Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tuesday 14th October 2014

Migration watch; 07.15 - 18.00hrs.
Finally a few migrants arrived and the sea was a little busier.
Migrants between Long Nab and Castle Hill were 1 Kestrel, 4 Snipe, 1 Jack Snipe (Long Nab), 1 Long-eared Owl (Crook Ness), 8 Rock Pipit, 46 Robin, 1 Wheatear (Long Nab), 1 Stonechat, 60 Blackbird, 38 Song Thrush, 109 Redwing, 1 Fieldfare (Castle), 1 Ring Ouzel (Castle Hill), 11 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, 145 Goldcrest, 1 Firecrest (Crook Ness), 1 Red-breasted Flycatcher (Long Nab), 30 Starling, 15 Chaffinch, 12 Brambling, 1 Redpoll sp, Lapland Bunting (Long Nab) and 4 Reed Bunting.
On the move (north unless stated) were 8 Red-throated Diver + 15 south, 7 Fulmar, 15 Sooty Shearwater, 69 Manx Shearwater, 503 Gannet + 129 south, 2 Cormorant south, 1 Shag south, 90 Pink-footed Geese3 Dark-bellied Brent Geese south, 3 Pale-bellied Brent Geese + 3 south, 2 Shelduck, 165 Wigeon, 1 Gadwall, 47 Teal + 5 south, 1 Pintail, 1 Tufted Duck, 30 Eider + 5 south, 91 Common Scoter, 4 Velvet Scoter, 4 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Golden Plover south, 2 Curlew + 14 south, 3 Pomarine Skua + 3 south, 1 Arctic Skua south, 8 Great Skua + 10 south, 103 Little Gull + 1 south, 3 Black-headed Gull + 2 south, 105 Kittiwake, 3 Sandwich Tern, 2 Arctic Tern, 276 Auk sp + 3 south and 1 Puffin.
In the Harbour there were 7 Purple Sandpiper, 1 Ringed Plover and 1 Guillemot.

Long-eared Owl, Crook Ness - Chris Bradshaw

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