Thursday, 7 August 2014

Wednesday 6th August 2014

Migration watch; 05.35 - 13.45hrs.
A good day of passage over the sea produced the following; (south unless stated) 11 Fulmar, 23 Manx Shearwater + 6 north, 933 Gannet + 77 north, 2 Cormorant, 1 Shag north, 18 Teal + 7 north, 4 Common Scoter + 273 north, 1 Velvet Scoter, 496 Oystercatcher, 67 Knot, 3 Dunlin, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 56 Whimbrel, 24 Curlew, 1 Arctic Skua + 1 north, 1 Black-headed Gull, 9 Common Gull, 64 Sandwich Tern + 6 north, 10 Common Tern, 4 Arctic Tern, 2 Little Tern at 12.22hrs and at 13.02hrs, 3 Auk sp and 2 Puffin.

Oystercacthers on the move - Michael McNaghten

A distant record shot of one of the largest Oystercatcher flocks - Michael McNaghten

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