Monday 27 May 2024

Monday 27th May

 The Osprey was again at North Yorkshire Water Park, also a Red Kite and Hobby. 87 active Sand Martin nest holes at East Lake. A Reed Warbler was singing in "Trough Gully", Scalby Lodge, and an Osprey circled Jackson's Bay early afternoon before circling high north past Long Nab. It was later seen again over Jackson's Bay. Also past Long Nab were 3 Short-eared Owls, 2 Marsh Harriers, 2 Hobby, 4 Little Egrets, and 301 Swifts south. A Pink-footed Goose flew north with greylags there. Two Spotted Flycatchers at Turkey Carpet. 

Osprey North Yorkshire Water Park - Stephen Beaver.

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