Friday 24 May 2024

Friday 24th May

 A female and two male Red-backed Shrikes at Yons Nab, Gristhorpe Bay this evening, also a Whimbrel and 3 Spotted Flycatchers. The female Red-backed Shrike was still at Long Nab, inland of Crook Ness, this morning, but absent this evening. Also a late Snipe, and a female Wheatear there. The male Red-backed Shrike again by Cromer Point Water Treatment this eve. The Osprey was again at North Yorkshire Water Park. A Short-eared Owl at Ravenscar golf course. A Whinchat and Spotted Flycatcher at Eller Beck, Fylingdales. A flock of 140 Starlings at Blue Dolphin caravan park. a Hobby flew over Burniston. Two Little Ringed Plover at East Lake, NY Water Park. A drake Wigeon at Johnson's Marsh. A Hooded Crow flew north past Castle Hill, a Spotted Flycatcher on the Castle tops. Nightjars present a Givendale and Harwood Dale Forest.

Bullfinch nest building Cayton Bay - Paul Tozer.

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