Saturday, 23 September 2017

Sunday 17th September 2017

Another day of seawatching at Long Nab produced the following counts of 2 Brent Geese (N), a Barnacle Goose (S), 247 Wigeon (5 S, 242 N), 4 Shoveler (N), 5 Pintail (N), 227 Teal (36 S, 191 N), a Scaup (N), a Velvet Scoter (N), 509 Common Scoter (7 S, 502 N), 91 Red-throated Divers (73 S, 18 N), 335 Fulmars (N), 27 Sooty Shearwaters (N), 71 Manx Shearwaters (1 S, 70 N), a Red-necked Grebe (N), 3 Curlew (N), 4 Dunlin (N), 2014 Kittiwakes (4 S, 2010 N), a juvenile Sabine’s Gull (N) at 09.38, a juvenile Little Gull (N), a 2cy Mediterranean Gull (N), 3 Sandwich Terns (2 S, 1 N), 6 Common Terns (N), 26 Arctic Terns (N), 21 ‘Comic’ Terns (N), 13 Great Skuas (2 S, 11 N), 58 Arctic Skuas (3 S, 55 N), 2 juvenile Long-tailed Skuas (N) one at 07.56 and the other at 10.07, 18 Swallows (N) and 2 House Martins (N).

Elsewhere, on South Cliff there were 2 Swifts, 4 Stonechats and a Wheatear; a couple of Stonechats by the Obs at Long Nab; a Dipper and 30 Sandwich Terns at Scalby Mills and finally 35 Goldcrests, a marked arrival, in the Hood Lane/Roger Trod area late this afternoon.

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