Monday 31 October 2022

Monday 31st October

 The first Waxwings of the autumn arrived this morning with four passing south through South Cliff and 343 Siskin also passed south. 46 Little Gulls were present offshore. A probable Pallid Swift was seen feeding distantly to the north of Long Nab Obs before drifting north and was not relocated despite a search as far as Hayburn Wyke. Highlights south past Long Nab were 10 Little Gulls (8N), one Goosander, two Common Eider, one Swallow, one House Martin, 14 Twite and 328 Siskin. A Snow Bunting flew north and 16 Golden Plover and nine Lapwing flew in off the sea. Seven Tufted Duck, two Gadwall, four Teal, 0ne Goldeneye and five Little Grebe were at Brompton Ponds. Three Common Buzzards were over Hutton Buscel and 14 Pink-footed Geese flew west at Gristhorpe Cliff. Three Green Sandpipers were on the slurry tank at Charity Farm, Thornton Carrs and a Kingfisher was also present. A Goosander and Kingfisher were at Scalby Mills. 16 Common Crossbill, seven Brambling, 110 Siskin and two Marsh Tit were logged at Little Dale and Sutherbuff Rigg, Dalby. Two Bar-tailed Godwit, six Ringed Plover and a Red-throated Diver were present in Jackson's Bay and at the Cromer Point pond area there were 40+Pied Wagtails and a mixed flock of Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and Linnets. A Sparrowhawk was also present. At Wykeham Water Park this morning, there were 11 Great crested Grebe, 24 Tufted Duck, 46 Coot, four Little Grebe, one Kingfisher, one Grey Wagtail, seven Mistle Thrushes and 13 Siskin.

Duck Wigeon by Stephen Beaver.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Sunday 30th October

 Three Whooper Swans flew over Crook Ness this morning and a Pallid Swift flew south at Long Nab at 1012hrs before immediately turning and heading off north. 14 Little Gulls also flew past. A Black-tailed Godwit and a Red-throated Diver were in Jackson's Bay and five Grey Geese flew south inland of Crook Ness. At Wykeham Lakes today there were nine Lapwing, four Wigeon, 77 Teal, two Gadwall, four Little Grebe, seven Great crested Grebe, 10 Moorhen, 12 Siskin, two Grey Wagtail, two Willow Tit, three Marsh Tit, 26 Long-tailed Tit, two Treecreeper, two Bullfinch, one Tree Sparrow and four Redwing. A Little Egret and two House Martin flew south at South Cliff this morning and a Snow Bunting flew north. Five Chiffchaff were present. 10 Little Grebe, one Shoveler, 28 Tufted Duck, one Goldeneye, one Water Rail and two Kingfisher were at Seamer Road Mere.

House Sparrow by Martin Moseley.

Saturday 29 October 2022

Saturday 29th October

 The long staying Whooper Swan was at Seamer Road Mere along with a female Goldeneye. Approximately 100 Wigeon were present at Scalby Mills along with two Goosanders. A Red-throated Diver was at the north end of Cayton Bay where four Whooper Swans flew west and a Kingfisher was at the Open Air Theatre. 14 Ringed Plover and two Bar-tailed Godwits were in Jackson's Bay. Four Goldeneye flew south past Hundale Point and a Great Northern Diver flew north. Single Common Eider and Puffin were on the sea there. A Snow Bunting was in fields just south of Cromer Point Sewage Works this morning. Highlights south past Long Nab this morning were three Whooper Swans, one Goosander, 22 Little Gulls, four Mediterranean Gulls (1N), 58 Lesser Redpoll and 286 Siskin. Highlights south past South Cliff this morning were 213 Wood Pigeon, 128 Chaffinch, 56 Greenfinch, one Twite and 345 Siskin. A Goldcrest and two Chiffchaff were on the north side of Castle Hill and five Little Gulls flew south past Marine Drive.

Goldeneye by Mark Hepples.

Friday 28 October 2022

Friday 28th October

 A very vocal Yellow-browed Warbler was again at Crook Ness this morning and a Common/Pallid Swift was seen to the north of South Cliff briefly at 1040hrs and a probable Pallid Swift was briefly at Scalby Mills this morning at 1057hrs leading to speculation that it may have been the bird seen previously at South Cliff. A Common/Pallid Swift was also seen at Hayburn Wyke. Nine Gadwall, 60 Blackbirds were at Seamer Tip Pool and two Redwing and a Long-tailed Tit were at Taylor Way. Highlights through South Cliff this morning were two Swallow, two House Martin and three Twite and at least 22 Little Gulls were in South Bay. Approximately 20 Little Gulls, 100 Wigeon, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, a female Goosander and 2 Chiffchaffs were at Scalby Mills. A Yellow-browed Warbler was in the shrubs by the picnic area on the plateau in Royal Albert Park to the north side of Castle headland this afternoon. 61 Golden Plover, 33 Little Gulls and a first winter Caspian Gull flew south at Long Nab and three Twite flew north. A Great White Egret flew south over Scalby Nab late morning.

Dipper in unusual pose by Stuart Baines.

Thursday 27 October 2022

Thursday 27th October

 A female Great Spotted Woodpecker constituted a first record in a West Ayton garden this morning. A Grey Wagtail was at Burton Riggs and a Kingfisher was at Taylor Way Pool. A Red-rumped Swallow was hawking insects at Scalby Mills early afternoon before moving slowly south with two Swallows. A Great Northern Diver flew north past Long Nab, a Red-breasted Merganser flew south there and a Yellow-browed Warbler was in the sycamores at Crook Ness, associating with three Goldcrests. Two Bar-tailed Godwits were in Jackson's Bay and a Goosander was at Scalby Mills. 24 Teal, three Grey Herons, one Common Buzzard and two Reed Buntings were at Johnson's Marsh, which is slowly accumulating a decent water level. A male Marsh Harrier was between Low Marishes and Eden Camp and in the Dalby/ Haygate area, there were 12 Common Crossbill, 42 Siskin, 44 Fieldfare, 210 Linnet, three Marsh Tit, four Nuthatch and a Treecreeper. A Great White Egret was at Scalby Lodge pond early afternoon before flying off in the general direction of Johnson's Marsh and 87 Alba Wagtails (Pied Wagtail types) passing south through South Cliff this morning was seemingly a record movement through the area. 12 Whooper Swans flew SE at the Harbour. A Puffin was off Marine Drive.

Kingfisher by Stephen Beaver.

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Wednesday 26th October

 A Pallid Swift was feeding north of Holbeck car park at 0917hrs before drifting north towards The Grand Hotel five minutes later. Two Whooper Swans and a House Martin flew south at South Cliff and a juvenile Marsh Harrier flew north. A male Snow Bunting flew over Gristhorpe and a Dipper was in Peasholm Glen near to the badger carving. 23 Teal and a Grey Heron were at Johnson's Marsh. Eight Yellowhammers, six Fieldfares and three Tree Sparrows before the turn off to Wykeham Lakes and 13 Fieldfares were in the Wrench Green area. Three drake and four duck Mandarins were in the Mowthorpe Bridge/Wrench Green area along with three Grey Herons, one Common Buzzard and a Kestrel.

Goosander by Stephen Beaver.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Tuesday 25th October

 Three Fieldfare were at Low Yedmandale Road, West Ayton and a Redpoll sp. was with a flock of Siskins at Wrench Green. Seven Fieldfare were also present. 13 Whooper Swans flew south past the Castle and a Dipper and a Kingfisher were at The Open Air Theatre. A Common Scoter and a Red-throated Diver were off the East Pier and a Shag was near North Bay beach. Two Swift sp. flew high east over Wykeham Water Park and a Goosander was again at the seaward end of Scalby Beck. Highlights south through South Cliff this morning were 20 Whooper Swans (8+12), one Merlin, one Swallow, two House Martin and three Twite. Four Chiffchaff were between Holbeck and Cornelian. 20 Pink-footed Geese flew in off the sea and west at The Castle. Other skeins of Pink-footed Geese included 130 south over Peasholm, 40 west over Burniston, approximately 220 in two skeins south east over Seamer Tip Pool and 17 south over Wykeham Water Park. Other uncounted skeins included five large skeins west to the north of Long Nab and two large and one small skein over Columbus Ravine, 

Bullfinch by Ray Maddison.

Monday 24 October 2022

Monday 24th October

A probable Pallid Swift was feeding over Cornelian Ravine at 0826hrs but not seen after 0856hrs. A drake Common Scoter and two Red-throated Divers were at the mouth of the Harbour and 15 Teal were at Johnson's Marsh. 18 Gadwall and two female Shoveler were at Seamer Tip Pool and approximately 150 Pink-footed Geese flew south over Crossgates. 10 Tundra Bean Geese flew south at South Cliff at 1104hrs. Other highlights south at South Cliff were seven Whooper Swans, one Grey Plover, 356 Skylark (15N), 77 Tree Sparrow, 196 Siskin, two Twite and 37 Redpoll sp. A Jack Snipe arrived in off the sea and one Yellow-browed Warbler was still along the Cleveland Way just south of Holbeck car park. Two mobile Black Redstarts were ranging along the base of the Castle Headland and two Chiffchaffs were on the north side of Castle Hill. 26 Teal, seven Wigeon, a Grey Plover, nine Ringed Plover and 12 Purple Sandpipers were at Yons Nab this afternoon. 19 Little Gulls were feeding offshore and a single Twite was along Cayton Bay cliff top. A first calendar year Caspian Gull, one Little Egret, one Manx Shearwater, one Pintail, one Arctic Skua and 1,295 Gannets flew south at Long Nab. A Corn Bunting was in the vicinity of the cover crop and hedge off Station Lane. A Goosander was at Scalby Beck cut.

Drake Common Scoter by Kevin Groocock.

Sunday 23 October 2022

Sunday 23rd October

 Two Yellow-browed Warblers were still along the Cleveland Way south of Holbeck car park, a single Yellow-browed Warbler was in the hedge opposite Crook Ness car park along with two Chiffchaff, (one singing) and six Goldcrest. A Chiffchaff was also at Cliff Top House in the sycamores. Another Yellow-browed Warbler was along the cliff top above the Sea Life Centre along with 10 Blackbirds and five Goldcrest. A Dipper showed well at Scalby Mills just before sunrise. A Swift sp. was seen flying north over Burniston at 1350hrs, stimulating conjecture regarding it's identity. Two Dunlin, 10 Great crested Grebes, 11 Wigeon, 10 Lapwing, one Kingfisher, one Grey Wagtail, one Marsh Tit and one Jay were at Wykeham East Lake this afternoon. 125 Wigeon were at Scalby Mills at high tide. Good numbers of Redwings, Blackbirds and Song Thrushes were heard passing over Middle Deepdale during the late evening.

 Redshank by Stephen Beaver.


Saturday 22 October 2022

Saturday 22nd October

 Encounters with rare and scarce migrants continued this morning with a RICHARD'S PIPIT discovered and showing well in the paddocks just south of Holbeck car park at 0919hrs, however it flew off south at 0923hrs. A Kingfisher was on the match lake at Seamer Road Mere complex , a Jay flew west over Cloughton station and 20 Fieldfares flew west from Taylor Way. A Yellow-browed Warbler was found by the electricity sub station on Saltpans Road, Cloughton and three Yellow-browed Warblers were along South Cliff today where two Swallows flew south and 39 Little Gulls flew north. A Yellow-browed Warbler was along the Cinder Track just south of Hayburn Wyke and a Black Redstart was behind the Marine Drive wall along with two Stonechat and three Robin. 25 Goldcrest, six Chiffchaff, 18 Robin and 10 Redwing were on Castle Hill and three House Martins flew south over Cromer Point Pond. A Black Redstart was behind the dry stone wall west of the Sewage Works and in the small plantation of sycamores behind the Sewage Works were single Common Redstart, Blackcap, three Robin and five Goldcrest. 35 Curlew were in a field near to Cromer Point this afternoon. A tristis race Chiffchaff was with two nominate race Chiffchaff and three Goldcrest late afternoon at Cliff Top House and 10+ Goldcrest, one Chiffchaff and six Robins were at Crook Ness.  A Water Rail was at Scalby Mills.

Richard's Pipit by Chris Bradshaw.

Friday 21st October

 With some incredible falls of migrants along the east coast it was not surprising that one or two good birds would be discovered in the region. A PALLAS'S WARBLER was discovered at Cornelian this morning in company with a Yellow-browed Warbler and a second Yellow-browed Warbler was along the Cleveland way just south of Holbeck car park. A third Yellow-browed Warbler was on the south side of Castle Hill and a Firecrest was on the north side of Castle Hill below the archway. Other migrant totals at Castle Hill were 35 Goldcrest, 45 Robin, three Chiffchaff, one acredula type (northern) Willow Warbler and one Blackcap. A Peregrine Falcon was seen carrying a Water Rail prey. Migrant totals at South Cliff were three Chiffchaff, six Blackcap, 28 Goldcrest and 66 Robin. A single Brent Goose sp. flew south past Marine Drive, two Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew south past Long Nab and approximately 50 Pink-footed Geese flew east over Hutton Buscel. A Kingfisher was at the Open Air Theatre and approximately 25 Goldcrest, a mixed flock of a hundred Blackbird, Redwing and Fieldfare, three Woodcock and a Common Snipe were in the ringing plantation at Long Nab. Approximately 160 Starlings were on North Cliff Golf Course this morning and 80 Teal were on the sea between Holbeck and Cornelian where two Woodcock flew in off the sea with a third Woodcock arriving later in the day. Two Brambling, one Blackcap, many thrushes and Goldcrests were at Cornelian car Park and  three Marsh Tits, two Goldcrests and six Long-tailed Tits were also present at Holbeck. Three Black Redstarts were discovered inside the Marine Drive wall late afternoon and a Lesser Whitethroat was in the gully north of Jackson's Bay. Also in Jackson's Bay area were five Blackcaps, 10 Goldcrest, two Bar-tailed Godwits. A single Lapwing arrived in off the sea and a drake Common Scoter was at Scalby Mills.

Pallas's Warbler by Chris Bradshaw.

Thursday 20 October 2022

Thursday 20th October

 Favourable conditions introduced a good number of migrating thrushes and other migrants to the region. Big flocks of Redwings were noted early morning with some 200 moving south along Wrench Green valley. Highlights from South Cliff this morning involved 355 Redwing, 35 Blackbirds and 10 Brambling arriving in off the sea. A Short-eared Owl, 47 Goldcrest, two Blackcaps and 50 Robins were grounded there. A Velvet Scoter flew south. Eight Common Eider flew north past Marine Drive and a drake Common Scoter showed well at the harbour mouth.  Two Kingfishers were at Burton Riggs and two Kingfishers were at Scalby Mills near the Sealife Centre. 17 Ringed Plover were also present. The arrival of thrushes continued this evening and at Castle Hill, 155 Blackbirds, 275 Redwings 65 Fieldfares, three Ring Ouzels, 48 European Starlings and 12 Brambling arrived in off the sea. 50 Robins, 35 Goldcrests, five Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap were grounded. Mixed flocks of Redwings, Fieldfares and Blackbirds were still arriving over the town at dusk with some 300 arriving in a five minute period. The Barnacle Goose was again at Seamer Road Mere.

Barnacle Goose by Terry Crook.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Wednesday 19th October

 Two Redwings in a garden in Briardene Road garden this morning signalled a small arrival of these beautiful thrushes with 36 Redwing arriving in off the sea at South Cliff this morning. Other highlights south past South Cliff were 10 Goldeneye (1N), one Black-throated Diver, one Grey Plover and one Little Gull. Passing north there were one Dark-bellied Brent Goose, three Arctic Skuas and one Pomarine Skua. A Short-eared Owl and three Brambling arrived in off the sea. Another Short-eared Owl arrived in off then sea and was seen to land on the north side of the Castle slopes. A Barnacle Goose was again at Seamer Road Mere and a pair of Shoveler were at Seamer Tip Pools. A Brambling was amongst a flock of Greenfinches, Goldfinches and Chaffinches at Coverdale Moor along with 80-100 Redwings and a large number of Blackbirds. 40+ Goldfinches, two Jays and small flocks of Redwing and Fieldfare were in Wykeham Forest near the old nursery buildings. South past Long Nab Obs this morning were one Black-throated Diver, one Goldeneye, one Common Eider, one Pale-bellied Brent Goose and 1,013 Gannets (130N). Six Arctic Skuas flew north (1S). 15 Grey Herons were at Johnson's Marsh and three Goldcrests were at Crook Ness.

Long-tailed Tit by Paul Tozer.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Tuesday 18th October

 A Common Snipe was at Seamer Tip Pool and a pair of Blackcaps was at Greenish Ravine. Four Red-throated Divers were in Cayton Bay and nine Whooper Swans flew south over Marine Drive. 40 Whooper Swans flew west over Pickering and a further 11 Whooper Swans flew west over Johnson's Marsh where two Reed Buntings were also noted. Four Barnacle Geese landed in a field north of Crook Ness and four Barnacle Geese flew north from Cornelia. A Kingfisher was at the Open Air Theatre and a male Blackcap and a Chiffchaff were in a Burniston Garden. Between Jackson's Bay and the Sewage works there were nine Ringed Plover, one Little Egret, 10 Curlew, one Kestrel, three Reed Buntings and several singing Skylarks.

Grey Wagtail by JanandGary Powell.

Monday 17 October 2022

Monday 17th October

 Jackson's Bay featured two Bar-tailed Godwits, three Ringed Plovers, approximately 15 Turnstones, two Redshanks and an uncounted number of Oystercatchers. A single Barnacle Goose was at Burton Riggs.

Brambling montage by Beverley Senturk.

Sunday 16 October 2022

Sunday 16th October

 Seven Whooper Swans were on the sea at Cayton Bay and a Sparrowhawk was over Seamer Tip Pool. A Great northern Diver and two Bar-tailed Godwits were in Jackson's Bay and a Brambling was at Scalby Nab. Three Goldcrests were in Peasholm Glen and four Red-legged Partridge were in a field opposite Duggleby's Self Storage. A Marsh Harrier was noted over the sea at Jackson's Bay and 80+ Greylag Geese were in the Ruston area. A Goshawk, four Common Buzzard, seven Mandarin and a single Brambling in a mixed finch flock were at Troutsdale.

Bathing Goldfinch by Phil Bennett.

Saturday 15 October 2022

Saturday 15th October

 Five Velvet Scoters flew south past Long Nab Obs at 0845hrs and four Red-breasted Mergansers, a Mediterranean Gull and a Great Skua had flown north by 1000hrs. Good numbers of Redwings were heard over Scarborough and Middle Deepdale during the night and a single House Martin flew south over Burniston this morning. A Bar-tailed Godwit was in Cayton Bay and a Sparrowhawk was over Hutton Buscel. The Whooper Swan remained at Seamer Road Mere, continuing to provide some excellent photographic opportunities. Three Shoveler, 16 Gadwall, 220 Greylag Geese and a Great spotted Woodpecker were at Seamer Tip Pool.

Northern Shoveler by Mark Hepples.

Friday 14 October 2022

Friday 14th October

 A Kingfisher and 10 Long-tailed Tits were at the coarse fishing lake at Wykeham this morning, 80 Pink-footed Geese flew NE there and three Common Buzzards were also noted. A Short-eared Owl flew in off the sea at 1012 hrs at Cornelian and then headed SW. A Kingfisher and a juvenile Arctic Tern flying north were noted at Scalby Mills. 65 Pink-footed Geese flew west over Cayton Bay and a further 30 flew south. Three Red-throated Divers and three Razorbills were in the bay. An adult Mediterranean Gull and two House Martins flew south at Long Nab during an interesting Vismig session. 60 Redwings flew SW over Whin Bank at 1800hrs and others were noted consistently over Burniston seemingly flying SW until at least 1930hrs.

Juvenile female Peregrine Falcon at Scarborough this morning bearing orange Darvic leg ring bearing letters VFX in black. This bird was ringed as a nestling on Wakefield cathedral this year.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Thursday 13th October

 69 Wigeon and a late Sandwich Tern were at Scalby Mills this morning and 10 Whooper Swans which flew west over Seamer Tip Pools at 0953hrs returned east at 0958hrs.Two Ruff were at Seamer Mead and a Chiffchaff on Metes Lane, Seamer. Two Bar-tailed Godwits were at Jackson's Bay along with two Dunlin, nine Ringed Plover, six Turnstone, three Redshank, one Curlew and a Rock Pipit. A Redwing was near to the Sewage Farm. A Red-throated Diver was in North Bay. Two Whooper Swans were at Harwood Dale Lake, four Stonechats at Low Moor and two Stonechats were at Scalby Lodge pond area. A cream crown Marsh Harrier drifted west high over Cayton Carr and 410 Lapwing, two Common Snipe and a Common Sandpiper were at Wykeham East Lake. Single Snow Bunting, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Stonechat were at Bent Rigg Lane, Ravenscar and six Redwing flew over. Highlights from a WeBS core count at Seamer Road Mere included the long staying Whooper Swan, seven Little Grebe, 108 Coot, 124 Moorhen, 80 Mallard, 14 Tufted Duck and one Kingfisher. Two Grey Wagtails were also present. Approximately 50 Lapwings flew over Hutton Buscel this evening.

Eurasian Wigeon by Stephen Beaver.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Wednesday 12th October

 A Bar-tailed Godwit was in Jackson's Bay this morning and a Dunlin and 52 Wigeon were at Scalby Mills where 40 Pink Footed Geese flew north. A Barnacle Goose, the long staying Whooper Swan, a female Shoveler and 28 Moorhen were at Seamer Road Mere. Wykeham East Lake hosted an adult Mediterranean Gull, eight Wigeon and 21 Lapwing. 15 Pink-footed Geese were on the silt pond briefly before flying off SE. At Long  Nab today, 255 Pink-footed Geese flew north (17S) along with a single Whooper Swan. Two Knot flew south.

Little Grebe by Terry Hobson.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Tuesday 11th October 2022

 Today's sightings were reported as follows;

Scalby Mills, 70 Pink Footed Geese north west. Later 48 Wigeon and a Kingfisher.

Brompton Ponds, Kingfisher.

South Cliff, 9 Chiffchaff, 21 Goldcrest.

Seamer Road Mere, 12 Little Grebe, Shoveler, Whooper Swan and a Kingfisher.

The Dell, Eastfield, 95 Linnet

Harbour, 3 Rock Pipit.

Wykeham Water Sports Lake, 2 Whooper Swan, 38 Pink Footed Geese north west, Egyptian Goose  Gosling with no parents.

Wykeham East Lake, 63 Lapwing, 4 Pink Footed Geese, 2 Wigeon, 4 Teal, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 15 Tufted Duck and 5 Cormorant.

Long Nab, 655 Pink Footed Geese south and 76 north, 3 Redwing north and 81 Skylarks south.

Marine Drive, a new Peregrine Female has arrived, seemingly at present taken a liking to the existing Male, she is this years brood, from the Wakefield Cathedral Site with a red ring reading VFX on her left leg.

Thornton Le Dale (as Facebook) Dipper in the beck.

New Female Peregrine, Marine Drive by Joe Bamfield

Monday 10 October 2022

Monday 10th October 2022

 Today's sightings are as follows;

Brompton Ponds, 1 Little Egret, 6 Gadwall, 3 Teal, 3 Tufted Ducks and 4 Little Grebe.

Scalby Mills, Kingfisher, (as Facebook) Dippers, Grey Wagtail, 

Seamer Road Mere, Barnacle Goose and a Whooper Swan.

Long Nab, Lapland Bunting flew south, 30 plus Redwing flew in off the sea, 2 Artic Terns and a Eider Duck flew south.

Wykeham East Lake, 102 Lapwing, 260 Teal, 80 Wigeon, 3 Pochard, 39 Pink Footed Geese flew north, 103 Coot, 4 Dunlin, 4 Common Snipe, 1 Jack Snipe, Common Sandpiper, 27 Long Tailed Tits and 2 Chiffchaff.

Wykeham Main Lake, Egyptian Goose and 1 Gosling, 4 Great Crested Grebe.

Forge Valley Feeding Area, (as Facebook) Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Tree Creeper

Scarborough Harbour, 3 Purple Sandpiper, 4 Rock Pipit and a Guillemot.

Barnacle Goose, Seamer Road Mere by Phil Bennett

Purple Sandpiper at the Harbour by Chris Bell

Sunday 9 October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022

 Today's sightings were reported as follows;

Johnson's Marsh, 4 Teal.

Long Nab (around area) 8 Cormorants south, 2 Red Throated Divers south, 4 Curlew, 5 Oysterchatcher on the rocks, 4 Stonechat on the cliffs, 1 Kestrel and 12 Reed Bunting around the scrape area.

Marine Drive, 21 Pink Footed Geese north east (7.20 am).

East Ayton 24 Pink Footed Geese east (11.41 am).

Wykeham Water Park, 9 Wigeon and 8 Great Crested Grebe, 200 Pink Footed Geese north west (12.45 pm) 2 Grey Heron, 1 Common Buzzard ad a Kestrel, (as Facebook) Egyptian Goose Family.

Wykeham East Lake, 99 Lapwing, 2 Marsh Tits, 1 Blackcap, 26 Mallard and 17 Pink Footed Geese (no time provided).

Scalby Mills, 200 Pink Footed Geese north (10.00 am), 45 Wigeon and 1 Rock Pipit (as Facebook, Dippers, Grey Wagtails, Redshanks and Curlews).

Cayton Bay, 80 Pink Footed Geese north west (13.00 pm).

Hutton Buscel, 76 Pink Footed Geese south west (13.23 pm).

Seamer Tip, 14 Gadwall and (as Facebook) 7 Whooper Swans.

Seamer Tip New Dike and Tip Area, Kingfisher, 5 Grey Partridge and 9 Red Legged Partridge.

Seamer Road Mere, Whooper Swan still present.

Sherburn, 300 Pink Footed Geese west (as Facebook) (19.00 pm).

Scampston Park Lake' 3 Little Egret, 3 Wigeon, 3 Teal.

Note time of Pink Footed Geese added as presume some of the skeins of Geese are the same.

Marsh Tit by Terry Hobson
Whoopers Swans by Daniel Morley

Reed Bunting by Chris Bell


Saturday 8 October 2022

Saturday 8th October 2022

 Today's local bird sightings as follows;

Seamer Tip Pools, Common Buzzard and Kestrel (as Facebook), plus a Shovellor, 2 Wigeon a Teal, 120 ( at 10.48 am) and 100 ( at 11.09 am) Pink Footed Geese south and a Barnacle Goose.

Scalby Mills, 13 Whooper Swans and 30 ( at 9.30 am) Pink Footed Geese south, plus the Geese from Long Nab (at 10.00 am ) , 2 Grey and 1 Pied Wagtail plus a Rock pipit. Later in  the afternoon, 12 Ringed Plover, 45 Wigeon and 2 Sandwich Tern feeding in the bay, then flew south.

Seamer Road Mere, (as Facebook) Kingfisher.

Hutton Buscel, 125 (at 10.51 am ) Pink footed Geese south and (as Facebook) 3 Red Kite and 10 -15 Common Buzzard.

Jackson's Bay, a Puffin, a Bar Tailed Godwit, a Mediterranean Gull, plus a Blackcap and Goldcrest as Scalby Nab

Croosgates, skeins of 90 (at 10.45 am) and 200 (11.10 am) Pink Footed Geese south.

Cayton Bay, 70 Pink Footed Geese south (10.03 am)

Long Nab, slow sea watch, but 80 (at 9.50 am) Pink Footed Geese south and 14 Bottle Nose Dolphins north.

Note time of Pink Footed Geese added as presume some of the skeins of Geese are the same.

Ringed Plover at Scalby Mills by Chris Bell

Friday 7 October 2022

Friday 7th October 2022

 Another quiet day in the Scarborough area, with sightings as follows;

Harbour, 32 Turnstone, 2 Guillemots, Peregrine flyby with freshly caught Pigeon.

Crossgates, 80 Pink Footed Geese over south west.

Guillemot, Scarborough Harbour by Chris Bell

Thursday 6 October 2022

Thursday 6th October 2022

A quiet day on the bird reporting front, with the following sightings reported;

Scalby Mills and North Cliff Golf Course, 37 Wigeon, 10 Long Tailed Tits and a Female Sparrowhawk.

Jacksons Bay, a single Swallow flew south, along with an Adult Mediterranean Gull present.

Brompton Ponds, very quiet, but the Tufted Duck number had risen to 8.

Wykeham Lakes, 2 Chiffchaff were reported on the walk round the lake and (as Facebook) an Egyptian Gull and Cormorant were seen on the main lake. On East Lake, strangely there were no duck present except 1 Male Tufted Duck and again no Waders present.

Egyptian Goose by Margaret Gray

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Wednesday 5th October 2022

 Today's reported sightings were limited today and were as follows;

Scalby Mills, 36 Wigeon, 3 Grey Wagtails, 2 Pied Wagtails, 2 Rock Pipits, 3 Turnstone and 6 Cormorants.

Wykeham East Lake, 1 Curlew, 2 Dunlin, 1 Lapwing and 1 Snipe.

Male and Female Shovellor Duck at the Mere  by Jan and Gary Powell 1st October 2022

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Tuesday 4th October 2022

 Today's reported sightings were as follows;

Crossgates, 80 Pink Footed Geese over north west.

Seamer Road Mere, 4 Adult Mediterranean Gulls, 6 Little Grebes and 1 female Brambling.

Scholes Park Road, a female Sparrowhawk, chasing House Sparrows and 130 Pink Footed Geese over north west.

Johnson's Marsh, 6 Grey Heron.

Brompton Ponds, Kingfisher, 1 Little Egret, 5 Teal, 4 Tufted Duck, 4 Little Grebe and 2 Pied Wagtail

Wykeham Lakes, 3 Ruff, 6 Pink Footed Geese and 1 Wigeon, plus (Facebook report) 2 Great White Egrets.

Little Egret by Chris Bell

Monday 3 October 2022

Monday 4th October 2022

 Today's reported sightings were as follows;

Crook Ness, 9 Whooper Swans in the field behind the car park.

Long Nab, 1 Snow Bunting in the field north of the obs hut.

Marine Drive, 2 Whooper Swans south.

Wykeham Lakes area, 85 Pink Footed Geese, then later from the causeway, 63 north, 79 south, 18 south, 9 south and 103 north, though around the same time 3 skeins totaling 240 were reported, assume some are the same birds. 2 Whooper Swan, 3 Egyptian Geese, 1 Dunlin, 1 Water Rail, 7 Marsh Tit, 1 Gadwall, 130 Teal and 15 Wigeon.

Wrench Green, 28 Pink Footed Geese, north east.

Scalby Mills (some reports as Facebook) 2 Grey Wagtails, at least 7 Curlew, 10 Redshank 10 Oystercatchers, 4 Turnstone, 3 Grey Heron, 24 Wigeon.

Crossgates, 200 Pink Footed Geese north.

Thornton Le Dale, 70 and 750 Pink Footed Geese north.

Harwood Dale Lake, 58 Lapwing, 3 Teal, 2 Wigeon, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Grey Heron and 1 Cormorant.

Curlew by Chris Bell

Sunday 2 October 2022

Sunday 2nd October 2022

 Today's sighting were reported as follows;

Johnson's Marsh, (now with a little water) 6 Whooper Swans early in the morning.

Cromer Point, (Field to the west) 9 Whooper Swans feeding for most of the day.

Wykeham Lakes (fly over) 2 Whooper Swans

Lang Nab, 2 Snow Bunting again close to the path. Also on an early walk between Crook Ness and Hundale Point, were 3 Reed Bunting, 4 Stonechat, 12 Meadow Pipit, 3 Skylarks and 35 Linnets.

Scalby Mills, again as Facebook Dippers and Kingfishers were seen, plus 115 Pink Footed Geese flying south.

Wykeham Lakes, East Lake, showed, 1 Curlew, 2 Snipe, 4 Lapwing, 1 Pink Footed Goose, 3 Great Crested Geese, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Marsh Tit, 1 Jay and 1 Mistle Thrush. On The Trout Lake was 1 Little Grebe.

Whooper Swans by Chris Bell

Kingfisher by Daniel Morley

Saturday 1 October 2022

Saturday 1st October 2022

 Today's sightings as follows;

Long Nab, Burniston, 5 Whooper Swans South and 2 Snow Bunting in the field directly behind the Nab Observatory Hut. En-route to Long Nab was a Barn Owl and Male Sparrowhawk on Rocks Lane. The sea watch was very quiet.

At Scalby Mills, per Facebook were 2 Kingfishers, 2 Grey Wagtails, Swallows and a House Martin.

At Seamer Road Mere, per Facebook were 3 Shovellor Duck and a Female Brambling.

Pink Footed Geese were in various locations around the groups area, 60 north over Thornton Le Dale, 50 south over Hutton Buscel and 70 south over Newlands.

At Seamer Tip Pools were 24 Gadwall and 2 Wigeon.

At Throxenby Mere were 10 House Martins.

Wykeham East Lake, produced the Bird count as the two captions below

Scarborough Field Naturalists had a boat trip to Gristhorpe, which produced notable sightings of a Sandwich Tern, a Velvet Scooter and 5 Red Throated Divers.

There were numerous sighting of Bottle Nosed Dolphins up and down the coast all day.

Snow Bunting by Chris Bell

Brambling by Jan and Gary Powell

Whooper Swans by Chris Bell