yellow Wagtail, 60 Fieldfares and 10 Redwings were at Ravenscar and a Ring Ouzel was at Stoupe Brow just north of the mast.

Just 12+ Teal on Johnson’s Marsh and a Barn Owl over the fields; between Rudda Road flash and Penny Howe forest there were c185 Fieldfares and a ♂ Wheatear; at Harwood Dale Lake 16 Teal, 2 Shelduck and a Green Woodpecker calling in the woods towards Reisty Bank and 4 Swallows and a House Martin were over Cayton Carr.

Finally today at Wykeham South Lake we had a Black-throated Diver, 2 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon, 4 Egyptian Geese, 5 Shelduck, 4 Sand Martins, 220 Herring Gulls, 6 Common Gulls and 3 Black-headed Gulls.

Brambling - Hutton Buscel - Alan M Hunt

Friday 13th April 2018

The Green-winged Teal was still present today on either Johnson’s Marsh or the flooded field 200 metres to the north, but it did disappear for a time during the late afternoon, also here today a Whimbrel flew over calling in the fog this morning (probably went north) and this evening a Black-tailed Godwit was with 35 Redshanks but it left to the east at 18.50

At Wrench Green today c60 Redwings and c10 Fieldfares and at Harwood Dale Lake a Black-tailed Godwit which flew off high to the east at 17.37, 2 Goosanders, a drake Mandarin Duck, a White Wagtail and a Green Sandpiper which flew off to the northwest at 18.25.

Black-tailed Godwit - Harwood Dale Lake - Nick Addey

Thursday 12th April 2018

The excitement today came at 16.30 when Chris McNaghten discovered a drake Green-winged Teal on Johnson’s Marsh, only the third record for our area following a drake killed in Scarborough in November 1851 and slightly more recent another drake was on Potter Brompton Carr on 6th-9th March 2014. Today’s bird didn’t stay around for long but was soon relocated a little to the north on a flooded field where it stayed for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Also present at this location were 15+ Common Teal, 7 Curlew and 18 Redshanks.

Other news today came from The Mere where there were 20 Tufted Ducks, 19 Swallows, 2 Sand Martins, 14 Chiffchaffs, 8 Blackcaps, 2 Willow Warblers and a White Wagtail by the café and at Harwood Dale Lake the best was the 3 Goosanders.

Green-winged Teal - north of Johnson's Marsh - Chris Bell

Wednesday 11th April 2018

On Potter Brompton Carr today a Black-tailed Godwit (a reappearance of the bird seen last Sunday?) along with 37 Teal, 5 Shoveler, 12 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, a Redshank and a House Martin; 37 Redshanks were on Scalby Lodge Pond; 5 Purple Sandpipers roosted in North Bay and on Thornton Carrs this evening there were 41 Redwings plus both Little and Barn Owls.

Purple Sandpipers - North Bay - Stuart Baines

Tuesday 10th April 2018

8 Swallows and a House Martin were seen at the main pool at Burton Riggs this morning; 16 Wigeon and 6 Teal were on Scalby Lodge Pond and on Cayton Carr just visible in the fog were 2 Shelducks and a couple of Dunlins.

Monday 9th April 2018

At Potter Brompton Carr today a Little Egret, 4 Willow Warblers, 16 singing Chiffchaffs, 10 Swallows, a Sand Martin, 2 Redwings, 2 Fieldfares, 11 Snipe, 14 Wigeon and 2 Gadwall. Wykeham South Lake was quiet with just 3 Common Buzzards and a Chiffchaff and on Johnson’s Marsh there were 35 Redshanks.

Two Ravens were seen circling Stoupe Brow near Ravenscar at 17.20 before drifting off to the west, also a Peregrine and a Swallow flew south and finally at Rudda Road Flash 8 Fieldfares in the surrounding field.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Sunday 8th April 2018

Desperately sad news today was that the Peregrine didn’t make it, it had a badly broken wing and had to be put down. It is only presumption and not confirmed but it looks as though it was the female of the pair on Castle Cliffs as today only the male could be located.

On a brighter note today started with a singing Blackcap at Wrench Green; a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was at Holbeck Car Park; a male Black Redstart, a male Common Redstart and 2 Swallows were reported from Taylor Way and later in the day a Jack Snipe. Nearby at Burton Riggs there was a female Pochard and Blackcaps were present both here and at Taylor Way.

On Potter Brompton Carr today a Black-tailed Godwit, Little Egret, female Pintail, 18 Shoveler, 12 Wigeon, 4 Tufted Duck, 7 Snipe, 2 Oystercatchers, a Redshank, a significant increase in Black-headed Gulls (400+) and 3 singing Willow Warblers, also later in the day there were 3 Swallows but no sign of the Godwit.

Going past Long Nab today there were 2 Pochard (N), 16 Red-throated Divers (S), 2 Whimbrel (N), 12 Curlew (3 S, 9 NE), 2 Golden Plovers (N), 2 Sandwich Terns (1 S, 1 N), 1480 Kittiwakes (S), 5 Swallows (4 S, 1 N), Sand Martin (S), 144 Linnets 68 Carrion Crows plus a Jack Snipe on the scrape and a Willow Warbler at Crook Ness.

Early afternoon a female Black Redstart was located in the fenced off compound to the south of the skatepark on Royal Albert Drive at 13.10 and was still present behind the Marine Drive wall at 14.15 when it had been joined by a female Wheatear. At The Mere Tufted Ducks had decreased to 17 and there was a single Coot, 8 singing Chiffchaffs, 4 singing Blackcaps and 2 Swallows. Finally today the first House Martin of the year was reported from Wrench Green where there was also a Swallow.

Black Redstart - behind Marine Drive - Chris Bell

Chiffchaff - Seamer Tip Pool - Chris Bell

Redstart - Taylor Way - Mick Francis

Saturday 7th April 2018

The only news of migrants received today were the first Willow Warbler of the year at Ravenscar and 2 singing Blackcaps in Falsgrave Park.

Unfortunately, some sad news received today was the discovery of an injured Peregrine found today on the Castle, the bird was believed to be a female and was taken to the RSPCA with some severe injuries and evidence of attack by corvids.

Chiffchaff - Crook Ness - Terry Hobson

Friday 6th April 2018

On Johnson’s Marsh this morning a Little Grebe, 2 Wigeon, 12 Teal, 4 Tufted Duck and a couple of Snipe and at Long Nab the highlights going south included 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 2 Goosander 32 Meadow Pipits, 12 Goldfinches and 207 Linnets while 59 Common Gulls went north.

Ellerburn and Haygate produced 9 Common Buzzards, 4 Chiffchaffs, 5 Marsh Tits, 200+ Siskins and 28 Crossbills including 4 family groups and 9 juveniles and at Wilton Heights there were 150 Fieldfares, 60 Bramblings, 6 Common Buzzards and a single Swallow - the first in our area this year.

Also today a pair of Shelduck were on Cayton Carr; 2 male Blackcaps were on a garden feeder in Heron Lane, Crossgates; 2 White Wagtails with 19 Pied Wagtails in fields at Long Nab and at Scalby Mills just 19 Wigeon.

Blackcap - Crossgates - Mick Francis

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Thursday 5th April 2018

This morning at Long Nab there were now 4 Wheatears in the field north of the Obs and 2 Chiffchaffs in the long hedge/cover crop.

Around Wrench Green and Wykeham Forest edge we had 4 Crossbills, 4 Brambling, 5 Chiffchaffs, 4 Bullfinches, 2 Common Buzzards, 3 Linnets, 2 Mandarin Ducks, a Lapwing, 3 Treecreepers and 2 Grey Wagtails.

In the Hilla Green area reports included 2 Common Buzzards, 2 Red-legged Partridge, 2 Sparrowhawks, a pair of Mandarin Ducks, 3 Nuthatch, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Jays, 2 Bullfinches, a Greenfinch and a Chiffchaff.

At Wykeham South Lake today 11 Shoveler, 60 Wigeon, a pair of Pintail, 4 Egyptian Geese, a Goosander, 8 Great Crested Grebes, 22 Cormorants, 4 Oystercatchers, a Curlew, 8 Common Buzzards and a Stonechat and on Johnson’s Marsh around midday a Shelduck, 23 Teal, 4 Tufted Ducks, an Oystercatcher and 32 Redshanks.

Other sightings in the area included 2 Red Kites over Barmoor Lane at 11.40; a female Black Redstart on the rough ground at the back of the Corporation Depot on Dean Road; a singing Chiffchaff at Crook Ness; a Little Egret and 18 Curlew on Cayton Carr; 2 Little Owls on Thornton Carrs; 2 Mediterranean Gulls at Holbeck Car Park and a Green Woodpecker was heard in the wood behind Cayton Bay.

Black Redstart - behind Corporation Depot, Dean Road - Paul James

Wednesday 4th April 2018

Fairly early on a Merlin flew north past Scalby Lodge Pond, 2 Common Scoter were on Wykeham South Lake, a female Blackcap was on Barmoor Close and the first migrant Ring Ouzel of the year appeared on the north side of Castle Hill (by the plateau).

On and around The Mere this morning a Great Crested Grebe, 2 Coot, 32 Tufted Duck, 2 Chiffchaffs and 2♂ Blackcaps; a Great White Egret flew east over Taylor Way at 09.15; an adult Mediterranean Gull was on Seamer Mead and on South Cliff there were two singing Chiffchaffs and a solitary Goldcrest.

Finally this evening at Long Nab a Wheatear was in the field to the north of the Obs and a Chiffchaff was at Crook Ness.

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

The first news of the morning came from Potter Brompton Carr where a male Marsh Harrier flew slowly west between 08.35 and 08.40 also here were 21 Shoveler, ♂ Pintail, 15 Wigeon, 34 Teal, 6 Snipe, a Redshank and 2 Fieldfares. The first Sand Martin for the year was at Harwood Dale Lake this morning along with a Pink-footed Goose and at Wykeham South Lake a Pintail, a Goldeneye, a Goosander and 2 Egyptian Geese.

Another Sand Martin flew south past Scalby Lodge Pond where 46 Redshank and a Lapwing were also present; other records from today included 8 Shoveler at Seamer Mead, a Grey plover on Cayton Carr and 2♂ Brambling were in a Barmoor Close garden.

Monday 2nd April 2018

At Wykeham South Lake today a pair of Goosander, a drake Pintail, 18 Tufted Duck, 5 Wigeon, 2 Teal, 10 Great Crested Grebe and 4 Oystercatchers whilst on The Mere there were 34 Tufted Duck, 4 Goosander, a Coot and a Great Crested Grebe.

Other sightings today included a Brambling in Barmoor Close and 2 Mediterranean Gulls at Holbeck Car Park.

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Hutton Buscel - Alan M Hunt

Sunday 1st April 2018

This morning a Black-throated Diver flew around Wykeham South Lake but unfortunately it landed on one of the private fishing lakes, an area off limits to us mere mortal birdwatchers, you’re OK if you have a boat or a fishing permit!!!!!!! There were also a couple of Egyptian Geese on the Wykeham South Lake. In North Bay a Red-throated Diver and a couple of Guillemots, a ♀ Blackcap was near the arch on the north side of the Castle and in Brompton-by-Sawdon the ♂ Ring Ouzel was still present in the sheep field by West End Farm and there was a Hawfinch seen in the trees near to the churchyard.

In Wykeham Forest today a Goshawk, 12 Crossbills, 8 Redpolls, 2 Marsh Tits and I quote “buckets” of Siskins; at Ellerburn there were 6 Common Buzzards, a Crossbill, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Chiffchaff and at Wilton Heights the large Finch flock still held many Bramblings with some males now in full breeding plumage.

Elsewhere in the area today we had 5♂ Mandarin Ducks on Hackness Lake; 17 Teal and 3 Wigeon on Harwood Dale Lake; 2 Green Sandpipers on a pool behind the Stockdales lay-by on the A64 and a Redwing was inside the Marine Drive wall.

Brambling - Wilton Heights - Graham Sigsworth

Black-throated Diver - Wykeham Lakes - Chris Bell

Sparrowhawk - Hutton Buscel - Alan M Hunt

Saturday 31st March 2018

A Little Egret was on Folkton Carr this morning but the highlight of the day was the discovery of a fine ♂ Black Redstart in the small car park opposite the Tollhouse on the southern end of Marine Drive early evening. Also this evening 62 Purple Sandpipers and 54 Turnstones were roosting around the Harbour.
Black Redstart - opposite the Tollhouse - Steve Wignill

Friday 30th March 2018

The first Little Ringed Plover for the spring was at Wykeham South Lake this morning along with a drake Pintail, a female Goldeneye and a Pochard; there was a singing Brambling to the north of Potter Brompton Carr and on the Carr a drake Pintail and 11 Shovelers.

At Haygate there were still plenty of Siskins plus at least one Brambling and 10 Crossbills; at Paxton Pond a Marsh Tit and a ♂ Brambling; at Anderson Plantation near Allerston 60+ Fieldfares heading east and 8+ Redwings and near to Fox Covert 33 Mute Swans were in the fields.

Elsewhere today 12 Eider flew south in Cornelian Bay, a Chiffchaff was in Cornelian Ravine, 3 Dunlin were on Folkton Carr and a Brambling was at Ravenscar.

Shag - Marine Drive - Alan M Hunt

Thursday 29th March 2018

The first Wheatear of the year for our area was a male in the field north of the Obs and a Woodcock was flushed from a hedgerow in the same area; at Wykeham South Lake 2♂ Pintail and a ♂ Common Scoter; at Harwood Dale Lake a Goosander, 3 Wigeon and 21 Teal and at The Mere there were 15 Cormorants, a Little Grebe, 2 Teal, 43 Tufted Ducks, 3 Goosander and a Kingfisher.

Chiffchaffs are moving in now with birds recorded today at Crook Ness, Trough Gully, Style Scrub, 2 along Scalby Beck and another by the Sealife Centre, at The Mere and at Harwood Dale Lake.

Elsewhere today there were 39 Purple Sandpipers roosting on the East Pier at the Harbour and on Castle Hill a Goldcrest, a Fieldfare and a Redwing.

Barn Owl - Cayton Carr - Stuart Baines

Peregrine - Castle Cliffs - Joe Bamfield

Wednesday 28th March 2018

An adult summer Mediterranean Gull was on Cayton Carr this morning; 2 Shelduck were in a flooded field on Burniston Road; a Barn Owl was at Hutton Buscel and at Harwood Dale Lake there were 210 Common Gulls, 20 Teal, 4 Wigeon and 2 Oystercatchers.

In the Dalby area at Ellerburn there were 4 Chiffchaffs, a Kingfisher and 3 Grey Wagtails whilst at Haygate species included 5 Lesser Redpolls, c200 Siskins, 9 Crossbills and about 50 Bramblings feeding on the forest floor.

Finally today a 3cy Mediterranean Gull was at Scalby Mills this evening.

Barn Owl - Burniston - Rose Habberley

Mediterranean Gull - Cayton Carr - Peter Dunn

Tuesday 27th March 2018

Very little news received today apart from an adult and a 3cy Mediterranean Gull at Scalby Mills this evening, a Green Woodpecker at Helwath Wood during the afternoon and a Greenshank at Wykeham Lakes.

Greenshank - Wykeham South Lake - David Turnbull