Sunday, 26 October 2014

Monday 20th October 2014

Migration watch; 07.20 - 12.05hrs.
An interesting day at Long Nab produced the following; (south unless stated) 12 Red-throated Diver + 9 north, 43 Gannet + 1 north, 3 Cormorant + 1 north, 3 Teal, 1 Eider north, 4 Common Scoter + 4 north, 265 Little Gull + 18 north, 284 Black-headed Gull + 3 north, 126 Common Gull, 322 Herring Gull, 55 Great Black-backed Gull, 13 Kittiwake, 8 Auk sp + 17 north, 8 Skylark, 5 Meadow Pipit, 36 Rock Pipit, 3 Alba, 5 Starling, 10 Tree Sparrow, 6 Goldfinch, 47 Linnet and 21 Twite.
Elsewhere a Great Grey Shrike was by the Roadside near Spikers Farm before flying west towards at Yedmandale Farm at 08.30hrs.
Four Whooper Swan, 244 Greylag Geese and a Pink-footed Goose were at Wykeham South Lake, 7 Whooper wan were near the Flash Inn and 2 were at Harwood Dale Lake, 40 Lapwing and a Fieldfare were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access) and a Chiffchaff was in north Bay.

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