Friday, 20 October 2017

Thursday 5th October 2017

Most of the news today came from the intrepid observers at Long Nab and Marine Drive and the counts were as follows. From Long Nab today between 07.10 and 12.10 we had 3 Pink-footed Geese (2 S, 1 N), a Pale-bellied Brent Goose (N), 7 Whooper Swans (S), a Tufted Duck (N), 8 Common Scoter (S), 26 Red-throated Divers (11 S, 15 N), a Great Northern Diver (S), 10 Great Skua (S), 5 Arctic Skua (S), 11 Guillemots (2 S, 9 N) and 3 Swallows (2 S, 1 N), there were also 15 Pink-footed Geese and a 2cy Mediterranean Gull in the area. Off Marine Drive this evening between 17.10 and 18.10 6 Teal (N), 2 Red-breasted Mergansers (S), a Red-throated Diver (S), 2 Manx Shearwaters (N), a Snipe (N), 12 Dunlin (N) and 2 Arctic Skuas (S).

At Wykeham South Lake this morning a Peregrine flew through; at Scalby Lodge Pond we had 9 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Stonechats and a little further afield 75 Pink-footed Geese went south over Thornton Carr at 18.30.

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