Tuesday 24 March 2015

Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd March 2015

Migration watch; 06.30 - 10.40hrs.
A very quiet day on 21st with no reports was followed by a slow but interesting day on 22nd.
Past Long Nab, south unless stated, were 1 Red-throated Diver + 5 north, 2 Fulmar + 42 north, 36 Gannet + 93 north, 11 Cormorant + 4 north, 1 Grey Heron north, 3 Shelduck, 3 Eider, 1 Common Scoter + 3 north, 1 Kestrel, 1 Curlew out northeast, 65 Black-headed Gull +8 north, 105 Common Gull + 19 north, 172 Herring Gull north, 2 Great Black-backed Gull north, 1 1st winter Iceland Gull, 91 Kittiwake, 15 Auk sp + 75 north, 5 Skylark, 42 Meadow Pipit + 3 north, 3 Alba, 2 Rook north, 9 Carrion Crow north, 2 Goldfinch + 1 north, 2 Siskin, 10 Linnet and 1 Yellowhammer.
Elsewhere a Snow Bunting was at Long Nab, a drake Scaup, presumably the Mere bird, was on Peasholm Park (where it was first seen on 15th), a Dunlin and 31 Wigeon were on Potter Brompton Carr (no general access), 2 Pink-footed Geese, 3 Egyptian Geese and 5 Oystercatcher were on Wykeham South Lake and 14 Teal and 29 Wigeon were on Johnson's Marsh.

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