Sunday, 9 April 2023

Sunday 9th April

 Seamer Tip Pool hosted a pair of Shoveler and a single House Martin, 4+ Barn Swallow and nine Sand Martin. A Barn Owl hunted nearby. Pairs of Lesser Black-backed Gulls had returned to The Open Air Theatre and Gladstone Street. The pair of Garganey was still present at Harwood Dale Lake and a Green Woodpecker was calling there. A first male Common Redstart of spring was on the north side of the Castle Headland below the plateau along with a fall of six Chiffchaffs. A Barnacle Goose was with four Canada Geese at the motor cycle track at Seamer Tip, a Blackcap was singing nearby and a Willow Warbler was singing at Taylor Way. Seamer Road Mere hosted at least five Blackcaps, three Treecreepers, seven Wrens and an unstated number of Chiffchaffs. At Wykeham lakes complex (North Yorkshire Water Park) this morning, there were 20 Mute Swans, three Gadwall, four Goldeneye, one Pochard, three Common Scoter (a pair on the Water Sports Lake and a drake on East Lake), one House Martin, 31 Chiffchaff, five Willow Warbler and four Blackcap. Two Stonechat territories now at Long Nab, one female nest building today.

House Martin at Seamer Tip Pool by Stephen Beaver.

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