Thursday, 28 April 2022

Thursday 28th April

TThe first Cuckoo of spring was seen at Fylingdales today but the surprise of the day was the appearance of a Hawfinch at a garden feeder on Scalby Road. A Marsh Harrier flew south high over South Cliff this morning and the pair of Garganey was still at Wykeham South Lake (Water Park). Plenty of hirundines of all three species, two Egyptian Geese and four Teal were also present. A male Yellow Wagtail was present in a field on Long Lane, Crossgates and a single Fieldfare was just south of Cloughton Station with a COmmon Buzzard nearby. A Grasshopper Warbler was in song at Seamer Road Mere and a Pale -bellied Brent Gosse was still present at Scalby Mills along with a singing Lesser Whitethroat near to the NB Railway terminus. A Dipper and a House Martin were also present there. A single Common Tern flew north at Long Nab this morning and a Whimbrel and Lesser Whitethroat were present there. Amongst a good selection of birds at Dalby Haygate this morning, there were two Tree Pipits, 14 Song Thrushes, three Great Spotted and one Green Woodpecker and a Marsh Tit.
Hawfinch by JanandGary Powell.

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