Monday, 18 April 2022

Monday 18th April

A Green Sandpiper was at Johnson's Marsh early morning and a second calendar year Iceland Gull and a Hooded Crow flew south at Long Nab following the cliffs. A Lesser Whitethroat was at Seamer Tip opposite the motor cycle track and a Sedge Warbler and Common Whitethroat were on the eastern side of the tip where a male Ring Ouzel flew over.A further Sedge Warbler was by New Dike and two further Common Whitethroats were on the south side of the Tip. A count of 60 Carrion Crows was also recorded at the Tip. A Green Woodpecker was at Bridestones this morning. 20 Sandwich Terns and a Mute Swan were in Cayton Bay and three Northern Wheatear and a pair of Northern Shoveler were at Gristhorpe. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing at Scalby Mills. At Wykeham South Lake (Water Park), a remarkable 28 Willow Warblers were singing. Two Common Whitethroats were also recorded there. A further two Willow Warblers were at the Match Lake nand four Little Ringed Plovers, four Lesser Black backed Gulls and a Kingfisher were at East Lake. A flock of 26 Barnacle Geese south past Marine Drive was an unusual seasonal sighting.
Photo by Iain Leadley.


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