Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday 23rd May.

 An influx of five Red-backed Shrikes today! Three at Long Nab (a male and two females), a male at Cromer Point, and a female at Cloughton Wyke. South past Long Nab were 2 Barnacle Geese, 269 Swifts, 91 Swallows, and 274 House Martins. A Ringed Plover flew north. A Ringed Plover was at Lebberston Flash. Ravenscar surprisingly did not have any shrikes, a Spotted Flycatcher, Yellow Wagtail, and 65 House Martins. Two Whinchats were at Castle Hill, also a male Stonechat feeding 2+ young at the base of the cliffs. A Sanderling at North Yorkshire Water Park, also 3 Dunlin and 2 LRP. Potter Brompton Carr had 3 Greenshank, Dunlin, a pair of Garganey, 8 Little Egrets, Yellow Wagtail, and 180+ Swifts. 

Female Red-backed Shrike Long Nab - Nick Addey

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