At Seamer Road mere today there were 42 Tufted Duck, a female Goldeneye, 3 Goosander, a Teal, 5 Little Grebes, 2 Water Rail and 2 Chiffchaffs. A Green Sandpiper was seen at Thornton Carrs, plus 100+ Fieldfares and 20+ Yellowhammers. 15+ White-fronted Geese were seen at Brompton Carr before flying off towards Wykeham South Lake. Potter Brompton Carr hosted a Water Rail, Shelduck, 60+ Wigeon, 30+ Teal, 3 Snipe, a male Peregrine, 80+ Tree Sparrows, and 22 Yellowhammers. Also seen there were 400+ Lapwing flying west and 88 Pink-footed Geese flying south-west. There was again a Great White Egret at Seamer Tip pool, while at Scalby Mills there was a pair of Goldeneye, and in the harbour there were 20 Purple Sandpipers.
Tufted Duck - Beverley Senturk |
Mute Swans - Paul Malton |
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