Saturday, 8 October 2022

Saturday 8th October 2022

 Today's local bird sightings as follows;

Seamer Tip Pools, Common Buzzard and Kestrel (as Facebook), plus a Shovellor, 2 Wigeon a Teal, 120 ( at 10.48 am) and 100 ( at 11.09 am) Pink Footed Geese south and a Barnacle Goose.

Scalby Mills, 13 Whooper Swans and 30 ( at 9.30 am) Pink Footed Geese south, plus the Geese from Long Nab (at 10.00 am ) , 2 Grey and 1 Pied Wagtail plus a Rock pipit. Later in  the afternoon, 12 Ringed Plover, 45 Wigeon and 2 Sandwich Tern feeding in the bay, then flew south.

Seamer Road Mere, (as Facebook) Kingfisher.

Hutton Buscel, 125 (at 10.51 am ) Pink footed Geese south and (as Facebook) 3 Red Kite and 10 -15 Common Buzzard.

Jackson's Bay, a Puffin, a Bar Tailed Godwit, a Mediterranean Gull, plus a Blackcap and Goldcrest as Scalby Nab

Croosgates, skeins of 90 (at 10.45 am) and 200 (11.10 am) Pink Footed Geese south.

Cayton Bay, 70 Pink Footed Geese south (10.03 am)

Long Nab, slow sea watch, but 80 (at 9.50 am) Pink Footed Geese south and 14 Bottle Nose Dolphins north.

Note time of Pink Footed Geese added as presume some of the skeins of Geese are the same.

Ringed Plover at Scalby Mills by Chris Bell

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