Monday, 30 November 2015

Sunday 29th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.20 - 09.55hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 3 Red-throated Diver north, 1 Gannet north, 2 Cormorant + 8 north, 1 Shag + 1 north, 1 Mute Swan, 2 Oystercatcher north, 12 Black-headed Gull + 1 north, 30 Common Gull, 142 Herring Gull, 89 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Guillemot north, 1 Rock Pipit and 1 Alba.
Three Black-necked Grebe were in the Harbour, 15 Gadwall and 4 Shoveler were on Seamer Tip, 2 Gadwall and 4 Snipe were on Johnson's Marsh and a Jack Snipe was at Long Nab.

Friday 27th - Saturday 28th November 2015

The only report on the 27th was 12 Gadwall and 4 Shoveler on Seamer Tip Pool.

At least two Black-necked Grebe were present in the Harbour on the 28th with 3 Red-throated Diver and a Guillemot in the area. Eight Whooper Swan were on Folkton Carr.

Thursday 26th November 2015

At least two Black-necked Grebe remaind in the Harbour.
Wykeham South Lake produced 8 Whooper Swan, 2 Red-crested Pochard, 5 Goldeneye, 7 Pochard and 4 Great Crested Grebe while 40 Siskin and 8 Lesser Redpoll were along nearby Straits Lane.
Singles of Little Egret and Egyptian Goose were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access).

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Tuesday 24th - Wednesday 25th November 2015

A slower day on 24th produced a Little Auk off Marine Drive, at least one Black-necked Grebe in the Harbour and a Snow Bunting was at Stoupe Brow.

The 25th was a little more lively, highlight being a Water Pipit at Scalby Mills, the third this year!
Also at Scalby Mills were 11 Lapwing, 6 Ringed Plover, 1 adult Mediterranean Gull, 1 Kingfisher, 4 Rock Pipit and 1 Grey Wagtail.
Offshore passage was non existent however a juvenile Little Gull headed north slowly feeding off Scalby Mills, strangely a scarce species within the area this year.
Also seen were 4 Black-necked Grebe and 50 Turnstone around the Harbour, a Little Auk off Marine Drive, 2 Red-crested Pochard, 8 Goldeneye, 4 Great Crested Grebe and 150 Lapwing at Wykeham South Lake, 100 Lapwing and a Goosander at Harwood Dale Lake, 8 Ringed Plover were in Cayton Bay and a Brambling was in a Crossgates garden, another species that has been scarce this autumn.

Black-necked Grebe - Harbour - Michael McNaghten

Turnstone - Harbour - Michael McNaghten

Lapwings - Scalby Mills - Michael McNaghten

Monday 23rd November 2015

Migration watch; 07.20 - 9.55hrs.
Another decrease in offshore action but still a productive November day!
On the move (north unless stated) were 5 Red-throated Diver + 3 south, 1 Black-throated Diver, 7 Gannet + 8 south, 1 Cormorant + 3 south, 3 Shag + 1 south, 3 Mallard south, 1 Eider, 4 Goldeneye + 1 south, 1 Goosander, 1 Pomarine Skua, 4 Black-headed Gull + 6 south, 4 Common Gull + 42 south, 1 Kittwake and 57 Auk sp.
In the Long Nab area there were 48 Golden Plover, 3 Snipe, 1 Short-eared Owl, 60 Linnet, 5 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Lapland Bunting, 15 Yellowhammer and 13 Reed Bunting.
Scalby Lodge Pond attracted 34 Teal, 10 Wigeon, 2 Lapwing, 1 Dunlin, 26 Pied Wagtail and 55+ Starling, Scalby Mills was very quiet however a Black-throated Diver was out in North Bay.
The only Little Auk of the day was seen off Marine Drive as were 3 Red-throated Diver and 12 Shag.
The Harbour held 4 Black-necked Grebe and a smart juvenile Iceland Gull in the afternoon only.
Yesterdays Black-throated Diver was still in South Bay, a Red Kite flew east over Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) at 11.35hrs, 2 Whooper Swan, Little Egret, Goosander, Pintail, 6 Dunlin, 40 Lapwing, 32 Teal, 700+ Common Gull, 300+ Starling and 7 Egyptian Geese (including three surviving juveniles) and a Willow Tit was at Seamer Tip as were 40 Linnet and a Woodcock.

Iceland Gull - Harbour - Steve Wignill, the nice November run continues.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Sunday 22nd November 2015

Migration watch; 07.10 - 12.20hrs.
A slower day over the sea but still interesting.
On the move (north unless stated) were 48 Red-throated Diver + 11 south, 1 Black-throated Diver, 1 Great Northern Diver south, 1 Red-necked Grebe, 1 Fulmar, 39 Gannet + 5 south, 12 Cormorant + 173 north, 6 Shag south, 1 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 2 Shelduck, 21 Wigeon, 32 Teal, 22 Mallard + 2 south, 16 Eider, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 153 Common Scoter, 32 Goldeneye, 3 Red-breasted Merganser, 60 Dunlin, 18 Black-headed Gull + 21 south, 38 Common Gull + 16 south, 24 Kittiwake, 3 Razorbill, 594 Auk sp + 6 south, 69 Little Auk + 1 south, 1 Grey Wagtail and 2 Starling + 5 north.
The area around the Harbour and South Bay produced many birds during the day with the highlights being 2 Great Crested Grebe, 4 Black-necked Grebe, a Black-throated Diver, a Teal and 8 Little Auk.
In off the sea there were 4 Starling, 2 Blackbird and a Snipe.
On Burton Riggs there were 15 Cormorant, 12 Gadwall and 4 Shoveler were at Seamer Tip, 10 Golden Plover were at Rudda Road Flash with another 16 at Long Nab.
Two Red-crested Pochard were at Wykeham South Lake and 16 Golden Plover were in the fields there.

Little Auk - Harbour - Michael McNaghten

Little Auks - Harbour - Michael McNaghten

Little Auk pausing along Marine Drive - Michael McNaghten

Black-necked Grebe - Harbour - Michael McNaghten

Black-throated Diver - South Bay - Terry Hobson

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Saturday 21st November 2015

Migration watch; 07.15 - 12.35hrs and 13.35 - 15.10hrs.
A very interesting day over the sea in gale force conditions.
On the move (north unless stated) were 10 Red-throated Diver + 5 south, 11 Gannet + 6 south, 3 Cormorant, 15 Shag south, 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 11 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 66 Wigeon, 13 Teal, 10 Mallard, 6 Tufted Duck, 1 Eider south, 2 Long-tailed Duck, 114 Common Scoter + 7 south, 4 Velvet Scoter, 47 Goldeneye, 5 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Goosander, 1 Knot, 2 Purple Sandpiper, 38 Dunlin, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Great Skua south, 191 Kittiwake + 32 south, 80 Guillemot, 1 Razorbill, 2 Auk sp and 48 Little Auk + 1 south.
A Lapland Bunting arrived in off the sea at Long Nab.
Up to 5 Black-necked Grebe were in the Harbour for most of the day, the latest ever Whinchat by over four weeks was found at Rudda Road Flash where there was an adult Mediterranean Gull.
A Jack Snipe was seen along Taylor Way.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Friday 20th November 2015

Migration watch; 08.15 - 12.20hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 3 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 1 Great Crested Grebe north, 1 Manx Shearwater north, 25 Whooper Swan, 4 Mallard, 4 Wigeon + 4 north, 2 Velvet Scoter, 1 Common Scoter + 3 north, 1 Goosander north, 3 Goldeneye + 3 north, 1 Lapwing, 1 Great Skua, 128 Wood Pigeon 20 Skylark, 2 Siskin and 2 Snow Bunting.
Good numbers of Thrushes and Woodcock arrived during the day, in off and through at Castle Hill were 5 Woodcock, 250+ Blackbird, 15 Fieldfare, 30 Redwing, 8 Song Thrush and 1 Snow Bunting, a Chiffchaff and a Woodcock were in the Open Air Theatre as were the 2 Water Rail, a Woodcock was flushed on Marvels and at Long Nab 8 Woodcock, 100 Blackbird, 40 Fieldfare, 2 Song Thrush and 10 Redwing arrived.
Elsewhere 4 Snow Bunting were at Stoupe Brown and 100 Golden Plover were on Seamer Carr.

A Humpback Whale was seen briefly off Long Nab.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Thursday 19th November 2015

The Whooper Swans just keep on coming with a further 99 heading south today along the coast along with a skein of 200 Pink-footed Geese.
In the Long Nab area there was no sign of the Shore Lark but a Mealy Redpoll with 12 Lesser Redpoll and 2 Snow Bunting.
A Jack Snipe, a Pink-footed Goose, the Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 12 Wigeon and 31 Curlew were at Scalby Lodge Pond, 2 Gadwall were on Johnson's Marsh and 2 Black-necked Grebe were still in the Harbour.
Eight Gadwall, 3 Shoveler and a Little Egret were at Seamer Tip.

Whooper Swans - Terry Hobson

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Wednesday 18th November 2015

Migration watch; 08.10 - 11.40hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver + 4 north, 1 Great Northern Diver, 72 Whooper Swan, 1 Greylag Goose, 11 Teal, 9 Common Scoter + 2 north, 1 Goldeneye, 2 Goosander north, 1 Pomarine Skua north, 1 Mediterranean Gull north, 7 Black-headed Gull + 13 north, 12 Common Gull, 29 Great Black-backed Gull, 14 Kittiwake north and 149 Auk sp north.
A SHORE LARK was the highlight at Long Nab, the first in the district for at least 5 years. It favoured the area on the ridge just to the south of the Hut.
Also in the area were 2 Snipe, 20 Skylark, 30 Meadow Pipit, 4 Rock Pipit, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Snow Bunting and a Short-eared Owl.
Elsewhere 2 Black-necked Grebe remained in the Harbour as did the Black Redstart, Purple Sandpiper numbers increased to 38, a juvenile Whooper Swan, 5 Tufted Duck, a Goosander and a Grey Wagtail were at the Mere, a Kingfisher was seen at Folkton and 18 Whooper Swan, 2 Egyptian Geese, 7 Goldeneye and a drake Red-crested Pochard were the highlights at Wykeham South Lake.
In the Seamer Tip area there were 7 Gadwall and 4 Shoveler while 2 Little Egret were on Seamer Mead. Three Whooper Swans flew west over Burton Riggs.

Shore Lark - Long Nab - Nick Addey

Shore Lark - Long Nab - Michael McNaghten

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Tuesday 17th November 2015

A Black Redstart was discovered in the Harbour and is only the second autumn record.
In the Harbour two Black-necked Grebe were present and was joined by a Guillemot while 33 Purple Sandpiper were roosting there.
Elsewhere a Short-eared Owl was hunting Scalby Nab, 138 Wigeon and 2 Goosander were at Scalby Mills, a Goldeneye was in North Bay and 97 Mallard and 12 Tufted Duck were on Peasholm Park.
Over North Bay 156 Pink-footed Geese flew south.

Black Redstart - Harbour - Steve Wignill

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Monday 16th November 2015

Migration watch; 08.00 - 13.40hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Great Northern Diver, 13 Gannet + 12 north, 1 Cormorant, 6 Shag, 22 Whooper Swan, 360 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Greylag Geese, 1 Goldeneye, 3 Golden Plover, 3 Great Skua, 32 Black-headed Gull, 12 Common Gull, 340 Herring Gull + 2 argentatus, 119 Great Black-backed Gull, 3 Kittiwake + 7 north, 4 Auk sp + 34 north, 595 Wood Pigeon, 2 Rock Pipit, 3 Alba, 1 Fieldfare in off, 9 Chaffinch, 23 Goldfinch, 6 Siskin, 1 Linnet, 3 Redpoll sp, 1 Mealy Redpoll by the Obs before leaving south and 3 Snow Bunting in off and south.
In the Long Nab area there were 4 Twite, 1 Lapland Bunting and 2 Snow Bunting.
Elsewhere the Black-necked Grebe was still in the Harbour, the Dark-bellied Brent Goose was again on Scalby Lodge Pond and at Wykeham South Lake there were 4 Whooper Swan, 137 Greylag Geese, 4 Egyptian Geese, 2 Pintail, 14 Gadwall, 2 drake Red-crested Pochard, 11 Pochard, 1 Goldeneye, 2 Dunlin and 11 Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Two Gadwall remained on Johnson's Marsh.

Sunday 15th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.05 - 12.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver north, 1 Great Northern Diver, 18 Gannet + 2 north, 3 Cormorant + 5 north, 108 Whooper Swan, 22 Pink-footed Geese, 1
Greylag Goose, 1 Arctic Skua, 146 Black-headed Gull, 69 Common Gull, 360 Herring Gull + 6 argentatus, 174 Great Black-backed Gull, 34 Kittiwake + 6 north, 22 Auk sp + 16 north and 4 Rock Pipit.
Three Black-necked Grebe were present, one in the Harbour and one in South Bay with another in Cayton bay along with 3 Goldeneye, 35 Whooper Swan were near Folkton Manor, a Great Northern Diver and 2 Red-throated Diver were on Cornelian Bay, a Stonechat was at Ravenscar, 23 Mistle Thrush were at Harwood Dale and 4 Goosander were on the Lake there.
A Merlin was seen on Flixton Carr, a Whooper Swan, a Kingfisher and 2 Chiffchaff were on the Mere and 2 Gadwall and 40 Teal were on Johnson's Marsh.

Saturday 14th November 2015

Migration watch; 10.15 - 11.50hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 5 Red-throated Diver, 1 Black-throated Diver, 1 Gannet, 2 Cormorant, 30 Whooper Swan, 1 Common Buzzard, 27 Black-headed Gull + 3 north, 5 Common Gull, 32 Herring Gull + 5 north, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Skylark, 1 Chaffinch, 2 Goldfinch and 1 Redpoll sp.
At Long Nab there was a drake Goosander on the sea, 1 Lapwing, 1 Snipe and 1 Lapland Bunting.
Two Black-necked Grebe were in the Harbour, 4 Shoveler and a Gadwall were at Seamer Tip, 22 Whooper Swans were on Folkton Carr, 14 were on Potter Brompton Carr before leaving to the south and being later replaced by five arriving from the north, also there were 94 Pink-footed Geese, 52 Wigeon, 1 Shoveler, 2 Snipe, a Golden Plover and 120 Fieldfare.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Friday 13th November 2015

Migration watch; 10.10 - 11.20hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Whooper Swan, 154 Pink-footed Geese, 7 Common Scoter, 3 Golden Plover, 8 Black-headed Gull, 3 Common Gull, 27 Herring Gull, 16 Great Black-backed Gull + 2 north and 1 Rock Pipit.
A single Black-necked Grebe was still present in the Harbour, a drake Red-crested Pochard remained on Burton Riggs along with 7 Gadwall and a Chiffchaff and 3 Shoveler and a Gadwall were on Seamer Tip pool.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Thursday 12th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.45 - 10.30hrs and 11.00 - 14.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 2 Cormorant + 1 north, 14 Whooper Swan, 105 Pink-footed Geese, 3 Greylag Goose, 1 Mallard, 30 Black-headed Gull + 1 north, 20 Common Gull, 97 Herring Gull + 12 north, 32 Great Black-backed Gull + 1 north, 2 Guillemot + 2 north, 8 Skylark, 3 Meadow Pipit, 1 Goldfinch, 8 Linnet, 1 Redpoll sp and 2 Snow Bunting.
In the Long Nab area were 1 Pink-footed Goose, 1 Snipe, 27 Skylark, 40 Meadow Pipit, 2 Lapland Bunting and 1 Snow Bunting.
Black-necked Grebes were seen in the Harbour and in South Bay where there was a Great Northern Diver, 2 Stonechat were at Cromer Point, 15 Ringed Plover, 17 Redshank and 2 Purple Sandpiper were in Jackson's Bay, 108 Wigeon were at Scalby Mills, the Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 18 Wigeon and 5 Teal were on Scalby Lodge Pond and 2 Water Rail were in the Open Air Theatre.
The 2 drake Red-crested Pochard and 9 Gadwall were on Burton Riggs and 3 Shoveler were at Seamer Tip where 29 Pink-footed Geese flew south.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Wednesday 11th November 2015

Migration watch; 10.10 - 12.10hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver, 1 Great Northern Diver, 5 Gannet, 9 Cormorant, 1 Pink-footed Goose, 2 Common Scoter, 10 Black-headed Gull, 11 Common Gull, 69 Herring Gull + 13 north, 19 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Guillemot north, 1 Goldfinch, 32 Siskin and 3 Reddpoll sp.
In the area were 3 Snipe, 9 Skylark and 7 Meadow Pipit.
Elsewhere the 2 drake Red-crested Pochard were at Burton Rggs, 4 Black-necked Grebes were seen, 1 in North Bay where there was also a Great Northern Diver, 1 in the Harbour and 2 in South Bay.
Three Jack Snipe and 1 Common Snipe were along Taylor Way, 5 Little Grebe were at Seamer Tip where 50 Pink-footed Geese. At Potter Brompton Carr there were 110 Lapwing, 4 Snipe, 5 Shoveler, 43 Wigeon and a Peregrine, 90 Pink-footed Geese were present briefly before heading off while another 220 headed over southwest and a Dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Scalby Mills.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Tuesday 10th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.20 - 09.25hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Cormorant, 1 Golden Plover, 3 Black-headed Gull, 12 Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Stock Dove, 26 Wood Pigeon, 4 Skylark, 7 Meadow Pipit, 1 Rock Pipit, 1 Alba, 2 Carrion Crow, 2 Starling, 14 Chaffinch, 170 Goldfinch, 194 Siskin, 57 Linnet, 3 Twite, 13 Redpoll sp and 3 Yellowhammer.
The three Black-necked Grebe were still present, 2 in South Bay and 1 in the Harbour where a Snow Bunting was present.
Two drake Red-crested Pochard and 4 Gadwall were at Burton Riggs, a Green Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl, 3 Brambling and a Chiffchaff were in the Seamer Tip area, a Marsh Harrier flew through there towards Flixton Carr and 2 Jack Snipe were along Taylor Way.
A Woodcock was flushed at Latter Gate Hills.

Monday 9th November 2015

Migration watch; 11.00 - 11.30hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 6 Gannet + 8 north, 2 Black-headed Gull + 1 north, 8 Common Gull, 35 Herring Gull, 21 Great Black-backed Gull and 3 Goldfinch.
The three Black-necked Grebe remained in South Bay with one venturing into the Harbour.
A Goosander, 9 Pink-footed Geese, a Shoveler, 2 Goldeneye and 5 Pochard were at Wykeham South Lake, another Goosander was at Scalby Mills and a Short-eared Owl was seen around Castle Hill.

Short-eared Owl - Castle Hill - Terry Hobson

Sunday 8th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.00 - 11.45hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 2 Red-throated Diver + 1 north, 17 Gannet + 11 north, 3 Cormorant + 1 north, 4 Whooper Swan, 14 Pink-footed Geese + 90 north, 9 Greylag Geese, 1 Wigeon north, 5 Common Scoter, 1 juvenile Hen Harrier south at 10.00hrs (only the third record in the Scarborough recording area this year! a very depressing statistic), 210 Lapwing, 1 Arctic Skua, 2 Great Skua, 35 Black-headed Gull, 30 Common Gull, 190 Herring Gull, 108 Great Black-backed Gull, 10 Kittiwake + 2 north, 6 Auk sp + 15 north, 1040 Wood Pigeon, 1 Skylark, 20 Meadow Pipit, 5 Rock Pipit, 1 Alba, 6 Starling + 10 north, 24 Tree Sparrow, 7 Chaffinch, 60 Goldfinch, 18 Siskin, 3 Linnet, 1 Twite and 3 Reed Bunting.
A Whooper Swan, 15 Skylark, 5 Blackbird, 5 Fieldfare and 1 Redwing were at Long Nab.
There were still three Black-necked Grebe in South Bay, a Gadwall and 64 Mallard were on Johnson's Marsh, 8 Whooper Swan, 5 Shoveler, 36 Wigeon and 16 Teal were on Potter Brompton Carr, 4 Goldeneye, 8 Pochard, 14 Gadwall, 1 Shoveler, 2 Little Grebe, 3 Great Crested Grebe and 58 Coot were on Wykeham South Lake and 38 Teal, 6 Grey Heron and 2 Snipe were on Johnson's Marsh.

Saturday 7th November 2015

Migration watch; 07.00 - 12.00hrs and 16.00 - 16.40hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 7 Red-throated Diver, 202 Gannet + 36 north, 1 Cormorant + 1 north, 1 Shag north, 6 Whooper Swan, 2 Mallard, 4 Common Scoter + 8 north, 62 Black-headed Gull + 1 north, 38 Common Gull + 1 north, 210 Herring Gull including 1 argentatus, 59 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Kittiwake + 6 north, 7 Guillemot + 2 north, 9 Auk sp + 13 north, 1 Rock Pipit, 10 Siskin, 2 Linnet and 2 Redpoll sp.
In the Long Nab area there was a Short-eared Owl, 1 Kingfisher, 2 Skylark, 28 Meadow Pipit, 2 Rock Pipit, 8 Blackbird, 2 Fieldfare, 1 Redwing, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Starling and 2 Lesser Redpoll.
At least three Black-necked Grebe remained in South Bay where there was a Red-throated Diver and a Common Scoter, 3 Shoveler were on the Mere, a Gadwall, 25 Teal, 8 Grey Heron and 2 Snipe were on Johnson's Marsh, 149 Wigeon were at Scalby Mills, a Grey Plover and 17 Ringed Plover were in Jackson's Bay, a Brent Goose was on Scalby Lodge Pond and 2 Kingfisher were on Peasholm Glen.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Friday 6th November 2015

Migration watch; 06.55 - 10.25hrs.
An amazing SIX BLACK-NECKED GREBE were found in South Bay, four hanging round off Olympia Leisure and two off the Harbour's West Pier.
On the move at Long Nab (south unless stated) were 4 Red-throated Diver, 82 Gannet + 15 north, 5 Cormorant, 11 Whooper Swan, 14 Greylag Geese, 1 Gadwall, 6 Mallard, 2 Golden Plover, 43 Lapwing, 50 Black-headed Gull, 23 Common Gull, 8 Great Black-backed Gull, 18 Skylark, 21 Meadow Pipit, 4 Rock Pipit, 1 Alba, 1 Fieldfare, 8 Chaffinch, 12 Goldfinch, 9 Siskin and 4 Linnet.
In the Long Nab area there were 7 Snipe, 30 Skylark, 7 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Goldcrest, 5 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Brambling, 16 Siskin, 2 Bullfinch, 4 Yellowhammer, 6 Reed Bunting and 1 Corn Bunting.
A Short-eared Owl was seen over South Bay, more Red-crested Pochard were found with two drakes on Wykeham South Lake where there were also 7 Shoveler, 15 Gadwall, 1 Goldeneye, 20 Wigeon, 8 Pochard, 8 Teal, 112 Mallard, 1 Little Grebe and 3 Great Crested Grebe while the pair of Red-crested Pochard were still at Burton Riggs where there were also 4 Gadwall, 1 Pochard and 1 Goosander.
On Johnson's Marsh there were 34 Teal and 4 Snipe.

Black-necked Grebe - South Bay - Terry Hobson

Black-necked Grebe - South Bay - Dave Mansell

Friday, 6 November 2015

Thursday 5th November 2015

The pair of Red-crested Pochard had today moved to Seaner Tip large pool where there were 5 Pochard and a Gadwall, also in the Seamer Tp area were 15 Lesser Redpoll and singles of Whooper Swan and Green Sandpiper.
Three Gadwall and a Pochard were on Burton Riggs and 70 Siskin were along Prospect Mount Road.

Wedneday 4th November 2015

Migration watch; 08.30 - 11.35hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 4 Red-throated Diver, 10 Gannet + 6 north, 1 Pink-footed Goose, 6 Wigeon, 3 Mallard north, 1 Arctic Skua north, 11 Black-headed Gull, 35 Common Gull, 12 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Auk sp, 3 Skylark, 3 Meadow Pipit, 2 Rock Pipit, 4 Starling on off and south, 7 Chaffinch, 1 Brambling, 1 Snow Bunting and 1 Reed Bunting.
A Snipe, 10 Skylark, 35 Meadow Pipit, 4 Rock Pipit, 1 Stonechat, 13 Blackbird, 9 Fieldfare, 7 Song Thrush, 1 Goldcrest, 8 Yellowhammer and 10 Reed Bunting were in the Long Nab area.
Six Snipe and 6 Jack Snipe were along Taylor Way, a Stonechat, 2 Whooper Swan, a Pochard and a Merlin were seen at nearby Seamer Tip, 2 Red-crested Pochard, 16 Tufted Duck, 2 Wigeon and a Shoveler were at Burton Riggs and on the Mere there were 8 Gadwall, 36 Mallard, 1 Shoveler, 5 Pochard, 2 Tufted Duck, 32 Mute Swan, 31 Moorhen and a Kingfisher.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Tuesday 3rd November 2015

Migration watch; 13.30 - 15.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 850 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Teal north, 3 Mallard and 3 Shoveler.
A Great Northern Diver was feeding off Marine Drive, 9 Whooper Swan, 18 Pochard and 3 Shoveler were at Seamer Tip and 2 Kingfisher were off the skate park with another present in the Harbour.

Whooper Swans - Seamer Tip - Terry Hobson

Pochard - Seamer Tip - Terry Hobson

Monday 2nd November 2015

Migration watch; 08.10 - 14.00hrs.
On the move (south unless stated) were 1 Gannet + 7 north, 2 Cormorant + 1 north, 1 Whooper Swan, 1935 Pink-footed Geese, 21 Greylag Geese, 6 Mallard, 5 Goosander, 132 Golden Plover, 3 Lapwing, 110 Black-headed Gull, 34 Common Gull, 220 Herring Gull, 13 Great Black-backed Gull, 25 Skylark, 4 Meadow Pipit, 7 Rock Pipit, 4 Alba, 30 Starling + 33 north, 29 Chaffinch, 133 Siskin, 9 Linnet, 1 Redpoll sp and 1 Reed bunting.
There was no sign of the Richard's Pipits today but there were 15 Skylark, 2 Rock Pipit, 19 Robin, 4 Blackbird, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Song Thrush, 3 Redwing, 1 Chiffchaff and 7 Reed Bunting.
A Great Grey Shrike remained at Lun Rigg, Langdale Forest, a Snow Bunting was at Stoupe Brow, a Whooper Swan remained at Burton Riggs while another was at Seamer Tip. Chiffchaffs were seen in Crossgates, at Long Nab and on Castle Hill were a Blackcap was also present.

Pink-footed Geese on the move south - Terry Hobson

Sunday 1st November 2015

Migration watch; 06.50 - 13.00hrs.
A good day at Long Nab!
On the move (south unless stated) were 11 Cormorant + 2 north, 6 Shag, 760 Pink-footed Geese, 1 Goose sp, 1 Goosander north, 40 Golden Plover, 120 Lapwing + 1 north, 1 Greenshank, 80 Black-headed Gull, 25 Common Gull, 32 Skylark, 14 Meadow Pipit, 7 Rock Pipit, 1 Grey Wagtail, 4 Alba, 1 Blackbird, 285 Starling + 77 north, 6 Tree Sparrow, 76 Chaffinch, 1 Brambling, 16 Goldfinch, 360 Siskin, 11 Linnet, 6 Twite, 3 Redpoll sp, 6 Snow Bunting and 15 Reed Bunting.
Present there were 1 Merlin, 4 Snipe, 1 Short-eared Owl, 30 Skylark, 2 Richard's Pipit, 1 Water Pipit, 6 Rock Pipit and 8 Blackbird.
Elsewhere 62 Mallard, 16 Teal, a Wigeon and a Little Grebe were on Johnson's Marsh.

Saturday 31st October 2015

Migration watch; 15.40 - 16.40hrs.
A quiet day at Long Nab, a Greenfinch headed south, the 2 Richard's Pipit were still present and 17 Magpie went to roost there.
Three Green Sandpiper and a Green Woodpecker were seen in the area around Seamer Tip, 16 Skylark flew south at Ravenscar, 5 Whooper Swan remained on Harwood Dale Lake, 1 Woodcock, 3 Snipe, 3 Jack Snipe, 17 Lesser Redpoll and 15 Siskin were along Taylor Way and 600 Lapwing, 300 Starling and a Kingfisher were on Willerby Carr.

Friday 30th October 2015

A rather quiet day, the 9 Whooper Swan were still at Harwood Dale Lake, with another still at Burton Riggs where there were 5 Goldeneye. A Short-eared Owl was at Seamer Tip, 16 Pink-footed Geese flew south over Town, 20 Blackbird, 2 Chiffchaff and a Coal Tit were on Castle Hill, 3 Snipe were on Johnson's Marsh and a Pochard was on the small pond along Barmoor Lane, Scalby.

Thursday 29th October 2015

The highlight of the day was the continued presence of the 2 Richard's Pipit at Long Nab.
Elsewhere 9 Whooper Swan were on Harwood Dale Lake, 3 Goldeneye were at Seamer Tip where 30 Golden Plover flew west. Nearby 4 Jack Snipe were along Taylor Way.
Another two Whooper Swan was on Burton Riggs, 11 Golden Plover and 2 Fieldfare were on Howdale Moor, 150 Lapwing were at Stoupe Brow, a Wheatear, a Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were on Castle Hill and a Woodcock was by the Woodend Museum.