Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday18th May

 A first-summer Pallid Harrier was photographed near East Ayton today, no further details. A male Red-backed Shrike was in South Bay, in brambles below Holbeck car park (still present late afternoon). 27 Whitethroats back on territory at Long Nab. A singing Turtle Dove at Yondhead Rigg, Dalby Forest. A Honey Buzzard from Wykeham Forest Raptor Viewpoint. A Hobby flew north at Scalby Lodge, and a Common Sandpiper on the beach near Cromer Point. A Red-throated Diver and drake Eider on the sea there. The Cetti's Warbler still at Cayton Bay. 

Pallid Harrier East Ayton - Mandy Gregory.

Red-backed Shrike South Bay - Chris Bradshaw

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