Friday, 3 July 2020

Friday 3rd July

A flock of 90 Common Scoter flew north past Marine Drive early this morning, with a total of 303 heading north and 39 south. Also recorded there were 2 Curlew south and 29 in from the east, a Bar-tailed Godwit also in from the east, and a Dunlin and 23 Redshank south. 21 Curlew were on Black Rocks, as were 5 Mediterranean Gulls - 2 adults and 3 first summer birds. At Northstile pool there were 2 Green Sandpipers, and on Johnson's Marsh a second-brood Coot chick still survives, the first brood having been predated. Passing Long Nab were 549 Common Scoter, a Whimbrel, 54 Curlew, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 26 Redshank, a third calendar year Mediterranean Gull, 17 Common Gulls, an intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull and a Great Skua.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Starlings - Chris Dalton

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