Sunday, 19 January 2014

Saturday 18th January 2014

At Wykeham South Lake were 3 Great Crested Grebe, 129 Mallard, 13 Teal, 54 Wigeon, 6 Goldeneye, 1 Pochard, 21 Tufted Duck, 16 Coot and 111 Lapwing, a Little Egret was at Folkton Carr, 4 Common Buzzard and a Kingfisher were at Ellerburn, 40 Skylark, 3 Lapland Bunting, 2 Snow Bunting and 15 Yellowhammer were at Long Nab and 2 Tufted Duck were on Johnson's Marsh.
On the move at Long Nab (south unless stated) were 6 Red-throated Diver north, 29 Fulmar + 6 north, 144 Gannet + 3 north, 8 Cormorant + 4 north, 97 Wigeon, 1 Eider, 2 Common Scoter north, 51 Black-headed Gull, 40 Common Gull, 872 Herring Gull, 68 Great Black-backed Gull and 2 Guillemot.

Lapland Bunting, Long Nab - Anthony Capuano

Little Egret, Folkton Carr - John Harwood

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