Friday 3 May 2024

Friday 3rd May

 A Hooded Crow flew south at Long Nab late morning. Migrants there included a female Ring Ouzel at Pipe Gully, a male Pied Flycatcher at the ringing plantation, male Whinchat at the cover crop hedge, also 2 Wheatears and 17 Whitethroats. A Tree Pipit at Cornelian Bay, Willow Tit still present there. Six Whimbrel and 10 Curlews at Cayton Carr. At North Yorkshire Water Park, a Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper at East Lake, also 4 Reed Warblers. The pair of Garganey were still at Potter Brompton Carr, also 3 Shoveler, 3 Shelduck, 3 Little Egrets, a Great White Egret, and 7 Sedge Warblers. A Common Sandpiper at Johnson's Marsh. In the May Beck area; Cuckoo, 3 male Redstarts, Tree Pipit, male Whinchat, and Green Woodpecker.

Swallow Cloughton - Stephen Beaver.

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