Monday, 7 July 2014

Sunday 6th July 2014

A slower day for passage but a watch at Long Nab still produced the following (south unless stated) 1 Red-throated Diver, 1 Black-throated Diver in breeding plumage, 4 Fulmar + 18 north, 88 Manx Shearwater north, 385 Gannet + 218 north, 1 Cormorant + 2 north, 4 Common Scoter + 56 north, 3 Curlew + 1 north, 12 Redshank, 8 Black-headed Gull, 3 Common Gull north, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 16 Sandwich Tern + 12 north, and 5 Puffin + 4 north.
Elsewhere a few bits had been grounded by the rain, 4 Garganey were the Highlight at Wykeham South Lake though they were only present for a short time before being flushed by thunder! Also there were 13 Teal, 17 Lapwing, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Common Sandpiper and 2 Redshank as well as 2 Black-tailed Godwit that flew south.
Rudda Road Flash held 7 Lapwing, 1 Dunlin and 1 Redshank and 2 Egyptian Geese, 2 Dunlin and 7 Snipe were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access).

Dunlin, Potter Brompton Carr - Chris Bradshaw

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