Tuesday 14 May 2024

Tuesday 14th May

 The Temminck's Stint was again at Lebberston Flash, still present at 18.30 hrs. Also 3 Redshank there, and a Hobby drifted west.  A Quail was calling at Potter Brompton Carr, a pair of Garganey and 3 Little Egrets. South at Long Nab were Hooded Crow, 5 Little Egrets, and a Marsh Harrier. North past were Golden Plover, 2 Turnstone, and 4 Ringed Plovers.  A Cetti's Warbler at Burton Riggs, a Herring Gull nesting on the island there. A Wood Sandpiper, and Common Sandpiper at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. 

Whinchat Jugger Howe yesterday - Phil Bennett.

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