Saturday, 28 April 2018

Friday 27th April 2018

This morning around Wykeham South Lake we had 10 Sand Martins, 2 House Martins, a Sedge Warbler and a Willow Warbler but the undoubted highlight was an Osprey seen flying from here north over Hutton Buscel and carrying a fish.

Another nice discovery today was a Wood Sandpiper at Potter Brompton Carr where there were also a ♂ Pochard (rarer than Wood Sand at this location), 2 pairs of Teal, 4 Shovelers, 3 Curlew, 70+ Swallows and a House Martin. Harwood Dale Lake hosted 2 Shelduck, a Mandarin Duck, c35 Swallows, c20 Sand Martin, 12 Wheatears, a White Wagtail and a Yellow Wagtail and by Papermills Pond, Ellerburn there was a male Redstart.

Osprey - Hutton Buscel - Alan M Hunt

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