Saturday, 23 September 2017

Saturday 16th September 2017

Today was another day when all the news collected came from those seawatching from Long Nab or Marine Drive.

At Long Nab today just over 10 hours of seawatching gave rise to the following counts 44 Brent Geese (4 S, 40 N), 131 Wigeon (N), 3 Pintail (N), 120 Teal (N), 6 Tufted Duck (N), 2 Scaup (N), 124 Common Scoter (4 S, 120 N), 27 Red-throated Divers (17 S, 10 N), 383 Fulmars (3 S, 380 N), 84 Sooty Shearwaters (N), 103 Manx Shearwaters (N), 98 Kittiwake (N), 9 Sandwich Tern (N), 2 Common Terns (N), 3 Arctic Terns (N), 22 Comic Terns (N), 44 Great Skuas (10 S, 34 N), 48 Arctic Skuas (39 S, 9 N), a juvenile Long-tailed Skua (N), 2 Puffin (1 N, 1 S), a Short-eared Owl came in off the sea at 17.05 and continued west and 8 Swallows (N) plus c50 Sandwich Terns in Burniston Bay.

From Marine Drive there were 10 Brent Geese (N), 44 Common Scoter (N), 4 Red-throated Divers (S), 2 Storm Petrel (N), 5 Sooty Shearwaters (N), 8 Manx Shearwater (N), a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull (N) moving slowly, 6 Sandwich Terns (N), Arctic Tern just off Marine Drive and on the sea defences, 8 Great Skuas (1 S, 7 N including a group of 5 together) and 2 Arctic Skuas (S).

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