Thursday 18 January 2024

Thursday 18th January

 Two Russian White-fronted Geese were new in at North Yorkshire Water Park today. Both the adult male and first-winter Smews were still on the Water Sports Lake, the Red-throated Diver still present, also 2 Goosanders, 20 Goldeneye, 30 Wigeon, 39 Teal, 22 Gadwall, 4 Pochard, 6 Common and 4 Jack Snipe. The gull roost on East Lake had 180 Black-headed, 1400 Common, 24 Gbb, 380 Herring, and a first-winter Caspian Gull. Three Willow Tits, 30 Crossbills in Wykeham Forest. Four Purple Sandpipers, and a Goosander at Scalby Mills. Two Goosanders, 2 Little Grebes, 40 Mallard at Burton Riggs. At Castle Hill 45 Blackbirds, 2 Redwing there. The Great Northern Diver, and 3 Red-throated Divers, Shag, and Mediterranean Gull in South Bay. Five mobile Waxwings in Burniston.

The first-winter Smew at NY Water Park - Stephen Beaver 

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