Sunday, 22 October 2017

Sunday 8th October 2017

Long Nab was again the centre of records again today and included 184 Pink-footed Geese (182 S, 2N), 96 Barnacle Geese (5 S, 91 N), 87 Teal N, a Tufted Duck (N), 154 Common Scoter (8 S, 146 N), 6 Red-breasted Mergansers (S), 23 Red-throated Divers (8 S, 15 N), 14 Lapwing (S), 2 Golden Plover (S), a Snipe (in off), an adult Little Gull (N), an Arctic Skua (N), 2 Stock Doves (S), a ♀ Merlin (S), 11 Skylarks (S), 13 Meadow Pipits (S), 25 Rock Pipits (8 S, 17 N),  Also seen in the Long Nab area today were 2 Grey Heron, a Woodcock, a Jack Snipe, 4 Snipe, a Stock Dove, 2 Barn Owls, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Kestrels, 6 Coal Tits, 6 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tits, 60 Skylarks, 7 Chiffchaffs, 7 Yellow-browed Warblers including 2 at Crook Ness and 2 at Cliff Top House, a Blackcap, a Garden Warbler, 18 Goldcrests, 48 Blackbirds, 6 Redwings, 12 Song Thrushes, 45 Robins, 3 Stonechats, 25 Tree Sparrows, 14 Dunnocks, 30 Meadow Pipits, 5 Rock Pipits, 60 Chaffinches, 4 Bramblings, 7 Reed Buntings.

There were also 2 Yellow-browed Warblers on Castle Hill and another was seen at Cornelian Bay. 2 Ravens were seen over the Ravens Hall Hotel; an Osprey flew south past Ellerburn Bank towards the Trout Farm at 13.00 and a ringtail Harrier, probably a Hen Harrier, was seen from a car 2Km north of RAF Fylingdales this afternoon.

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