Saturday, 7 April 2018

Friday 30th March 2018

The first Little Ringed Plover for the spring was at Wykeham South Lake this morning along with a drake Pintail, a female Goldeneye and a Pochard; there was a singing Brambling to the north of Potter Brompton Carr and on the Carr a drake Pintail and 11 Shovelers.

At Haygate there were still plenty of Siskins plus at least one Brambling and 10 Crossbills; at Paxton Pond a Marsh Tit and a ♂ Brambling; at Anderson Plantation near Allerston 60+ Fieldfares heading east and 8+ Redwings and near to Fox Covert 33 Mute Swans were in the fields.

Elsewhere today 12 Eider flew south in Cornelian Bay, a Chiffchaff was in Cornelian Ravine, 3 Dunlin were on Folkton Carr and a Brambling was at Ravenscar.

Shag - Marine Drive - Alan M Hunt

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