Monday, 15 June 2020

Monday 15th June

A rather elusive Marsh Warbler was singing at Crook Ness from early morning into the early afternoon, and a Corn Bunting was singing on Dickie Harper's Lane. A probable female Marsh Harrier was spotted over South Cliff bowls club, and a Whimbrel flew south past Long Nab. A Redshank flew south over South Bay, and 70 Common Scoter were seen heading north past Marine Drive. A Quail was singing in a BBS square in the Ganton/Willerby area, where there were also a pair of Yellowhammers with 4 fledged young, breeding Yellow Wagtails, 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and over 550 Rooks, 60 Carrion Crows and 40 Jackdaws. 846 Kittiwake nests were counted in town (up from last year's count of 769) - the main sites being Spa Bridge, the Grand Hotel, the Town Hall, and the Travelodge. 20 Swifts were seen over Staxton this evening.

Full count from Long Nab here:

Sand Martins - Terry Hobson

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