Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Wykeham Raptor View Point

Please note the following information concerning the current situation at the Wykeham Raptor View Point, my thanks to Nick Addey and John Harwood for permission to repeat their posts and photographs here.

Although birders have been able to access the footpath to the viewpoint on most days recently please note that current work may restrict access on some days in February.
Park 100m to the west in the next pull in.

Hi all, the forestry commission are currently carrying out major improvement works to the car park and viewpoint and also thinning works to adjacent dense forest compartments. The commission along with Brian Walker and fellow volunteers have done a great job in felling and clearing the viewpoint from unwanted scrub and trees, see attached pics. The car park will also be much larger (when the logs are cleared). The works are due to finish at the end of February. Unfortunately the commissions budget will not cover the requested 2 extra seats and a new notice/interpretation board which would really enhance this site and make it even more attractive to the area, especially for birders. The extra seats and notice board will cost about £1K which I am sure we could raise with a little help from those who like to visit. If anyone, society, group etc who enjoys this area and is able to donate , it would be gratefully appreciated. Nick Carter and myself have started the ball rolling with a combined £50 donation to start the ball rolling. If you are able to help in any way please could you use Scarborough Birders Acc No 43926468 sort code 09-01-27 for faster payment/bank transfer or alternatively contact or direct message Nick Addey if you wish to donate by other means, cheque etc.
Many Thanks - Honey Buzzards will be back soon !!

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