Monday, 29 August 2022

Monday 29th August

 Favourable sea watching conditions this morning resulted in some excellent sightings. Juvenile Long-tailed Skuas flew north past Long Nab Obs at 0800hrs and 0845hrs. A third juvenile Long-tailed Skua flew north past Marine Drive at 1042hrs. Also north past Marine Drive this morning were two Sooty Shearwaters and five Great Skuas. A Red-necked Grebe and 13 Arctic Skuas (+2N) passed south. Passing Long Nab Obs throughout the day were 11 Red-throated Divers, three Sooty Shearwaters, one cream crowned Marsh Harrier, 4,470 Gannets (2,699 S), 13 Bar-tailed Godwits, two Little Gulls, one Mediterranean Gull, 30 Arctic Skuas and 15 Great Skuas. A Mediterranean Gull, Sparrowhawk and four Common Scoter were noted at Holbeck and six Sand Martins flew though Seamer Tip Pool area with other hirundines. Finally, a Wryneck flew through an open window at the United Sports Bar which is above the Cowshed in St. Thomas Street. Fortunately it was in good health and released on its way by the finders.

Stonechat by Simon Temlett.

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