Saturday, 7 April 2018

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

The first news of the morning came from Potter Brompton Carr where a male Marsh Harrier flew slowly west between 08.35 and 08.40 also here were 21 Shoveler, ♂ Pintail, 15 Wigeon, 34 Teal, 6 Snipe, a Redshank and 2 Fieldfares. The first Sand Martin for the year was at Harwood Dale Lake this morning along with a Pink-footed Goose and at Wykeham South Lake a Pintail, a Goldeneye, a Goosander and 2 Egyptian Geese.

Another Sand Martin flew south past Scalby Lodge Pond where 46 Redshank and a Lapwing were also present; other records from today included 8 Shoveler at Seamer Mead, a Grey plover on Cayton Carr and 2♂ Brambling were in a Barmoor Close garden.

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